
Chapter: 1456-1460:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1456. Good News Upon Good News | Reverend Insanity

"It is finally over, this price war was truly interesting!" Zhao Lian Yun sighed internally.The sale of year Gu ended in Fang Yuan's victory. Many Gu Immortals were shocked by the results.Such situations were rare, the newcomer actually defeated three seniors in this market.Most of the people were originally thinking that the newcomer was a wolf while the three sellers were tigers and lions. But in the end, the newcomer was not a wolf but a dragon. The three sellers were not his match, they lost terribly and could not sell their year Gu.For the following period, this year Gu competition's influence will continue to spread, it will become a tale for people to talk about, Gu Immortals would reminiscence over it.Zhao Lian Yun started to think about this price war.She wanted to gain knowledge from this price war, so as to learn something useful for herself."Then, why did the newcomer win in this battle while the long time sellers lost?" Zhao Lian Yun asked herself.Next, she answered herself: "Because the newcomer has great strength, even if the three sellers worked together, they were not his (her) match.""Using absolute strength to sweep the market?" Zhao Lian Yun was slightly dazed before smiling bitterly.She wanted to learn how to enter the market as a newcomer.Even though Fang Yuan's method seemed ingenious and meticulous, he had unparalleled strength to sweep the market and suppress all his competitors, Zhao Lian Yun could learn nothing from him.Because he used absolute strength!"Since the newcomer has such strength, why did he not reduce the price from the start?" Zhao Lian Yun asked herself, she felt like Fang Yuan's actions were a bit pointless.But soon, when she thought again, realization flashed across her eyes."I understand.""Starting at a high price and gradually reducing it can earn more profits than dropping the prices immediately, he can also probe the three sellers' bottom lines. Finally, he is trying to assert dominance."The thoughts in Zhao Lian Yun's mind clashed continuously."After this competition ended, the newcomer won. It was no surprise he won with such strength, but he is definitely not satisfied with just one win.""The newcomer wants to dominate treasure yellow heaven's market, not only does he want to defeat the three sellers, he wants to drive these people out of the market.""This person is so overbearing…""Sigh, when can I possess such strength too?"Zhao Lian Yun thought of this and sighed deeply to herself.She had just started managing an immortal aperture, she was very far from Fang Yuan's level of development.No matter what, she had already etched Fang Yuan's fatty will to her mind. Zhao Lian Yun saw him as a mountain, she who had just become a Gu Immortal could only watch and admire him.Rong Xin, Wang Ming Yue, and Xie Bao Shu were discussing among themselves."Sigh, where did this person come from? They have such great strength, able to satisfy the entire market in treasure yellow heaven alone, our year Gu are literally unsellable now!" Wang Ming Yue sighed."It is not so simple, he is trying to get rid of us entirely!" Xie Bao Shu was pale, his voice was turning shrill."Brother Xie is right, this person is selling year Gu at such a low price, for the next few years, the market for year Gu will shrink immensely. No matter who it is, they are going overboard. Not only did they take the bulk of the profit, they also refuse to leave us any leftovers." Rong Xin had a grim expression.The three sellers had year Gu, but they could not sell any.Year Gu was needed by everyone, Fang Yuan supplied this huge quantity, it caused a tremendous amount of sales, but these three could not get rid of any of their stock.Since year Gu were easy to raise, they only fed on the water of the River of Time, it was not hard to accumulate them at all.This way, not just now, for the next few years, the three sellers would not be able to sell their year Gu.And for the buyers, since they had year Gu themselves, why would they buy more? Unless the price was even lower, they might want to accumulate a bit more.But the three sellers could naturally not sell their year Gu at Fang Yuan's price.The three sellers stored their year Gu up for now.But what was the use of that?After two to three years, when the market regains its demand for year Gu after fully digesting Fang Yuan's sales, the price of year Gu will rise again.By then, the three sellers would be able to sell it, but Fang Yuan could do the same.If he did the same thing again, the three sellers would not be able to sell off their year Gu once more.This was strength!With such a difference in strength, no plots or schemes could work.Fang Yuan was a very intelligent person, but this time, he acted straightforwardly, it was most effective to directly crush them.The three sellers became quiet after a while of discussion.The atmosphere was very heavy.Because they knew clearly that as long as Fang Yuan had this strength, they would not have an easy time in the future. Even though the sale of year Gu would not disappear, their profits from this business would shrink drastically, they would need to give up on the market in treasure yellow heaven."Right now, we can only hope that this person is putting up a front, that his actions were all just to scare us off." Wang Ming Yue smiled bitterly and broke the silence.The other two immortals shook their heads.This was very unlikely."We can work together." Rong Xin said quickly.This was a solution.In the past, the three of them fought and competed, only after a while did they set an agreement to work together and gain profits together for a long time."But how can we cooperate with him? The difference in strength is apparent." Wang Ming Yue sighed.Xie Bao Shu analyzed calmly: "That will depend on our ability. If year Gu cannot convince him, we will need to discuss other things.""What if he does not agree?" Wang Ming Yue asked again.Xie Bao Shu was silent.Rong Xin sighed bitterly: "If he does not agree and wants us out of the business, we can only give up on the year Gu business."There was nothing that could be done about it.Competition was cruel.Fang Yuan's strength made it impossible for the three sellers, they could only give up on year Gu.But how could they give up so easily?The profit of the year Gu business was sustaining them and the super forces behind them, now that it was destroyed, who could handle the outcome?"No! I cannot give up on the year Gu business!!" Xie Bao Shu gritted his teeth, he was a lone cultivator, he had been relying on year Gu to support his cultivation and connections to others.With this loss, it was a detrimental blow to him.Wang Ming Yue's situation was slightly better than Xie Bao Shu, she was once a lone immortal, she had turned over to the righteous path and joined a super force.Even if there were no profits here, it was not her responsibility. On the other hand, she could rely on her husband and the clan behind them.Rong Xin had the smallest pressure.Because he was also a member of a super force, it was a Central Continent super force with deep foundations.And most importantly, he obtained year Gu from refining Gu. If he did not need year Gu, he could just stop refining it. It was easy for him to change businesses."Cooperate with me?" Fang Yuan soon received their transmissions, he sneered.Why would he cooperate?He could easily devour the market alone, why would he hand over the profits to them?Fang Yuan rejected them immediately.Twelve million immortal essence stones!These were Fang Yuan's gains in the price war.Even though his price was low, the quantity sold was too immense, he still accumulated a huge sum."When I drive these three sellers out of the market, I will be able to raise prices slightly.""But for the next few years, the three sellers will likely still stay in here."Fang Yuan evaluated.On one hand, they were unwilling to give up, on the other hand, they wanted to probe Fang Yuan's foundation and see if he was scamming them.And finally, even though treasure yellow heaven's market was taken by Fang Yuan, not everyone bought things from treasure yellow heaven.For example, Wang Ming Yue's super force behind her would buy a huge portion of her year Gu. Other than that, there were many forces which would buy their year Gu even if prices were higher to maintain relationships.Of course, as long as Fang Yuan continued to dominate the market of treasure yellow heaven using such methods, in five to six years, these three sellers would have an even harder time. After all, the prices were too low, even with their deep relationships, buyers would want to buy from Fang Yuan.In the entire Gu Immortal world's market, treasure yellow heaven was a huge proportion of it.From now on, Fang Yuan only needed to dominate treasure yellow heaven, he would eventually influence the other markets and become the biggest seller of the year Gu business in the entire Gu Immortal world. As for the others, even if they could do some year Gu business, they could not compare to him."After repaying my debts, I still have ten million immortal essence stones left. But for the next two to three years, this way of getting profits cannot be used."While Fang Yuan was thinking of how to use these immortal essence stones to manage his immortal aperture, Sixth Hair approached him.He gave Fang Yuan some excellent news —"Elder Fang Yuan, the food path Immortal Gu that you wanted me to refine has been created!"

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Chapter 1457. Food Path Immortal Gu Snack | Reverend Insanity

A small food path Immortal Gu was in the center of Fang Yuan's palm.It was green throughout, about the size of an adult's thumb, but its body was split into six segments like a caterpillar.And on its forehead, there was a silver horn.At this moment, it was lying around in Fang Yuan's palm, rolling around according to Fang Yuan's will, it had been refined already.When refinement path Gu Immortals successfully refine Immortal Gu, in most situations, the Immortal Gu would have already been refined by them. That meant Sixth Hair was the owner of this food path Immortal Gu.But due to Sixth Hair handing it over to him, Fang Yuan could easily refine this food path Immortal Gu compared to wild Immortal Gu.Rank six food path Immortal Gu — Snack.This was one of the Gu that Fang Yuan wanted Lang Ya Sect to refine.After inheriting Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance, he had requested Lang Ya Sect to refine three Immortal Gu for him.And right now, they had already been completed, they were rank seven Immortal Gu Self Love, rank six Immortal Gu Cleanse Soul, and rank six Immortal Gu Snack.These three Immortal Gu were needed by Fang Yuan urgently.Self love Immortal Gu was very useful, it was the core of self cleansing, it was necessary to him. Fang Yuan could get away from Heavenly Court's investigative methods due to it.Even though cleanse soul Immortal Gu was rank six, the difficulty of refining it was the biggest among the three. But after refining it, Fang Yuan solved the soul path trap on the eight arm immortal zombie body, he could use the light of wisdom once again. It was incredibly useful to him.As for snack Immortal Gu, it was a food path Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan needed it to solve the problem of feeding his Immortal Gu.The Immortal Gu recipe of snack Immortal Gu came from Shadow Sect. The source was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, in his life, he had killed the beastman Gu Immortal and obtained his food path true inheritance.That beastman Gu Immortal was the legendary figure who created food path.Seniors pave the way for juniors, the food path true inheritance in Fang Yuan's hands was the most authentic one in the world.After injecting red date immortal essence, snack Immortal Gu's caterpillar body shook like it had gotten drunk, its lower half sprawled out on Fang Yuan's palm while the upper half stood up and shook its head.In the process, its green body turned red, until it turned into a lava-like color.At the same time, its slim body became thicker gradually.Plop.Eventually, it spat out a large amount of sticky yellowish liquid from its mouth, before it shriveled and shrunk until it was smaller than normal. Its body also turned from red to pale white, like it had been weakened.With the food path true inheritance, Fang Yuan knew clearly that snack Immortal Gu had a restricted usage, after each usage, it needed time to heal before it could be used again. If Fang Yuan used it continuously beyond its limits, it would spit out a large amount of yellowish water before dying rapidly.Only when it recovers and its leaves turn green again could it be activated once more.Fang Yuan placed snack Immortal Gu into his immortal aperture before turning his attention to the yellowish liquid.This liquid was very special, it floated in the air and did not land, it shrunk into a small ball.It was like an egg that has the white and yolk mixed together.This yellowish liquid was what Fang Yuan wanted to get.With it, he could feed his Immortal Gu in place of a portion of the food they needed.For other rank six Immortal Gu, this yellowish liquid could make up six percent of their food (the effect was weaker for rank seven Immortal Gu). Six percent seemed little, but snack Immortal Gu could be used again in a few days, it would squirt out another glob of yellowish liquid.If he accumulated it, it would be very helpful towards the feeding of his Immortal Gu.Of course, there was a limit to the amount of yellowish liquid that he could use.It could replace a maximum of forty percent of the Immortal Gu's food, beyond that, it would not have any effect.Fang Yuan took out an Immortal Gu as it quickly devoured the yellowish liquid.The test was completed perfectly.Fang Yuan nodded in satisfaction while sighing internally.He had wanted food path methods long ago, because since rebirth, he had many Immortal Gu with him, he had a huge burden of feeding them. Before now, Fang Yuan had been very busy in feeding his Immortal Gu."To think that I would obtain a food path true inheritance from my great enemy Shadow Sect. And it is actually the best food path true inheritance in the world!""And the process of refining snack Immortal Gu was much easier than Cleanse Soul and Self Love."The refinement of Immortal Gu was really hard to estimate.In order to refine Cleanse Soul, Fang Yuan failed many times, but when refining snack Immortal Gu, he only made five attempts.Success on the fifth try was a huge surprise.With this snack Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan's pressure of feeding Immortal Gu was much smaller, by reducing the food of rank six Immortal Gu by forty percent and replacing it with immortal essence. Even though the effect was weaker on rank seven and eight Immortal Gu, his burden was much lighter now.After all, Fang Yuan had a huge number of Immortal Gu with him now.Snack Immortal Gu held huge value to him.A few days later, Fang Yuan successfully bought a batch of desolate plants from treasure yellow heaven.This batch of desolate plants was a thin layer of green fungal lawn, it lived on the surface of multicolored coral groups.It was light shine fungi.Light shine fungi lived deep in Eastern Sea, it was pure darkness there without any light.Due to the profundities of nature, the light shine fungi grew in that area and emitted an intense light, turning the dark sea into a shining area, like it was daytime.Fang Yuan had once tried to buy a batch in the Eastern Sea auction, but back then, Tong Hua only wanted to trade them.Afterwards, she sold them in treasure yellow heaven, and after some evaluation, the price got lower and lower.Initially, the Gu Immortals were very interested in this desolate plant.But afterwards, the buyers found out that this desolate plant was most suited to live in the completely dark deep sea. There was immense water pressure at that depth as well.After leaving this environment, even though the light shine fungi would not die, they would shrivel and emit a weak candle-like light.In this situation, Fang Yuan negotiated with Tong Hua and bought all the light shine fungi that she had at the lowest price possible.Fang Yuan first placed a portion into his immortal aperture's Mini Eastern Sea to nurture them.Next, he experimented on the remaining amount.He needed to modify this desolate plant so that it would change its characteristics and be usable to him.Fang Yuan's wood path attainment level was ordinary, but he was very confident.On one hand, he had too many methods, Shadow Sect's inheritances along with Lang Ya Sect's true inheritances gave him a large number of modification methods, among which involved wood path, soul path, refinement path, and others.On the other hand, Fang Yuan had the ultimate trump card, the light of wisdom. Even if these methods were not useful, he could deduce his own way.

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Chapter 1458. Light Shine Fungi Business | Reverend Insanity

In the vast Eastern Sea, waves were rumbling.Wind and waves swept towards a nameless island, it was not dusk yet, but the sky was already dark.Tong Hua flew as she raised her head, seeing the dark clouds looming over her in the sky, she sensed that a storm was brewing.She was feeling vexed, but her expression was calm, she quickly flew above the nameless island as she saw one person standing at the highest part of the island, looking at the sea and sky."I have kept you waiting." Tong Hua landed towards the Gu Immortal as she bowed.The mysterious Gu Immortal turned around and revealed his appearance.He was an elderly man with a tall nose and thin eyes, he was smiling now as he said calmly: "No worries. Fairy Tong Hua, I need to congratulate you, I heard that you sold all of your light shine fungi in treasure yellow heaven."This elderly Gu Immortal was an Eastern Sea rank seven enslavement path Gu Immortal, Ren Xiu Ping.Fairy Tong Hua nodded as she handed Ren Xiu Ping a large amount of immortal essence stones.Ren Xiu Ping inspected it before hesitating purposely: "Fairy, if I counted correctly, the sum is a little lacking."Fairy Tong Hua had a grim expression, she nodded: "I will return you most of it first, I will repay the rest at a later time."Ren Xiu Ping nodded: "Very wise. According to our agreement, the lower your remaining debt is, the less interest you pay. It seems that you will be able to repay it soon."Fairy Tong Hua snorted: "Of course."She had gone through a tribulation earlier, the rebuilding of her immortal aperture took a lot of funds, she had to borrow. Ren Xiu Ping was one of the lenders, he lent her the most amount of immortal essence stones.But her agreement with Ren Xiu Ping was also the strictest one with the highest interest rate.Originally, Fairy Tong Hua was in a terrible condition, but to think that Fang Yuan actually bought all of her light shine fungi, she regained some funds.Returning most of the debt at once, her crisis was greatly alleviated.Fairy Tong Hua had little pressure in returning the rest of the debt including the interest.After the transaction, Fairy Tong Hua did not want to stay anymore, she was about to leave when Ren Xiu Ping said: "Fairy, wait.""What matter do you have? If you want to lend more immortal essence stones, forgive me, but I will not borrow any." Fairy Tong Hua frowned lightly as she said coldly.Ren Xiu Ping smiled: "Don't worry fairy, that is not it. I have an incomplete true inheritance in my hands, it is from a wood path great expert long ago. Don't you want to modify the light shine fungi? I believe this true inheritance will be of great help to you."Fairy Tong Hua became suspicious: "How did you know that I was modifying the light shine fungi?"Ren Xiu Ping chuckled: "You did not conceal this matter, I easily found out about it with some investigation."Fairy Tong Hua had a grim expression, matching the terrible weather.Splash splash splash.Great winds blew, waves crashed on the shore of the nameless island, creating huge ripples.Ren Xiu Ping was right, Tong Hua had invested too much into modifying the light shine fungi, causing her finances to crumble, she was forced to borrow funds to maintain her financial situation.If not for that, with her foundation, she could sustain the cost of rebuilding the immortal aperture.After a while of silence, Fairy Tong Hua asked: "Which wood path great expert are you referring to?"Ren Xiu Ping smiled: "Wood path Gu Immortal Kui Wu Zi, have you heard of him?"Fairy Tong Hua was slightly surprised: "He is a wood path great expert indeed with rank eight cultivation level. But in history, he was famous for battle strength, his immortal aperture management was not good."Ren Xiu Ping shook his head, saying in a confident tone: "Fairy, that is not true. You have that impression because Kui Wu Zi's battle strength was too stunning, it overshadowed his ability to manage the immortal aperture. The truth is, he was quite impressive. Without immortal aperture foundation, battle strength is pointless to some degree. Furthermore, even if his management was not good, he was still a rank eight Gu Immortal, and was from wood path, he is definitely very useful to you, that is undeniable."Tong Hua was moved, she thought: "I had been facing problems with modifying light shine fungi earlier, the reason was not my light path attainment level but wood path instead. If I can get this incomplete true inheritance, it would likely help me in this problem and the modification of the light shine fungi would succeed!"Thinking of this, Tong Hua hesitated before asking Ren Xiu Ping: "What is the price of Kui Wu Zi's true inheritance?"Ren Xiu Ping thought 'the fish has taken the bait' but he said: "Not high, not high at all."Both sides negotiated but eventually, Fairy Tong Hua bought the true inheritance of Kui Wu Zi from Ren Xiu Ping and left the nameless island.The moment she left, a storm started.Both the sky and sea were of the same dark murky color.Crack.A loud thunder and a snake-like lightning flashed across heaven and earth.At this instant, the lightning reflected on Ren Xiu Ping's face.He was smiling like his scheme had succeeded."I succeeded.""Tong Hua was deceived by the reputation of Kui Wu Zi, his true inheritance is actually not very helpful to her. Especially after I took out some crucial information from it.""Light shine fungus is a desolate plant, how can it be easy to modify a desolate plant? Especially when Tong Hua cultivates light path instead of wood path, how can she succeed without years of research?"Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.Fang Yuan's divine sense entered his sovereign immortal aperture.Immortal killer move — Light Fungus Radiance.Fang Yuan activated his immortal killer move, creating a burst of orange-yellow light.The orange light shone on the green light shine fungi as it started to transform. The light shine fungi was dyed at a rapid rate, it gradually changed colors from green to pure white.A moment later, the immortal killer move was successfully activated, Fang Yuan only saw pure white light shine fungi in front of him.The light shine fungi was different from before, instead of wilting, they radiated with strong light.Fang Yuan used his investigative methods to check it before nodding in satisfaction."Excellent, the light shine fungus modification was quite successful, I can start a wide scale plantation now."Fang Yuan's wood path attainment was even lower than Fairy Tong Hua. But he had the light of wisdom to assist his thinking. He also had Shadow Sect's and Lang Ya Sect's inheritances, he had a vast amount of foundational knowledge. He also had access to a huge number of Immortal Gu, and could even borrow more.Due to many reasons, he managed to create the immortal killer move light fungus radiance.This move used perseverance Immortal Gu, self love Immortal Gu and wood sprout Immortal Gu as the cores, with snack Immortal Gu supplementing them, to allow green light shine fungi to transform into pure white light shine fungi, suited for the environment of the sky.Among them, wood sprout Immortal Gu was borrowed from Lang Ya Sect. Perseverance and Self Love were Fang Yuan's to begin with. As for snack Immortal Gu, he had just refined it, it was quite a surprise that it was useful so quickly.Afterwards, Fang Yuan placed the light shine fungi into Mini Orange Heaven and Mini White Heaven.There was a field of aurora lights in Mini Orange Heaven, within the aurora lights were fruits known as flowing light fruits.As for Mini White Heaven, there was a field of multicolored overlord flowers.After placing the light shine fungi there, the two places started to shine intensely.Due to this influence, Mini Orange Heaven's aurora lights started to expand. Even though the extent was mild, as time passes, this would be a substantial change.As for Mini White Heaven, the multicolored overlord flowers also became energized.Be it the aurora lights or multicolored overlord flowers, they needed intense lights. The modified pure white light shine fungi could float in the sky, they were very helpful to the areas.Fang Yuan was satisfied after inspecting them."As long as these two areas are developed, at this rate, I will be able to satisfy the food requirements of attitude Gu and wisdom sword Gu."Fang Yuan had three rank eight Immortal Gu, Years Flow Like Water consumed the water of the River of Time, there were no issues with its food. Attitude Gu and wisdom sword Immortal Gu were harder to deal with.All along, Fang Yuan had been worried about this, and now, he saw hope of finally resolving this."Furthermore, the light shine fungus can reproduce by itself, when the scale of my light shine fungi increases in the future, it will become another business that I can engage in."This was highly possible.The pure white light shine fungus that Fang Yuan modified was marketable, it was much better than the original light shine fungus. If he sold it, it would receive much attention and interest.Fang Yuan had already planned, he was going to nurture both versions of the light shine fungus. He would place a portion of the green light shine fungi into Mini Eastern Sea, while putting most of his attention on the pure white light shine fungi. After satisfying his own needs, he would sell the rest."Let me count.""To get the light shine fungi into a scale that satisfies my needs, I will need to invest two million immortal essence stones.""To make it into a business and sell it to others, I will need to invest another 1.8 million immortal essence stones."The feeding of rank eight Immortal Gu was too high of a burden.In total, he would need four million immortal essence stones. But if he succeeds, he would have a monopoly over this market, it was extremely profitable.For the next two to three years, the year Gu market would be oversupplied. Even for the next four to five years, treasure yellow heaven's market would be very lacking in demand. Because Gu Immortals already had a lot of year Gu stocked up in their inventories.Just earlier, Fang Yuan created a huge commotion, the sale of year Gu also affected the market of month Gu and day Gu.Fang Yuan wanted to create a new business, light shine fungi was a good choice.Of course, the prospects could not match guts Gu. After he sells the modified light shine fungi for some time, people will learn about the details and modify it themselves. Meanwhile, only Dang Hun Mountain could produce guts Gu."Next, I will release the restraints and restore the sovereign immortal aperture's rate of time back to normal!"

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Chapter 1459. Marriage with Fang Yuan | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, northern icy plain.A blizzard was blowing, snow was falling above the glacier. Under this glacier, a negotiation filled with heavy atmosphere was underway.The two groups of variant humans who lived here in seclusion — the rockmen and snowmen, were engaging in negotiation due to a territorial dispute earlier.Right now, this negotiation had been going on for six days and six nights."Moli Region belongs to my rockman tribe, it had been part of our territory since four hundred years ago. This is the bottom line of our rockman tribe, I hope the snowmen can understand us!" Shi Zong spoke loudly, his voice echoed in the room.The rockman Gu Immortals who were engaged in the negotiation were extremely stubborn.Meanwhile, the snowman Gu Immortals had dark and unsightly expressions.The rockman tribe was very firm on this topic, it was an immense pressure on the snowmen.Snowman Gu Immortal Bing Yuan said: "That was the case four hundred years ago. But afterwards, a senior Gu Immortal in our tribe won a bet against you, first supreme elder Shi Zong, and this Moli Region was the wager."Shi Zong waved his hand rapidly: "That was just a joke, it should not be taken for real."Bing Yuan smiled coldly: "An agreement was set back then."Shi Zong had a solemn expression, countering: "Where is the agreement now?"Bing Yuan was so angry she could not speak.This Shi Zong, not only did he use information path methods to get rid of the agreement, he even denied the bet, as the first supreme elder of the rockman tribe, he was simply too shameless.But the snowman Gu Immortals understood why, even though they were furious.Because there was just too little territory in this icy plain, after living here for so long, the rockmen and snowmen had propagated beyond the sustainable number for this place.Shi Zong was being so shameless to get back Moli Region, it was for the sake of the rockmen, and for their overall benefit.But in this case, the snowman tribe's benefits were infringed.Eventually, this difficult negotiation had a result.The snowmen lost while the rockmen won, they gained control of Moli Region.Immediately, the rockmen ordered the snowmen to leave Moli Region, to hand over the space to the rockman in charge.After returning to their territory, rank seven Gu Immortal Bing Zhuo said angrily: "These rockmen are too much, how can they distort facts just because they have the rank eight battle strength immemorial rock dragon?!"Bing Yuan consoled him: "Stay calm Bing Zhuo, haven't we known about the rockman tribe's attitude for the last thousand years?"The snowmen and rockmen were living together in the northern icy plain, but the rockmen had the advantage over them.There was only one reason, the rank eight battle strength immemorial rock dragon.With such powerful strength, the rockmen gained the advantage in many conflicts between the two tribes and defended their own benefits.Upon hearing the immemorial rock dragon, Bing Zhuo's rage faded, he sighed helplessly: "Sigh! Rank eight battle strength, immemorial rock dragon… if we had rank eight battle strength too, we would contest them evenly, that would be great."Bing Yuan was silent for a moment before saying: "It is not impossible to gain rank eight battle strength. I have a plan, if we succeed, the immemorial rock dragon will be nothing compared to it."Bing Zhuo heard this and his eyes shone: "What plan, tell me.""Actually, I have been planning this for some time, at this current moment, we have an opportunity, I will tell you." Bing Yuan said.Bing Zhuo heard this and called out: "You mean Liu Guan Yi, wait no, Fang Yuan?"Liu Guan Yi's true identity, which was Fang Yuan, had been exposed by Heavenly Court long ago to the world. Even though the snowman tribe were isolated, they still learned of such important details."Fang Yuan undoubtedly has rank eight battle strength. He even has the upper extreme heavenly eagle, and we've had a relationship for some time, if we let Xue Er be married to him, we would have a marriage connection with him, he will be tied to our tribe. With this, our tribe will no longer be bullied by the rockmen. Furthermore, having a rank eight to defend us will be extremely helpful for our development." Bing Yuan said.Bing Zhuo thought while nodding: "Indeed, Fang Yuan is a human but he has countless enemies, he has also joined Lang Ya Sect, there is no problem with his allegiance. But wait…"Bing Zhuo looked at Bing Yuan: "We have a relationship with him? Why do I recall that we only fought him and ambushed him. Even though we made up later, we are far from having an actual relationship."Bing Yuan smiled: "Bing Zhuo, you were in seclusion to modify your killer move earlier, therefore you are unaware. During this period of time, Fang Yuan used all of Lang Ya Sect's strength to refine Immortal Gu, he met with difficulty in the process and needed the immortal material snow lotus essence. I made the decision to sell a lot of our snow lotus essence to Lang Ya Sect's Sixth Hair to help him out.""So that's it." Bing Zhuo realized, but he soon frowned: "Since it is a transaction, we gained from it too, why did we not just gift him the snow lotus essence?"Bing Yuan smiled bitterly: "This matter had many implications, I had no choice but to do that. Firstly, I did not have a strong desire towards the marriage connection, secondly, if we gifted it to him without cost, Fang Yuan is not a stupid person, he might not accept it. Thirdly, if everyone knows about it, the rockman tribe would become suspicious of our intentions."Bing Zhuo nodded and did not speak.He understood that rather than a relationship, they had only barely started to build one with him. It was very difficult to have a marriage connection with him.Because earlier, when Fang Yuan had the upper extreme heavenly eagle, the snowmen had expressed goodwill to Fang Yuan, but he was extremely cold to them.And right now, Fang Yuan had rank eight battle strength with the upper extreme heavenly eagle as well, his status had elevated even further. If the snowmen wanted to ally with him through marriage, they were not the ones helping him, they were trying to raise their own status.The snowmen did not know that Fang Yuan had lost the upper extreme heavenly eagle.But Bing Yuan had more confidence than Bing Zhuo, she said: "Don't worry, my granddaughter has incredible looks and is a Gu Immortal, she is the perfect person to marry. How can the rockmen surpass us in this? We have the advantage.""Even though our marriage connection ends in us relying on him, Fang Yuan can also receive our help, it is beneficial to him. Let alone anything else, we at least have snow lotus essence.""Or rather, even if this plan fails, there are no problems, our relationship with Fang Yuan will not worsen. We can try."This 'try' reasoning finally moved Bing Zhuo.The latter nodded: "Let's try it."Inside the sovereign immortal aperture.Swoosh swoosh!The water of the River of Time splashed with a grand commotion, reverberating in Fang Yuan's ears.Fang Yuan's divine sense swept around, after some observation, there were no issues, he retracted his divine sense.Using the time path methods from Hei Fan true inheritance, Fang Yuan restored the rate of time in his sovereign immortal aperture back to its original speed.The rate of time in the sovereign immortal aperture was very fast, it far surpassed super grade blessed lands.In terms of space path, there was more than 335000km2 of space in it.In terms of time path, the speed was one-to-sixty compared to the outside world. The ten extreme physique blessed land only had about a one-to-forty rate of time. As for high grade blessed lands, the time was about one-to-thirty, half of the sovereign immortal aperture.At the same time, the immortal aperture origin core had a deep foundation, ninety-six immortal essence beads were produced in the immortal aperture each year. In terms of outside time, it was sixteen immortal essence beads per day. Fang Yuan was a rank seven Gu Immortal now, so he obtained sixteen red date immortal essence beads daily.Sixteen red date immortal essence beads, in terms of immortal essence stones, that was sixteen hundred immortal essence stones!That was to say, even if Fang Yuan did nothing everyday, his immortal aperture would still produce the equivalent of sixteen hundred immortal essence stones for him daily!That was terrifying.And in fact, that was not all. When Fang Yuan's time path dao marks increase, his immortal aperture's rate of time would accelerate. When his immortal aperture origin core's foundation becomes deeper, the number of beads of immortal essence produced would increase too.At rank eight cultivation level, it would be even more terrifying!At the most basic level, sixteen immortal essence beads per day of rank eight white litchi immortal essence would be the equivalent of a hundred and sixty thousand immortal essence stones!Fang Yuan managed to earn millions of immortal essence stones from selling year Gu. But when he reaches rank eight cultivation level, he could obtain sixteen million immortal essence stones worth of immortal essence beads every hundred days without doing anything.The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the growth in resources. This was not a linear growth, the increment was far greater.Of course, that was for Fang Yuan's case.The sovereign immortal aperture was a unique situation in the world. Shadow Sect spent a hundred thousand years to accumulate resources and used it all to refine this Gu, it was understandable why this was so terrifying.Earlier, Fang Yuan was forced by heaven's will and tribulations to reduce his immortal aperture's rate of time.But now, with his surge in battle strength, Fang Yuan was confident in getting past calamities and tribulations, with the immortal killer move exposing heavenly secret created by Old Man Yan Shi, he could obtain the details of calamities and tribulations in advance.And together with his own development needs, he had to restore the rate of time.In fact, Fang Yuan even planned to use time path methods to further increase the speed."But I need to wait now. The time path methods in Hei Fan's true inheritance have a cooldown period before I can use them again to influence the tributary of the River of Time.""With my accelerated rate of time, the light shine fungi can reproduce rapidly now, I should place wisdom sword Immortal Gu and attitude Gu outside the immortal aperture."Fang Yuan calculated, at this rate, he would be able to satisfy the feeding of attitude Gu and wisdom sword Gu.It was about time to feed them.But rank eight Immortal Gu were too hard to feed, this problem had been in Fang Yuan's mind for a long time, and as time passed, his pressure intensified.Now that he could settle this problem, Fang Yuan finally let out a sigh of relief.

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Chapter 1460. Million Man Soul | Reverend Insanity

Heavenly Court, Soul Suppression Hall.Fairy Zi Wei looked at the lump of Spectral Soul's main body in front of her as she frowned: "Spectral Soul, at this point, can't you see reality?"Spectral Soul did not answer, he was silent like a rock.Fairy Zi Wei sneered, she activated her rank eight Immortal Gu House.Immediately, purple lightning emerged from the chains, as Spectral Soul who was restrained tightly started shaking.His memories were forcefully extracted, appearing before Fairy Zi Wei as a multicolored image.It was a scene of the past.Spectral Soul had yet to become a Demon Venerable, he only had rank seven Gu Immortal cultivation level.Luo Po valley.Spectral Soul stumbled into Luo Po Valley and fell on the ground.Guh.He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.His expression was pale as paper, the situation was terrible, he was near death.A figure descended from the sky, he landed and said: "Oh Spectral Soul, you cannot escape, today, you will die."The person had rank eight aura, he had a cold expression, his strength was far higher than Spectral Soul.Spectral Soul barely managed to sit up as he looked at the sky: "I do not understand, this is the first time we are meeting, we have no grudges, why are you paying such a huge price to kill me?"The person called out: "Because you will create bloodshed in the world, you will massacre the people of the world and bring disaster to all."Spectral Soul sneered: "You have killed far more people than me, isn't it laughable for you to say that?"The rank eight enemy shook his head: "It is different. You are inherently worse than me."Spectral Soul was silent for a while before saying: "Because I want to create soul path?"The rank eight Gu Immortal had a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he recovered quickly and said solemnly: "That's right, soul path should not be created. In the current world, fate Immortal Gu has been damaged, if soul path is created, the world will change drastically, the dead will not rest in peace, ghosts will roam the world freely.""Hehehe… hahaha." Spectral Soul laughed: "That's wonderful, I will definitely create soul path. In the future, countless people will cultivate soul path, let's change this entire world!"He laughed as he stood up, he had recovered to an extent already."With me around, that is wishful thinking!" The person sneered and charged down.Spectral Soul raised his hands and a huge formation appeared, trapping the rank eight Gu Immortal inside.But the enemy reacted rapidly, he quickly broke the Gu formation."Did you think I did not notice the hidden Gu formation? I purposely came here to talk to you, because I had already unraveled this Gu formation!" The rank eight Gu Immortal charged towards Spectral Soul relentlessly.But Spectral Soul was extremely confident, he stood on the spot as the rank eight Gu Immortal came at him.He laughed: "You merely unraveled that Gu formation at the surface level, don't you find this valley unusual?"He had just said that when the Gu formation unleashed its full power, the rank eight Gu Immortal was immediately affected as his momentum came to a halt."This is… Luo Po Valley?!" The rank eight Gu Immortal said in shock."That's right, this secluded domain of heaven and earth is the ultimate sacred land for cultivating soul path. Hehe, it is also your final resting place!" Spectral Soul declared with the tone of a victor."Ah!" The rank eight Gu Immortal screamed, Spectral Soul's immortal formation used the power of Luo Po Valley, it was akin to a rank nine Gu formation.The rank eight Gu Immortal resisted for a while, before he could not take it anymore and died.Spectral Soul looked at his feet, towards the corpse of the rank eight Gu Immortal, his hair was messy and his seven orifices were bleeding, but he was still filled with killing intent, he sneered: "Hmph, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, interesting. I, Spectral Soul, swear that I will create soul path in the future, I will let more people cultivate it. Even if I fail and die, there will be an endless number of soul path Gu Immortal experts emerging in the future. Hahahaha!"The image vanished.Fairy Zi Wei had a dark expression.She looked at Spectral Soul's main body, which was immobilized, she left after staring at him for a short while.Even though she extracted Spectral Soul's memories, they were useless. In fact, it was as if he was replying to her earlier words.If it was the latter, it meant that Spectral Soul could still resist Heavenly Court's soul searching method.Even though he could not block the power of Soul Suppression Hall, he could selectively hand certain memories over."That way, it will be a long time before we can get any useful information from him." Fairy Zi Wei sighed deeply in her mind.Lang Ya blessed land, Luo Po Valley.Fang Yuan was sitting deep in the valley.He willed and activated Luo Po formation.This formation came from Spectral Soul's true inheritance, it was created by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable personally, the foundational Gu worms used for it were a vast number of white lotus giant silkworm Gu.White lotus giant silkworm Gu was the food of cleanse soul Immortal Gu, it was also created by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.After Fang Yuan obtained the Gu recipe, he made Lang Ya Sect refine a huge number of white lotus giant silkworm Gu for him.And now, he had cleanse soul Immortal Gu again, not only could he feed it with sufficient white lotus giant silkworm Gu, he could even use them as the foundation of many soul path Gu formations in Spectral Soul's true inheritance.Right now, Luo Po formation was activated, the originally unorganized Luo Po winds and bewilderment fog started to gather with the Gu formation's activation.Fang Yuan's soul left his body as he endured the trial of wind and fog.Before this, he had already expended a huge amount of guts Gu, his soul was quite bloated now.A moment later, Luo Po formation stopped activating as Fang Yuan's soul became thinned out from the tempering, he returned to sovereign immortal body with deep fatigue."With Luo Po formation, my cultivation efficiency in Luo Po Valley has increased by thirty percent." Fang Yuan assessed.This was not the first time he was using this formation.Luo Po formation was specially used to cultivate soul path, but he could add other Gu formations in to modify it. It was a very inclusive Gu formation, that was its most useful trait.For example, Qin Bai Sheng and the rest resisted the group from Central Continent's ten great ancient sects, the Gu formation they used during the battle was Luo Po formation.However, their Luo Po formation was not for cultivation, it was for defense.According to Spectral Soul's true inheritance, when he was alive, he had killed a rank eight Gu Immortal from Heavenly Court with only rank seven cultivation level, back then, he also used Luo Po formation, but he added in many Gu formations that were offensive in nature.The Luo Po formation that Fang Yuan was using now focused on refining his soul. It used rank six Immortal Gu Cleanse Soul, and a vast number of white lotus giant silkworm Gu, along with many supplementary Gu to assemble it."Alright, after this cultivation session, my soul has already reached million man soul level."In Spectral Soul's true inheritance, soul foundation was classified into many levels.From low to high, there was single man soul, ten man soul, hundred man soul… million man soul, ten million man soul, hundred million man soul…Ten man soul meant that the soul foundation was the total of ten grown men's souls.A normal Gu Master with twenty years of soul path cultivation could reach thousand man soul if they worked hard. But using guts Gu, Fang Yuan could reach that instantly.Before this cultivation session, Fang Yuan's soul foundation was at three million man soul.But after the tempering of Luo Po wind and bewilderment fog, his soul foundation stabilized at million man soul level.First using guts Gu to strengthen the soul, before cultivating in Luo Po Valley to temper the soul like iron and removing impurities. Finally, he would sleep and rest the soul, getting rid of any agitation.These three steps repeated would raise Fang Yuan's soul foundation like a rocket.Only a short time had passed, but he had already reached million man soul, the speed was too shocking!When he reaches hundred million man soul, his soul would turn from phantom to solid. Back then in the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Spectral Soul's main body was huge and majestic, Fang Yuan was very enticed to reach such a level.With a stronger soul foundation, there was a greater benefit, it was the immortal killer move ghost official garment.This move could conceal him from heaven's will and other Gu Immortals' deductions, the deeper his soul foundation, the stronger it became.At this moment, Fang Yuan could feel vividly: the ghost official garment on his soul had thickened, he felt an increased sense of security."As my soul foundation grows, I would be able to control more year beasts, I can even control a second immemorial year beast!""However, although I can invest effort into increasing my soul foundation, those soul path killer moves are not worth investing into."There was only one reason, Spectral Soul had been captured by Heavenly Court already.He would definitely get soul searched.That meant that in the future, Heavenly Court would also gain Spectral Soul's true inheritance. By then, it would be easy for them to deduce his killer moves.After this cultivation session, Fang Yuan left Luo Po Valley.Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley, these were the two sacred lands of soul cultivation, they were placed in Lang Ya blessed land. Firstly, it was easy to use there, secondly, secluded domains of heaven and earth required a lot of heaven and earth qi, Fang Yuan's immortal aperture already had Reverse Flow River, the burden of adding these two was too huge.Once he left Luo Po Valley, Fang Yuan saw a snowman girl."Snowman Xue Er greets Lord Fang Yuan."

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