
Chapter: 1461-1465:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1461. Weirdly Prosperous | Reverend Insanity

The sovereign immortal aperture was filled with serenity and peace.Because without changes in weather or day and night, this place was completely still.Fang Yuan had rank seven cultivation level, the sovereign immortal aperture was only a blessed land, there were no weather phenomena in blessed lands. Only at the brink of becoming a grotto-heaven would such phenomena emerge.Even without atmospheric changes, the sovereign immortal aperture was not a dead land, it was filled with life.Mini Northern Plains was colder, especially towards the extreme north, there was nothing there. After annexing Han Dong's blessed land, there was a spirit snake resource point managed by the pink spirit snake land spirit. Other than that, he had the bone burial field with lots of bone immortal materials. And to the south, Fang Yuan was trying to create a blood red grassland with blood sickle grass and red axe flowers as the foundation, to let those pink flower rabbits, wolves, and foxes live in.In Mini Central Continent, there was a blood zhi forest and mirror willow forest, they were grown here casually by Fang Yuan, he did not nurture them purposely, their scale was not big. There was also a jade light pit that had light path mortal Gu.In Mini Western Desert, his focus was on the eerie fire dragon python pit, the sand gull beach, rotten black swamp, rotting swamp, black hound mound (belonged to Liu Yong blessed land, managed by the black hound land spirit). There was also a new mortal Gu House, Corpse City, which Fang Yuan had obtained from Western Desert's translocation desert. Most of the immortal materials inside were traded to Thousand Transformation's will, little was left.In Mini Eastern Sea, it was no longer a shallow body of water, it had a trace of an ocean's capacity. Especially the two sea areas, dragon scale sea area and Wu Yi Hai's sea area, for the former, Fang Yuan had invested a lot of finances and energy into creating this large scale resource point, and for the latter, after annexing Wu Yi Hai's blessed land, the sea turtle was managing it for Fang Yuan, there were three ancient desolate beast horned divine tortoises, a field of ancient desolate plant silent corals, and six desolate beast white letter blue feather seagulls.Other than the two sea areas, there was a blood lake, it was not too big, Fang Yuan had used it to repair blood asset Immortal Gu earlier, he had kept it for now, the water of the lake has collected a lot of desolate beast and Gu Immortal blood.Below the blood lake, there were many shallow seas, arranged by Fang Yuan specially to raise the air bubble fish, literature carps, jade carps, blood jade carps and others, there was even an ancient desolate beast hidden room oyster, Fang Yuan had obtained it in Eastern Sea.The secluded domain of heaven and earth, Reverse Flow River, was also placed here.Mini Southern Border was the region with the most development among all of them.There was Five Light Mountain, Immortal Succession Mountain, Become Dragon Mound, Heaven Sealing Mountain, and a dozen other nameless mountains, as well as coiling thread caves and the stalactite cave. In the forest and underground, a small number of rockmen were living here, the vegetation included musical trees, tea streams, qi death birds and others, creating an ecosystem with great vitality.As for the miniature nine heavens, Mini Red Heaven had a large number of year beasts and that immemorial year monkey.Fang Yuan had been paying attention to Mini Orange Heaven recently, there was the light shine fungi that made the scale of aurora lights expand rapidly, and more flowing light fruits were being nurtured within.Mini Yellow Heaven was very empty, there was only a tiny gold fragment current.Mini Green Heaven was completely empty, but Fang Yuan had placed dream realms in it previously.Mini Azure Heaven had the pill azure incense, this was the food of change soul Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan had stored a batch in here last time. There was also a heavenly crystal storage pool, it was at the center of Mini Azure Heaven, but it was useless.Mini Blue Heaven had the most development among the miniature nine heavens. There was a lot of cloud soil here, with lots of star path resources planted here, like arrow bamboo forest and the star fragment grass field, meteorite pit, and a huge floating star fragment island, it was Ye Lui Qun Xing's blessed land, Fang Yuan had annexed it with the star core land spirit managing the place.There was also a falling star hound infant living here. It was very lonely but it would clash with other desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts elsewhere, after keeping it here, Fang Yuan rarely took care of it.In Mini Purple Heaven, there were groups of eagles. These eagles were desolate beasts and also ancient desolate beasts, Fang Yuan had sold Immortal Gu during the dream realm incident to purchase them. They had helped him to enslave the upper extreme heavenly eagle to survive the danger, they were extremely useful. Fang Yuan had wanted to sell them, but he could definitely not get Immortal Gu with them, it would be a huge loss. And since he took more than eighty eagle nests from Hei tribe's headquarters, he could raise these eagles in them, even though it was not as amazing as the heavenly crystal eagle nest.In the remaining two heavens, Mini White Heaven had an eagle hound group, three ancient remnant heavenly dogs, and the plantation field of multicolored overlord flowers. Mini Black Heaven had no light at all, it was a special environment, there were only a few ancient desolate plant walking meat trees there.After collating all these assets, Fang Yuan was already on par with some rank eight Gu Immortals.But for the size of the entire immortal aperture, these resources were too little.The reason?The sovereign immortal aperture was simply too large. In the 335000km2 of space, these resources only occupied a small amount of space.And in terms of the entire sovereign immortal aperture's development, assuming a hundred percent of the space could be used, Fang Yuan was merely slightly above three percent now.Three percent development.This was naturally not bad, it was a good thing.The sovereign immortal aperture had unparalleled prospects, but from another perspective, Fang Yuan had no confidence in when he would reach a hundred percent development. This would be a huge task, he would need an extremely huge amount of time.Throughout history, Gu Immortals had created an evaluation of immortal aperture development.There were seven levels.The first level was establishing mortal resources, to produce mortal Gu, mortal Gu materials, and ordinary beasts and plants.These resources were in huge scales. Mortals could only raise five to six mortal Gu at a time. But Gu Immortals raised millions of mortal Gu at once. Fang Yuan even sold more than a hundred million year Gu earlier.The second level was to create immortal level resources and produce immortal materials. When this level is accomplished, the Gu Immortal will be able to produce food for their Immortal Gu self-sufficiently.The third level was to create an ecology to raise immortal beasts and plants.The fourth level was to use excess immortal materials, beasts, and plants to trade and earn profits.…Looking at this, Fang Yuan was at the fourth level because he had a lot of business that were doing well to earn him lots of profits. Earlier in the year Gu business, Fang Yuan used his great strength to dominate the market in treasure yellow heaven, the three sellers were completely helpless against him."But from another perspective, I am still at the second level, because I have not reached self-sufficiency in feeding my Immortal Gu."Fang Yuan knew why.He had simply too many Immortal Gu.Rank eight: Attitude, Wisdom Sword, Years Flow Like Water.Rank seven: Sword Eyebrows, Wave Sword, Flying Sword, Sword Escape, Year, After, Divination Tortoise Shell, Dragon Breath, Dragon Scale, Precaution, Big, Fight, Affection, Self Love, Perseverance, Reputation Restriction, Change Soul, Bloodline, Dragon Strength, Formation Flag, and others.Rank six: Self Strength, Pulling Mountain, Pulling Water, Strength Qi, Spring Autumn Cicada, Landscape as Before, Man as Before, Day, Unravel Mystery, Vajra Thought, Dog Shit Luck, Qi Luck, Woman's Heart, Blood Asset, Change Form, Star Eyes, Perceivable Dao, Yellow Sand, Cleanse Soul, Luck Inspection, Connect Luck, Time Luck, Star Thought, and others.For the last four including Luck Inspection, Fang Yuan had owned them before, but after the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, due to Change Soul, Ying Wu Xie took them away. Fang Yuan used his special will to destroy a few, but Ying Wu Xie managed to preserve some of them in the end.Furthermore, there were some wisdom path Immortal Gu that Purple Mountain True Monarch left him, and the time path Immortal Gu that made up a portion of Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, they would not be specified.Just counting these, there were more than fifty!A shocking number!!Most Gu Immortals were still desperately trying to find an Immortal Gu.In the Gu Immortal world, there were the most number of rank six Gu Immortals, and most of them had no Immortal Gu at all!Among the rank seven and rank eight Gu Immortals, some had two or three Immortal Gu, while others had five to six.But there was a rule — rank six Gu Immortals desire rank six Immortal Gu, rank seven Gu Immortals desire rank seven Immortal Gu, and rank eight Gu Immortals desire rank eight Immortal Gu, while rank nine venerables wanted rank nine Immortal Gu.But Fang Yuan?He had more than fifty Immortal Gu!!!They encompassed rank six, rank seven, and rank eight.And this was excluding Calamity Beckoning lent to Chu Du, wisdom Gu in Lang Ya blessed land, and dark limit Immortal Gu taken by Heavenly Court. There was also the formation spirit, it was created by an Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan's situation was too special.An otherworldly demon who had reborn, the hope of Red Lotus Demon Venerable, a former pawn of heaven's will, and the current leader of Shadow Sect having countless true inheritances.Even though the journey was dangerous and filled with despair, one had to say, immense risk brought about immense benefits.Fang Yuan was weirdly prosperous now.Because of countless fortuitous encounters, he had the economic foundation of level four development, but he had not fulfilled the requirement of level two.Feeding Immortal Gu had always been a huge burden and problem to him."But now, after so much hard work, I have finally gotten some hope of resolving this problem.""Rank nine wisdom Gu is fed by the profligate Lang Ya land spirit, and I have already solved the problem of food for the three rank eight Immortal Gu.""Next, I will complete my basic development and solve the feeding problem of the rank six and seven Immortal Gu, to reach self-sufficiency."Looking at it, Fang Yuan still did not have enough immortal essence stones!"Marriage connection with the snowmen?"Fang Yuan pondered.When Xue Er brought him the snow lotus essence, she also expressed the intention of a marriage connection.These variant humans spoke outrightly and directly."If I work by myself to solve the food issue, it will take a long time. But if I use the snowmen, my progress will be rapid.""What I lack most now is time.""I am not against a marriage connection with the snowmen."

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1462. Lang Ya Missions | Reverend Insanity

On Dang Hun mountain, there were guts Gu everywhere.Fang Yuan picked them along the way as he strengthened his soul.His soul foundation started to increase, after a while, from one million man soul, it rose to five million man soul level.Fang Yuan felt an extremely bloated feeling, like he was going to burst.Fang Yuan knew he was at his limit, he left Dang Hun Mountain and came to Luo Po Valley.After some cultivation, his soul was refined like tempered steel, it became purer and more condensed.After this, his soul foundation stabilized at one million five hundred thousand man soul."After million man soul, each cultivation session raises it by five hundred thousand man soul?""Including the time needed to rest my soul, and the production of guts Gu, I need half a year to reach ten million man soul."Fang Yuan estimated and frowned.This was too slow for him.Ten years, after ten years, Heavenly Court would completely repair fate Immortal Gu. By then, Heavenly Court would have the absolute advantage, Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect would have no hope.He needed half a year out of ten years to reach ten million man soul, there was also hundred million man soul and higher levels after that.Fang Yuan was not satisfied with the speed."If I can increase the production of guts Gu, I could increase my cultivation speed even further."The production of guts Gu was limiting his soul foundation growth.Dang Hun Mountain was undoubtedly his money tree, but it needed good quality souls to produce more guts Gu endlessly.According to the agreement back then, a portion of these guts Gu belonged to Lang Ya Sect, Lang Ya land spirit had to sell them for profits, with a portion of the revenue going to Fang Yuan.Right now, Fang Yuan was using a portion of the guts Gu to cultivate his soul path. It caused his revenue to fall sharply in this business.But thankfully, the year Gu business earlier earned him a lot, Fang Yuan had a lot of funds left now.Fang Yuan assessed it, it was not wise to negotiate with Lang Ya land spirit now to increase his portion of the guts Gu production. Because he needed Lang Ya Sect now, be it staying inside Lang Ya blessed land to develop or using them to refine Gu.In the batch of Immortal Gu refinement earlier, the three Immortal Gu were extremely useful to Fang Yuan, they were now at the second batch of Gu refinement, focusing on mortal Gu like the white lotus giant silkworm Gu, and two Immortal Gu. One was Heavenly Secret, it was created by Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable, and was obtained by Old Man Yan Shi, he created an immortal killer move with it, known as exposing heavenly secret.This move had a mystical effect, it could predict the contents of the following calamity or tribulation!If Lang Ya Sect could refine heavenly secret Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan would be able to use exposing heavenly secret, it would help him in undergoing tribulations tremendously."However… placing a mission for Lang Ya Sect to refine Immortal Gu has been depleting my sect contribution points, I need to check this!"Thus, after the soul cultivation ended, Fang Yuan used his information path mortal Gu to check Lang Ya Sect's missions.Undoubtedly, the current Lang Ya land spirit was far more suited for managing Lang Ya Sect than the previous land spirit.Under his management, the entire sect was excavating its potential fully, they were bursting with life.At this moment, Lang Ya Sect had many missions, most of them were the Gu refinement missions that Fang Yuan handed out. Below that, the one of great importance was the exploration of Tai Qiu.Ever since Lang Ya Sect created the teleportation formation, it had been exploring Tai Qiu and excavating the natural resources within.This was the main development route that Lang Ya Sect was taking.But Tai Qiu was a dangerous place, ordinary Gu Immortals did not want to enter it, even though there were abundant resources, fierce beasts and dangerous plants grew inside. And the problem was, Lang Ya Sect's Gu Immortals were skilled at refinement but weak at fighting.Even though they had been raising their strength recently, there were few who could fight.Thus, when they encountered overly strong beasts or plants, these hairy man Gu Immortals would be in trouble. The exploration of Tai Qiu was unsuccessful.Seeing these missions, countless thoughts moved about in Fang Yuan's mind rapidly.In a few breaths of time, he chose over a dozen missions with the highest returns.At the next moment, he accepted all of these missions."First supreme elder." Fang Yuan communicated with Lang Ya land spirit using the information path mortal Gu.Lang Ya land spirit learned of Fang Yuan's actions as he said in joy: "Fang Yuan, with your strength, these missions will be extremely easy!"But Fang Yuan shook his head: "This is what I wanted to discuss with you. I want to send my subordinates to deal with these missions for me. This does not go against Lang Ya Sect's rules, right?"Lang Ya land spirit was slightly dazed, he did not think of this when he created the sect rules.Speaking of which, this was not a loophole. Why couldn't the Gu Immortal who accepted the mission be allowed to get help?Lang Ya land spirit replied to Fang Yuan: "Then you need to ensure that these subordinates will not harm Lang Ya Sect!"Fang Yuan smiled: "Of course."After communicating with Lang Ya land spirit, Fang Yuan started to dispatch the members of Shadow Sect.Hei Lou Lan, Ying Wu Xie, Fairy Miao Yin, and Lady White Rabbit, it was a waste to let them idle around. Now, they could be fully utilized.Eventually, even Bai Ning Bing joined in.Because from her perspective, she allied with Fang Yuan to regain her male body, she needed to refine immortal level yin yang rotation Gu.But when she realized that Fang Yuan was relying on Lang Ya Sect to refine Gu, she turned her attention to Lang Ya Sect.Regretfully, Lang Ya Sect did not trust the outsider Bai Ning Bing. Fang Yuan also secretly disrupted their communication, causing Bai Ning Bing to be forced to rely on him.She was Fang Yuan's ally, he had no rights to order her, but why would Fang Yuan waste her battle strength?Under Fang Yuan's special negotiation, Bai Ning Bing believed Fang Yuan: As long as she killed more beasts and plants, she would obtain the sect contribution points that Fang Yuan was getting for them, he would use them to place a sect mission to refine yin yang rotation Immortal Gu.Several days later.Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Northern Plains.Large pieces of round snowflakes were descending from the sky.This special snowflake was pure white with the size of an adult's palm.This was rank six immortal material dancing snow, it was formed naturally, and would not melt as long as the temperature was kept at a certain level. It would always stay afloat, even if it landed to the ground, it would fly upwards instead.Fang Yuan inspected and saw no problems, he thought: "These days, I finally finished arranging the snowmen's betrothal gift, this project has been completed."The snowmen wanted to have a marriage connection with Fang Yuan, Xue Er would not come empty-handed of course.She brought a gift.The main portion was the snow lotus essence. This was a specialty immortal material of the snowmen, it was rare in treasure yellow heaven, Fang Yuan obtained quite a bit of it as he stored it in Mini Northern Plains.The second highest quantity was the dancing snow. It was coincidentally a rank six wisdom path Immortal Gu's food, Fang Yuan could feed it four to five times with this batch.The difficulty of feeding rank six Immortal Gu was very different from feeding rank eight Immortal Gu.This was a small surprise, Fang Yuan did not need to waste his effort going to treasure yellow heaven to purchase dancing snow.Other than that, there were some resources that were not so useful. Fang Yuan sold some and kept some, he perfectly utilized them."This is too little, if I can get more resources, my immortal aperture's development will be even faster.""Since the snowmen want a marriage connection with me, just these gifts are insufficient."Fang Yuan sneered inside.He accepted all of the gifts but did not respond directly to the snowmen's request for a marriage connection.When the guts Gu accumulated to a certain scale, Fang Yuan started his soul path cultivation again.Day after day, he immersed himself in cultivation. His soul foundation was growing at a rapid rate, other than soul path, he even used the light of wisdom to modify killer moves.He had a great number of killer moves, they involved almost all paths. He needed to modify the useful killer moves from within them so that he could use them with his available Immortal Gu. This would greatly increase his methods and battle strength!Fang Yuan was deep in cultivation, while Shadow Sect's members were exploring Tai Qiu and fighting. Sixth Hair and Lang Ya land spirit were refining Immortal Gu for Fang Yuan, almost everyone was busy with their goals, but Xue Er became the most anxious one now.This beauty of the snowman tribe had an important mission from the snowmen, but Fang Yuan took the gifts without even seeing her. She was left hanging here without any attention given.Xue Er had asked to meet Fang Yuan several times, but she was only a rank six Gu Immortal while Fang Yuan had rank eight battle strength, the two of them were too different in strength, and because he was in Lang Ya blessed land, Fang Yuan rejected her each time.This way, Xue Er could not meet him, she felt extremely dispirited, the worry and anger on her face became deeper each day.On this day, the snowmen sent her a letter to rush her again, but Xue Er had hope now.Because the snowman tribe saw that Xue Er was making no progress, they discussed among themselves.They came to a consensus: Since Fang Yuan accepted the gifts, he wanted the marriage connection. But why did he not meet Xue Er, it was because the gifts were not enough for his high status.Thus, the snowmen gathered some more gifts and sent it along with the letter to Xue Er."What is this?""I am the pride of the snowmen, my beauty is renowned. This time, I requested for a marriage connection and even brought sufficient gifts. But it was not enough to meet him even once!"With heavy emotions, Xue Er requested to meet Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan finally met her.But what he said to her was something out of her expectations.

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Chapter 1463. Testing Xue Er | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan looked down towards Xue Er.She was young and beautiful, she was tall and vibrant, she had blue eyes and hair, she had the icy trait of her variant human race.Her tender skin and plump chest would make countless men pay attention towards her.She was undoubtedly the number one beauty of the snowman tribe.But Fang Yuan was unmoved by her beauty. Not just that, he even found trouble with her: "This is the sincerity of the snowmen?"Xue Er could not understand what Fang Yuan meant, she quickly said: "Lord Fang Yuan, please do not misunderstand.""Such a small gift and you want to have a marriage connection with me? Your tribe is dreaming if they think it is so easy to gain help equivalent to that of a rank eight." Fang Yuan sneered.Xue Er was dazed.Fang Yuan spoke so plainly she could not accept it.She also felt some shame and anger in her heart.She was the cream of her generation, the publicly recognized number one beauty, she was bringing gifts to request for a marriage connection, she was lowering her head and status.To think that Fang Yuan was so prideful and looked down on her, he was also extremely greedy, thinking that the snowmen gift was insincere.How could it be little?The gift was very precious, the snowman tribe had picked all of it from their inventory specially for Fang Yuan.Originally, Xue Er had a good impression of Fang Yuan. After all, he had incredible talent and had rank eight battle strength, it was an achievement that not many could attain. But now, her impression of him became rock bottom.With her temper, she would have left long ago. But now, it was not about her alone, she was tasked by her tribe for this important mission.Xue Er breathed in deeply, asking: "Lord Fang Yuan, you have already taken two sets of gifts, I am sure you agree to our marriage connection. If you are unhappy with the gifts, you can give us your requests. I will bring them back for our elders to discuss."Fang Yuan had prepared the list long ago, an information path mortal Gu flew out of him and went to Xue Er."This?!" Xue Er took a look and her eyes popped out.Fang Yuan's greed was too shocking.But even when she was shocked, she was very beautiful, her eyes were wide open, even though she lost a portion of her coolness, she became quite cute."Not just this list." Fang Yuan added."You have other requests?" Xue Er had an unsightly expression as she held down her anger.But Fang Yuan was confident and unabashed. He spoke matter of factly: "If your tribe can meet my requirements, that would be enough. But you yourself have not expressed enough sincerity.""My sincerity?"Fang Yuan raised his head as he smiled: "Not just anyone can become my wife, Fang Yuan's wife. Even though the snowmen recommended you, your qualifications will depend on my test.""Test?" Xue Er gritted her teeth: "Please explain to me, Lord Fang Yuan."Fang Yuan said: "Go to Tai Qiu and collect souls for me. When you leave, someone will arrange it for you."Xue Er felt anguished, how could a genius like her be treated in such a cold manner?But due to the mission from her sect, she had to nod and agree.Seeing Xue Er leave, Fang Yuan pondered deeply.With this arrangement, he could make use of Xue Er's battle strength, there would be another person helping him cultivate faster.But that was not important.He was actually trying to probe them.Accepting the second gift while expressing his displeasure and wanting to test Xue Er, he showed his pride fully, this was to test the bottom line of the snowmen.Since they wanted a marriage connection, how much determination did they have?Or rather, the higher their determination, the more benefits Fang Yuan could squeeze out from them.Fang Yuan was not anxious.A marriage connection could not be decided in such a short time. Both sides were not familiar with each other yet, even though Fang Yuan was probing them, the snowmen were also probing Fang Yuan.But Fang Yuan was sure that there were benefits to be gained here!The marriage connection was not the main thing.Fang Yuan quickly set it aside and placed his attention on his cultivation.Soul cultivation was one aspect, managing his immortal aperture was another, other than that, Fang Yuan also used the light of wisdom to modify his killer moves.Fang Yuan's strongest method was undoubtedly immortal killer move reverse flow protection seal, but he was not modifying that now.Even though this move was not safe against Heavenly Court now, Fang Yuan was in no immediate danger. Not only was he in Northern Plains, he was also inside Lang Ya blessed land, he had the concealment of ghost soldier garment, Heavenly Court could not find him in the meantime.And there was another reason, modifying reverse flow protection seal would take too much time, it was too slow.Fang Yuan thought about it and decided to modify Purple Mountain True Monarch's wisdom path killer moves.Why did he choose those?Firstly, these killer moves were very powerful and exceptional. Secondly, Fang Yuan had grandmaster wisdom path attainment level, he was qualified to modify them. Finally, Fang Yuan had a batch of wisdom path Immortal Gu with him, they were left behind by Purple Mountain True Monarch.Purple blood river formation, purple thought light shield, ignited thought flying rock, single thought flower blossom, purple thought perception starlight, directional confusion fog, thought body defense, single thought myriad flow elimination, and others, when Purple Mountain True Monarch was not in his peak condition, he used these methods to face Duke Long.Who was Duke Long?He was the master of Red Lotus, he had a huge background and unparalleled battle strength, he was at the peak of rank eight!When Fang Yuan was modifying his killer moves, Ying Wu Xie approached Xue Er."You are Xue Er?" Ying Wu Xie asked.Xue Er saw that Ying Wu Xie was smaller in stature than her, resembling a young girl. He had pale snow-like skin,he was wearing a flowery green dress, there were two pearl earrings hanging on his ears, as if water was inside the pearls, there were green ripples inside when they shook.Ying Wu Xie was in Fairy Cui Bo's body, he was very enchanting. If not so, Thousand Transformations Ancestor would not have made her his third concubine and adored her deeply."Who is this beautiful immortal? What relationship does she have with Fang Yuan? This is not in our tribe's information, and she is a rank seven Gu Immortal." Xue Er had lots of suspicions, but she smiled: "I am Xue Er, beautiful sister, may I know what your name is?"Ying Wu Xie frowned.He was initially very excited about using Fairy Cui Bo's body. But after a while, he felt like it was getting very uncomfortable.Not long ago, he requested to Fang Yuan to change this body, even if he changed to a rank six body, it was fine as long as he could cultivate soul path."Don't call me sister, you can call me brother Wu Xie." Ying Wu Xie waved his hand: "Let's go, I will bring you to Tai Qiu and meet up with them. This is sect leader's test to you, we will see who obtains higher quality souls in the same period of time.""Yes." Xue Er quickly answered, but she had many questions in her.She walked at the back as she stared at Ying Wu Xie, thinking: "This female immortal is so weird, she wants me to call her brother?"The two left Lang Ya blessed land and reached Tai Qiu using the teleportation Gu formation.Once they entered Tai Qiu, Xue Er felt nervous, after all, this was a famous place in Northern Plains for its danger level.At the same time, she felt uneasy towards the test, she only had rank six cultivation level and her investigative methods were her forte."Come with me, quick quick quick!""Time is very precious, we need to treasure every moment and use it to cultivate.""We need to continue working hard, that is the true meaning of life."Ying Wu Xie continued to nag at Xue Er, he was very determined. This was the effect of immortal killer move soaring fighting spirit.Xue Er felt that Ying Wu Xie was really weird, she was so beautiful, but she acted like a rash lad, it was unimaginable."But are we too careless by flying like this?" Xue Er was worried, this was Tai Qiu, fierce beasts roamed everywhere, danger was everywhere. Flying around openly like this made them open targets.While flying, Xue Er felt very nervous, she was afraid of a fierce beast assaulting her out of nowhere.But after flying for a while, her worry did not become real.In fact, her worry was fading, she felt deeply shocked internally."The area around the teleportation formation has been cleared by Lang Ya Sect and is in their control. They have actually explored Tai Qiu to this extent!""It seems that Lang Ya Sect's strength surpasses my tribe's estimations." Xue Er immediately sent this information back to the snowmen."Oh? There are a group of dragon-elephants." Suddenly, Xue Er said.Ying Wu Xie who was traveling with her looked with surprise, he thought that this woman had some of her own worth.Ying Wu Xie's methods only found those dragon-elephants a few breaths of time after Xue Er.Shadow Sect's investigative methods were naturally superior to Xue Er's, but in Ying Wu Xie's current body, those methods were restricted."These dragon-elephants are needed by sect leader, let's capture them." Ying Wu Xie changed his flying direction.Xue Er was not surprised, because she had looked at Fang Yuan's list, there were dragon-elephants listed on it.This group of dragon-elephants was quite ordinary, there were only two or three desolate level dragon-elephants.Ying Wu Xie quickly landed as he used his soul path immortal killer move.His soul howl reverberated among the dragon-elephant group as they all fainted and fell unconscious."An impressive technique." Xue Er was slightly shocked, but a new question arose within: "She has water path aura, why is she using a soul path method?"Ying Wu Xie was most skilled in lead soul into dream, but the Gu worms to construct this move were kept by Fang Yuan.Only a few soul path Immortal Gu were left for Ying Wu Xie. Thus, his main methods were soul path.Ying Wu Xie kept these dragon-elephants in his immortal aperture as he continued on the journey with Xue Er.A moment later, they met with Hei Lou Lan."Another great beauty!" Xue Er first frowned before her brows relaxed.She observed secretly: "Compared to Wu Xie, this person only has rank six cultivation level, she is the same as me."Xue Er let out a sigh of relief inside.

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Chapter 1464. No Wonder Fang Yuan Thinks Little of Me | Reverend Insanity

Xue Er was a talented descendant of the snowman tribe, she was a genius, but the snowman tribe undoubtedly had little resources.Xue Er was able to become rank six at such an age, it was quite incredible. But after meeting with Ying Wu Xie, she could not match this rank seven, although she showed nothing on the surface, she felt great pressure in her heart.Now that she saw a rank six immortal, her heavy heart became slightly lighter."Hi, you can call me Xue Er." Xue Er first introduced herself, she felt that she should be friendly to the people under Fang Yuan, to create a good relationship with them."Hello, you can call me Lou Lan." Hei Lou Lan smiled, her gaze flickered as she assessed Xue Er subtly.She thought: "Snowman Gu Immortal? Why did she approach us? Fang Yuan… what is he thinking?"The snowmen wanted a marriage connection with Fang Yuan, he did not inform anyone other than Ying Wu Xie. Thus, Hei Lou Lan only knew that Fang Yuan wanted the Shadow Sect immortals to take Xue Er along and work together in the meantime to explore Tai Qiu."Alright, now that you've done the introductions, let's leave first." Ying Wu Xie said.He took out an information path Gu worm and used his method to learn about Fairy Miao Yin's and Lady White Rabbit's location."Hei Lou Lan, go ahead with your work, I will bring Xue Er to the others."Seeing the two of them leave, Hei Lou Lan had a thought.Her instincts told her that Xue Er joined them very suddenly and mysteriously, her goal was not simple.Hei Lou Lan was an ambitious person, even though she was under the alliance agreement and lost her freedom, she had been wanting to break free of Fang Yuan's control all along.Who would not want freedom?"Wait, I'll go with you. I am in charge of finding the sharp tusk boars, but I can't find any. I will ask Miao Yin to help me find them." Hei Lou Lan said as she flew towards them.Xue Er was very happy, she wanted to get closer to Hei Lou Lan.Hei Lou Lan also wanted to probe information from her, she acted very warmly and kindly.Thus, with Ying Wu Xie at the lead, Xue Er and Hei Lou Lan traveled together behind him."Elder sister Lou Lan, I am very happy to meet you." Not long later, Xue Er addressed Hei Lou Lan as elder sister, placing herself at a lower status."This dumb woman…" Hei Lou Lan snorted in her heart.She was once the victor of the imperial court contest, she had a deep hatred and lived with difficulty under her father's shadow, she was skilled at scheming. Compared to her, Xue Er lived peacefully in the snowman tribe, due to her past, she was quite innocent in nature.Hei Lou Lan soon found that Xue Er wanted to know about the Shadow Sect immortals desperately.She made use of Xue Er's intention, she exposed some useful information while probing her.Xue Er was guarded of course, but she could not match Hei Lou Lan's scheming, just as she was about to expose herself, Ying Wu Xie interjected: "Isn't that a sharp tusk boar? Hei Lou Lan, you are very lucky, you will not need to owe Miao Yin a favor now."Following Ying Wu Xie's direction, Xue Er indeed saw an ancient desolate beast.It was huge and had bulky muscles, it was lying on the ground as it slept, it had a powerful aura.Xue Er's heart jumped, with her battle strength, she was not the sharp tusk boar's match.Hei Lou Lan was interrupted, she felt angry but she could not retort to Ying Wu Xie, she snorted and flew towards the sharp tusk boar."Sister Lou Lan, be careful." Xue Er said in concern, she praised in her heart, this sister Lou Lan that she had just met was really courageous. But with her rank six cultivation level, how could she deal with the sharp tusk boar? She had to rely on this Fairy Cui Bo after all.But the following scene made Xue Er completely stunned.Hei Lou Lan was even fiercer than the sharp tusk boar, when she fought, her aura changed instantly, she was blazing in flames, her heaven blazing flames were terrifyingly powerful."Rank six Immortal Gu, rank seven Immortal Gu… so many Immortal Gu!" Xue Er watched the battle and her eyelids twitched, she saw how rich Hei Lou Lan was.Hei Lou Lan had obtained Blazing Heaven Demoness' inheritance and Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan did not take them since he had enough Immortal Gu, leaving them for Hei Lou Lan would allow her to fight effectively and obtain more souls.Under Hei Lou Lan's terrifying attacks, the sharp tusk boar was first furious before going into a frenzy and escaping after losing.Xue Er was very shocked.Hei Lou Lan exploded with battle strength that was on par with rank seven experts, it was out of Xue Er's expectations."Sister Lou Lan is so strong! Her immortal killer moves are so powerful and overwhelming.""But she clearly has strength path aura, why is she using fire path methods?"Mixed in with her shock was suspicion.Xue Er did not understand!Fairy Cui Bo had water path aura, but she used soul path methods. And now this Hei Lou Lan was a strength path Gu Immortal but used fire path instead!"Alright, let's continue." A moment later, Hei Lou Lan collected the sharp tusk boar corpse, including its ancient desolate soul as well."Sister Lou Lan, you are amazing!" Xue Er looked at Hei Lou Lan with an incredulous gaze.Hei Lou Lan shook her head: "This is nothing.""No, no, you are really amazing. You have rank six Gu Immortal cultivation level but rank seven battle strength. This is not achievable by normal Gu Immortals." Xue Er waved her hands.Hei Lou Lan smiled bitterly: "This is really nothing, in Shadow Sect, I am very ordinary."Xue Er heard Hei Lou Lan's reply and her heart jumped.Hei Lou Lan: "When you see them, you will understand. Let's go."Hei Lou Lan had completed her mission, but she did not return directly, she decided to find the other Shadow Sect Gu Immortals with Xue Er.A while later, they successfully met up with Fairy Miao Yin and Lady White Rabbit.Lady White Rabbit had rank six cultivation level normally, she did not have Hei Lou Lan's battle strength, it was dangerous for her to explore Tai Qiu alone.Thus, Fang Yuan let her and Fairy Miao Yin work together.Of course, when she became Black Tigress, her cultivation level and battle strength would rise to rank seven. However, her Black Tigress state was unstable and could not last long, it had its drawbacks."Hello Xue Er." Fairy Miao Yin smiled kindly."You are a snowman Gu Immortal? This is the first time I am… seeing one." Lady White Rabbit said faintly."What situation is this?" Xue Er was suspicious and depressed.Fairy Miao Yin was a publicly recognized fairy in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world. She had a beautiful body and alluring face, she wore a pinkish-red dress and looked extremely enchanting.As for Lady White Rabbit, she had pale white skin and huge innocent eyes, she was completely pure. Her aura was different from Fairy Miao Yin, even at first glance, Xue Er felt that she was very cute, she had a feeling of adoration and trust towards her.Xue Er analyzed closely.She found that Fairy Miao Yin had rank seven cultivation level while Lady White Rabbit had rank six, similar to her.But after the matter of Hei Lou Lan, Xue Er no longer dared to look at Lady White Rabbit as an ordinary rank six Gu Immortal.The Gu Immortals conversed for a while, everyone was very kind and warm to Xue Er, but they were naturally curious about her.Xue Er was very tight-lipped.It was not that she became scheming, but because there were many people who were all beauties, Xue Er felt incredibly pressured.Why was she here?To have a marriage connection with Fang Yuan.Now, she had to proclaim herself as Fang Yuan's future wife in front of so many people, wasn't that just provoking them? Wasn't she too shameless?At the same time, a question pressed down on Xue Er like a mountain."What relationship do these female immortals have with Fang Yuan?"Actually, Fang Yuan had a clear and simple relationship with them.But Xue Er was an outsider, she could not help but assume wrong things the first time she met them.This was not strange.It was normal mentality."Alright, you have already met us Shadow Sect Gu Immortals. Other than us, there is one final person, a special one." Ying Wu Xie said."Special?" Xue Er's heart tensed.She wanted to ask: "Special as in the relationship they have with Fang Yuan? Are they a male or a female?"But Xue Er did not ask directly, as Ying Wu Xie continued to speak."This person is Bai Ning Bing, she is not a member of Shadow Sect, but she is our ally, we have fought together, even though she only has rank six cultivation level… among us, she has the highest battle strength."Ying Wu Xie hesitated a little at the final sentence.But the other Gu Immortals said nothing about it.Hei Lou Lan's battle strength was weaker than Bai Ning Bing. After all, Great Strength True Martial Physique was incompatible with a fire path inheritance.Fairy Miao Yin's battle strength was about the same as Hei Lou Lan.Lady White Rabbit could be disregarded, as for after becoming Black Tigress, she would be vicious but lacking in methods.Originally, Ying Wu Xie had the highest battle strength, but his reliance was on lead soul into dream, whose Immortal Gu have been taken by Fang Yuan.Thus, Bai Ning Bing, who inherited Bai Xiang's true inheritance and had the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, was the strongest among them."Even stronger than sister Lou Lan?" Xue Er could not believe it.Hei Lou Lan said: "I merely have mid tier battle strength among us."Xue Er opened her eyes in shock, thinking: "My heavens, why are there a bunch of monsters here? Rank six cultivation level but having the highest battle strength, who exactly is this person? How high is their battle talent?""Now, let us bring you there. I told you these things in advance so you can take note, she has a different relationship with us." Ying Wu Xie continued to lead the way.Soon, they arrived at Bai Ning Bing's location.Boom boom boom!Intense explosions resounded in the immortals' ears like thunder.Roar—!Next, the immortals heard a loud and pitiful sound that resembled the cry of a dying beast."This, this is!" When the immortals arrived, Xue Er was shocked to see that Bai Ning Bing was alone in the battlefield, around her was a ring of ancient desolate beasts."All of you came at a right time, I found a good place." Bai Ning Bing stopped the killer move Bai Xiang as she went towards the immortals.Xue Er was greatly shocked."So beautiful!"Bai Ning Bing's beauty and aura was simply breathtaking.Even the genius Xue Er was shaken, she thought: "There is such a beautiful person that exists?"If she knew that Bai Ning Bing was a male turned into a female, who knew how she would feel.Xue Er thought: "Why is Fang Yuan surrounded by so many beauties? And they are such talented people! Now wonder he thinks little of me."

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Chapter 1465. Explosive Growth in Battle Strength | Reverend Insanity

Lang Ya blessed land, Cloud Cover Continent.Fang Yuan was alone, in a huge field of cloud soil.Taking in a deep breath, he calmed his mind and started to use his immortal killer move."Ignited thought flying rock." Fang Yuan called in his mind.His eyes flickered with crystal purple light, thoughts clashed in his mind as small rocks resembling charcoal appeared around his body.These rocks seemed to be burning in flames, but they had no heat."Go." Fang Yuan willed as the rocks floating around his body shot out.The rocks tore through the sky, but there was silence during the attack.At the same time, these rocks expanded and became larger, turning from thumb size to basin size in a moment.Next, they expanded to the size of horse carriages.The rocks became giant rocks, the surface was blazing with red flames.The blazing rocks numbered from hundreds to thousands, at once, the entire sky was dyed red.Next, the blazing rocks landed on the cloud soil and created a field of flames that had neither heat nor made a sound.These were not real blazing rocks, they were formed from thoughts in actuality.This was Purple Mountain True Monarch's main attacking method, ignited thought flying rock, it could burn the target's thoughts.There was a consecutive move with it, called single thought flower blossom.After the blazing rocks exploded, Fang Yuan pointed with the index finger of his right hand.Instantly, the flames extinguished as flowers bloomed in the pits created, countless flowers were fighting to emerge and blossom.The flowers were vibrant and colorful, the surrounding area was dyed by a multicolored field of rainbow flowers."It is a pity my target is not a Gu Immortal, but this cloud soil without thoughts, these flowers are useless and exist only as decorations." Fang Yuan willed as the flowers vanished instantly.Fang Yuan's body shook.Immortal killer move — Single Thought Endless Clones!Instantly, he was surrounded by countless figures.Initially, there were only a few dozen purple silhouettes, but after a few breaths' time, they had grown to the number of several hundred thousand!Meanwhile, Fang Yuan's true body was concealed within them, he could not be found without a powerful investigative killer move.This move was very similar to Fang Yuan's own original tactic.That was to use myriad self and familiar face to act as one of the strength path phantoms, concealing himself to become indiscernible.Purple Mountain True Monarch's move was superior in that it was just one move, but had the effect of Fang Yuan's two moves, myriad self and familiar face. Therefore, it expended less immortal essence.There was another advantage, the speed of the purple silhouettes grew at a faster rate than the strength path phantoms.But the disadvantage was that these purple silhouettes did not have offensive power, they were purely for concealment. Meanwhile, the strength path phantoms had offensive power themselves.Fang Yuan stopped using single thought endless clones as he stretched out both palms, pushing out a wave of fog.This was immortal killer move directional confusion fog, it could make Gu Immortals lose their sense of direction.Next, Fang Yuan used thought body defense, single thought myriad flow elimination, and others, he got familiar with them and used them successfully.He placed his focus towards the end.Immortal killer move — Purple Thought Perception Starlight!This move was the most complex, but it had a powerful and incredible effect.It could allow the user to learn about the profundities of the enemy's killer move with every hit, and continuously gain information about them.Once they collect enough information, Fang Yuan would be able to use wisdom path methods to deal with the enemy's killer move during the battle itself.Next, the immortal killer move brilliant will dissolution would be used to unravel the enemy's killer move and attain victory.Fang Yuan tried to use it.Purple thought perception starlight was indeed filled with many steps, Fang Yuan only succeeded after three tries.During this process, he suffered injuries.But with Man as Before, Fang Yuan was not afraid of such injuries."After these days of practising, I have already grasped most of Purple Mountain True Monarch's methods." Fang Yuan thought.At this time, half a month had already passed since Xue Er approached him.During these days, Fang Yuan mainly cultivated soul path to increase his soul foundation. Right now, he had ten million man soul already.The immortal aperture's development was progressing smoothly and steadily.Other than this, he was practising killer moves.Killer moves needed practise, because each activation carried a risk. If the activation failed, one would be causing harm to themselves.Fang Yuan had countless inheritances, and had a vast number of killer moves.However, the foundation of killer moves were Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan decided to first train Purple Mountain True Monarch's wisdom path killer moves.Purple Mountain True Monarch was a first generation split soul Purple, his methods could contest Duke Long, they were naturally very powerful.Furthermore, before his death, he left most of his wisdom path Immortal Gu to Fang Yuan.Thus, Fang Yuan had the foundation to use Purple Mountain True Monarch's immortal killer moves.Of course, he did not have all of Purple Mountain True Monarch's Immortal Gu, there were quite some missing. But it was not a problem for Fang Yuan, with his grandmaster wisdom path attainment level, and the most important light of wisdom to rely on, he could rapidly modify killer moves.Right now, the wisdom path killer moves that he was using were modified to some extent.After this session, Fang Yuan went to wisdom Gu.He sat beside wisdom Gu and bathed in the light of wisdom, thinking and concluding his gains from this training session.Every time after practise, he would think about the experience and use his gains to modify the killer moves even further.The creation of many killer moves relied on the Gu Immortals' own experiences, habits, and personality.These killer moves were other people's killer moves, they were not as fitting to Fang Yuan as his self created myriad self and strength path giant hand. Thus, Fang Yuan had to continue modifying them.A moment later, Fang Yuan finished his thinking session, there was nothing he could do to modify Purple Mountain True Monarch's immortal killer moves anymore."After these days of practicing and modifying, I have finally reached the limit. Only when my wisdom path attainment reaches a qualitative change can I continue to modify these moves."After understanding this, Fang Yuan did not force it anymore.His deductions today were not focusing on this, he was trying to complete immortal killer move eat strength.Originally, Fang Yuan had Immortal Gu Eat Strength, he could expend immortal essence to activate the Immortal Gu and increase his strength path dao marks. It was a pity that such a useful Immortal Gu was destroyed.But it was not a problem, all of the different paths led to the same origin. Fang Yuan had so many Immortal Gu and the light of wisdom to help him, he could rapidly deduce immortal killer move eat strength.Such an immortal killer move could totally replace the use of eat strength Immortal Gu."My deductions succeeded!" A few minutes later, Fang Yuan left wisdom Gu with a feeling of satisfaction.He started deducing immortal killer move eat strength six days ago, he had finally succeeded.This rank six immortal killer move used snack Immortal Gu as the core, with other strength path Immortal Gu as the supplementary Gu, a Gu Immortal could expend strength path immortal materials to help them increase their strength path dao marks.The result of one cultivation session was better than rank six Immortal Gu Eat Strength. But the expended immortal essence was higher too, because too many Gu worms were involved, it was not as convenient as using eat strength Immortal Gu alone.In conclusion, there were advantages and disadvantages.For the following days, other than practising Purple Mountain True Monarch's wisdom path killer moves, Fang Yuan used eat strength to increase his strength path dao marks.He had the most number of transformation path dao marks now, about fifty thousand. After that were ice and snow path, luck path, qi path, and sound path, they all had over ten thousand dao marks.He had few strength path dao marks, he did not undergo any strength path related tribulations, and the immortal apertures that he annexed were not from strength path either.This time, he focused on fixing this problem.Fang Yuan had considered it deeply before choosing strength path.His strongest methods now were reverse flow protection seal and myriad dragon. The former was defense while the latter was offense. Both were related to strength path, raising strength path dao marks would raise the upper limit of his battle strength very evidently.As for the wisdom path killer moves from Purple Mountain True Monarch, they were meant to increase Fang Yuan's variety of methods, what truly decided his upper limit of strength was reverse flow protection seal.Fang Yuan trained with hard work and used his time to the limit, every second of his time was spent purposefully.This safe environment was really rare.Since rebirth, this was the first time Fang Yuan had such a prime opportunity to raise his strength and deepen his foundation.Immortal aperture development, practising killer moves, cultivating soul path, almost every day, Fang Yuan progressed further.His speed of improvement was unheard of, even Lang Ya land spirit was secretly shocked.This was what Heavenly Court had predicted: After getting Shadow Sect's inheritance, Fang Yuan's foundation was unfathomably deep, now that he could make use of it, his strength would grow explosively!Ever since Xue Er joined up with the Shadow Sect immortals, she had acted very obediently and diligently. Even though her battle strength was lacking, she was skilled in the investigative aspect, she worked with the Shadow Sect immortals and hunted many souls for Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was cold towards the marriage connection, causing some conflict in the snowman tribe. Xue Er's grandmother, Bing Yuan, proposed to send Fang Yuan another gift to express their goodwill. But some of the snowman Gu Immortals led by Bing Feng objected to it. They felt that the price of a marriage connection with Fang Yuan was too big, they would rather endure the suppression of the rockmen.Because of Shadow Sect's members, Lang Ya Sect's development in exploring Tai Qiu became quicker, Lang Ya land spirit was extremely happy, he became very pleased with Fang Yuan.On this day, Fang Yuan was sitting with his eyes closed, his consciousness working on developing his immortal aperture, when he suddenly received a request for help.At the same time as when he opened his eyes, Lang Ya land spirit also teleported towards Fang Yuan."Elder Fang Yuan, quickly go help. An immemorial desolate beast has appeared in Tai Qiu, it has trapped several Gu Immortals from our sect!" Lang Ya land spirit had a nervous expression as he spoke anxiously.

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