
Icarus: The Second Child of God

You've heard of the Children of Satan and the First son of god. But now you will know the story of the Second Son of God and my struggles to be known as a hero and a legend in the history books of the three worlds known as a Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

Knight_Hawke · Others
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Chapter 2

As me, Edrick, Ember, and Chazz ran up the stairs church sentinels and church guards began to come after us one after another they fell. "So what's our plan?" asked Ember. "Once Prime Minister Church Hill finds out about this the entire Church and England's government will be after us." commented Chazz. "So you're saying we'll be wanted fugitives by country law enforcement and the Church?" questioned Edrick.

"Unfortunately yes." I replied back. "Works for me I'm tired of these damn brits at least I get a chance to knock their heads around. As we reached the first corridor we were surrounded by church guards followed behind by military police. "The plan?" questioned Ember. "That's the best part there is no plan just watch each other's backs." "Sounds good to me." Edrick commented as he charged forward and the military police opened fire. Edrick smirked and quickly vanished the bullets hitting the walls.

That's when three guards cried out in agony and one was swung at a few military police causing them to fall down. "Time bends for no man the same can't be said for Time Lapse." Fifteen minutes later..."That looks like the last of them." I commented. "Not so fast if you ever want to see the little kid alive you'll head back down to that cell. "CHAZZ!" We all exclaimed as we turned to the voice and saw a military policeman holding Chazz hostage at gunpoint. "Chazz." I stepped forward. That's when the military policeman put the cold steel of the gun closer to Chazz's temple. "Ah, ah." Chazz wasn't even crying he was just standing there with his eyes closed. A low roar could be heard and the military policeman began searching around frantically while still holding Chazz.

"Damn I feel bad for this asshole." Edrick whispered. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "When Chazz is scared internally he'll go to his happy place in his mind and that's where he keeps all his spirit animal friends so if he's ever frightened or upset and his eyes are closed well you'll see in the next two minutes." Ember chimed in. The roar got louder until finally a ghost looking lion ran into the corridor and roared. "Wha-What the hell is that?" asked the military policeman as he dropped Chazz and backed away. "Hi, Leon!" Chazz said excitedly as he waved at the ghostly looking lion. Leon roared again. The military policeman looked at Chazz and held his gun at his head and squeezed the trigger I wanted to intervene but Edrick held me back.

Everything happened so quick I couldn't process it in time but as soon as the dust settled the military policeman's lower half was all that was left and the ghostly lion was munching on the upper half. "So what happens when they get mauled to death?" "No one knows not even Chazz." "Hmm, interesting." "So how do we get to New York by midnight?" "Chazz?" "I don't think Byonia can hold us all she's still in her teens." "Wait a second, we're in an underground government/ settlement there has to be helicopter or airplane or something up top."

Ember dripped some resin into the cracks of the facility and three minutes later... "There's a heavily guarded airstrip 500 feet above us they have submachine guns and rifles a squad of rocketters and a blockade." "Edrick and Chazz take care of the rocketters Ember the guards I'll handle the blockade." "Got it." "Understood." "Right." I broke down the door and we began to run up the stairs and after ten minutes of running up the stairs we finally found the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak only to find ourselves surrounded by military and church guards. "Man, they really don't want to let us go." "Put your hands up and drop your weapon and come quietly." "Edrick." I whispered. "Yeah?" "Do it." "Hell Yeah."

Edrick vanished as lightning flashed and thunder boomed. "What the..." "Where'd one of them go?" A minute later... "Ahh!" "MayDay! MayDay! we're going down." A helicopter crashed into the ocean. A sniper opened fire when Ember used Amber to create a barrier around us. "Take care of those men up on the scaffolding Chazz. I'll provide support from here and Icarus get that air and sea blockade delt with." "Yes Ma'am!" "Got it big sis." Ember lowered the barrier slightly and out ran Chazz and I followed. "Shoot The Kid!" The military police began to open fire when a spirit of a turtle appeared blocking the bullets a red eye tree frog spirit appeared on Chazz's shoulder and Chazz began to spew out venomous blasts killing five guards two snipers began to aim their sights on Chazz when all of a sudden a drop of resin dripped infront of them and a clone of Ember grabbed the snipers by the throat and began suffocating them filling them with Resin.

I quickly dodged the missiles and machine gun fire being shot at me when Edrick appeared on one of the ships and began killing the crew on board. I nod with approval as I dive down onto an airplane and smashed the window of the cockpit open and toss out the pilot and I cut the plane in half and moved on to the next. That's when I saw it. Something flew past me in the blink of an eye I stopped mid flight as I watch more than half of the ariel blockade get taken down. "What the hell was that?" I questioned.

"ICARUS LOOK OUT!" Ember screamed. I turned to see a rocket hurling right at me I didn't have enough time to block so I used my sword to block the impact but the force of it was too great and I began to plummet to the ocean when I was saved by the shadowy figure. I passed out right after. Three hours later... I awoke to find myself drooling on an airplane seat and Chazz and Edrick playing Spades.

I began to stand up but not before nearly falling back down into the seat from standing up to fast. "Whoa, there Icarus it's too early for you to be up like this." Edrick said helping me to my feet. "Yeah big brother. you took a nasty hit luckily Amitayus came and saved you and the rest of us plus he knows how to fly a plane!"