
Chapter: 1571-1575:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1571. Luo Po Seal? | Reverend Insanity

Lang Ya blessed land, Cloud Cover Continent.Immortal killer move — Myriad Self Giant Hand!Fang Yuan floated in the air, his aura exploded with a loud sound as a giant hand appeared out of nowhere, slamming towards the ground.Instantly, air currents pushed out as the huge palm descended like a toppling mountain, slamming fiercely on the cloud soil ground.Cloud Cover Continent was designed by Lang Ya land spirit personally, it was made of cloud soil, able to float in the air without ever landing.The cloud soil was not tough, Fang Yuan's myriad self giant hand had rank seven attacking power, this hand shattered the cloud soil of all the surroundings, falling down towards the vast sea below.Fang Yuan was testing his killer move, he was not trying to destroy Cloud Cover Continent, thus when his hand landed on Cloud Cover Continent, Lang Ya blessed land's super immortal formation activated, a silver light resembling flowing water appeared on Cloud Cover Continent.After myriad self giant hand landed on the cloud soil, the silver light was destroyed as cloud soil scattered around, the surrounding terrain was completely altered, there was a huge handprint on the ground that was several meters deep.Fang Yuan willed as the giant hand quickly vanished.Seeing the effect, he nodded in satisfaction."With myriad self Immortal Gu, giant hand is much easier to use now!"In the past, in order to use myriad self giant hand, Fang Yuan had to first activate the killer move myriad self and store countless strength path phantoms in his immortal aperture. Next, using these strength path phantoms, he had to use group strength Gu to unleash strength path giant hand.The process was very tedious, if he did not store strength path phantoms in his immortal aperture, he could not use giant hand in a life-and-death battle. But strength path phantoms could not be stored for a long time, they would disappear after some time and disintegrate on their own.It was usable for battles he was prepared for, but in unexpected situations, or when he was ambushed, myriad self giant hand could not be used.Thankfully, Fang Yuan had deep wisdom and a cautious mind, he had always been keeping an eye out for such situations, he did not end up in an awkward spot."In the past, using myriad self killer move already needed self strength Immortal Gu, bitter strength Gu, borrow strength Gu, self reliance Gu, refine essence spirit Gu, amplify effect Gu, earth strength Gu, fire, water, wind, lightning strength Gu and countless other mortal Gu, but now I just need to use myriad self Immortal Gu.""But now, my myriad self giant hand only needs myriad self Immortal Gu as the core with some group strength Gu as the supplementary mortal Gu, it requires less than thirty Gu worms in total, and is very simple compared to the past."The former myriad self giant hand was evidently unusable now.After refining myriad self Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan modified myriad self giant hand into a new version using myriad self Immortal Gu as the core, the core self strength Immortal Gu was no longer used.This meant that self strength Immortal Gu could be used in other aspects.Of course, he could also add it into the myriad self giant hand killer move to increase its strength.That would depend on Fang Yuan's further modification."Actually, myriad self giant hand has room for improvement. For example, if the speed is insufficient, I can add mortal Gu to fix that flaw. I can also add soul path Immortal Gu to allow giant hand to capture souls as well. Furthermore, the power of giant hand is merely limited by my strength path dao marks, I can continue to strengthen it. The current giant hand has rank seven power, but is not at the peak, it is because my sovereign immortal body's strength path dao marks cannot sustain greater power."Fang Yuan had only started modifying myriad self giant hand, after changing the core Immortal Gu, there was still huge room for improvement.In the past, the killer move was too complicated and expended too much thinking and time, adding more Gu worms would lower its usability.But now, myriad self killer move was condensed into one Gu worm, the process was very simple, he could add more mortal Gu and Immortal Gu to make an even stronger giant hand.Fang Yuan's practice this time was not just on the strength path giant hand, he was also testing Lang Ya Sect's defensive super immortal formation.When Feng Jiu Ge invaded earlier, this immortal formation had been very useful, it preserved the lives of many variant human Gu Immortals and also helped Lang Ya Sect get through that tough situation.Feng Jiu Ge used separation song on the immortal formation multiple times, but Fang Yuan had expected it and split the immortal formation into many layers, Feng Jiu Ge separated many layers but did not get to the core after all.This time, Fang Yuan did not just modify myriad self giant hand, he also modified the immortal formation and allowed its range to extend throughout Lang Ya Sect.Earlier, when the strength path giant hand landed on Cloud Cover Continent, this immortal formation was the reason why the destructive effect was reduced.After testing strength path giant hand, he moved on to the more important matter.Immortal killer move — Reverse Flow Protection Seal!This killer move determined Fang Yuan's upper limit, it was only through this he could contest rank eights.Right now, the core of the killer move was the secluded domain of heaven and earth Reverse Flow River, myriad self Immortal Gu, perseverance Immortal Gu, pulling water Immortal Gu, and over a hundred mortal Gu. Even though it was more complex than myriad self giant hand, this was way simpler than the previous reverse flow protection seal!After simplifying the killer move, the success rate of activation rose sharply, it was more usable in battle now."During the battle in green ghost desert, I was sneak attacked and could not use reverse flow protection seal in time. Now, the activation time has shrunk greatly, I should be able to deal with most assaults.""However… I can no longer conceal reverse flow protection seal's modifications and set a trap. The trick I used on Thunder Ghost True Monarch only works once."Fang Yuan felt it was a pity.Reverse flow protection seal killer move had become much easier to use now due to myriad self Immortal Gu, but this was Fang Yuan's current limit. Adding more Immortal Gu would be difficult.He could no longer set a trap like earlier and reveal a brand new reverse flow protection seal within a short period of time.After some deductions, Fang Yuan went into seclusion again, deducing other killer moves.Even though Fang Yuan was calm, he was filled with pressure.Against a huge force like Heavenly Court, who would have no pressure?The refinement of myriad self Immortal Gu, was not only to elevate several killer moves. Fang Yuan's true motive was to create a third variation move — Luo Po Seal!"I was affected by Lu Wei Yin's immortal killer move and lived through three lifetimes. These dreams were very mystical, especially the third life, it was a huge inspiration for my Luo Po seal.""But I had a lot of obstructions earlier when deducing Luo Po seal, there was a huge hurdle to cross. This myriad self Immortal Gu is like a bridge that might allow me to cross this hurdle and attain success!"Fang Yuan felt excitement and anticipation.Even though he raised his reputation using the battle against Thunder Ghost True Monarch and suppressed Feng Jiu Ge, Fang Yuan knew that he was inferior to Feng Jiu Ge in many aspects.Feng Jiu Ge could fight rank eight because he had a deep accumulation of sound path dao marks, evenly matching rank eight. Even without rank eight sound path Immortal Gu on him, his killer moves could reach quasi-rank eight because of the amplification of his dao marks.Meanwhile, Fang Yuan could fight rank eight because he was using the vast number of dao marks inside Reverse Flow River. His own dao marks in several paths reached rank seven, but he was still far from rank eight.Even if he annexed the blessed lands inside City Well, he would still be far from rank eight.Fang Yuan was not inferior to Feng Jiu Ge in talent.Feng Jiu Ge was unprecedented in creating assimilation wind song, he was the first Gu Immortal able to summon the winds of assimilation. Meanwhile, Fang Yuan created myriad self and combined strength and enslavement path, it was also a revolutionary creation. The two of them were equally matched.Now that Fang Yuan condensed the killer move into myriad self Immortal Gu, his status had risen again. Because he could create an entirely new path along this route of development! Compared to just a killer move, there was much more room for development.Gu cultivation paths were created like this, some were the fusion of two paths, while others were sub-classification of existing paths.Fang Yuan and Feng Jiu Ge were only different in terms of age.How many years had Fang Yuan cultivated since rebirth? Feng Jiu Ge had already lived for hundreds of years.Fang Yuan made such achievements before the age of fifty, it was very rare that he could match Feng Jiu Ge. Compared to normal people, he was simply a monster, his cultivation level rose at an unbelievable rate, it could not be assessed normally. After all, Fang Yuan's rebirth had huge advantages.And the truth was, Fang Yuan's own dao mark accumulation was quite high.But now, heaven's will was against him and made his tribulations weak so he could not get dao marks. Annexing immortal apertures was a way, but the upper extreme heavenly eagle had not returned to him yet, while other methods needed specific Immortal Gu and were troublesome to refine. Food path methods like snack Immortal Gu could be used for the killer move eat strength, but the efficiency of this increase in dao marks was too low.While the grass grows the horse starves, Fang Yuan naturally placed his attention on the secluded domains of heaven and earth.Fang Yuan had quite a few secluded domains of heaven and earth!Luo Po Valley, Dang Hun Mountain, Reverse Flow River, City Well, a total of four secluded domains of heaven and earth.Among them, Reverse Flow River had already been used for reverse flow protection seal, it allowed Fang Yuan to fight rank eight existences. Dang Hun Mountain had already been destroyed and was still in the middle of reparation. City Well was needed to raise variant humans, and in terms of rule path, Fang Yuan was lacking.The most suitable target was Luo Po Valley.Fang Yuan's soul path attainment level was ordinary, but he had Spectral Soul's true inheritance, the number one soul path inheritance in this world, nobody could deny that.On that foundation, along with the inspiration that Fang Yuan obtained from the trials of the three lifetimes, and also with myriad self Immortal Gu…"If I add in the light of wisdom, I should succeed in deducing Luo Po seal, right?" Fang Yuan pondered.

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Chapter 1572. Too Late | Reverend Insanity

Time passed quickly, half a month went by.On this day, Fang Yuan flew out of cloud city, the immortal formation around Lang Ya blessed land activated and burst out with golden light, enveloping Fang Yuan.The golden light flashed as Fang Yuan vanished on the spot, when he reappeared, he was in a desolate place a thousand li away.These days, Fang Yuan modified the super immortal formation again, it had the power to teleport other people.Because earlier, when Feng Jiu Ge attacked the hairy men and killed them, Lang Ya land spirit was aggrieved but helpless.Lang Ya land spirit remembered this painful lesson, after refining myriad self Immortal Gu, he suggested this modification to Fang Yuan.Lang Ya Sect helped Fang Yuan to refine myriad self Immortal Gu, using the Long Hair Gu refinement immortal formation in the process, Fang Yuan naturally had to return the favor and modify the immortal formation as they wished.Fang Yuan's formation path attainment level was extraordinary, with the help of the light of wisdom, he had already finished the modification of the immortal formation long ago.Arriving at an empty place, Fang Yuan breathed in deeply as he started to practice his killer move.Immortal killer move — Emperor Yama!Instantly, his appearance changed, he was tall and majestic, he wore a crown and his face was blurred, he became inscrutable. His imperial robe had ghost and monster embroideries, the numbers were no longer like before, there were over a thousand of them.This was the result of Fang Yuan's recent cultivation.Immortal killer move — Soul Explosion!Fang Yuan moved his finger as black smoke shot out, destroying everything in its path. But due to the immortal formation's protection, Cloud Cover Continent shone in silver light, it defended against the power of the soul explosion to a great extent.But even so, a killer move at the peak of rank seven could not be defended against by the silver light.After a chain of explosions, the area around Fang Yuan was decimated, cloud soil scattered as a large number of crevices appeared in the area of several li.Black smoke dissipated, the soul explosion ended as one yama child monster vanished on Fang Yuan's imperial robe, after a few breaths of time, it faded as if it had never existed before.This was the price of using soul explosion.Fang Yuan did not mind the expenditure, after pondering through this, his eyes shone with brilliance.Immortal killer move — Yama Battlefield!Whoosh.Intense wind blew as the world changed colors.In three blinks of time, a huge surrounding area was enveloped by Fang Yuan's immortal battlefield, the place was completely isolated from the outside!Within this battlefield killer move, the surroundings were pale green and yellow, vision was blur like there was fog. Dark winds blew, creating wailing sounds, it was scary and chilly.Fang Yuan let out the yama children, these monsters cackled and flew freely in yama battlefield, their power was amplified, they were like fish in water.After some testing, Fang Yuan stored all of the yama children and stopped using yama battlefield, the sky turned clear again as he returned to Lang Ya blessed land.Yama battlefield was the greatest achievement that Fang Yuan had made in this secluded cultivation!Earlier, Fang Yuan had deduced the immortal battlefield killer move purple star broken life, it was set up using the wisdom path Immortal Gu that Purple Mountain True Monarch left behind, Fang Yuan used it to kill You Chan and Qin Bai He.But the advantage of purple star broken life immortal battlefield was the effect of concealing itself and isolating from the outside world. The weakness was that it needed time to set up, prior preparation was often required. And Gu Immortals were not stupid, if one tried to use it in battle, they would run away before it was set up.Yama battlefield was created by Fang Yuan after considering his own situation, using the many battlefield killer moves that were recorded within Spectral Soul's true inheritance.Yama battlefield was inferior to purple star broken life in terms of concealment and isolating from the outside world. Its advantage was that it only needed three blinks of time to activate.Even though during that period of time, Fang Yuan could not move as well, it could quickly be used in battle.In this three blinks of time, as long as Fang Yuan could grab the opportunity and catch his enemies off guard, they would not be able to run away.After being enveloped by yama battlefield, Fang Yuan's advantage would be huge."Currently, I can force the enemies to stay and lose their lives if they are rank six or seven!" Fang Yuan sighed.Gu Immortals were easy to defeat, but capturing or killing would be hard.Firstly, there were countless ways to escape, Gu Immortals could not deal with all possibilities, some escaping methods were bound to be effective. Secondly, Fang Yuan was fighting alone and was wanted by Heavenly Court and Longevity Heaven, he had to defeat his enemies in a short amount of time.Thus earlier, Fang Yuan was very vigilant when choosing opponents. If Meng Tu did not have an immortal battlefield that could trap both him and his enemies inside autumn blade plain, Fang Yuan would not want to fight such a person.Once yama battlefield was completed, Fang Yuan thought of his other method — Great Thief Ghost Hand!His theft path attainment level was at great grandmaster, using great thief Immortal Gu and ghostly concealment as the cores of the killer move, he could deduce great thief ghost hand which could steal rank eight Immortal Gu.This move was modified by Fang Yuan and became even more effective. It was used twice but managed to steal rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token, as well as rank seven Immortal Gu Bladewing, the situation quickly turned around when Meng Tu lost this Gu, resulting in his loss."In the past, I could not use great thief ghost hand too often to prevent my identity from leaking. If information gets out, others would be more alert and they would try to deduce my great thief ghost hand, my arrangements inside green ghost desert would also be found out.""With yama battlefield now, I can trap my enemies and continue to use great thief ghost hand to steal Immortal Gu. There is little chance of the enemies running away, I can kill and plunder them, to accumulate my cultivation resources!"Fang Yuan's eyes shined with a ruthless light, deep killing intent was accumulating in him.With yama battlefield, he could start walking on the bloody road of 'killing enemies and stealing Gu while annexing their apertures to gain dao marks'.Fang Yuan had no misgivings when it came to slaughtering innocent people, he did not feel any guilt or self-blame.Fang Yuan licked his lips as he shook his head: "It is a pity… now is not the time yet."If Lang Ya blessed land did not get exposed, if there was no pressure from Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan would leave and go around killing people! But the crucial thing now was to protect Lang Ya blessed land.At the current moment, the preservation of Lang Ya Sect was more important to Fang Yuan than stealing Immortal Gu!There was no doubt about it.As time passed, Fang Yuan's mental pressure got larger.Heavenly Court would not let this go, once they attacked Lang Ya blessed land again, even if Lang Ya blessed land prepared fully, it might not be able to resist.This was because Lang Ya Sect's trump cards and secrets were exposed in the previous battle. Meanwhile, Heavenly Court still had unfathomable foundations, it could use some trump cards that targeted Lang Ya Sect or come up with some brilliant schemes to endanger the whole of Lang Ya blessed land!The best situation was to relocate Lang Ya blessed land before the second invasion of Heavenly Court.But the relocation would definitely be ambushed by Heavenly Court, it might even be Prince Feng Xian most likely! Fang Yuan had already deduced this clearly.Against a rank eight, Fang Yuan could defend himself but he lacked offense, that was quite awkward.He had two ways now.One was to use a secluded domain of heaven and earth to form a rank eight offensive killer move. The other was to use a rank eight Immortal Gu to create an attacking method as well.Among the secluded domains of heaven and earth, Luo Po Valley was the best choice, and also his only choice.Fang Yuan had the inspiration to deduce Luo Po seal, but unfortunately, his progress was quite slow, even after the light of wisdom, Fang Yuan was quite vexed.In terms of rank eight Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan had four, Attitude, Wisdom Sword, Years Flow Like Water, and Soul Beast Token.Attitude Gu was the core Immortal Gu of familiar face, Years Flow Like Water produced year Gu, it was not for fighting. Soul Beast Token was needed in emperor yama killer move, it could not be taken out.Looking at it, he only had wisdom sword Immortal Gu left.Speaking of which, Fang Yuan had obtained this rank eight Immortal Gu long ago, in order to feed it, he had spent a lot of resources. But he had never been able to use it.Activating wisdom sword Immortal Gu needed rank eight immortal essence of the user. This was what Purple Mountain True Monarch had designed for Bo Qing back then, but Fang Yuan only had rank seven red date immortal essence now.This was a fixed rule that could not be changed.And in fact, most rank eight Immortal Gu used rank eight immortal essence, Fang Yuan's three other Gu were exceptions.Attitude Gu used mental energy, Years Flow Like Water could use any rank of immortal essence, but its strength depended on the essence used, Soul Beast Token expended the soul foundation of the user, and just looking at their activation requirements, all three Immortal Gu were top tier among rank eight Immortal Gu!Thinking about it, even though Fang Yuan had many Immortal Gu and inheritances, his rank eight offensive killer move still required Luo Po Valley."I managed to deduce reverse flow protection seal earlier because of my water path grandmaster attainment level.""This time, to deduce Luo Po seal, my soul path is only master level, there is a huge obstruction!"Fang Yuan had grandmaster attainment level in many paths, his theft path and refinement path were great grandmaster and quasi-supreme grandmaster respectively, but he could not transfer them to his soul path.His soul path was only at master attainment level."But I have the light of wisdom, even though progress is slow, I can still slowly force my way through!""The biggest problem is time now, I hope I can make it… hmm?!"At this time, the world started shaking, a huge dark spiral appeared out of nowhere."Oh no!" Fang Yuan's expression changed.He recognized that the source of this dark spiral were the dao marks that Feng Jiu Ge had left behind.Fang Yuan had already investigated these dao marks long ago, Lang Ya land spirit did the same. Both felt that this was a tracking method that was hard to get rid of. But now, Lang Ya blessed land was isolated from the outside world, these dao marks possessed no threat.But to think that without anyone controlling and instilling immortal essence, these dao marks actually gathered into a dark spiral."Smash it!" Fang Yuan screamed, Lang Ya land spirit also gave the same orders at the same time.The defensive formation that Fang Yuan modified immediately activated.But at the same time, four starlight beams shot out of the dark spiral.With a loud sound, the dark spiral vanished.The starlight faded as four Gu Immortals appeared.Feng Jiu Ge, Chen Yi, and Thunder Ghost True Monarch were present. They were led by a female immortal, she looked around before fixing her gaze on Fang Yuan, she smiled: "Fang Yuan, I finally caught you."It was Heavenly Court's current leader, the number one wisdom path Gu Immortal — Fairy Zi Wei!

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Chapter 1573. Star Cast | Reverend Insanity

Heavenly Court invaded, four Gu Immortals appeared out of nowhere, Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk to pin-size.Even with his knowledge and countless experiences, he felt that this was unbelievable!"There is such a method? Sending four rank eight Gu Immortals in at the same time! If we did not destroy that dark spiral instantly, I'm afraid even more Gu Immortals would have entered."Even though Feng Jiu Ge was not rank eight, his dao marks were at rank eight level, Fang Yuan placed him at the same level as rank eights.Rank eight Gu Immortals had incredibly dense dao marks, there were few methods that could transport them and they were very hard to use. Even the immortal killer move seven immortal doors that Feng Jiu Ge used earlier could not teleport rank eight Gu Immortals.If rank eight Gu Immortals wanted to move, they had to either fly themselves through immemorial white heaven or black heaven, unless they were space path great expert who could teleport themselves.But even so, such space path great experts could only teleport themselves, they could not move other rank eight existences.And Heavenly Court seemed to have used a method to directly teleport four rank eight Gu Immortals over from Central Continent! Such a method was truly unthinkable."Even in the five hundred years of my previous life, during the five regions chaotic war, I did not hear that Heavenly Court had such a move!"Transporting four rank eight Gu Immortals at once, which was not the limit, and it could even create a tracking effect. Such a method was truly scary, any defense could be ripped apart, the advantage of having such a move could even extend to large scale fights.Think about it: During the five regions chaotic war, every rank eight Gu Immortal ruled over an area. At this time, if Heavenly Court mobilizes several rank eights to teleport to an enemy rank eight and attack that person as a group, they would have a huge advantage in numbers, they would likely win. Who could endure such attacks if they did it multiple times? Any force would be extremely concerned and feel helpless against this."In the five hundred years of my previous life, why did Heavenly Court not do this? Was it because the conditions were not right, or was it not time for this move yet? I think I understand now!"Fang Yuan's thoughts moved like lightning, he understood why.If Heavenly Court revealed that they had such methods, once a few rank eight Gu Immortals died in the other regions, they would become alert, they would work together and form a large alliance against Heavenly Court!It was common sense.If they did not ally, as the situation progresses, any rank eight Gu Immortal would be in great danger at all times. Heavenly Court could attack any individual rank eight Gu Immortal at any time, they were not stupid, only by working together could they be safe against Heavenly Court.Of course, Heavenly Court was not stupid, they had kept this move hidden and did not use it. They were afraid that this move's great power would make the other regions work together and form a four region alliance that would target Heavenly Court solely!But now, in order to attack Fang Yuan, Heavenly Court had to use this move in advance, it showed how determined Heavenly Court was in attacking Lang Ya blessed land!"No, not just me, they are tempted by rank nine wisdom Gu. At the same time, annexing Lang Ya blessed land would greatly help towards repairing fate Gu!"Fang Yuan smiled bitterly to himself.Heavenly Court's attack was too sudden, even though Fang Yuan was already mentally prepared for it.But there was no helping it, Heavenly Court's method was truthfully out of Fang Yuan's wildest imagination."This is why such enemies are the scariest. Because they have too many trump cards from their immense foundation!" Fang Yuan sighed bitterly internally."Thief!" At the same time, while the other Heavenly Court Gu Immortals stayed motionless, Thunder Ghost True Monarch directly pounced at Fang Yuan.She hated Fang Yuan to the limit, he had sold three of her rib bones in treasure yellow heaven, that video had been playing nonstop, it was the greatest humiliation of her life!Thus, Thunder Ghost True Monarch directly charged at Fang Yuan and attacked, she was filled with intense killing intent.But at the next moment, Fang Yuan vanished as golden light flashed.Thunder Ghost True Monarch missed her target, she looked up and stared fiercely at the base of the super formation."Huff!"Fang Yuan was inside the super formation now, controlling it personally. The first thing he did was to activate the formation and bring in all of the variant human Gu Immortals that were scattered over Lang Ya blessed land.When he had just acted, Heavenly Court also did the same.Immortal killer move — Separation Song!Feng Jiu Ge used his signature killer move as separation song started, countering all Immortal Gu Houses and immortal formations in this world.Bright light shone in Fang Yuan's eyes, he multitasked as the immortal formation flew up and burst out with orange-red light.Within the red light, separation song was weakening as his voice faded into nothingness.To deal with separation song, Fang Yuan had made some modifications to the immortal formation! It was extremely effective when used now.Feng Jiu Ge had once dismantled multiple layers of this immortal formation using separation song, but now, before separation song even got close to the core, it was exterminated, Feng Jiu Ge frowned deeply."Let me do it." Fairy Zi Wei flickered her finger as a starry rainbow flew out.The starry rainbow flew like an arrow, flying past the clouds and wind, shooting into the super immortal formation and turning into a cloud of star sand, it was very dazzling.The immortal formation activated faster and faster, this star sand fused into the immortal formation's activation and revealed several special forms, like clouds or dust, or even water vats…Fairy Zi Wei smiled lightly, countless thoughts appeared in her mind, moving like waves of the ocean."Oh no! This wisdom path killer move can help her to deduce the workings of the immortal formation, it can also obstruct the cooperation of Gu worms and make the immortal formation slower and non-fluid." Some of the variant human Gu Immortals who came could tell."What do we do?""What do we do?!"Almost all of the variant human Gu Immortals were covered in sweat, they had nervous expressions, they were filled with fear and immense pressure of an apocalypse.Heavenly Court's group was too powerful, they were equivalent to four rank eights, even disregarding Feng Jiu Ge, the other three were rank eight elites and experts, one could be of immense threat to Lang Ya blessed land, not to mention three of them!"Strange, why is Fairy Zi Wei not using Star Constellation Chessboard?" Fang Yuan had completely calmed down, suspicion flashed in his eyes.His fight against Fairy Zi Wei was during Southern Border's dream realm battle."It is a pity that Star Constellation Chessboard was left in Heavenly Court to sustain the killer move star cast, otherwise, I would be able to easily unravel this super immortal formation with dozens of times the efficiency!" Fairy Zi Wei sighed internally, she did not stop her actions.Another wisdom path killer move was unleashed without any warning, Fang Yuan did not even know how to deal with it, but the formation was hit and the star sand that invaded expanded to twice of its size!"Troublesome!" Fang Yuan frowned deeply."Heavenly Court, do you think our Lang Ya Sect are easily bullied? Kill them!"At this moment, Lang Ya land spirit growled, the silver giant formed from ancient battle formation Heavenly Giant Solor descended into the battlefield.

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Chapter 1574. Chen Yi | Reverend Insanity

The silver giant was tall and mighty, stretching its arms and sweeping at the four Central Continent Gu Immortals, strong air currents were generated.Chen Yi's eyes flashed with brilliance, snorting: "Let me!"Compared to the silver giant, his body was very small, but his aura burst out and contested the silver giant evenly.Immortal killer move — Immortal Binding Vine!Chen Yi pointed as countless jade green light threads extended towards the silver giant and coiled around it.The silver giant punched ferociously, but due to the obstruction of the jade light threads, it was too slow and changed directions, crashing into the cloud soil and creating a huge crater as soil scattered.Chen Yi watched at the side without moving, he floated in the air as he pointed at the silver giant with his fingers.The jade threads on the silver giant were increasing in number, surrounding it tightly, the threads got thicker until they reached their limits, becoming vines that were thick and long, binding the silver giant.Within the battle formation Heavenly Giant Solor, Lang Ya land spirit was shouting in anger, this immortal binding vine seemed to have countered him entirely, even with great strength, he could not use any of it properly, this was quite a frustrating situation."Sixth Hair!" Lang Ya land spirit called out.Sixth Hair immediately used an immortal killer move as golden light appeared on the Heavenly Giant Solor, the immortal binding vines were cut apart inch by inch, but they recovered quickly.Chen Yi sneered as he used another killer move.Countless vines were cut down, landing on the cloud soil, but with Chen Yi's help, they grew rapidly, turning into huge trees.The huge trees were scattered around the silver giant, turning into a huge circle that trapped the silver giant at the center.Lang Ya land spirit sensed something amiss, but the silver giant was bound by the immortal binding vines, it could not move away.At this time, between the giant trees, leaves and branches started to intertwine, the roots of the trees under the cloud soil also gathered into a ball and emerged from the soil. With the tree trunks as the main pillars, the branches and roots coiled together and formed a huge cage.Immortal killer move — Ancient Tree Prison Cage!The silver giant finally broke free from the immortal binding vines when it immediately got trapped in the ancient tree prison cage. Lang Ya land spirit shouted in anger and ordered the hairy man Gu Immortals to unleash their offensive killer moves.But the ancient tree prison cage sustained those attacks and even used them as nutrients to strengthen itself.Lang Ya land spirit saw this and quickly stopped, he tested for a while and found that the most effective way to destroy the cage was with the giant's bare hands.The hairy man Gu Immortals were helpless, they could only manipulate Heavenly Giant Solor to unleash punches and kicks, slamming at the ancient tree prison cage."Damn it!" Lang Ya land spirit cursed, his forehead was covered in sweat. He was trapped here and could not help Fang Yuan, he could only watch as Feng Jiu Ge and Fairy Zi Wei targeted the super immortal formation.Without any choice, Lang Ya land spirit had to approach the rockman Gu Immortals: "Quick, let that old dragon out!"Roar—!There was the cry of a dragon as a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.The immemorial rock dragon!Its body was made of rocks, it was filled with dense earth path dao marks, its dragon body was heavy and thick, its dragon fangs were sharp like stalactites, it was majestic and large, having an impressive entrance.The rock dragon seemed to move slowly, but it was actually fast as it flew into the sky, casting a huge shadow down onto the ground.Heavenly Court's four immortals were also under the shadow as they raised their heads, expressing shock on their faces."To think that Lang Ya blessed land has a hidden immemorial rock dragon!" Feng Jiu Ge sighed.Fairy Zi Wei smiled: "It does not belong to Lang Ya blessed land, it is likely from those variant human Gu Immortals."As a wisdom path great expert, she had deduced the truth in an instant."Let me destroy this rock dragon!" Thunder Ghost True Monarch licked her lips as battle intent surged."No need!" Chen Yi grunted as he stretched his finger, using the same move again.Immortal killer move — Immortal Binding Vine.The immortal binding vines extended around the immemorial rock dragon as it became restricted, although it still charged at the four Central Continent immortals.The four immortals dodged while the immemorial rock dragon hit the ground, next, Chen Yi used the ancient tree prison cage killer move again and trapped it!"How can this be?!" The variant human Gu Immortals saw this and felt deeply surprised and disappointed.Even Lang Ya land spirit took in a deep breath, he felt a chill down his spine.The immemorial rock dragon that they were relying on was restricted so easily. Meanwhile, on Heavenly Court's side, Chen Yi had a great display of prowess, while Fairy Zi Wei and Feng Jiu Ge suppressed the super immortal formation, and Thunder Ghost True Monarch has yet to fight!Fang Yuan's expression was ugly too, but he did not feel much surprise."The immemorial rock dragon is strong in defense and has no fear. Once injured, the rockmen can sacrifice themselves to heal it rapidly, this healing method is very absurd!"When Gu Immortals get injured, it is very difficult and troublesome to heal them. The higher the cultivation level, the harder they are to heal.For rank eight Gu Immortals, if they sustained injuries, they would need to pay full attention in healing themselves without distraction. But the immemorial rock dragon's healing method could be done amidst battle, this often gave many Gu Immortals huge headaches when fighting them.The immemorial rock dragon was also famous because of this.But today was different, it was up against Heavenly Court's rank eight Gu Immortal Chen Yi!Firstly, Heavenly Court had been suppressing and killing variant human Gu Immortals, having been established on that foundation, they were very familiar with the rockman tribe's rock dragons.Secondly, the immemorial rock dragon did not have any wild rank eight Immortal Gu to use, while Chen Yi had rank eight killer moves and the best tactic against it, this led to the immemorial rock dragon's greatest advantage becoming virtually useless.And finally, Chen Yi's killer move was truly profound, especially the ancient tree prison cage, it did not fear immortal killer moves, it was hard to get rid of.It was no surprise that the immemorial rock dragon lost to Chen Yi.Even though it struggled intensely, the restriction on it grew thicker and tighter, without external help, it could not break out of the immortal binding vines, and definitely not the ancient tree prison cage outside of that."Hairy men, we need to rely on ourselves!" Lang Ya land spirit shouted as the silver giant finally found an opening in the ancient tree prison cage and destroyed it."As expected of the second ancient battle formation, Heavenly Giant Solor." Chen Yi evaluated as he smiled, muttering: "But do you think my ancient tree prison cage is so easy to break out of?"The silver giant's movements stopped.Lang Ya land spirit was slightly dazed, he turned around to look and found a wooden hand grabbing the silver giant's leg."What is that?" The silver giant turned around and chopped down on the hand with both arms resembling an ax that struck harshly.The wooden hand was split by the ax but it was only half split, it was not entirely chopped apart.The silver giant wanted to attack again, but an wooden giant appeared from under the soil.The wooden giant let go out its hand and lowered its body, charging at the silver giant's chest with its shoulder, slamming it to the ground.Lang Ya Sect's Gu Immortals were caught unguarded, they were about to make the silver giant stand up but the wooden giant attacked relentlessly, eventually, it jumped into the sky and crashed down on the silver giant with a loud thud.Under the immense pressure, a hairy man Gu Immortal made a mistake and used an immortal killer move on the wooden giant.The wooden giant was revitalized as the injuries on its body healed, at the same time, it grew to the same size as the silver giant.Chen Yi snorted in self-satisfaction, this was his immortal killer move — Giant Tree Divine Statue, it inherited the property of the ancient tree prison cage, immortal killer moves were not of concern, only physical attacks were effective on it."So this is the power of Genesis Lotus' true inheritance." Thunder Ghost True Monarch's eyes were flickering with bright light.At this moment, Chen Yi displayed great power, suppressing both the silver giant and immemorial rock dragon!This was his true power, as the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, and the inheritor of Genesis Lotus' true inheritance, he had incredible battle strength that was extraordinary.Earlier in green ghost desert, he had fought with much frustration. Most of the time, he was fighting inside Divine Bean Palace, afraid of damaging it, he could not fight freely, while his opponent, Fang clan's first supreme elder, had a huge advantage with strength path, he could fight in close combat freely, making Chen Yi extremely furious but without options.Now, Chen Yi could display his true advantage, he erupted with great battle strength, even without using his trump card, karma divine tree, he managed to suppress both the silver giant and the immemorial rock dragon.

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Chapter 1575. Fang Yuan's Actions | Reverend Insanity

Chen Yi displayed his true strength as Heavenly Court obtained the advantage. What worried Fang Yuan more was that they had not gone all out yet.Even Chen Yi, who was doing most of the work had not used karma divine tree."Even though Chen Yi is inferior to Purple Mountain True Monarch and Duke Long, he is still a first rate expert among rank eights! Fairy Zi Wei and Thunder Ghost True Monarch are similar, while Feng Jiu Ge cannot be underestimated. I need to act myself!"Chen Yi suppressed the immemorial rock dragon and silver giant, Feng Jiu Ge and Fairy Zi Wei were resisting the super immortal formation, Lang Ya Sect only had Fang Yuan left who had rank eight battle strength, if he did not act now, who could save them?And the truth was, Lang Ya land spirit had already urged Fang Yuan multiple times.Golden light flickered as Fang Yuan appeared in front Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei had expected this, she waved her hand as a gust of divine purple wind started to blow.As the wind blew, it caused ripples on reverse flow protection seal."Oh? This killer move!" Fang Yuan's heart sank.This divine purple wind matched the strength of its enemy, it was similar to reverse flow protection seal, it was a defensive retaliation type. Reverse flow protection seal did not have any offensive might, as both moves reflected the damage over and over again to each other, neither sides could do anything to the other, Fang Yuan was pushed out by this wind."Fang Yuan, you finally came out!" A flash of lightning flickered as Thunder Ghost True Monarch Jing Lan teleported and appeared behind Fang Yuan, smiling sinisterly and full of killing intent."Trident lightning dissolution!" Jing Lan shouted as three flashes of lightning appeared from her fingertips.The lightning crackled and gathered in the air, forming into a trident made of blue lightning.Trident lightning dissolution landed on Fang Yuan's back but was blocked by reverse flow protection seal and reflected back at her.Jing Lan laughed loudly as she swallowed this trident lightning dissolution before flying away with eyes crackling with sparks.Fang Yuan's heart sank: "Oh no, this trident lightning dissolution killer move is meant to probe my reverse flow protection seal. Even though Thunder Ghost True Monarch is not a wisdom path Gu Immortal, with Fairy Zi Wei the wisdom path great expert here, they can try to unravel my reverse flow protection seal here!"Last time, due to Fang Yuan's trap, Thunder Ghost True Monarch was beaten up and Fairy Zi Wei failed.However, the trap that Fang Yuan set up was exposed, it could no longer be used.During this period, Fang Yuan had planned and cultivated intensely, making many preparations, Heavenly Court did the same. Not only did they help Thunder Ghost True Monarch to replenish her Immortal Gu, Fairy Zi Wei even used Star Constellation Chessboard to deduce trident lightning dissolution for Thunder Ghost True Monarch, in order to deal with Fang Yuan's reverse flow protection seal!Fang Yuan had a heavy heart but he did not fluster, the truth was, he had expected this.He actively attacked and tried to fight with Fairy Zi Wei and Thunder Ghost True Monarch, in order to reduce the pressure on the rest.Both sides fought continuously as Cloud Cover Continent's terrain was completely devastated. The sounds of their battle resounded throughout the skies, the countless hairy man mortals and Gu Masters were extremely fearful and in shock.After the silver giant destroyed a giant tree divine statue, Chen Yi created another one.The immemorial rock dragon was trapped in the immortal binding vines, it had little hope of escaping.Even Fang Yuan could not help it. He had tried but the outer layer of the ancient tree prison cage was too thick and did not fear immortal killer moves, it was a pain to get through."This killer move is not immune to all immortal killer moves, we just lack the necessary method. If I had enough time, with my wisdom path methods, I can deduce and unravel this move!"Fang Yuan sighed to himself.This was the essence of Genesis Lotus true inheritance's killer moves, it was like reverse flow protection seal which rendered all of Heavenly Court helpless against it.Now, Fang Yuan was on the receiving side, against this ancient tree prison cage, he had the same feelings as Fairy Zi Wei who had faced reverse flow protection seal earlier.After some fighting, Heavenly Court still had the upper hand, and their advantage was growing.Fang Yuan did not deduce Luo Po seal, he did not have an offensive rank eight killer move, he could defend using reverse flow protection seal, but he could not be of any threat to the four immortals.Ancient battle formation Heavenly Giant Solor was the same, even though the hairy man Gu Immortals had many methods and deep chemistry, they were not fighting against Feng Jiu Ge this time, but Chen Yi instead.Chen Yi had rich methods that were all at rank eight level, no matter how Lang Ya land spirit resisted, he was suppressed by Chen Yi.After some more time, Fairy Zi Wei suddenly frowned as she ordered: "Senior Jing Lan, go around and find wisdom Gu.""Little thief, I will let you off for now!" Even though Thunder Ghost True Monarch hated Fang Yuan, the bigger picture was more important, she snickered at Fang Yuan before flying away from the battlefield like lightning.Lang Ya's side could only watch helplessly as she left.The truth was, Heavenly Court's invasion was not just to eliminate Fang Yuan and annex Lang Ya to repair fate Gu, their most important goal was to obtain the wild wisdom Gu.This legendary rank nine Immortal Gu had been in Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's hands long ago. Ordinary forces could not make use of it, but Heavenly Court had abundant methods. Forget about the rest, with just this wisdom Gu, Star Constellation Chessboard would become a rank nine Immortal Gu House, its power would rise sharply! Just this advantage was enough for Fairy Zi Wei to come personally.Earlier, when Heavenly Court's four immortals arrived, Fairy Zi Wei had already used her investigative killer moves, even though her search range extended throughout Lang Ya blessed land, she could not find wisdom Gu.And now, she could only send Thunder Ghost True Monarch.Seeing that Thunder Ghost True Monarch had left the battlefield, Lang Ya land spirit screamed in anger while fearing that the mortal hairy men would be targeted, but because he was trapped by Chen Yi, the silver giant was still restricted by the immortal binding vine and could not move, even though many layers were pulled off, it was quite frustrating."They are looking for wisdom Gu!" Fang Yuan's eyes burst out with bright light.His wisdom path methods were extraordinary, he had already deduced Heavenly Court's intention.It was a pity that Heavenly Court did not know wisdom Gu was already in Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture. Last time, they had failed to take it from Lang Ya blessed land, that was the best opportunity, the difficulty had risen by thousands of times now!"In that case…" Bright light flashed in Fang Yuan's eyes, he noticed that this was the best opportunity!Immemorial year beast!He opened his immortal aperture and let out the monkey immemorial year beast.At the same time, he charged forward and used countless immortal killer moves to attack Fairy Zi Wei.Among the four Heavenly Court immortals, the biggest threat was not Chen Yi who had Genesis Lotus true inheritance, rank eight expert Thunder Ghost True Monarch Jing Lan who could resist Spectral Soul, or Feng Jiu Ge who had assimilation wind song, it was Fairy Zi Wei.The reason was simple, she was a wisdom path great expert!Just this point alone made her the leader of this expedition. Given enough time, she could deduce and create countless miracles.He had to eliminate this wisdom path Gu Immortal first!

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