
Icarus: The Second Child of God

You've heard of the Children of Satan and the First son of god. But now you will know the story of the Second Son of God and my struggles to be known as a hero and a legend in the history books of the three worlds known as a Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

Knight_Hawke · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The rain pitter patters on the early 1930's London cobblestone streets the smog of the industrialization filled the night air as Big Ben struck nine. I was alone scavenging from dumpster to dumpster to find my next meal. The first world war was basically over, but yet I could feel a difference in the air. That's when it happened World War 2 broke out Prime Minister Church Hill issued all able bodied young chaps to take up arms against the Jerry's.

Not only that he issued for the church to round up all of the homeless young men and women and train them. Train them to fight the Nazi S.S.Dämon Corps run by an unknown commander and their second in command a unknown captain. The church abducted me off the streets and forced me into a underground training facility. "Welcome to the London Heavens your new home for the rest of your life." A church sentinel tossed me into a cell with three other children. "Hi, I'm Ember and the little one here is Chazz."

As I looked at Ember I could see the kindness in her beautiful hazel eyes her long jet black hair reached down her butt she's petite but super spicy as a Ghost Pepper then again they say Latinas are. Chazz's short wet black hair glistened off the dim lighting in the cell. His icy blue eyes showed hope and admiration he had to be no younger than six. "Oh sorry, Mr no people person wants to be difficult we have one more person to introduce you to I'll be right back 'kay?"

"Edrick! Get in here now and say hi to our new family member." "Ow, but Em I just wanted to be cool and... "I could give two fudge's bout you being cool or not when we have a new family member you come say hi like rest of us!" As Ember came back into view I saw her tugging a tall mixed african american teen with scars on his face and cheek a branding of a M on his chest he had an afro. Ember tossed him in front of me and dusted her hands off.

"Okay you two get to know each other, Chazz and I are going to see if we can fix the lighting in the cell." Ember knelt down and smiled and picked up Chazz and ran to the opposite end of the cell. "Hi, my name is Icarus and yours?" He looked at me up and down and grunted disappointedly and said his voice was deep it sounded like a cave's echo. "Edrick." "Hey! Cell 2476 lights out your training begins tommorow." The church sentinel turned off the lights in all the cells in our block and I just slept on the cold wet floor as water dripped in the distance.

As I slept I heard a voice. "My son I've sent you to Earth to protect the people of Earth and stop the hell spawns known as demons. Realize your power and be the hero no the legend I know you can be and be free to choose your own path. You have a ride or die type of team with you." I awoke suddenly I could feel this burning inside of me it was a gentle and close to a heart beat the burning increased I felt trapped and felt like I couldn't breathe all of a sudden white flames surrounded me as white embers poured out of me.

My screams of pain and agony could've been heard all throughout the underground facility. Ember awoke as she did she ran to me. "N-No don't come any closer you'll get burned." Ember just smiled and continued to walk toward me. "St-Stay back I don't want to hurt you." Sentinel footsteps could be heard running down the stairs towards our cell. I scooted back until I reached the cell bars I was trapped.

Ember knelt down and touched my hand and caressed it with her thumb Then she hugged me as she hugged me I felt something I haven't felt in a very long time; unconditionally love. But more than that it felt like true love. As she hugged me I just stayed limp and shocked soon I found ourselves encased in amber. "No one's going to hurt you here just calm down I won't let them and neither will Chazz or Edrick. We're family now so just relax will ya." (Ember, is this Amber your doing?) "Chazz stop the sentinels from coming here until we can calm him down."

"Right." Chazz slammed the palm of his hands on the floor causing a wall of strange looking crystals to emerge and block the sentinels path. Chazz passed out from exhaustion. "I gotcha little buddy." "Did I do good?" "Of course you did. just sleep now." "Awesome." Chazz closed his eyes and began to snore. My body felt calm and the white flames began to dissipate. "It's okay you don't have to worry anymore we're your friends and family now." "Speak for yourself, Not me." "Says the one who told Chazz to use his powers." Edrick was embarrassed and scoffed. "Whatever!" As the flames finally extinguished I felt so tired and passed out.

Six hours later... I awoke to see myself still in Ember's arms she looked down at me and smiled. "Morning sleepy head." "Good to see you awake finally." Chazz ran over to me and hugged me. "Yay big brother Icarus is up." I couldn't help but smile and petted Chazz's head. I looked over at Edrick as I tried to stand up. "So I noticed we're the only ones in this here part of the facility." "That's because unlike the others we're special how they found out I have no idea but we're the only ones with supernatural powers and they want to use us as their personal army." replied Edrick. "I heard a rumour that there's supposed to be two more people that's supposed to be in our cell apparently one is a girl they thought was human until well a sentinel tried to sexually assault her and her powers manifested."

Ember's eyes changed from caring to pure anger and hatred as she clinched her fists. I looked up at her and put a hand on her clinched fist and looked her in the eyes. "You don't have to worry anymore she's safe now and so are you. Nothing bad can happen to you I promise you I'll protect you and my family." A church sentinel grabbed Ember by the hair and slammed her into the cell bars. "Argh!" "Damn you, let her go!"

"Shut up brat! She's nothing but a whore and she's our property. We're going to have our way with her and you will stay there like a good little boy." The church sentinel opened the cell and tossed her on the floor as he did his cronies surrounded her and began to rip off her clothes.

I could feel the rage inside of me building my eyes changed from violet to a heterochromia one eye was steely grey and another icy blue strange tattoos appeared on both my right arm and chest and a strange looking sword manifested into my right hand. "LET HER GO!" I swung my blade as I did a wave of white hot flames engulfed the church sentinels causing them to burn and scream in pain.

Scales appeared across my back and all I could focus on was the lead church sentinel and lunged forward at him slamming my knee into his stomach breaking a few ribs in the process I absorbed the fire consuming him back into my sword. "So you think you can try to rape one of my friends my new family and get away with it!"

The church sentinel legs shook in fear as he peed himself. "I-I swear it wasn't my idea it was..." I punched him causing a few teeth and blood to fly across the facility floor. "Don't swear when you've sinned so much. Look into my eyes and you'll be forgiven." The church sentinel fell to the ground right as he looked into my eyes.

"Now tell me the truth who sent you here?" He looked up at me his eyes dazed and colorless. "The Arc-Priest he sent me and these others to make you use your powers." "And was you paid handsomely?" "Yes with gold bars." "How much?" "20 million in USD." "Who is the new girl and where is she being held?" "Her name Zuriah she's being held in a United States facility in Washington DC." "When will she be transported?" "Tonight from the New York Docks the time will be midnight." "What's her power?" "Dimension manipulation." "How dangerous is she?" "She's an Omni level being."

"Thank you for the information. May your soul find peace in the after life." I turned away then back around and sliced his head off and released a powerful plume of white flames erasing his body where it once stood. "Let's go we're heading to New York's docks." Everyone stared at me in awe and amazement until finally Ember broke the silence. "But we still need to find a way out." "If we can't find a way out might aswell make our own way out."