
Chapter: 1576-1580:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1576. Yama Battlefield | Reverend Insanity

Ancient sword dragon transformation!Soul explosion!Strength path giant hand!Myriad dragon!Fang Yuan used almost all his methods against Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei laughed: "Fang Yuan, you're at your wits' end."She also used multiple killer moves of all kinds, they were all profound and actually blocked all of Fang Yuan's attacks! Some even countered his moves.Fang Yuan's methods had already been exposed long ago. Fairy Zi Wei had been collecting intel and did a lot of deductions, she created many methods that countered him.This was the incredible power of a wisdom path Gu Immortal.But at this moment, Fang Yuan's killer moves still had some use, after all, he had also modified his moves to deal with Fairy Zi Wei's deductions."But in terms of wisdom path attainment, I cannot compare to Fairy Zi Wei. At this rate, eventually, Fairy Zi Wei will deduce all of my methods and I will no longer be able to fight back."Thoughts flashed in Fang Yuan's mind, battle intent surged in him but his mind was still cold as ice.Fairy Zi Wei smiled as she breathed out some purple qi with imposing aura.The purple qi was delicate like a baby's fist, but it entered the immemorial year beast's mind the moment it hit.Howl—!The immemorial year beast growled in pain, it was furiously holding its head, it lost its ability to fight as it rolled around on the ground.The variant human Gu Immortals controlling the super immortal formation were all stunned!Fairy Zi Wei's own battle strength was even higher than Chen Yi. Earlier, she had not fought seriously, but now, her strong methods and imposing air were a huge shock to everyone.Fang Yuan also felt a little discouraged.He still had two immemorial soul beasts captured from green ghost desert, but he did not want to use them now.Immemorial desolate beasts alone were often at a disadvantage against rank eight Gu Immortals. That was, unless they had rank eight Immortal Gu in them.Against these rank eight Gu Immortal experts from Heavenly Court, even immemorial desolate beasts with wild Immortal Gu could not deal with them!Like how Fang Yuan could capture those two immemorial soul beasts earlier, against Fairy Zi Wei, they held little threat."I am clear of this, in order to resist Spectral Soul Demon Venerable in the past, Heavenly Court had obtained many soul path methods. This is why I let the immemorial year beast out, if I summoned the immemorial soul beasts, they would be even weaker against her."Fang Yuan felt pressure rising in him.The enemies were just too powerful, they were truly formidable. Fang Yuan did not even have the confidence to kill the weakest person among them, Feng Jiu Ge. Fairy Zi Wei and the rest were all experts among rank eight experts, any single one of them could match Fang Yuan or even defeat him.To speak the truth, Lang Ya blessed land was already very powerful, it had three rank eight battle strength existences. This was already above the standards of most super forces in the five regions.Among the five regions, only the top tier super forces had one rank eight Gu Immortal. In Southern Border, why could the number one righteous path super force Wu clan dominate the region for so long? It was because there was a point in time where they had two rank eight Gu Immortals simultaneously, and also at least one rank eight Gu Immortal throughout the generations to hold the fort.Of course, Immortal Gu Houses could not be neglected, many Immortal Gu Houses had rank eight battle strength too.The strength of Lang Ya Sect was equivalent to a super force or even above that.But against Heavenly Court, it was just too weak in comparison!The immemorial rock dragon was suppressed by Chen Yi, Heavenly Giant Solor was struggling but still at a disadvantage.Feng Jiu Ge had been dealing with the super immortal formation that Fang Yuan modified, the formation path attainment of the variant human Gu Immortals inside could not match Fang Yuan, while Feng Jiu Ge's separation song was absurdly fierce even though it was countered by the immortal Gu formation, the two sides were at a deadlock.Fang Yuan's fight against Fairy Zi Wei was locked in a deadlock as well without any breakthroughs.He could not let this go on!Once Thunder Ghost True Monarch fails to find wisdom Gu and returns to fight, unless Lang Ya land spirit exposes a new trump card, Fang Yuan would definitely lose."Lang Ya blessed land originated from Long Hair Ancestor, it must likely have other trump cards!""But now, I cannot depend on this possibility. Immortal killer move — Yama Battlefield!"Fang Yuan suddenly flew and got closer to Fairy Zi Wei, before using his newly developed immortal battlefield killer move.Because of the soul explosion earlier, there were large numbers of soul path dao marks in the battlefield, yama battlefield rapidly opened as it formed in a breath of time.But even at this speed, Fang Yuan could not trap Fairy Zi Wei.This wisdom path great expert noticed something amiss the moment fy got close to her, she immediately retreated.Fang Yuan's yama battlefield was created very quickly, one breath of time was faster than most of the immortal battlefield killer moves in this world.But this amount of time was enough for Fairy Zi Wei to escape."I failed!" Fang Yuan's heart sank.Not being able to trap Fairy Zi Wei, he had wasted his immortal essence."However, my efforts were not in vain!" Fang Yuan looked at Feng Jiu Ge who was inside yama battlefield as he surged with killing intent: "I'll kill him first!"Fang Yuan grabbed the opportunity, the position earlier was perfect, if Fairy Zi Wei had not retreated in advance, he would have trapped the both of them.Yama battlefield was a new method, even if Fairy Zi Wei wanted to unravel it, she would need some time.If Fang Yuan could trap both Feng Jiu Ge and Fairy Zi Wei, in the battlefield, there would only be the silver giant, immemorial rock dragon, Chen Yi, and the super immortal formation.Now that Feng Jiu Ge was trapped, the super immortal formation was safe, if they could grab the opportunity to destroy the ancient tree prison cage, the immemorial rock dragon would also be free.Chen Yi would have to deal with both the silver giant and rock dragon, as well as a super immortal formation, he would not be able to handle it.If they could severely injure Chen Yi during that period, even if Thunder Ghost True Monarch returns, Lang Ya's side would be able to regain their footing.But now, Fang Yuan only managed to trap Feng Jiu Ge, that meant the super immortal formation and Fairy Zi Wei were competing with each other.But even if Thunder Ghost True Monarch returns, for the time being, they would still be in a deadlock. After all, rank eight battle strength and sufficient foundation meant that they could not fall easily.Thus, Fang Yuan's target now was to kill Feng Jiu Ge!And he had to do it quickly, the faster the better!After killing Feng Jiu Ge, Fang Yuan would dispel yama battlefield and deal with the three Heavenly Court rank eights alongside the rock dragon and silver giant, Lang Ya's side would be in less danger after that.Thus, Feng Jiu Ge was a crucial point to break through!"A soul path battlefield killer move? It seems to have theft path mixed in!" Fairy Zi Wei looked at the air in front of her, for the first time in this battle, she frowned.The immortal battlefield isolated the inside from outside, thankfully, Fang Yuan had used it right in front of her, otherwise, she could not find the point of entry for yama battlefield that was just a tiny spot.But even if she did, Fairy Zi Wei's deductions were having huge problems.Because yama battlefield not only contained the profundity of soul path, it also contained ghostly concealment! It was one with the killer move emperor yama.

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Chapter 1577. Fang Yuan Versus Feng Jiu Ge | Reverend Insanity

Rumble!The super immortal formation activated as countless lightning bolts attacked Fairy Zi Wei and Chen Yi.Since the battle started, this super formation had either been suppressed by Feng Jiu Ge and Fairy Zi Wei or was in a deadlock with Feng Jiu Ge, it could finally displayed its might now.Chen Yi quickly defended himself, he was quite troubled.Lang Ya land spirit saw the chance and moved the silver giant, resisting the attack of the giant tree divine statue as it crashed into the ancient tree prison cage trapping the rock dragon.Fairy Zi Wei quickly thought about it, choosing to attack the super immortal formation while deducing yama battlefield, ignoring Chen Yi's situation.Fairy Zi Wei chose the safe method.If Feng Jiu Ge fought with Fang Yuan now, she might not assist him. If he really ended up in a dangerous spot, she might reinforce him, she would still make it in time.But now, yama battlefield was isolated from the outside, Feng Jiu Ge and Fang Yuan were fighting alone, this was dangerous and accidents might occur.Feng Jiu Ge was equally important to Heavenly Court, even more than Chen Yi and Thunder Ghost True Monarch, because he was the Dao Guardian of Great Dream Immortal Venerable Feng Jin Huang!Fairy Zi Wei did not want any mishaps to occur to him.Fang Yuan wanted Feng Jiu Ge to die right now!Immortal killer move — Emperor Yama!Immortal killer move — Yama Child!Immortal killer move — Soul Explosion!At once, Fang Yuan attacked in a frenzy, turning into emperor yama form as the yama child army attacked Feng Jiu Ge from all directions, soul explosions were mixed in and caused great damage to Feng Jiu Ge, in just a short period of time, blood was already flowing out of his mouth."Great method!" Feng Jiu Ge felt an intense threat to his life, he used his killer move.Immortal killer move — Yang Pass Tune!At the moment of crisis, he had to use yang pass tune killer move despite there being a time limit.Using yang pass tune, he dodged and dodged, but within yama battlefield, his method was greatly restricted, it was quite ineffective.The yama children were amplified and moved even quicker and with greater force, they attacked without fearing death.Feng Jiu Ge dodged with all his effort, but he could not shrug off the yama children.Immortal killer move — Song Warrior!Immortal killer move — Green Jade Song!Immortal killer move — Heaven and Earth Song!Immortal killer move — Submission Song!Immortal killer move — Separation Song!Four song warriors protected Feng Jiu Ge as he moved around the yama child army, trying to get close to Fang Yuan.Capturing the king is essential, this was the most straightforward and wise tactic.Fang Yuan in his emperor yama form flew around in yama battlefield with utmost ease and agility.Even though his enslavement path attainment was not high, he could still order the yama children to attack Feng Jiu Ge fluidly.After a while, Feng Jiu Ge had a grim expression.Green jade song warrior often shattered the yama children which were turned into jade statues. But these yama children were all unfearing and were tougher to deal with than ancient desolate beasts.Heaven and earth song had little effect within yama battlefield, separation song could break apart immortal formations, but the Immortal Gu used to sustain this battlefield were inside Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture, this was unlike immortal formations and Immortal Gu Houses which had their Immortal Gu House outside. Separation song could not affect the interior of Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture, it was useless.Submission song that Feng Jiu Ge had entrusted his hopes to was the best method against enslavement path, it had been a great help against Fang Yuan in the past, but right now, this song was an example of 'the bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment'. The yama children were merely affected in movement, they were completely unaffected by the enslavement effect of submission song."My yama child uses soul beast modification, soul beast summoning and other methods within Spectral Soul true inheritance, it also relies on ghostly concealment at the core, how can your submission song work against it?" Fang Yuan snickered in his mind."Do I need to use assimilation wind song?" Feng Jiu Ge gritted his teeth.Fang Yuan's battle strength was very shocking!Even though he was mentally prepared, now that he was suppressed by Fang Yuan, Feng Jiu Ge felt a sensation of disbelief.How long had it been?Not long ago, he, Feng Jiu Ge, had chased Fang Yuan from Southern Border to Western Desert and put him in a difficult position."Fang Yuan's growth speed is too fast! This time, even if we do not get wisdom Gu, we need to kill him!" Feng Jiu Ge sighed internally, he stopped the notion of using assimilation wind song.Assimilation wind song was too dangerous.Once he used it and made a mistake, the first person to die would be Feng Jiu Ge.Unless he had no choice, Feng Jiu Ge would not use assimilation wind song. Especially in an intense battle like this, the interferences were too great."And my assimilation wind song has already been exposed, how can such a crafty person like Fang Yuan be unprepared against it?"Feng Jiu Ge was very wary of Fang Yuan's wisdom path attainment."This time, we attacked with a powerful force, because Fairy Zi Wei isn't trapped inside this battlefield killer move, we have the absolute advantage in battle now.""I need to wait for Lady Zi Wei to deduce and break this immortal battlefield from the outside, that is the best method.""After all, this immortal battlefield contains soul path and theft path aura, but no time path aura, there should not be any problems with the rate of time."Feng Jiu Ge dodged as he fought, refusing to let the yama children surround him, he decided to wait for reinforcements after putting his trust in Fairy Zi Wei.Fang Yuan had been thinking of ending the battle quickly, if Feng Jiu Ge fought against him directly, he would be extremely happy about it.But was Feng Jiu Ge stupid?He had a clear understanding of the situation, he chose the best tactic for now, Fang Yuan sighed deeply in disappointment."Unfortunately, even though I have time path methods and rank eight time path Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, it cannot be fused into yama battlefield."Yama battlefield was not a killer move used on sovereign immortal body, it had the problem of conflicting dao marks.Fang Yuan had always kept a balance between theft path and soul path, but the conflict had reached the limit, adding time path on top of it was too difficult!Time path battlefield killer moves could alter the rate of time compared to the outside world, but yama battlefield could not.In fact, even if Fang Yuan tried to use time path killer moves, any moves that were not theft path or soul path would be resisted by the dao marks of the immortal battlefield.Immortal killer move — Triple Extreme Sound!Feng Jiu Ge's methods were unending, the yama children could not get close. Once his song warriors were destroyed, he would create new ones immediately.But the biggest problem for Fang Yuan was yang pass tune, it allowed Feng Jiu Ge to teleport instantly. Even though this move was restricted in this battlefield, having a limited range and would not break out of yama battlefield, Fang Yuan's great thief ghost hand was too slow, at least, when compared to Feng Jiu Ge.Even though yang pass tune had a time limit, Fang Yuan could not wait, he needed to end this fast, he had to kill Feng Jiu Ge as soon as possible, in order to help in the battle outside.Immortal killer move — Familiar Face!Fang Yuan turned from emperor yama into a yama child as he sneaked into the army.Feng Jiu Ge's heart jumped, his teleportation became more frequent.But Fang Yuan was still in the dark while he was exposed in the open, after a while, Fang Yuan found his opportunity.Immortal killer move — Great Thief Ghost Hand!The ghost hand was completely concealed, going past the four song warriors and aiming for Feng Jiu Ge directly.Feng Jiu Ge was still using triple extreme sound, he did not sense its movement. Great thief ghost hand entered Feng Jiu Ge's immortal aperture and grabbed an Immortal Gu tightly before leaving rapidly."Oh no, Fixed Immortal Travel!!" Feng Jiu Ge stared with his eyes wide opened, he was deeply shocked by the assault.He quickly turned around and burst out with sound waves, forcing great thief ghost hand to reveal its appearance before him.He was about to attack the great thief ghost hand but Fang Yuan was well prepared, a large number of yama children rushed up and sacrificed themselves, protecting the great thief ghost hand as it entered Fang Yuan's immortal aperture.

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Chapter 1578. Fang Yuan's Rank Eight Offensive Method! | Reverend Insanity

"To think that I would regain Fixed Immortal Travel one day!" Fang Yuan sighed deeply as he looked at the Immortal Gu that was captured by great thief ghost hand."Oh? It's been raised to rank seven. It is indeed what I had deduced from the information earlier." Fang Yuan was secretly joyful.Even though he had ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel which could replace the use of Fixed Immortal Travel to some extent, it had many flaws, needing four Gu Immortals to execute. Furthermore, it had a smaller range than Fixed Immortal Travel, which was able to go anywhere in the world.Rank seven Fixed Immortal Travel still had the same appearance as its rank six version.Right now, this Gu was struggling in great thief ghost hand, but it did not move, holding onto Fixed Immortal Travel as it flew rapidly.After flying into Heaven Sealing Mountain inside Mini Southern Border, great thief ghost hand opened and tossed Fixed Immortal Travel into the immortal formation.This immortal formation used two Immortal Gu as the core, Self Love and Affection, along with countless mortal Gu, the main effect was to help great thief ghost hand refine the stolen Immortal Gu quickly.Even though Reverse Flow River could be used here, it was already the core of reverse flow protection seal that Fang Yuan needed in battle.Fang Yuan had already succeeded once in using Immortal Gu Self Love and Affection to refine other people's Immortal Gu long ago.His plan was originally to incorporate Affection and Self Love into great thief ghost hand so that after it steals Immortal Gu, the Gu can be refined instantly on the spot.This seemed unnecessary but that was not true.If he could refine it on the spot, great thief ghost hand would not need to suppress the Immortal Gu and bring it back to Fang Yuan, it could continue to steal more Immortal Gu consecutively.After being put inside Heaven Sealing Mountain, Fixed Immortal Travel was suppressed and the refinement was automatically done, Fang Yuan could see results soon.Fang Yuan placed his sights on Feng Jiu Ge again.Feng Jiu Ge's expression was one of alertness and solemness, a look of disbelief was hidden deep within his eyes."Fang Yuan actually has such a method to steal others' Immortal Gu? Even those inside the immortal aperture are not spared?! Did he obtain another Thieving Heaven true inheritance?"This method made Feng Jiu Ge feel an intense threat!The sound wave attack that he used to force out great thief ghost hand was activated again, he did not want to cancel it."This move is too terrifying! If the stolen Immortal Gu earlier was the core Immortal Gu of my triple extreme sound killer move, wouldn't my killer move activation fail, causing me to suffer backlash and receive severe injures?"Feng Jiu Ge felt a bit of relief and also lingering fear.Fang Yuan felt that it was a pity, but great thief ghost hand could not choose its target, if he really stole the crucial Immortal Gu again like when he fought Meng Tu, Feng Jiu Ge's killer move would fail and the battle would turn around, he could even be killed quickly.Even though Fang Yuan succeeded, Feng Jiu Ge was completely alert now, he used yang pass tune to teleport non-stop, refusing to stay at one spot. At the same time, he used his sound wave killer move without regard for immortal essence consumption. As for triple extreme sound, Feng Jiu Ge stopped using it, he did not dare to, his focus was all on escaping the pursuit of the yama children.After Fang Yuan was exposed, he used familiar face again to disguise as a yama child to approach Feng Jiu Ge subtly.This was an immense mental pressure to Feng Jiu Ge.But Fang Yuan was not feeling great either.Feng Jiu Ge was too slippery, he kept moving around the place, using his sound wave move and preventing Fang Yuan from getting any opportunities to attack."It seems that I will need to put some effort into the concealment of great thief ghost hand." Feng Jiu Ge actually had a way to force out the great thief ghost hand to show itself, this was out of Fang Yuan's expectations, he immediately thought of formless hand.Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's signature method could interchange between phantom and solid, if it was used instead of great thief ghost hand, it would fear no sound waves. Formless hand was also extremely fast, once used, the enemies of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable could only watch as their Immortal Gu were all stolen one by one, they would spit out blood from anger and helplessness!But Fang Yuan's great thief ghost hand only had a small trace of formless hand's glory.Even so, it made the great Feng Jiu Ge fluster and escape in anxiety while feeling fearful.Fang Yuan forced Feng Jiu Ge to move around the place but he felt no arrogance that he succeeded, he was clear that he only had hopes of victory if he killed Feng Jiu Ge quickly now and went back to help out Lang Ya blessed land!But in the following battle, Feng Jiu Ge did not leave any flaws for Fang Yuan, he was also a demonic path cultivator that shocked the whole of Central Continent, challenging all ten sects at once, he had rich battle experience.As time passed, yang pass tune's time limit finally arrived!"A chance!" Fang Yuan was anxious and joyful. He was anxious because so much time had been wasted and Feng Jiu Ge was still alive, but he was joyful because the flaw had finally appeared.Feng Jiu Ge's heart sank!In the past, his fierce attacks would render his enemies helpless. After becoming a famous person, he had never been faced with a situation where a rank seven Gu Immortal chased after his life.Now, he had experienced this from Fang Yuan, he finally recognized his own weakness, that was the movement aspect.With yang pass tune unusable, Feng Jiu Ge's speed fell drastically, he was soon surrounded by yama children and could no longer dodge as easily.Feng Jiu Ge was forced to defend himself at one location. His killer moves had great power as he attacked the yama children who surrounded him from all directions.Fang Yuan hid among them perfectly, great thief ghost hand was prepared to strike the moment Feng Jiu Ge's defenses revealed a flaw!But at this moment, the entire yama battlefield started to shake as it emitted a sharp noise."Oh no!" Fang Yuan's expression changed."Lady Zi Wei must have done it." Feng Jiu Ge was very happy.The entire yama battlefield started to shake with greater intensity, Fairy Zi Wei's actions were extremely effective after this amount of time."So little time had passed, Fairy Zi Wei actually managed to deduce the workings of my yama battlefield, she is so fast! No, at this rate, yama battlefield cannot last for thirty breaths of time, I need to obtain victory now!"Fang Yuan's eyes shone with a ruthless light."I was saving this for Fairy Zi Wei and the rest, but I will use it on you first!" There was no time, if yama battlefield was broken, Fang Yuan would lose the chance to kill even Feng Jiu Ge, he made up his mind to use this trump card.Immortal killer move — Soul Explosion!It was still the soul explosion method, but Fang Yuan was not detonating any ordinary yama child, it was an immemorial yama child!Fang Yuan had two immemorial soul beasts originally, during this period of cultivation, he turned the two immemorial soul beasts into yama children as well.These two yama children were extraordinary, Fang Yuan had finally used them after hiding them for so long!Ancient yama child soul explosion was a peak rank seven killer move, while immemorial yama child soul explosion was rank eight.Even though Fang Yuan did not deduce Luo Po seal successfully, he still had another hidden rank eight offensive method!Boom!Immemorial yama soul explosion!Feng Jiu Ge was directly hit!Splat.At a certain area in Central Continent, Feng Jin Huang went into a daze, the cup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered."Hmm?" Duke Long sent her an inquiring gaze.Feng Jin Huang held her chest with an uncertain expression, just a moment ago, she felt an intense sensation in her heart.

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Chapter 1579. Fate Armor | Reverend Insanity

"He didn't die? What Immortal Gu is this!" Fang Yuan stared with slightly widened eyes as Feng Jiu Ge floated in the air.Feng Jiu Ge's seven orifices were bleeding intensely, but a thin light armor surrounded his body, this armor saved his life, allowing him to survive the immemorial yama soul explosion."Rank eight Immortal Gu — Fate Armor." Feng Jiu Ge coughed out blood as he said.Fang Yuan's expression was very dark.This was the first time he was seeing fate armor Immortal Gu, even though Feng Jiu Ge used it in the River of Time earlier, Fang Yuan had sent Feng Jiu Ge into the River of Time back then, he did not witness this personally.Thus, Fang Yuan did not know the existence of fate armor Immortal Gu.And precisely so, he miscalculated."Heavenly Court's foundation…" Fang Yuan smiled helplessly, but at the next moment, his determination surged as he looked at Feng Jiu Ge with a menacing gaze: "This fate armor Immortal Gu can protect you once, but can it save you again?"Fang Yuan still had another immemorial yama child.Feng Jiu Ge was pale as paper, he had sustained severe injuries but he spit out some blood: "Cough, you can try. I'm not afraid to let you know, fate armor Immortal Gu's effect is defense, its power varies but it only follows the results dictated by fate. If I am not meant to die now, fate armor Immortal Gu can protect me from any killer move in this world. If I am fated to die already, then Fate Armor's protection will be as weak as paper.""Fate!" Fang Yuan frowned tightly, saying the name of one Immortal Gu."You are right, this has to do with fate Immortal Gu." Feng Jiu Ge nodded as he sighed.If fate Immortal Gu was destroyed, Fate would no longer restrict all living beings, Fate Armor's power would be reduced greatly, restricted by its rank, rank eight Immortal Gu would only be able to unleash rank eight defensive power. But now, Fate was injured and not fully destroyed, fate still bound the people of this world, this allowed fate armor Immortal Gu to unleash defenses beyond rank eight."My reverse flow protection seal is a tortoise shell already, but this fate armor Immortal Gu is even more sturdy." Fang Yuan was shook, but his attacks became even fiercer.Feng Jiu Ge used Fate Armor with all his strength, his immortal essence expenditure was huge but he could last for some time. This time when attacking Lang Ya blessed land, Fairy Zi Wei had already provided him assistance in the form of immortal essence storage.Rumble!At this time, there was an intense explosion as a purple galaxy appeared in yama battlefield, it expanded and revealed the appearance of the outside Lang Ya blessed land."Why is she so fast?!" Fairy Zi Wei's speed of deducing yama battlefield was way faster than Fang Yuan's expectations.Fang Yuan grunted as he bled from his nose and mouth, yama battlefield collapsed, he had to face the backlash of this killer move.Fairy Zi Wei did not give Feng Jiu Ge fate armor Immortal Gu simply to protect him. Once it was activated, Heavenly Court would sense it. Back then in the River of Time, Lord Huang Shi had used Fate Armor to locate Feng Jiu Ge and save his life.Now, Fairy Zi Wei was already close to breaking into yama battlefield and unraveling it. Fate Armor acted as receptor for Fairy Zi Wei to increase her deduction of yama battlefield, she could open up a pathway with a shorter amount of time.In history, wisdom path deductions have been the hardest at the starting step. All the wisdom path Gu Immortals in the world were trying to deduce matters on Fang Yuan, but he used wisdom path protection methods, as long as they were intact, they could not find him. Among the three wisdom path Gu Immortal experts of Eastern Sea, Hua An was also helpless and even reverse deduced by Fang Yuan.When she had just started to deduce it, yama battlefield was complete and had no loopholes, but now that she tore an opening in it, the hardest part was over, the difficulty had fallen greatly.Tear, tear…The sound was endless as streams of purple galaxies tore through the sky, creating countless tears in yama battlefield.Boom!With an intense explosion, yama battlefield broke apart entirely, Fang Yuan spit out a mouthful of blood as a large number of mortal Gu died in his immortal aperture, the Immortal Gu used were also injured to some extent.Fang Yuan returned to Lang Ya blessed land while in emperor yama form."Be careful, he has a way to steal Immortal Gu from the immortal aperture!" Feng Jiu Ge escaped and managed to fly back to Fairy Zi Wei, the moment he came out, he gave this intel to all his teammates."It's you!" Chen Yi was the first to speak, he shouted angrily with wide opened eyes.He recognized that Fang Yuan was the one who fought him in green ghost desert, the one who stole Qing Chou's Soul Beast Token right in front of him!Fang Yuan's heart sank to rock bottom.He did not manage to kill Feng Jiu Ge, fate armor Immortal Gu ruined his hopes. And even worse, emperor yama and great thief ghost hand's intel were exposed, the enemies found out about them.This was something Fang Yuan had been trying to avoid. Since the start of the battle, he had been keeping this trump card hidden, hoping to use it in this battle to kill a strong enemy, using yama battlefield to conceal the traces and keep his secrets hidden, but his wishes were not answered, Fang Yuan did not manage to kill anyone while his trump cards were exposed."Fang Yuan, you are truly a source of chaos, Liu Guan Yi is you, Suan Bu Jin is also you." Fairy Zi Wei's eyes flickered with purple light, she instantly understood Fang Yuan's plan: "So that's it, you want to control green ghost desert to collect soul cores and use Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley to cultivate. It is a pity Dang Hun Mountain has been destroyed! Hmm? No, there is orderly well… you have a way to restore Dang Hun Mountain!"Visit on our vipnovel.comFang Yuan did not speak, this Fairy Zi Wei was a wisdom path great expert indeed, she exposed so many of Fang Yuan's secrets in an instant.Fairy Zi Wei was also feeling deep lingering fear."To think that Fang Yuan has such a method to steal other people's Immortal Gu directly!""Thankfully, great thief ghost hand is much weaker than formless hand, it cannot choose what Immortal Gu to steal. Otherwise, if it stole a crucial Immortal Gu, Feng Jiu Ge's killer move activation would fail, he would face a backlash and would need to use Fate Armor in advance. It would be a problem of whether he could last until I deduce and broke this immortal battlefield killer move.""Great thief ghost hand can steal rank eight Immortal Gu, thankfully it did not manage to take Fate Armor, otherwise, how could Feng Jiu Ge survive? Feng Jiu Ge is indeed a Dao Guardian, he has strong luck and was not suppressed by Fang Yuan's luck.""However…" Fairy Zi Wei looked at Fang Yuan with an eerie gaze: "This demon managed to steal Fixed Immortal Travel, it means that his luck is very strong, even though he failed to kill Feng Jiu Ge."Fate Immortal Gu was damaged by Red Lotus Demon Venerable, even though it was not destroyed, it was greatly weakened. Thereafter, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable rose up and created luck path.As long as Fate did not recover, luck path would continue to be this strong. Fang Yuan's luck path attainment level was not high, he did not have any strong offensive killer moves in luck path, but luck path had always been helping him subtly, like burning soul bursting luck.Boom boom boom!Explosions resounded as both sides fought again, ending up in a chaotic battle.Feng Jiu Ge had lost a lot of his battle strength as he went under Fairy Zi Wei's protection. Fang Yuan was also without options against Chen Yi's ancient tree prison cage, he could only join up with the super immortal formation and Heavenly Giant Solor to deal with Chen Yi and Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei displayed the might of a rank eight expert now, her killer moves were used with great execution, far above Chen Yi.Chen Yi had Genesis Lotus' true inheritance, while Fairy Zi Wei cultivated Star Constellation's true inheritance, it was not that Genesis Lotus' true inheritance was inferior to Star Constellation's true inheritance, but because wisdom path killer moves were fundamentally more complex and expended much more mental energy.Fang Yuan still had one immemorial yama child, emperor yama and great thief ghost hand were already exposed, Fairy Zi Wei and the rest could counter it.They did not put down their guard, they were covered by immortal killer moves that exploded continuously. If great thief ghost hand got close to them, the explosions would force them out, there was no opportunity to steal.The truth was, Chen Yi and Fairy Zi Wei's investigative methods were very exemplary, but Fang Yuan stopped using great thief ghost hand frequently after fearing that it would be found out.The more he used it, the more flaws he would expose. Especially against Fairy Zi Wei, the more intel he leaked, the more she could deduce.Bam!With a thunderous sound, Thunder Ghost True Monarch appeared in a flash, she had returned!

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Chapter 1580. Heavenly Court's Call to Surrender | Reverend Insanity

The moment Thunder Ghost True Monarch returned to the battlefield, the expressions of both sides changed.Heavenly Court's immortals were extremely happy while Fang Yuan's side turned grim.The two sides were evenly matched, at this time, Heavenly Court gained a new rank eight battle strength who was a first rate expert, this would cause a huge change in the battle result!But Thunder Ghost True Monarch's report made Fairy Zi Wei's gaze turn dark: "What, you did not find wisdom Gu?"Wisdom Gu was refined by Star Constellation Immortal Venerable and the refinement process was recorded in Star Constellation's true inheritance, allowing Fairy Zi Wei to know a lot about it. But Fairy Zi Wei did not know that wisdom Gu had the trait of following after information path environments."Wisdom Gu is wild, did they refine it? Or did they destroy it? Or do they have any method to resist the light of wisdom and relocate wisdom Gu?"Thoughts rumbled in Fairy Zi Wei's mind, she was thinking at lightning speed.She stood up and looked at Heavenly Giant Solor, gazing at Fang Yuan as she shouted: "Hand over wisdom Gu, I will allow you to surrender!"Heavenly Court's current invasion was mainly for rank nine wisdom Gu, Fang Yuan was only secondary.Immortal Gu were unique and hard to refine, rank nine Immortal Gu were at the pinnacle of the pyramid, in the current five regions, in this entire world, there were likely less than ten rank nine Gu.Rank nine wisdom Gu was too important for the growth of Heavenly Court's strength, it was second to fate Gu! Ignoring anything else, just Fairy Zi Wei alone, with just her wisdom path attainment and Star Constellation Chessboard, she was already one of the three strongest wisdom path great experts in the world.If she could obtain rank nine wisdom Gu, and use Star Constellation Chessboard to refine it, she would be the number one wisdom path great expert in the world, she would comprehend all of the profundities of wisdom path in this universe, she would stand at the very top, the second strongest person would be miles away from her, she would have an unthinkable deduction ability.Even if Fang Yuan had emperor yama, or even a rank eight wisdom path method, he would not be able to block Fairy Zi Wei's deductions. Only rank nine methods could work.But how many rank nine wisdom path methods were there? At least in Fang Yuan's true inheritances of Lang Ya and Spectral Soul, there were no such records!"Surrender?" The hairy man Gu Immortals shook.Lang Ya land spirit shouted in anger: "Surrender my ass! Lang Ya blessed land will only have hairy men dying in battle, we will not be kneeling slaves!"Fang Yuan was quite curious: "I am a complete otherworldly demon, in order to get wisdom Gu, will your Heavenly Court spare me?"Fairy Zi Wei smiled arrogantly: "So what if you are a complete otherworldly demon? Our Heavenly Court predecessors have known about otherworldly demons long ago, we have recruited them before, it was merely not written in history. Look at now, Zhao Lian Yun is the best example.""Fang Yuan, Heavenly Court is far more magnanimous and accepting than you think. Even if you are an otherworldly demon who possessed Spring Autumn Cicada and Spectral Soul's true inheritance, as long as you turn over a new leaf and contribute your sovereign immortal aperture into Heavenly Court, you will be one of us. And according to Heavenly Court's rules, we will treat you equally as everyone else!"After hearing these words, Fang Yuan's expression did not change, he still smiled coldly, but Chen Yi had a complex expression, there was suspicion and jealousy in his eyes.Chen Yi believed what Fairy Zi Wei said, because Heavenly Court's rules were as such, regardless of who you were in the past, after joining Heavenly Court as a righteous path member, after giving up your immortal aperture, you would be a member of Heavenly Court, there would be no differential treatment."But it is so difficult to join Heavenly Court! I, Chen Yi, have worked hard my whole life, I only managed to join Heavenly Court because of my battle strength and the fact that I have Genesis Lotus true inheritance, how many years has this Fang Yuan cultivated? He killed people and caused havoc everywhere, but if he turned around now and become a righteous person, he would get to join Heavenly Court!"At once, Chen Yi felt a strong sense of injustice, he even felt a little grievance in his heart.But Thunder Ghost True Monarch's expression was unchanged, because Heavenly Court had once tried to recruit someone else, this person slaughtered the people in the world, he was a much greater problem than the current Fang Yuan.He was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!Before Spectral Soul Demon Venerable reached rank nine, Heavenly Court had tried to recruit him multiple times. After becoming rank nine, they also tried to recruit him once."Heavenly Court is the Heavenly Court of humanity! Fang Yuan, you are extremely talented, you managed to roam freely as a rank seven and evade Heavenly Court's pursuit for so long, it shows your qualification to join us. I can swear on my life, after joining Heavenly Court, not only would you preserve your life, you would be able to cultivate and continue being a free Gu Immortal." Thunder Ghost True Monarch said."Fang Yuan…" At once, the hairy man Gu Immortals looked at Fang Yuan with worry.Even Sixth Hair did the same.Fang Yuan laughed heartily: "To obtain wisdom Gu, you guys are willing to let me go and recruit me, it shows how important rank nine wisdom Gu is to all of you! Then how about this, if you do not let us off today, I will destroy wisdom Gu in your face, your attempt will end in failure.""Hmph, incorrigible! How can the grand righteous path be threatened by the likes of you? Since you want to die, I will grant you your wish!" Thunder Ghost True Monarch charged at Fang Yuan with deep anger.Boom boom boom!Fang Yuan fought against Thunder Ghost True Monarch on barely even grounds, thunder was rumbling, air currents were turbulent."Oh? That means wisdom Gu is on you now?" Fairy Zi Wei's eyes flickered with brilliance, she started to act as well.Fairy Zi Wei was suppressed by Thunder Ghost True Monarch and Fairy Zi Wei's cooperation, he could only use reverse flow protection seal to defend himself, he could not fight back at all.He transmitted to Lang Ya land spirit: "First supreme elder, this is an emergency! If you have any methods left, use it now, otherwise, there will be no time to regret!!"Lang Ya land spirit shouted: "Forget it, I'll show you the true power of Lang Ya blessed land!"As he said that, the entire sea surface of Lang Ya blessed land started to bubble, it was as if the ocean was boiling.Countless refinement path dao marks shone with the light of dao marks, be it Gu Immortals or mortals, they could see it with their naked eyes.The aura of an immortal killer move burst out like a grand tornado, it rampaged in the entire Lang Ya blessed land, none of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were spared, they were all hit by the move."What is this?!" Chen Yi and the rest had changes in expressions, all of their defensive methods radiated with a brilliant light, forced to resist the move.The mysterious killer move was incredibly powerful, even Fang Yuan was hit by it, there were countless ripples on his reverse flow protection seal."Quick, come inside." Lang Ya land spirit transmitted, moving the silver giant towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan successfully fused into Heavenly Giant Solor formation, this was not the first time he was entering this ancient battle formation."What move is this?" A flash of joy sparked on Fang Yuan's face.Lang Ya land spirit's move was very powerful, all four Heavenly Court immortals were all forced to defend themselves, they could not attack.Lang Ya land spirit smiled bitterly: "These were the gains in battle that my main body had obtained when he killed a water path great expert in his life, using it, he comprehended the strongest refinement path killer move — Omnipresent Four Seas! This move expends an immense amount of seawater, unless we are refining rank eight Immortal Gu, we would not use it. Against the enemy now, it can only last for dozens of breaths."Fang Yuan observed carefully, Lang Ya blessed land's sea level was truly falling, a vast amount of water was expended to maintain this omnipresent four seas killer move.Fang Yuan had a realization: "So this Lang Ya blessed land's terrain was carefully designed. The three continents float on the vast sea, but the seawater is not simple at all, it is actually the refinement path foundation of the blessed land, it is truly precious."Fang Yuan looked at Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals as he sighed: "It is a pity that this move cannot differentiate friend and foe, otherwise, if we can attack now, we can gain the upper hand!"Actually, omnipresent four seas could be contained in an area, but that place needed to have a corresponding immortal formation to draw out the power of the killer move and refine Gu.And this refinement path immortal formation is none other than the Long Hair refinement path formation used to refine Myriad Self for Fang Yuan.Heavenly Court would naturally not be lured into such an obvious trap, and in this situation, Lang Ya land spirit had no choice but to use this move fully across the whole of Lang Ya blessed land, in the sky, land, and sea.But this way, Fang Yuan's super immortal formation would also be attacked by omnipresent four seas. Thankfully, Lang Ya land spirit was prepared for it and went towards the silver giant, disassembling as the Immortal Gu were collected back, the variant human Gu Immortals of the three races also entered the silver giant."What do we do now?" Fang Yuan looked at Lang Ya land spirit as he asked.He felt that Lang Ya blessed land still had some trump cards left.And this battle would be decided by those trump cards!

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