
Chapter: 1236-1240:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1236. Cultivation Itself Is Enjoyment | Reverend Insanity

Yao Huang's attitude was very firm.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu laughed: "You don't have to worry about this, Chu Du understands this and has already talked to me, he can concede on this point.""That's good." Yao Huang nodded.Both of them talked for a while more, their chess game was half done, they had wasted enough time, both immortals flew down from white heaven.Next, they announced that Yao Huang had won the battle by a slight margin, and this blood battle martial competition ended with the victory of the Huang Jin tribes.Chu Sect and Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals had grim expressions, only Chu Du was calm, he had expected this.In contrast, the Huang Jin tribe Gu Immortals were in a joyous mood.The consequences that followed would not be detailed, but the blood battle martial competition that shook Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world came to an end.Southern Border, giant dream realm.Deep in the sea.There was darkness, one could not see their own fingers.Fang Yuan was inside, suffering huge injuries.The pressure of the sea was intense, most importantly, around him, there were countless long dragon silhouettes, swimming around him vigilantly.These were dragons living in the sea.Each sea dragon had desolate beast level battle strength.There were hundreds, or thousands of sea dragons moving in countless layers.Fang Yuan was currently a rank six Gu Immortal, but facing this sea dragon group, there was nothing he could do."The most troublesome thing is that I need to kill all of the sea dragons to pass this ninth scene of the dream realm."Fang Yuan smiled bitterly internally.If this was reality, it was unclear what the chances would be for him to break out of the encirclement, and try to survive this dangerous situation.But in this dream realm, there were specific rules, if Fang Yuan wanted to break out and survive, the dream realm exploration would fail.Fang Yuan had no way out!"To kill these sea dragons, with just my foundation and methods in this dream realm, it is impossible!"Thus, if Fang Yuan wanted to pass this, he had only one option available, immortal killer move unravel dream."But there are so many sea dragons, unravel dream can be used less than ten times, it cannot resolve this huge problem.""It seems that this scene is the final moment of the dream realm's main character."Fang Yuan gained deep insight.Dream realms had different categories, most were realistic dream realms, they replicated the lifeforms' experiences in their lives, but there were also few which were rare and peculiar, dream realms that were strange and weird.Fang Yuan was exploring a realistic dream realm, but the severity of the content might be exaggerated compared to the actual event, even though there was some actual scenes that happened before."This Gu Immortal was once a Combat Immortal Sect Gu Master.""He had decent aptitude but after becoming rank six, compared to other Gu Immortals, he was no longer so amazing.""The ten great ancient sects of Central Continent allocate resources according to sect contribution. This Gu Immortal's aptitude was far from exemplary, he did not have great strength or powerful methods, it was hard to get sect contribution points, so he could not get much resources. That was why he went to explore Eastern Sea.""In the end, when he passed the regional walls, his immortal aperture's foundation was damaged. Next, he heard some rumors about the Immortal Gu House Dragon Palace and came to this sea area, in the end, he died here from the attacks of the sea dragons."Thinking of this, Fang Yuan made up his mind, he chose to give up.He left this dream realm.Normally speaking, the deeper one gets into the dream realm, the greater their gains after getting past the scene.But Fang Yuan wisely chose to retreat.He withheld his remaining uses of unravel dream, he was not going to waste them here for no reason.A moment later, Fang Yuan returned to reality.Using guts Gu to heal himself, he inspected his own body again.Water path quasi-grandmaster.His attainment level did not change.He was still a distance away from grandmaster level.But it was already enough to many of the blessed lands in City Well, because most of them were rank six blessed lands."According to my current situation, it would be best if I could raise all of my attainment levels to at least master.""That way, I would be able to annex any rank six blessed land.""Even though rank six blessed lands have diminishing effect on raising my cultivation level, with enough quantity, the gains are still very prominent."Fang Yuan thought.Next, he entered his own dream realm and refined some dream path mortal Gu.Of course, he used some time for deductions as well.These last days, he had an inspiration, to fuse the killer moves myriad self and sword dragon transformation.His deductions were progressing smoothly, Fang Yuan had enough strength path attainment, and his transformation path attainment level was also grandmaster, the only drawback was that his wisdom path deduction methods were slightly lacking.But it was no problem.Lady White Rabbit came to report to him about the situation of the immortal opportunity business, as well as some information.Fang Yuan sat down on his cushion as he shut his eyes, telling her: "Go ahead and talk, I am listening."Fang Yuan was deducing his own matters while listening to Lady White Rabbit.He was multitasking.A wisdom path grandmaster could do this with ease.Lady White Rabbit talked as she looked at Fang Yuan's face, deep affection was in her gaze.But to her disappointment, until she finished her report, Fang Yuan did not open his eyes to look at her once."Okay, you can go now." Fang Yuan said.Lady White Rabbit could only leave slowly while feeling disappointed, as she looked at him with a longing gaze.Outside the room, Wu An was waiting long ago."Lady, this way please." Wu An's attitude towards Lady White Rabbit was even more polite than before.Lady White Rabbit was allowed to meet Fang Yuan, this showed that he still favored her, thus, Wu An placed a lot of importance on Lady White Rabbit. Because she represented the future of the immortal opportunity business!Lady White Rabbit was a little worried, asking Wu An: "Wu An, does Lord Wu Yi Hai cultivate like this all the time?"Wu An was stunned: "What do you mean?"Lady White Rabbit sighed in a gloomy tone: "Lord Wu Yi Hai cultivates really hard, he does not even waste any second of his time. Even when listening to my report, he did not stop cultivating, has he always been like this?"Wu An blinked: "Lady, I will speak the truth. Even though I have never watched Lord Wu Yi Hai cultivate, just a glimpse can tell many things. Lord Wu Yi Hai might be the most hardworking cultivator I have ever seen in my life. Disregarding anything else, just the fact that he is staying in his room and cultivating without leaving for so long, that would be impossible for me."Lady White Rabbit became even more worried: "Precisely so, I am worried about Lord Wu Yi Hai. When he cultivates, he truly risks his life! There is a limit to cultivation speed, if he keeps at this, I am afraid he might not be able to endure it, and his mental state would be ruined. Wu An, if you have a chance, you must talk to Lord Wu Yi Hai, okay?"Wu An thought: "You have met with him more than I have, what can I do?"But he still nodded, acknowledging: "If I get a chance, I will talk to Lord Wu Yi Hai about this."Fang Yuan analyzed Lady White Rabbit's information.He had a clear grasp of Southern Border's situation all along thanks to this.All in all, Southern Border was still quite peaceful.Even though Wu Du Xiu died, and Wu clan only had one rank eight Gu Immortal, Wu Yong, left. But this person displayed great battle strength and political methods after taking over Wu clan.Precisely so, even though Ba clan, Tie clan and others were watching closely, they had to contain their dark intentions.The situation of the rank eight Gu Immortals was reflected on Southern Border in many aspects. The situation at the super Gu formation was still calm. The immortal opportunity business was ongoing, Gu Immortals benefited and profited secretly, they were very happy, there were also Gu Immortals who did not participate, simply looking on from afar."The Northern Plains blood battle martial competition has ended, Chu Sect became Chu tribe, Bai Zu tribe was preserved, while the Huang Jin tribes won and gained a lot of cultivation resources.""This way, Northern Plains is also stabilizing.""Eastern Sea, Western Desert, and Central Continent have little information available, most of them are obtained from treasure yellow heaven, I only have a vague idea. But they are also relatively peaceful now."In truth, a peaceful state was most common in the five regions.Who would go ahead and fight to the death if a peaceful life was available?Northern Plains' chaos was thanks to Fang Yuan. He destroyed Eighty-Eight True Yang Building and in addition to Shadow Sect's schemes, a terrifying situation was created.Only in the five regions chaotic war did the five regions go into chaos, all sorts of order was torn down, fighting to become Gu Immortal was the main trend.The current situation was very calm.This was best for Fang Yuan.He entered his own dream realm, refining his dream path mortal Gu.Amidst green and verdant mountains, the merchant caravan was temporarily resting at the base of a mountain.Boom.Moonlight curved in the air agilely, moving past a rock ahead and hitting the tree branch behind it accurately.Immediately, wood shavings were sliced off, the thin branch was nearly cut down by the moonlight."After practising for so many days, I finally succeeded!" Fang Yuan was covered in sweat, he felt immense joy."Lad, not bad huh." Gu Master Big Beard walked towards Fang Yuan."Uncle Beard, thanks for teaching me this!" Fang Yuan gave a wide smile, he showed his white teeth as he smiled, he was a bright and joyful lad.Gu Master Big Beard was almost blinded by his shining aura, he blinked as he asked in confusion: "Normal people would only be able to go through such intense training for a week or so. But you woke up early and slept late, you would cultivate so long as you had the time, after a month, your enthusiasm has not faded yet. Is this boring cultivation process really so interesting?"Fang Yuan clenched his fists, his eyes were shining like the stars in the sky: "Of course, Uncle, don't you find it amazing and incredible? A person can unleash incredible attacks with a wave of their hand. Cultivation itself is a very enjoyable thing."

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Chapter 1237. Dragon Lady | Reverend Insanity

Gu Master Big Beard naturally did not understand Fang Yuan's emotions.As a transmigrator from Earth, the special abilities of Gu Masters were simply superhuman. Turning from a normal person to a superhuman, of course Fang Yuan would be excited and enthusiastic."Furthermore, my aptitude is low, only at C grade. How can I not work harder?" The young Fang Yuan chuckled as he spoke."Uncle, go ahead with your business, I will continue cultivating." Fang Yuan said again.Gu Master Big Beard laughed as he shook his head, tactfully leaving.Standing afar, he looked at Fang Yuan who was cultivating earnestly, he had a complex gaze as he muttered: "Even if you work so hard, what for? C grade aptitude… cruel reality will assault you and extinguish that fire of enthusiasm, failure will get rid of your excitement. Such enthusiasm and hard work, how long can it last?"At another corner of the dream realm, the real Fang Yuan was holding onto the branch that was nearly cut off by the moonlight."Hmm, not bad this dream path Gu material is quite good, if I am lucky, I can refine more than ten dream path mortal Gu."He smiled lightly as his deep dark pupils flickered with light, resembling stars in the sky.Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.The humans alike dragons Gu refinement method was at its final crucial moment."Persevere, you cannot slack for even a moment, master, you can do it, you can definitely succeed." Bai Xiang heavenly spirit screamed.The Gu formation was operating, the pillar of light was tall and mighty, like it was holding up heaven and earth.The center of the pillar was so shiny that one could not look at the light directly, there was a human shaped figure of fire in it.It was Bai Ning Bing!His face and body had all melted, like candles that were exposed to intense heat.His hair was all burned, his eyes were blind, even his hands and legs were all melted into one.Bai Ning Bing was nothing like a human.The intense pain had never stopped assaulting him for the last weeks!Initially, he screamed in pain, roaring at the sky, nearly fainting.But afterwards, he survived countless dangerous situations, forcibly preserving his life until now.Gritting his teeth and enduring.Next, his teeth and tongue were also melted by the raging wave rising dragon fire, fusing together.He smiled.A relentless smile.Next, he could not even smile anymore, because his nose and face had all melted like wax.Now, he was just a human pole, it was a horrific sight.But Bai Xiang heavenly spirit could sense Bai Ning Bing's determination.His determination was firm as steel, after the burning of the fire and the pain that tempered him, he was becoming more firm and unwavering.Such determination made even Bai Xiang heavenly spirit lost for words!Initially, even Bai Xiang heavenly spirit did not think Bai Ning Bing would succeed.Because Bai Ning Bing's situation was too terrible, the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method was extremely dangerous. Every Gu refinement carried risks of failure. In history, any Gu Master or Gu Immortal who tried to turn into a dragonman would be extremely careful and make ample preparations, only taking this risk after they were sufficiently prepared!Boom!An intense sound resembled the striking of thunder.The pillar of light dissipated, as a lump of fire flew upwards.It was shaped like a fiery dragon, its red body was strong as ever, after flying one round in the sky, it flew down towards Bai Ning Bing.Bai Ning Bing was a lump of meat now, his bones, flesh, dao marks, blood, and skin were all fused into one.The meat seemed like a bottomless hole, absorbing the whole of the fiery dragon that crashed towards it.Next, the meat turned red, the temperature rose, intense flames were raging nearby, causing distortions in the air due to the high heat.When the lump of meat became red to the extreme, it exploded, within a bright light, a brand new Bai Ning Bing was born."Success, we succeeded!!" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit stared with wide eyes and muttered.Under the rays of the lingering light, Bai Ning Bing raised her head to the sky!Only to hear her say: "Ten thousand li mountain and nine layers of the abyss, dragons coil at the bottom of the well. Today I rise up towards the clouds, my proud body soars towards true freedom."Her voice sounded like the roar of a dragon, winds were rumbling as it echoed in the entire Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.Bai Xiang heavenly spirit was in admiration, he knelt on the ground and said: "Congratulations to master's new life, you have regained your immortal status!"Bai Ning Bing stopped her roaring, she descended.She was expressionless, her skin was white as snow, her facial features were even more distinct now, her beauty had surpassed her former self!Her pale blue dragon eyes were emitting a cold aura to the outside world.But at the next moment, shock was expressed in her dragon eyes: "Hmm? What is going on? I already became an immortal, I have a real immortal aperture, why did I become a woman?""This…" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit thought about his words carefully before explaining: "The humans alike dragons Gu refinement method uses master as the immortal material. The result of the refinement depends on the proportion of immortal materials and how they mix together. Master had transformation path dao marks earlier, to think that these dao marks would affect your body and actually influence the final result of the Gu refinement, turning you into a dragon lady."Bai Ning Bing: "…"She realized that the information path dao marks and all her alliance agreements were gone, but the transformation path dao marks still affected the results of her refinement. Like what the heavenly spirit said, the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method could not be strictly controlled, the participating immortal material had a lot of influence on the result.Bai Ning Bing furrowed her brows.This was like a curse.Her female body curse had started ever since she was in Qing Mao Mountain.After pondering for a while, Bai Ning Bing asked: "How can I turn back to a man?"Bai Xiang heavenly spirit replied: "This is easy, just cultivate transformation path in addition."Bai Ning Bing was knowledgeable, she shook her head: "That does not solve the underlying problem, I have my Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, I will cultivate ice and snow path in the future."Bai Xiang heavenly spirit thought about it before saying: "Master, you have been reborn, the female body is your true gender. But if you want to change it, you will need to approach its root cause and find the other half of that rotation Gu from the past, and refine it into an Immortal Gu. Using that Immortal Gu, you will be able to become a man."Bai Ning Bing: "…"The image of a person appeared in her mind uncontrollably."Fang Yuan, to think that you would still be an obstacle to me now. Hmph!" Bai Ning Bing snorted internally, she knew that Fang Yuan had the rank eight battle strength upper extreme heavenly eagle.She had to plan for a long time to get that crucial Gu worm from Fang Yuan.Central Continent, Spirit Affinity House.Above the clouds, Gu Immortals gathered.Spirit Affinity House's first supreme elder said: "Bu Zhen Zi, you have to protect our sect's fairy in this Northern Plains journey, she is only a false immortal, and her ascension was only recently."Bu Zhen Zi was a supreme elder of Spirit Affinity House, a rank seven phantom path Gu Immortal, he said: "Everyone, as long as I am alive, I will ensure her safety."He spoke with great confidence.First supreme elder nodded, looking at Zhao Lian Yun: "You must not charge ahead in this journey, always protect your own safety. Leave the rest to the others, the Gu Immortals going with you are all elite experts of the ten great ancient sects, with our advantage as the attacker, there is a high chance of success."Zhao Lian Yun nodded, she understood now that this granny was actually the Gu Immortal with the highest authority in Spirit Affinity House.She bowed deeply to the first supreme elder, Xu Hao, and Li Jun Ying: "I am going now.""Set off." First supreme elder waved her hand.Bu Zhen Zi cupped his fists, bringing Zhao Lian Yun with him, riding on a ruin bat and flying away."To think that Zhao Lian Yun would become our sect's fairy.""Heaven is toying with us.""I wonder if she will be able to save that Ma Hong Yun?""In my opinion, the chances are high, after all, all of the Gu Immortals going to Northern Plains are elites of our sects, this is a powerful force!"The Gu Immortals conversed as they left."I will go talk to our daughter." Fairy Bai Qing had a look of worry as she spoke to Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge nodded.This time, he also wanted to go to Northern Plains, but Heavenly Court denied his suggestion.Feng Jiu Ge was a legendary genius rarely seen in thousands of years, he was so talented none could match him, he possessed rank eight battle strength with just rank seven cultivation level.According to common logic, he would be the best person to send to Northern Plains, but he was unable to become part of the rescue team.At this point, Feng Jiu Ge did not know what Heavenly Court was thinking or planning.When Fairy Bai Qing met with Feng Jin Huang, the latter was sitting by the lake, looking at the ripples on the surface as she went into a daze.Fairy Bai Qing felt caring and affection in her heart.She knew: Her daughter had always wanted to become Spirit Affinity House's fairy, she worked hard for it. But now, Zhao Lian Yun gained love Gu's acknowledgement, she was also supported by Heavenly Court, becoming Spirit Affinity House's fairy.This way, Feng Jin Huang was eliminated from the competition.Fairy Bai Qing walked towards Feng Jin Huang: "Why? Still thinking about the fairy position?""No, mother, I was thinking, why did I not obtain love Gu's acknowledgement?" Feng Jin Huang's eyes were red, she had secretly cried earlier."That is because you do not have love." Fairy Bai Qing sat beside Feng Jin Huang, stretching out her hand as she touched Feng Jin Huang's hair.Feng Jin Huang asked: "Why do I not have love? What is love?"Fairy Bai Qing's gaze flickered, she thought about it before saying: "Love is different from familial affection and friendship, it is a type of affinity, like when I met your father. Love came suddenly and nobody expected it. Love cannot be forced, it is all up to your affinity."Feng Jin Huang shook her head: "I do not want to leave it to fate, this is not my style, I want to find love and be acknowledged by love Gu, and take back the position of fairy. Mother, do you think this is possible?"Fairy Bai Qing smiled, this was basically impossible, but seeing her daughter's expectant gaze, as a mother, how could she say the truth?Thus, she said: "There is a possibility, but you need to find a lover first. A lover is not your father or mother, or those female companions by your side."

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Chapter 1238. Luck Path Master | Reverend Insanity

"Mother, you mean to say, it has to be…" Feng Jin Huang frowned, in the process of her growth, there were few youngsters who could match her. Spirit Affinity House had more women than men, this made Feng Jin Huang look down on those males of her generation since a young age.There was another important reason, that was, Feng Jin Huang's father was too talented, it elevated her expectations, she could not see anything good in those boys around her.Fairy Bai Qing nodded, asking teasingly: "That's right Huang Er, among those youngsters you met, who are you interested in?"Feng Jin Huang frowned, after thinking about it, she shook her head.Fairy Bai Qing almost laughed out loud, her daughter's puzzled look was extremely cute, she asked again: "Then let me change my question, which youngster left the deepest impression on you?"At this moment, Feng Jin Huang was stunned.Fang Yuan's image uncontrollably appeared in her mind.Fang Yuan was the one who dealt a pitiful defeat to her, Feng Jin Huang would never forget the scene on Dang Hun Mountain.Furthermore, Fang Yuan had saved Feng Jiu Ge's life before!All of these events made Feng Jin Huang have extremely complex feelings towards Fang Yuan.It was not pure hatred.It was also not pure gratitude.Fairy Bai Qing looked at Feng Jin Huang, who was in a daze, and her expression turned dark, she became flustered as she blamed herself: "Oh no! Why did I forget about Fang Yuan's existence."Fairy Bai Qing quickly said: "Huang Er, don't think about it!"As a mother, Fairy Bai Qing was very worried. Even though Feng Jin Huang had grown a lot, she was still innocent regarding relationships, like a blank white sheet of paper."That Fang Yuan is an otherworldly demon, he used Spring Autumn Cicada to rebirth. His actual age is probably older than both myself and your father!" Fairy Bai Qing said in a solemn time."Most importantly, he is listed on the Demon Judgment Board, he is a vicious and evil demon, slaughtering countless and causing great harm to the world, he is very dangerous.""But he saved father." Feng Jin Huang retorted.Fairy Bai Qing said in a serious tone, looking deeply into Feng Jin Huang's eyes: "You must remember this, gratitude and enmity cannot be mixed together, you need to draw the line. His gratitude of saving your father's life was a coincidence, we will definitely repay him. But he is a demonic path member, he is vile and vicious, after repaying that debt, if we meet him again, we will exterminate him. Understood?"Feng Jin Huang nodded: "Understood!"Southern Border, Fang Yuan was inside the dream realm."Achoo! Achoo!" Fang Yuan sneezed twice.He rubbed his nose as he said to the female Gu Master in front of him: "Again."The female Gu Master was at the counter in front of him, she took out three rocks: "Please."This was another dream realm.The earlier water path dream realm was too hard at the end, Fang Yuan gave up. A few days later, the dream realm changed, and a suitable one appeared for Fang Yuan.What made him happy was that successfully exploring this dream realm would raise his luck path attainment level!Luck path Gu Immortals were very few in numbers.Because even though Giant Sun Immortal Venerable created luck path, he did not spread it.Thus, dream realms that contained luck path true meaning were rare. It was unlikely that Fang Yuan could encounter such a dream realm.Fang Yuan looked at the three rocks, he knew that according to the rules, he would need to win three consecutive times, finding the most valuable item in these three rocks to get to the second scene.Rock gambling."I succeeded twice already, if I fail now, my efforts would be in vain, I should use unravel dream."Fang Yuan activated the immortal killer move unravel dream.After waiting for a while, nothing happened."What is going on?" While he was confused, the female Gu Master who attended to him looked at him amorously and whispered: "Little brother, choose the middle one, don't worry, I won't harm you."Saying this, she winked at Fang Yuan in a subtle manner, it had a teasing flavor.Fang Yuan finally realized, this was unravel dream's effect. He did not hesitate, he grabbed the middle one.The three rocks were opened, none had any Gu worms, but with the quality of the rocks themselves, the middle one had the highest value.The first scene faded, as he quickly entered the second scene.Northern Plains.Longevity Heaven.Rank eight Immortal Gu House, Calamity Luck Altar.Three floors of round altars with multiple pillars holding it up, white jade railings and shining aurora.Eight Gu Immortals in Longevity Heaven were standing at the center of the nine corners of Calamity Luck Altar, doing their best to concentrate in controlling the operations of Calamity Luck Altar.At the center of Calamity Luck Altar, Five Elements Grandmaster had a solemn expression, he was surrounded by three layers of rings in the five elements, but Calamity Luck Altar's pressure was increasing, Five Elements Grandmaster had to use his true abilities to resist it.Both parties were silent.Because it was clear that both sides could not be moved with just words.But at this moment, the entirety of Longevity Heaven resounded with bell chimes.The Eight Extremities heard the bell chimes and shook, they were shocked and full of questions."This is the immortal killer move ringing alarm bell, why did it activate?""In the past, Ancestor Giant Sun set up this immortal killer move in Longevity Heaven, if we met with trouble, it would activate.""But Five Elements Grandmaster has already been trapped."The Eight Extremities were conversing, feeling lost.The leader of the Eight Extremities, Heaven Extremity said: "No, even when Five Elements Grandmaster attacked, ringing alarm bell did not activate, right now, it is pointing to another danger."The others were flustered."This means that the following calamity is going to be more severe than Five Elements Grandmaster's attack?""Right now, we have to use our full strength to suppress Five Elements Grandmaster using Calamity Luck Altar, we cannot divert our attention. How will we deal with it?""With Calamity Luck Altar here, heavenly tribulations and earthly calamities cannot do anything to us, it has to be a terrifying human calamity instead."The second-in-charge, Earth Extremity, looked at Heaven Extremity and said: "In this situation, we can only awaken the Four Desolation Immortals."Heaven Extremity had a solemn expression as he nodded.Five Elements Grandmaster spoke with a smile: "Longevity Heaven can barely fend for itself, I am curious, what kind of disaster can make this ringing alarm bell activate."Heaven Extremity was about to speak when a voice could be heard near him: "These so called disasters are accompanied by fortune and good luck. They are luck path in essence, a type of uncertainty, as Gu Immortals, we have to turn these negative uncertainties into positive uncertainties. The concept of Calamity Luck Altar was derived from this."Heaven Extremity heard this voice and felt great joy and surprise.Five Elements Grandmaster looked at this mysterious Gu Immortal who appeared, asking: "Which of the Four Desolation Immortals are you?""Greetings to Lord South Desolation." The Eight Extremities respectfully greeted at once, giving the answer to Five Elements Grandmaster.Longevity Heaven had twelve positions, separated into Eight Extremities and Four Desolations.The Four Desolation Immortals were East Desolation, South Desolation, West Desolation, and North Desolation, four rank eight immortals respectively.The Eight Extremities were: Heaven Extremity, Earth Extremity, Black Extremity, Yellow Extremity, Space Extremity, Time Extremity, Flood Extremity, Desolate Extremity, a total of eight rank seven Gu Immortals.Of course, Longevity Heaven was Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's grotto-heaven, it had a huge space and abundant resources, other than these twelve, there were other Gu Immortals. But these twelve had the core authority of Longevity Heaven, they were elites among Gu Immortals.South Desolation Immortal wore an azure-gold suit of armor, his beard extended to his chest, he was a muscular man with an old appearance, he said: "When the bell rang, I woke up. This sound has three long notes and two short notes, it is neither fast or slow, it means that love Gu has entered Northern Plains. Love Gu has the power to defy fate, in the past, even Ancestor was wary of it. To obtain love Gu, Ancestor made a bet with Heavenly Court, but he failed to refine it even after three years. He could only set up some supreme luck path methods in it, that would activate one day. Love Gu would come to Northern Plains due to luck, and this would be the best opportunity for us to snatch love Gu!"Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's immortal killer move was very amazing. His descendants could gain some information just by hearing the bells.Even though the Eight Extremities knew of ringing alarm bell, they did not know its specific details, after hearing South Desolation Immortal's words, they were excited.It turned out that long ago, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had made his preparations.Heaven Extremity said: "Us Eight Extremities will follow Lord South Desolation's lead, we are willing to die for Longevity Heaven, and obtain love Immortal Gu!"Southern Border."This is Bai Xiang grotto-heaven!" Hei Lou Lan stepped through the immortal aperture's entrance, officially getting into Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.Tai Bai Yun Sheng, Ying Wu Xie and Shi Nu followed behind."Hmm? Something's not right." Ying Wu Xie's expression changed.At the next moment, the surroundings changed, the Gu formation was activated, trapping the four immortals in a special space.Bai Ning Bing's figure slowly appeared.Shi Nu was shocked and furious, he growled: "You are Bai Ning Bing? You dare to betray us!""Hmph, remnants of Shadow Sect, today will be the day you die!" Bai Ning Bing smiled coldly, a cruel light was shining in her pale blue dragon eyes.Ying Wu Xie was greatly surprised, Bai Ning Bing had broken free of his control, this was out of his expectations.He had a flash of inspiration: "So that's it, you used the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method? This method had been lost long ago, Bai Xiang grotto-heaven actually had it?!""Honestly speaking, I need to thank you, now accept this present of gratitude from me." Bai Ning Bing snickered, the image of the four immortals faded in front of her, before they vanished completely."Wait, we can still negotiate…" Ying Wu Xie had not finished his words when the Gu formation activated, large amounts of snow rained as countless ice spears shot up from the ground, the four immortals quickly defended themselves.Remains of Yi Tian Mountain, inside the super Gu formation.Fang Yuan opened his eyes, returning to reality.His soul was extremely weak, but it was not a problem, he had enough guts Gu to use."Luck path master!" Fang Yuan inspected himself, his luck path attainment had risen to master level.The luck path dream realm earlier was fully explored.He had no remaining uses of unravel dream, but his gains were huge, his luck path attainment had jumped from ordinary to master attainment level.He immediately felt a difference.This feeling was mystical, it could not be described with words."If my luck path attainment is at grandmaster level, I might want to get the self luck true inheritance from Lang Ya land spirit, if I can use it well, my strength would rise greatly.""In my current case, I feel like I can already use unravel mystery Immortal Gu and dog shit luck Immortal Gu together, to greatly boost the effect of my immortal killer move qi luck sensation!"

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Chapter 1239. Filled With Killing Intent | Reverend Insanity

Qi luck sensation.This immortal killer move came from Hei Fan grotto-heaven, the inheritance of Gu Immortal Feng Jun.It used qi luck Immortal Gu as the core, with supplementary mortal Gu, to allow a Gu Immortal to sense people who were closely related to them in terms of luck.Furthermore, the closer they were to each other, the clearer the connection would feel.Fang Yuan used this move to sense the locations of Ying Wu Xie and the rest, even though they were separated by regional walls.This was because Ying Wu Xie and the rest had their luck connected to Fang Yuan.After using Connect Luck, both parties would have their luck closely connected, they would share both fortune and disaster together.However, with Ying Wu Xie's methods, he was able to negate a portion of the effect of qi luck sensation, he even could hide inside an immortal aperture to cut himself off from Fang Yuan's detection.Fang Yuan was very wary of Ying Wu Xie and gang, even though Shadow Sect was a fraction of its former size, a broken ship was still better than a plank, a dying camel was larger than a horse, by just gathering Shadow Sect's remaining resources, Ying Wu Xie and the rest would grow much more rapidly than Fang Yuan and at a steadier rate."This time, after elevating qi luck sensation, I should be able to detect the locations of Ying Wu Xie and the rest. I will eliminate them in advance and get rid of this huge threat!"Fang Yuan decided to add Unravel Mystery into qi luck sensation, causing this killer move to have two cores instead of one."Unravel mystery Immortal Gu is wisdom path, hmm… I should add some wisdom path Gu in.""After that, I will use some group think Gu and some mortal connect luck Gu, hmm, and some pair Gu and sequence Gu."…Fang Yuan did not make any deductions, he was making decisions based on his instincts.A large number of mortal Gu were added in.Among these Gu worm, a portion were owned by Fang Yuan, but he had to buy more of them through treasure yellow heaven.Without any hurdles, soon, he obtained these Gu worms.But next, he did not activate the immortal killer move immediately, he went to do further testing.After adding so many Gu worms, qi luck sensation had changed greatly, if he activated it blindly, he might just fail immediately, Fang Yuan might get injured, or worse, his Gu worms might be destroyed. Destroying mortal Gu was fine, but if his Immortal Gu were destroyed, what would he do?When Gu Immortals create a new immortal killer move, the experimentation process was also very risky.Fang Yuan first separated the new qi luck sensation into several portions and did experiments on them one by one.The results of the experiments were very good.Not a single one failed.Fang Yuan next used wisdom path methods to deduce, modify and improve on the newly created qi luck sensation.Half a day later, Fang Yuan finally finished his deductions, he activated the newly modified qi luck sensation for the first time.Halfway through activating it, a small problem that was beyond Fang Yuan's estimations occurred.It was not a big problem, but the result of success might possibly be affected.Fang Yuan was vigilant, he forcibly stopped the activation.Many mortal Gu were destroyed.Fang Yuan did not even blink at the result, as long as qi luck Immortal Gu and unravel mystery Immortal Gu were fine, it was no problem. He was very rich now, expending some mortal Gu was simply a negligible loss to Fang Yuan.As for the supplementary mortal Gu, they did not need to be purchased.Fang Yuan had considered this situation long ago, thus he purchased more than what he needed for one activation.He continued to deduce and found out the reasons that resulted in this unexpected change.This time, Fang Yuan spent half a day again modifying the immortal killer move. After fixing it, he experimented again.This time, towards the later half of the immortal killer move, a mishap occurred again.The immortal killer move used too many Gu worms, Fang Yuan could not completely deduce the entire process.Even though these small unexpected sparks appeared minimally, Fang Yuan still thought of inspecting them, he forcibly stopped the killer move once again.Be it unravel mystery Immortal Gu or qi luck Immortal Gu, they had to be used at the final juncture, thus, although he lost many mortal Gu, they were inconsequential.After repeated trial and error, he continued to deduce and modify it.Several days later, Fang Yuan finally obtained a relatively perfect version of qi luck sensation.This immortal killer move used three times the number of Gu worms as before, with two Immortal Gu as the core, unravel mystery Immortal Gu and qi luck Immortal Gu, they were like two shining suns in the sky.Activating the new qi luck sensation!A mystical feeling appeared inside Fang Yuan.First, he detected Ye Fan, Hong Yi, and Han Li, they were in Southern Border, Central Continent, and Western Desert respectively, the exact details were clearer than before, especially Ye Fan, Fang Yuan could tell that he was currently on Shang Liang Mountain.The rest were more vague.Ying Wu Xie and Hei Lou Lan appeared in Fang Yuan's detection again.It was vague, countless times less clear compared to Ye Fan, he also did not know their exact location, but Fang Yuan could tell the general area they were in."Strange, other than Ying Wu Xie and Hei Lou Lan, there is a third person, but they are just as unclear as them. Don't tell me Ying Wu Xie used connect luck Immortal Gu to connect his luck with an unknown Gu Immortal?"Fang Yuan guessed the truth immediately.He frowned.Connect luck Immortal Gu was in Ying Wu Xie's hands, this was no secret.This was Fang Yuan's weakness.Currently, Fang Yuan no longer used Spring Autumn Cicada, he sealed it. In regards to luck, with dog shit luck Immortal Gu's protection, it had turned from a weakness to his strength.But Ying Wu Xie and the rest were taking a portion of Fang Yuan's advantage.When Giant Sun Immortal Venerable developed in his early days, a lot of his success was attributed to this dog shit luck Immortal Gu. But Fang Yuan was not enjoying it alone, his dog shit luck Immortal Gu's effect was split among other people.If it was split equally with Ye Fan, Han Li, Hei Lou Lan, and Hong Yi, so be it. After all, these were four lucky people. But Ying Wu Xie and that new Gu Immortal were huge burdens, they were weakening the effects of Dog Shit Luck."This direction… hehehe, to think that they are in Southern Border!""Ying Wu Xie and the rest need to be eliminated, after killing them, I will be truly safe, nobody would come after the sovereign immortal body again.""At the same time, after I kill them and remove the threat, my luck will rise greatly, the true power of Dog Shit Luck would be unleashed."At this moment, Fang Yuan was filled with killing intent, he wanted to move immediately and get rid of Ying Wu Xie and the rest once and for all!Central Continent."It is time, we can go now!" Rank eight Gu Immortal Wei Ling Yang shouted.His voice was hoarse, he had a middle aged appearance with dark bags under his eyes and looked listless, giving others a feeling of extreme fatigue.But he was the strongest among the three rank eight Gu Immortals on this journey, he was tasked as the leader of this rescue mission.Along with him, there were Bi Chen Tian and Myriad Tidal Dragon.These two were rank eight Gu Immortals as well.Bi Chen Tian joined the battle of Yi Tian Mountain and survived in the end.Myriad Tidal Dragon had higher seniority than Bi Chen Tian, recently, he was given pointers by Duke Long, his strength rose again.Duke Long was old and it was difficult for him to fight once again, but he controlled the situation and immediately changed the way that Heavenly Court functioned.They sent out three rank eight Gu Immortals, all from Heavenly Court, they had phantom apertures but their battle strength greatly surpassed the rank eight Gu Immortals of the ten great ancient sects.The immortals acknowledged his words and split into three groups, entering three Immortal Gu Houses respectively.These three Immortal Gu Houses were: Wind Cloud Manor's Wind Sweeping Building, it had seven floors and had fluttering curtains; Heavenly Lotus Sect's Canary Pavilion, small and exquisite, filled with liveliness; Combat Immortal Sect's Edge Link Camp, it was a military stronghold with waving battle flags.Each Immortal Gu House was guarded by a rank eight Gu Immortal.Zhao Lian Yun was in the middle one, Wind Cloud Manor's Wind Sweeping Building.She was at the top floor, the safest place inside this Immortal Gu House."Right now, our group is too powerful, we have three rank eight Gu Immortals as well as three Immortal Gu Houses! Victory is basically assured." Bu Zhen Zi followed behind Zhao Lian Yun, saying this.Zhao Lian Yun nodded, she was expressionless but her heart was jumping: "Hong Yun, I am coming! You must persevere."The three Immortal Gu Houses were like shooting stars, flying towards the sky.Edge Link Camp was at the front, opening a path for the rest. Wind Sweeping Building was in the middle, in charge of reinforcements. Canary Pavilion was at the back, looking out for unexpected situations.The heavenly wind qi wall was right before them.Boom!Edge Link Camp unleashed its might, giant sharp horns were formed, resembling solid figures, as they stabbed into the heavenly wind qi wall fiercely. Without any resistance, they forcefully created a tunnel.Wind Sweeping Building and Canary Pavilion followed after it quickly.Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.Wind Sweeping Building continued to shake, Zhao Lian Yun was also shaking at the top floor, almost falling down.Bu Zhen Zi was tongue-tied: "It is said that the heavenly wind qi wall is thicker than the five regional walls, it seems to be true after seeing it myself. Our Wind Sweeping Building is just in the center, moving along the created tunnel, yet the heavenly winds are already causing us to be so unstable. It is hard to imagine what it is like inside Edge Link Camp!"The heavenly wind qi wall was created by heavenly wind qi, even after creating a tunnel, the wind would rush in and fill the gap very quickly.Thus, the three Immortal Gu Houses were very close together, almost touching the edges of each other, they continued to charge forward.Halfway through their journey, Edge Link Camp lost many Gu worms, its charging power fell and it went to the back.Wind Sweeping Building replaced Edge Link Camp's spot, taking charge of creating a path ahead. After a quarter of the journey, Canary Pavilion went to the front.This way, some days later, the three Immortal Gu Houses finally broke through the heavenly wind qi wall and reached black heaven.Right now, in the Gu Master world, there were only black heaven and white heaven left of the immemorial nine heavens.It was clear why they did not choose white heaven.It was to prevent exposing themselves.Black heaven had natural concealment, it could help to hide the traces of the three Immortal Gu Houses to an extent.This way, the Central Continent Gu Immortals would ensure that they had the advantage in launching a sneak attack on this journey.

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Chapter 1240. Usefulness of Attainment Level | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border.Inside the super Gu formation.Fang Yuan recalled the power of qi luck sensation, realizing the usefulness of attainment level."The process of elevating qi luck sensation just now was quite tedious, but it was actually very easy.""Everything flowed naturally like water running down a drain."Ordinary Gu Immortals would face difficulty in trying to improve or complete an immortal killer move. For example, Vicious Lightning Fiend from Myriad Dragon Dock of the ten great ancient sects took years before creating the immortal killer move lightning deity."Vicious Lightning Fiend's lightning deity was deduced using the remnant recipe of Blood Deity. It involved both lightning path and blood path. Vicious Lightning Fiend had enough lightning path attainment level, but his blood path attainment was just ordinary. Thus, he had to spend years, using resources from Myriad Dragon Dock, to succeed with difficulty.""This is the lack of attainment level, one can only deduce forcefully, maybe high wisdom path attainment level can provide a lot of help, otherwise, inspiration or time would be needed. Hei Fan was a time path great expert, but even he had many immortal killer moves that were not completed after his death, right?""However, once the attainment level is sufficient, deducing killer moves will no longer be deductions, it would be an instinct, it is extremely easy."Fang Yuan thought about it.Just now, he elevated the immortal killer move qi luck sensation, he only spent a few days.But the results were shocking!When creating the framework of the immortal killer move, Fang Yuan did not think much, he only had a vague concept in his mind.Next, when he chose Gu worms, as long as they were luck path or wisdom path mortal Gu, he had a strong instinct about the selection.Instinct?This was hard to imagine.It really was, but once the attainment level was sufficient, one's understanding towards Gu worms and the concepts of immortal killer moves of the specific paths would turn into an instinct of the Gu Immortal.This instinct was like a natural skill, as if one had it since birth, it was simple and effortless.Like how someone could breathe through their nose, it was a natural thing."Attainment level is one's understanding of the Great Dao.""My luck path attainment is master level, this allows me to have acute sensations towards all contents of luck path, it is hard to describe with words. When elevating qi luck sensation, I did not need to test anything, I already knew what Gu worms would be suitable as the supplementary Gu.""Similarly, for wisdom path, I have wisdom path grandmaster attainment level. My understanding of wisdom path surpasses luck path, thus, I could perfectly fuse unravel mystery Immortal Gu into qi luck sensation successfully."Fang Yuan concluded and realized that the benefit of attainment level surpassed his former expectations.Being able to annex more immortal apertures was just a physical benefit.It had great effects on other aspects as well."If I raise all of my attainment levels to grandmaster or even great grandmaster in the future, will I be able to create a terrifying killer move that uses all of the paths?"Fang Yuan's thoughts started to wander."In fact, Spectral Soul had already reached this level. Perhaps this was why he could create sovereign immortal fetus Gu?"Conceptualizing immortal killer moves was the same in essence as creating Immortal Gu recipes.Thinking of Spectral Soul, Fang Yuan subconsciously looked towards a certain direction in Southern Border.Not long ago, he had confirmed with qi luck sensation that Ying Wu Xie and gang were over in that direction in Southern Border.Fang Yuan had already known the rough range of their whereabouts.Even though Fang Yuan had deep killing intent towards Ying Wu Xie and the others, he thought about it and decided to make some preparations before starting his assault.Even though Fang Yuan hatched the upper extreme heavenly eagle, it only had rank six battle strength.Ying Wu Xie and the rest had wrong information, thinking that Fang Yuan had rank eight battle strength, but he could not possibly use this non-existent power to kill them, right?In the previous battle in Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan saw the strength of Ying Wu Xie and the others.This time, after a long while, Fang Yuan could not estimate whether Ying Wu Xie and the rest had inherited Shadow Sect's resources and gained a huge boost in strength.To play it safe, Fang Yuan made a lot of preparations, just in case.He wanted to use this chance to get rid of this huge threat!Qi luck sensation was a great example, Fang Yuan had also already started to fuse myriad self and sword dragon transformation.Other than that, he even borrowed Immortal Gu from Wu clan.This was the benefit of joining Wu clan.It was different from Lang Ya Sect, that was a sect and required sect contribution points. But Wu clan was a clan, Fang Yuan's identity was Wu Yi Hai, the younger brother of Wu Yong, he had the closest bloodline relationship in the entire clan.Thus, when Fang Yuan asked to borrow some Immortal Gu from Wu clan's treasury, Wu Yong did not stop him, he agreed.In fact, Wu Yong was quite satisfied with Fang Yuan's recent performance.After Fang Yuan went to the super Gu formation, he held his side of the agreement and did not interfere in Wu clan's politics, this allowed Wu Yong to easily gain control of Wu clan.Secondly, Fang Yuan, who acted as Wu Yi Hai, perfectly handled the immortal opportunity business. He displayed great political abilities and prevented Ba clan from interfering, he helped Wu clan control the situation and defend their territory inside the giant dream realm.This was a contribution to Wu clan, Wu Yong remembered Fang Yuan's contribution, thus he not only agreed to lend some Immortal Gu from the treasury, he even lowered the cost of doing so.Fang Yuan paid a lot of Eastern Sea resources to borrow multiple Immortal Gu, among them were strength path dragon strength Immortal Gu and transformation path dragon scales Immortal Gu, they were all available. These Immortal Gu were added to fuse myriad self and sword dragon transformation, providing great help to Fang Yuan.Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.Inside the super Gu formation, Hei Lou Lan, Shi Nu, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and Ying Wu Xie were at four spots, defending against Bai Ning Bing.Howl howl howl…The super Gu formation was activated, intense winds blew, ice blades shot out, encircling the four Gu Immortals.With Ying Wu Xie leading and the three immortals helping, they resisted the super Gu formation's pressure. Even though they were in a difficult state, the formation was still quite stable.Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Tai Bai Yun Sheng.It was Bai Ning Bing, but only her upper body was present, her lower half was like smoke.'Bai Ning Bing' appeared and charged towards Tai Bai Yun Sheng.Tai Bai Yun Sheng was the weakest among the four immortals, Bai Ning Bing chose to attack him, it was the right choice.Tai Bai Yun Sheng quickly retreated!In the battle earlier, he had already seen how powerful Bai Ning Bing's attacks were, he suffered a lot due to it, if not for the other immortals' help, he would have died already."Change! Shi Nu, go." Seeing Tai Bai Yun Sheng's predicament, Ying Wu Xie quickly commanded.A white light appeared on all four of them, before a deep eerie sigh was heard in the sky.Shi Nu and Tai Bai Yun Sheng had changed locations, swapping as Shi Nu faced 'Bai Ning Bing"s attack.Shi Nu grunted, defending against it.Tai Bai Yun Sheng was behind Shi Nu, seeing this, he quickly used his cloud path Immortal Gu to heal him."Bai Ning Bing is getting stronger, she is familiarizing herself with Bai Xiang's methods, she is in control of many ice and snow path Immortal Gu that Bai Xiang had. The longer this drags on, the worse it will be for us!""Damn it!""Bai Xiang heavenly spirit actually had the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method! Wasn't this method completely eliminated by Duke Long? How could he have missed this.""Also… during the battle earlier, I sensed something in my luck. Fang Yuan actually raised his detection method to this extent, even if I hide inside an immortal aperture now, he would still discover me."Ying Wu Xie was facing huge pressure!Bai Ning Bing betrayed them and was getting stronger every minute, Ying Wu Xie and the rest were desperately trying to defend against her, they could not leave.On the other hand, Fang Yuan knew where they were.But Ying Wu Xie had the information that Fang Yuan possessed rank eight battle strength! If he got here, Bai Xiang grotto-heaven could not block the immemorial desolate beast upper extreme heavenly eagle.This meant that Fang Yuan could appear at any moment. Ying Wu Xie would not even be surprised if Fang Yuan showed up suddenly at the next moment."Bai Ning Bing, stop it! Fighting would harm us both, only working together will bring benefits.""Since you are now a dragonman, you are qualified to inherit the Immortal Gu House Dragon Palace. In the past, the dragonmen were extremely powerful with a large number of Gu Immortals, they managed to create Dragon Palace. After the dragonmen went extinct, Immortal Gu House Dragon Palace has been secretly hidden in a certain area of Eastern Sea. My Shadow Sect knows roughly where it is, but only someone who has used the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method to become a dragonman Gu Immortal can inherit it.""If you work with us, Dragon Palace will be yours!"Ying Wu Xie shouted.Bai Ning Bing had no reaction, the super Gu formation was continuing to attack unceasingly.Ying Wu Xie was stifled, he called out: "Bai Ning Bing, it will be too late if you don't stop! A great enemy whom we both know of is coming, he has a rank eight level upper extreme heavenly eagle, and has already used luck path methods to find out our location.""I am not lying to you, our luck vibrated earlier, you must have sensed it too, right?"Bai Ning Bing snorted, transmitting: "I would like him to come here. I want to cooperate with him, even if I have to give up this Bai Xiang grotto-heaven, so be it."Ying Wu Xie was anxious, he yelled: "Aren't we clear what kind of person he is? You are playing with fire, you will get burned to a crisp in the end. Wait, why do you want to cooperate with him?"Bai Ning Bing sneered: "This is our business, it has nothing to do with you. The four of you should just die here!"Ying Wu Xie had a flash of inspiration: "I know, you want that rotation Gu in his hands? That's right, you used the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method but turned into a dragon lady. You want to become a man, you need to solve the origin of the issue. I have the Gu worm that you need! It is with me.""What?" Bai Ning Bing was surprised.For the first time since the super Gu formation attacking Ying Wu Xie had activated, it showed signs of slowing down.

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