
Chapter: 1231-1235:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1231. Water Path Quasi-Grandmaster | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border, super Gu formation.Ba Quan Feng looked in Wu clan's direction, wondering discontentedly: "What is going on? This Wu Yi Hai is so patient, he is cultivating in seclusion and not going outside?"He found it hard to believe.Wu clan's members usually acted overbearingly, once in a while, they would find trouble with others.Wu Yi Hai was Wu Yong's half-brother, he had very high status in Wu clan. But he actually chose to cultivate in seclusion and normally did not interact with Gu Immortals.Ba De shook his head.He said solemnly: "Now it seems, this Wu Yi Hai is not simple at all.""Or rather, he is even harder to deal with than the rank seven Wu clan Gu Immortal earlier."Ba Quan Feng laughed:" How can that be? He is merely a lone cultivator from Eastern Sea."Old Treeman Ba De looked at Ba Quan Feng: "If he is only an ordinary lone cultivator, how can he manage this immortal opportunity business so outstandingly? Even if we place pressure on the business, we cannot do anything to Wu Yi Hai.""These last days, we have prepared many ways, but this person completely ignored us, facing our taunts, he chose to stay silent and endure it. Such a person is far more dangerous than other Wu clan Gu Immortals."Ba Quan Feng's expression changed, he breathed in deeply: "Lord Old Treeman, even you give him high praise, it seems this person is really outstanding. Why don't we go and ruin this immortal opportunity business, to force him to act?"Ba De shook his head: "Impossible, he will definitely not do anything. If we expose this matter, the immortal opportunity business will certainly fall apart since it is not allowed in the first place. But we will not be able to harm Wu Yi Hai, and we will even offend the six other clans with them, all of their animosity will be drawn towards us. By then, Wu Yi Hai would benefit from it and unite them to form an even tighter political force."Ba Quan Feng stared with wide opened eyes, bellowing: "Then what do we do?""Wait.""Wait?""Wait for an opportunity." Old Treeman Ba De said: "The opportunity that we can create right now is small and insignificant. In that case, we wait for a better opportunity in the future."Ba Quan Feng gritted his teeth: "Then wouldn't Wu clan be above us? How long would we need to wait, we might have to wait for a very long time."Old Treeman Ba De's expression turned cold, he no longer spoke, only looking at Ba Quan Feng silently.Ba Quan Feng felt an immense pressure from his gaze.He took three steps back, lowering his head as sweat appeared on his forehead: "Lord, I… I…""You are too rash Little Feng, these last days, your mental state is not right." Ba De said slowly."Yes, yes lord, I was wrong." Ba Quan Feng obediently admitted his mistake in an earnest manner."Wu clan indeed lost a rank eight Gu Immortal, but they are still a huge force. The other clans are observing Wu clan, but nobody wants to strike first, because we have not uncovered Wu clan's true foundation yet. If Ba clan is the first to jump out and is met with Wu clan's iron fist, we would suffer a loss, while the other clans would benefit, do you understand?""Yes, I will remember lord's words.""You will stay in seclusion, if Wu Yi Hai does not come out, you will also stay inside." Ba De said expressionlessly."Yes, lord." Ba Quan Feng had a bitter expression as he acknowledged this, before taking his leave.Fang Yuan was still inside a dream realm.The Gu Immortals outside all thought he was undergoing closed cultivation, most Gu Immortals thought that this was Wu Yi Hai's trait as an Eastern Sea lone cultivator, he had not adjusted his mindset. After all, lone immortals and secluded immortals loved to enter secluded cultivation.A small portion, including Ba De, thought that Fang Yuan was purposely doing this to deal with their political methods.But nobody thought that Fang Yuan was secretly exploring the dream realm!Inside the dream realm, it was now a crucial moment.Young Master Long had already gained a huge advantage in battle, he laughed at Fang Yuan: "You no longer stand a chance, you cannot win. If you surrender now, you can still save some face."Fang Yuan was covered in injuries, he was breathing roughly as he gritted his teeth, not speaking.This was the seventh scene of the dream realm.Fang Yuan's cultivation level was also at rank five.But Young Master Long was even stronger than him, at rank five peak stage.Not only that, Young Master Long had many useful Gu worms, and with his dragonman constitution, be it the defense of his dragon scales, or the regenerative properties of his dragon blood, they were on par with rank five Gu worms.His advantage was too huge!Be it cultivation level, Gu worms, or his own human body, Fang Yuan was suppressed heavily by Young Master Long.It was already a huge surprise to the spectators in the dream realm that the fight lasted this long.In their opinion, even though Fang Yuan's spirit was commendable, this battle's result was already decided."Now, you have less than five percent of your primeval essence, let's see how you block my attack!" Young Master Long shouted as he pounced at Fang Yuan.Even though Fang Yuan was in a bad state, his gaze was very clear, as he counted down in his head.After several failed explorations, he had already learned that he did not need to defeat Young Master Long in this battle, he needed to stall for time, he needed sufficient time.Once time was up, a chance would occur."Seven breaths of time left. This time, I should give it a try, immortal killer move — Unravel Dream!" Fang Yuan called out in his mind.Ping.Young Master Long, who was approaching imposingly and arrogantly as he took large steps towards Fang Yuan, suddenly fell face down on the ground, after tripping over a rock.The entire arena turned silent.All of the female Gu Masters who were cheering for Young Master Long since the start of the battle went quiet."How could I make such a mistake?!" Young Master Long had a jade-like appearance, but his face was flushing red as he turned angry from shame.He quickly got up, shouting as he charged at Fang Yuan again.Fang Yuan could only barely stand now, his injuries were too severe.He was simply waiting for his defeat, the entire place started cheering for Young Master Long again."Go, Young Master Long! Defeat this overconfident challenger!""Ah, I will remember this scene in my heart. Young Master Long is so charming, if only I could stand beside him, that would be great.""If he could talk to me, I would be satisfied in this life."The male Gu Masters were roaring, the female Gu Masters were calling out while cupping their hands or holding their faces.Immortal killer move — Unravel Dream!Fang Yuan could only use this again, because he could no longer put up a fight in this battle.Whoosh.A soft sound echoed.Young Master Long's movement paused.He was taking large steps, and was ready to win the battle, but now, an unexpected accident occurred again.Maybe because he took steps that were too large, or maybe his clothes were torn in the fight earlier, but now, his pants entirely ripped.Wind blew, young master Long felt a chill in his crotch.The entire place went silent.Even Fang Yuan was surprised, thinking: "The effect of unravel dream currently is really quite peculiar.""Ah—!" Suddenly, female Gu Masters screamed.The place went into a clamor."What is happening?""Hahahaha!""Young Master Long's pants ripped.""So Young Master Long does not wear underwear."The male Gu Masters were watching with interest while the female Gu Masters were covering their faces, using the gaps between their fingers to continue watching secretly.But the view was quite disappointing."So Young Master Long's…. is this small."Young Master Long: "…"His body was shaking intensely, his face was completely red, veins were popping on his forehead, his expression was extremely scary and malicious."Ahhhh! I will kill you!!" The shame in his heart was driving Young Master Long crazy, he pounced at Fang Yuan ferociously.However, Fang Yuan smiled like a winner.At the next moment, seven breaths of time had passed.Plop.With a soft sound, Young Master Long's entire body self-detonated.His dragon blood splattered on Fang Yuan's face.The entire place went into a commotion."Young, Young Master Long!""Why did this happen?!" Several female Gu Masters fainted on the spot."Did Young Master Long kill himself due to the shame and embarrassment?""It must be him." A Gu Master pointed at Fang Yuan: "He must have used some evil method to kill Young Master Long. He is a blood path demon!"Boom boom boom.At the next moment, the spectating dragonmen all self-detonated one after another.At once, blood splattered all over the place, the surviving Gu Masters were in chaos.Fang Yuan blinked, worried that these people would bring problems to him, but suddenly, the dream realm transformed as a new scene appeared."Puff, this seventh scene is finally over." Fang Yuan let out a breath.He had been stuck at this seventh scene for three days. According to the special trait of the dream realm, he had to go through scene by scene, otherwise, he would need to repeat it endlessly.A moment later, Fang Yuan left the dream realm after failing the eighth scene.After regaining his senses, he treated his injuries.The dream realm caused severe damage to the soul.Thankfully, Fang Yuan's soul foundation was outstanding, and with guts Gu, these injuries were no problem.More than ten breaths later, Fang Yuan's soul was as good as before.Next, he inspected his gains."Hmm, not bad, my water path attainment level has already reached quasi-grandmaster."Fang Yuan's water path attainment level was originally ordinary, it was not even master level. But the main character of this dream realm was a water path cultivator.By the time Fang Yuan got to the seventh scene, his water path attainment level went from ordinary to master, after he passed the seventh scene, it became extremely close to grandmaster."It seems that the protagonist of this dream realm had very high achievements, they were definitely higher than rank six.""Now that I have water path attainment level, I can annex most of those blessed lands inside City Well, in Eastern Sea. Wonderful, wonderful!"

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1232. Body Refinement | Reverend Insanity

"However, the mortal Gu for unravel dream were expended greatly. Right now, I can use less than ten unravel dreams."Thinking of this, Fang Yuan frowned lightly.This was a problem.Unravel dream was very effective, but the expenditure of dream path mortal Gu was huge.And because these dream path mortal Gu were all refined by Fang Yuan solely, he could not raise their production.Give these dream path Gu recipes to Lang Ya Sect and get the hairy man Gu Immortals to refine Gu for him?Fang Yuan did not even consider this.At this time period, the value of these dream path mortal Gu was higher than Immortal Gu!Of course, Fang Yuan believed that Lang Ya land spirit could afford to pay this, but there was no absolute secret in this world, if it was exposed, the impact would be too big.Fang Yuan was at the peak of the five regions in terms of dream realm exploration, if these dream path mortal Gu recipes were known to others, his advantage would be gone.This was what Fang Yuan did not want to see.Thus, he would rather refine them himself, even though the production was lower, he had to keep it strictly to himself. As long as he did not expose it, who would know?"I cannot get others to help, but I can make use of things like spring dream fruit trees to raise the efficiency of my dream path mortal Gu refinement." Fang Yuan thought of the spring dream fruit tree again.Spring dream fruit trees were a very special type of plant.It existed in dreams and did not have solid form. But it needed a real living tree as its foundation to survive.Fang Yuan knew of one spring dream fruit tree, it was at the base of a nameless mountain in Central Continent.This volcano erupted every several hundred years, the large amounts of volcanic ash created fertile soil in the surroundings. Thus, many people lived there.Fang Yuan had once harvested the fruits of this spring dream fruit tree, they helped him greatly.But Fang Yuan could not transplant this spring dream fruit tree.The spring dream fruit tree at the base of the volcano was residing with a thousand year fire date tree. If Fang Yuan moved it, the spring dream fruit tree would be destroyed.And Central Continent was a lions' den to Fang Yuan now, he could not go there.Familiar face could allow him to disguise himself, but he could not avoid wisdom path Gu Immortals' deductions. Dark limit Immortal Gu could help him, but it was only rank six, that was not enough.Fang Yuan could not solve this problem currently, it was out of his abilities.And he also could not find a second spring dream fruit tree, he had no such methods, he could only give up.After resting for a while, Fang Yuan did not rush into the dream realm.He needed to deduce the eighth scene.He was a wisdom path grandmaster, deducing things in advance could help him to explore the dream realm.This was his advantage, he obviously made use of it.In terms of wisdom path, he did not lack attainment level, but Immortal Gu instead. Unravel Mystery was his only wisdom path Immortal Gu, it was alone without any accompanying wisdom path killer moves, thus, Unravel Mystery had little use.Right now, Fang Yuan was barely making use of it.In terms of wisdom path, he was not focusing on developing it currently, so Fang Yuan was keeping things in this state.Deductions were not just for dream realm, but also Fang Yuan's current environment and situation."If I guessed correctly, Ba clan is my biggest enemy. Earlier, they looked for many ways to find trouble with me but I solved it all, now it seems that they want to observe on the sidelines."Ba clan's passive state was making Fang Yuan feel wary.If they did not do anything, Fang Yuan would not know what they were thinking, preparing, or scheming. If they took action, Fang Yuan could sense their plan and deal with it, resolving whatever problems they sent to him."All in all, the situation is quite good, Wu Yi Hai's identity is really useful now.""The weakness of the immortal opportunity business was no longer an issue after my arrangement, it became a scheme displayed right in front of me. Maybe I can trap some stupid Gu Immortals?"After all, wisdom path Gu Immortals were few in numbers.Even if there were wisdom path Gu Immortals, they might not be righteous, if they did not know the rules of the righteous path, it was impossible.As for Wu An or Wu Liao, they were doing their work properly, Fang Yuan did not have to bother with them.Wu Liao had come to report some matters to Fang Yuan earlier, but Fang Yuan was determined to leave the work to them, he said that he was not to be bothered unless there were major matters.Wu Liao was extremely disappointed, thinking that Fang Yuan was the same as the previous rank seven, his attitude towards Fang Yuan turned cold.Fang Yuan sensed this easily but ignored it.This giant dream realm was expanding slowly at all times.When Fang Yuan secretly explored it, the dream realm would shrink, but to the entire dream realm, it was just a small portion, it only would slow down the speed of the dream realm's expansion.He could easily conceal it.Those demonic path and lone immortals who explored the dream realm through the immortal opportunity business were Fang Yuan's greatest concealment.These people usually met with difficulties in the dream realm, but there were one or two of them who could bring out dream path materials even though they failed the exploration.These dream path materials could naturally refine dream path Gu worms.These Gu Immortals treated them like treasure, even though only a small number had gains, the remaining Gu Immortals were extremely excited.The righteous path clans were also secretly purchasing the Gu materials from these Gu Immortals.Wu clan was no exception.However, the Gu Immortals who gained dream path Gu materials rarely chose to sell them, they kept them as valuables.Wu clan only purchased around ten Gu materials, Fang Yuan did not dare to touch these materials, Wu clan was keeping a close eye on them.After resting for a while, Fang Yuan went into the dream realm.It was not the giant dream realm, but his own dream.To get dream path Gu materials, one's own dream realm was the best and safest option.Unfortunately, these Gu Immortals did not know that.Southern Border, Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.At the center of a huge Gu formation, Bai Ning Bing sat down with difficulty.Bai Xiang heavenly spirit was in the air, manipulating the Gu formation.The Gu formation operated silently, multi-colored lights were flickering from time to time, gathering in a stream, or splitting up like flowers, flying around aimlessly.Bai Ning Bing had a pale expression, but his aura was much more stable than before.This was because the Gu formation was enduring a portion of the pressure for him. He used his body to contain the raging wave rising dragon fire, it was truly too reckless, his life was on the line."Next is the most important step, we will target the raging wave rising dragon fire in your body!" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit had a solemn expression: "Young master, you need to persevere and be completely focused, you need to coordinate with the Gu formation and suppress the raging wave rising dragon fire. The entire process will take forty-nine days. During that period, you will not get any rest, if I do not say stop, it would not have ended yet. Even at the final moment, if you lose concentration, you will die for sure."Bai Ning Bing's eyes were seeing stars, he felt dizzy, almost unable to sit properly.In this situation, not to mention forty-nine days, he would not even last half a day.In this critical junction, his lips curled up, he was smiling."Hehehe, this is so fun.""According to my current condition, this is an impossible task…""This can test the true limits of my body.""Even if I die like this, it is very interesting!"His body was tired, but he was very energetic in his mind.Breathing in deeply, Bai Ning Bing called out to Bai Xiang heavenly spirit: "Why are you waiting, aren't you going to start?"Bai Xiang heavenly spirit smiled as he thought: "I had waited so long for this young master to arrive, he seems to be quite capable, he has no fear towards death."Thinking so, Bai Xiang heavenly spirit activated the Gu formation.Boom!At the next moment, brilliant lights burst out of the Gu formation, spreading over the entire place."Ah—!" Bai Ning Bing screamed as he raised his head.A huge flame burst out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.Raging flames spread over his body, turning Bai Ning Bing into a human shaped fire pillar.Pain, pain, pain!Bai Ning Bing was someone who would not frown even if he was heavily injured, but now, he had no such composure, he screamed loudly in pain.Simply because the pain was too intense, he had to do this to vent the anguish.Bai Ning Bing was originally expecting the pain of a burning fire. But in fact, it was not like this.While screaming, he realized something: This humans alike dragons Gu refinement method not only targeted the raging wave rising dragon fire but Bai Ning Bing himself. Be it his body or soul, or the dao marks in his body, they were all melted and separated under the humans alike dragons Gu refinement method.This was the same as processing Bai Ning Bing as an immortal material, the pain was simply too immense to describe."Hang on, hang on!" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit screamed anxiously.Bai Ning Bing's eyes already had turned over to show the whites, the intense pain sent him into despair, he was in a state of being close to unconsciousness.If he fainted, at that very moment, he would be burnt to a crisp by the raging dragon fire!Northern Plains, Snowy Mountain first peak.Ma Hong Yun was also screaming."Ahhhh!" The veins on his neck were popping.Intense lightning danced in his body, Ma Hong Yun's body was shaking intensely, he seemed to be spasming or dancing frantically.After a moment, the lightning faded, as Ma Hong Yun breathed roughly with sweat pouring out of his pores, he did not have any strength left."Failed again?" Lady Wan Shou frowned, feeling slightly angry.Ma Hong Yun had already been lightning refined countless times, even though he suffered each time, he did not lack any limbs, he was still intact. Furthermore, his cultivation level had risen to rank five peak stage.This made Lady Wan Shou speechless.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1233. Gathering of Central Continent Gu Immortals | Reverend Insanity

Central Continent.In a certain village.Rumble!Intense rumbling was occurring on the mountain.An endless amount of rocks and soil were falling down the mountain grandly like an avalanche."Quickly escape for our lives!""I am going to die, I am going to die…""Father, where are you, don't leave me behind!"Seeing the disaster unfold, the peaceful village exploded into complete chaos.Countless people were scurrying around in a frenzy, some were lying on the ground in despair, children were crying as mothers held onto them, many had given up resisting.In a situation without anyone noticing, a figure was floating in the sky.It was a rank seven Gu Immortal.He was dressed in a silky blue robe, his long hair extended to his shoulder, he was not brawny, but rather delicate looking.At this moment, he was frowning, muttering as he looked at the mud flow: "This mud flow is very strange."Normally speaking, before the mud flow there would be huge rain, but now, the weather was sunny.The truth was, the environment of the surrounding tens of thousands of li had been secretly modified by the rank seven Gu Immortal, he could ensure a proper amount of rain and sun to gain plentiful harvests yearly.Plop.Mountain rocks suddenly burst apart, as a huge brass shell appeared from underneath.The rank seven Gu Immortal with a blue robe floated in the sky, looking at this extremely eye-catching scene.He frowned slightly, before it eased: "Oh. So it's a swamp crab."The swamp crab was a desolate beast, its body was covered in a hard shell, its eyes had vanished due to evolution, it had no weaknesses left.It was the king of the swamp among desolate beasts.The ten pairs of claws were extraordinarily firm, the first pair of pincers was more fearsome than steel poles, a pair of pincers that could break mountain rocks or cut a flood dragon in half! Its remaining eighteen claws, although thinner than the first pair, they were still thicker than hundred year old trees.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal saw this swamp crab and his eyes shone, feeling pleased.He was a water path Gu Immortal, this swamp crab had both earth path and water path dao marks. Killing it would give this blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal a lot of usable immortal materials."But the swamp crab is only a desolate beast, if I nurture it well, it might grow into the ancient desolate beast muddy swamp crab, and above that, there is the mud coat swamp crab. The mud coat swamp crab is an immemorial desolate beast, I can stop dreaming about it. My immortal aperture blessed land cannot nurture an immemorial desolate beast, but I can try to get a muddy swamp crab."Thinking of this, the blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal attacked.He extended his hand out of his wide sleeves.His skin was pale, and his fingers were slim.His ten fingers moved around elegantly, they were covered in layers of multi-colored lights.This was his special method to manipulate Gu worms!Soon, countless Gu worm auras rose in his body, there were mortal Gu and also Immortal Gu, different auras weaved together, creating a complex aura that spread everywhere.The swamp crab in the mountain had no eyes, but using its wild beast instinct, it acutely sensed the threat in the air.The swamp crab started to go back inside the mountain.Its huge brass shell had already half sunken into it.But at this moment, the blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal finished his preparations, his immortal killer move was unleashed!Rumble…Blue waves resembling the tides of the sea appeared out of nowhere, crashing towards the swamp crab.The swamp crab was huge, it could not dodge, it was swept by the waves.But even with the ebb and flow, the swamp crab did not move, its body was too heavy.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal's lips curled with a confident smile of victory, his ten fingers moved rapidly, only the afterimages of his fingers could be seen, it was a dazzling sight.His immortal killer move was not ordinary.As his red date immortal essence continued to be consumed, the light blue waves turned into dark blue waves, the waves got stronger and were three times as powerful as before.A deep spiral was formed in the water under the blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal's skillful manipulation.The swamp crab was in the middle of the spiral, it could not put up resistance, it was swept by the spiral.Swish swish swish!The swamp crab's heavy body started to move quickly in the spiral, like a piece of seaweed, it could not help itself.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal made a grabbing motion with his hands, as countless shadows of fingers dissipated in the sky, the tides expanded and rose into a torrential tsunami.Boom!With a huge sound, a gigantic tide of water crashed onto the swamp crab's back.The swamp crab's shell was very hard, but with the impact of the tsunami, a huge dent was formed on the smooth shell.The swamp crab did not move, it had fainted on the spot.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal laughed heartily, he spread out the fingers on his right hand, as he raised his index finger.A gush of water shot up from the tides like a geyser, dragging the swamp crab's body towards the blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal.The Gu Immortal opened his immortal aperture's entrance, storing this swamp crab."Immortal! It is an immortal!!""Thank you lord immortal, you saved our entire village.""This immortal even defeated the crab monster in the mountain!"Such a grand battle shocked the mortals in the village intensely.Only after the battle was over, they reacted and shouted in joy, kowtowing to him.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal closed his immortal aperture's entrance, he smiled lightly as he looked at the people below.It turned out that while fighting the swamp crab, he had placed a part of his concentration in manipulating the waves to sweep away all of the falling rocks and mud."As expected indeed of the famous water path Gu Immortal in Central Continent, Mu Ling Lan." At this time, a voice came from the clouds.The blue robed rank seven Gu Immortal moved all ten fingers as he stored away all of the water that was flooding the place.Next, he flew into the clouds and met with another Gu Immortal.This immortal wore a blue robe and had a square face, he had thick eyebrows and a tall nose bridge, he was emanating an aura of righteousness that could not be violated.Mu Ling Lan smiled as he greeted: "So Senior Shi Ge has arrived."Shi Ge returned the greeting: "I just arrived, to think that I would get to see your method of subduing the swamp crab."Mu Ling Lan waved his hand, saying humbly: "My methods are just small tricks from your perspective. But, Senior Shi Ge, I hear you have also gotten orders from Heavenly Court to join this Northern Plains battle?"Shi Ge nodded: "That's right, Mu Ling Lan, you are also in the list of names, why don't we travel together."Mu Ling Lan had an appreciative expression: "It is my honor to travel with senior."Thus, the two immortals traveled together.The mortals were left behind, looking at the sky as they sighed in amazement.Mu Ling Lan and Shi Ge spoke along the way, they were not silent.Even though both were rank seven, Shi Ge was higher in seniority, having passed two grand tribulations, while Mu Ling Lan was still not at the first grand tribulation. Thus, Mu Ling Lan was seeking advice while Shi Ge taught him some things.Along the way, Shi Ge suddenly descended as he floated in the air and waited.Mu Ling Lan did not understand, this was not the gathering point.Shi Ge smiled: "Pardon me, I have a son called Zheng Yi, he had recently passed his ascension tribulation and become a Gu Immortal. But he lacks experience and is still very childish. I intend to bring him along in this Northern Plains trip to train him.""So that's it." Mu Ling Lan realized, looking towards the direction that Shi Ge was gazing at.Under the cloud cover, there was a small city.There were many buildings in the city, in one restaurant, a storyteller was talking about folklore regarding justice and heroism."Good, good kill!" Among the guests, one young lad with thick eyebrows was dressed like a farmer with innocent eyes. Hearing the story of the main character killing the rich and helping the poor, he clapped in happiness.His screaming was loud and caused the curtains to shake slightly.The storyteller was shocked as he paused.The surrounding guests were all unhappily muttering: "Why are you screaming?""Screaming all of a sudden, you'll scare us to death.""Why are you screaming, listen to the story quietly, or we will chase you away, little peasant."The young lad was flushing red, he scratched his head and he looked around in embarrassment: "Sorry, sorry everyone."The guests heard his polite apology and their clamoring became softer, they no longer bothered about it.The young lad sat down slowly but suddenly his expression changed, he stood up as the table and chairs around him were pushed away, causing an even bigger commotion."What now, you lad!""Hey lad, are you asking for a beating!!"The guests were furious, but suddenly, the young man's body shone with light as he shot out of the building like an arrow, tearing a hole in the window as he flew to the sky.The restaurant went into chaos, countless people were shouting in panic.The young lad came before Shi Ge and Mu Ling Lan as he cupped his fists, greeting politely.He was Shi Ge's son — Shi Zheng Yi 1 .The three immortals continued on their journey, a few days later, they arrived at a mountain range.An Immortal Gu House was stationed here.It was a pavilion, exquisite and small, there were countless bird cages hanging on it, as birds chirped continuously.This was an Immortal Gu House of Heavenly Lotus Sect, Canary Pavilion.Shi Ge saw this and nodded slightly: "I have long since heard that Immortal Gu Houses would be sent out to attack Northern Plains. To think that this is Heavenly Lotus Sect's Canary Pavilion, this pavilion specializes in capturing flying beasts, it can move quickly, it is a good choice."Mu Ling Lan added: "Heavenly Lotus Sect was created by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, it owns the highest number of Immortal Gu Houses, it makes sense that Heavenly Lotus Sect could send out an Immortal Gu House."Shi Zheng Yi asked in confusion: "Heavenly Lotus Sect has Canary Pavilion, Yue Yang Palace, and Heavenly Pool, is there a fourth Immortal Gu House?"Mu Ling Lan smiled: "Little Yi, you might not know, recently, Heavenly Lotus Sect created its fourth Immortal Gu House, but it was kept secret."Shi Zheng Yi heard this and thought: "Senior Mu Ling Lan is from Spirit Butterfly Valley, this sect is most skilled in information path, it is not strange that he knows some secrets. But Heavenly Lotus Sect has four Immortal Gu Houses now, it is truly shocking."

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Chapter 1234. Rank Ten Immortal Gu! | Reverend Insanity

Central Continent, Spirit Affinity House."Immortal killer move — Meteor Rain!" Zhao Lian Yun called out, a bright light bursting out of her body.This light flew out of her body, in the blink of an eye, it entered the sky, vanishing.At the next moment, the pale white space created by a Gu formation seemed to be covered in blue ink, turning deep blue.Swish swish swish…Countless meteors were falling from the sky, raining down like a storm of arrows, it was a majestic sight!The meteors rained down on a hill-like desolate beast tortoise.The tortoise's four limbs and head retracted into its shell.Meteors landed on the desolate beast tortoise's back, fragments were created in large numbers, but the remaining meteor rain landed around the desolate beast tortoise, creating huge pits encircling the tortoise.The meteor rain lasted twenty breaths of time until it stopped.Zhao Lian Yun was covered in sweat, she was breathing roughly.A voice came from within the Gu formation: "Not bad, Zhao Lian Yun, you are very proficient in meteor rain already. Next, go train your defensive killer move."As this was said, the desolate beast tortoise broke apart and turned into black crows.There were tens of thousands of crows.They were like black arrows, flying around as they shot towards Zhao Lian Yun.Zhao Lian Yun's eyes shone, she gritted her teeth as she used her defensive Immortal Gu before the crows hit her.Suddenly, her body was covered in a layer of silver light.The layer of thin silvery light successfully protected her from the impact and beaks of the countless crows.Splat splat splat…Zhao Lian Yun's tiny little body was soon covered entirely by the black crows.Large numbers of crows were attacking the silver shield, loud crisp sound were resounding endlessly.Zhao Lian Yun had a heavy expression.She could feel her immortal essence expending rapidly."I have to think of a plan!" Zhao Lian Yun had an idea as she started using a defensive killer move.At her first try, she successfully activated the defensive killer move.Immortal killer move — Life Locking Silver Chain.From the silver shield around her body, six silvery chains flew out.The chains moved like dragons, they were extraordinary as they flew around in the crow group, stabbing and killing endlessly.Many crows died, soon, in the ten li of space around Zhao Lian Yun, no crows were alive.The silver chains also turned into a round cylinder, protecting Zhao Lian Yun, forming a tight defense. Any attacking crow would be ripped to shreds."This immortal killer move is amazing, it can attack and defend at once." It had incredible effect in this first battle, Zhao Lian Yun was extremely pleased.The Gu Immortal controlling the Gu formation sighed internally: "This Zhao Lian Yun is an otherworldly demon indeed, her cultivation level was raised to rank five peak stage using relic Gu. After being given a phantom aperture, Immortal Gu, and immortal essence by Heavenly Court, she immediately showed her talent. Her battle talent is not weak at all, after so little practice with her immortal killer moves, she became proficient already."Of course, these immortal killer moves were specially chosen for Zhao Lian Yun by Heavenly Court. They were very powerful and easy to control, they also used few Gu worms, the steps for activating them were simple."Alright, next, we will train your healing methods. you will get injured, but don't worry or panic, as long as you perform normally and use your immortal killer move, you will recover." The Gu Immortal controlling the Gu formation said.Zhao Lian Yun nodded, seeing the crows vanish around her.There was worry in her expression as she asked: "I have already trained for half a year in this Gu formation, when can I set off to Northern Plains for the rescue mission?"The Gu Immortal controlling the Gu formation explained: "Don't worry, this is a time path Gu formation, a day outside is a year in here. Your time is very tight, battles between Gu Immortals are not just affected by training, there are also many situations that can occur in actual combat.""Then give me some actual combat training!" Zhao Lian Yun shouted.This time path super Gu formation was placed in Spirit Affinity House.But everything inside was observed by Heavenly Court.Heavenly Court.Fairy Zi Wei watched Zhao Lian Yun start her combat training as worry appeared on her face: "Lord Duke Long, do you really think that such training will allow Zhao Lian Yun to adapt to the battlefield? This is too rushed, her battle strength cannot be relied on."Even though he drank half a kilogram of true dragon heavenly water, it only managed to save Duke Long's life, barely.He was still very old and weak.Right now, he was sitting in front of Fairy Zi Wei, there was a chessboard between them.This chessboard had a huge origin, it was an Immortal Gu House personally created by Star Constellation Immortal Venerable — Star Constellation Chessboard, it most excelled in wisdom path deductions, it was the number one wisdom path Immortal Gu House!Fairy Zi Wei was not qualified enough, but after Duke Long woke up, he immediately took out this legendary Immortal Gu House from Heavenly Court's treasury and gave it to Fairy Zi Wei, allowing her deduction capability to reach a terrifying level.Hearing Fairy Zi Wei's doubts, Duke Long smiled lightly: "We cannot depend on Zhao Lian Yun, but I am not depending on her anyway."Fairy Zi Wei's gaze shined: "Lord Duke Long is counting on love Gu.""That's right." Duke Long nodded: "Love Gu is very unique, even among rank nine Immortal Gu, it is extremely special. Most Immortal Gu have only one effect, one type of ability. But love Gu is the opposite, it can unleash all sorts of effects and expend a variety of resources beyond immortal essence. Most importantly, the power of love can resist fate and luck.""Resist fate and luck?" Fairy Zi Wei muttered, slightly shocked."That's right, love can resist fate to an extent. If not for that, how could Red Lotus Demon Venerable damage fate Immortal Gu back then?" Duke Long exposed some shocking secrets, when he mentioned Red Lotus Demon Venerable, he had a solemn tone and complex expression.Fairy Zi Wei was slightly shocked: "What? Back then, did Red, Red Lotus Demon Venerable obtain the acknowledgement of love Gu as well?""Precisely." Duke Long confirmed this: "Red Lotus was not an otherworldly demon, how could he have damaged Fate. It was because love Immortal Gu was with him, allowing him to damage fate Immortal Gu in the end.""After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Zombie Alliance was wiped out, only a few Shadow Sect members are left, and Spectral Soul is trapped inside the giant dream realm. So many fate escapees have been destroyed, this allowed the repairing of fate Immortal Gu to be much easier than before."Speaking until this point, Duke Long needed to catch his breath, after resting for a while, he continued: "However, even if fate Immortal Gu is repaired completely, our Heavenly Court cannot regain its former glory.""This… is because of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable?" Fairy Zi Wei deduced and got an answer immediately.Duke Long breathed in deeply: "Yes, because after Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, luck path appeared in the five regions. In the past, Fate was unchangeable, as long as we repaired fate, Heavenly Court would return to the apex again. But now, we have luck path. Fate is certain while luck is uncertain, good luck is a positive uncertainty for oneself while bad luck is a negative uncertainty for oneself.""Even if we repair fate Immortal Gu completely, we can only control certainty, we cannot control the uncertainty. Only by controlling luck path as well, can we allow Heavenly Court to rule the five regions and two heavens completely.""Thus, Lord Duke Long, you gave an order to gather elite Gu Immortals of all ten great ancient sects to go to Northern Plains, in order to snatch fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu. If we get Fortune Rivalling Heaven, will Heavenly Court be able to control luck?" Fairy Zi Wei asked.Duke Long nodded before shaking his head: "Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's entire life of cultivation had three stages, self luck, all living being's luck, and heaven and earth luck. Fortune Rivalling Heaven is the apex of all living being's luck. Its true effect is to allow the possessor to continuously absorb the luck of all lifeforms around them.""Like right now, looking at Ma Hong Yun, fortune rivalling heaven Gu's effect is related to the people near him. It continues to absorb their luck, collecting them on Ma Hong Yun, that is why Xue Hu and Lady Wan Shou continue to fail. Especially in refining a rank eight Immortal Gu, the chances are simply too low.""Fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu might be rank eight, but it actually has quasi-rank nine power. With enough time, and if the affected individuals have enough luck, fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu would be able to absorb even more luck and gather it into one person. This is also why Giant Sun Immortal Venerable named it Fortune Rivalling Heaven. The meaning was: by absorbing the luck of all living beings, and gathering it into one person, supreme luck that rivals heaven and earth would be born!""So that's it." Hearing Duke Long's detailed explanation, Fairy Zi Wei had a realization.Even though Duke Long was from the Olden Antiquity Era, over the process of his hibernation, he had woken up several times, he knew many precious lost secrets.Duke Long continued: "If we can obtain Fortune Rivalling Heaven now, we would gain the accumulations in cultivation of half of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's life.""In the future, if we have the chance, we can search for heaven and earth luck and self luck, to control all of these luck path Immortal Gu, including Fortune Rivalling Heaven.""When fate Gu is repaired, Heavenly Court will reign supreme in the world.""If we have a chance to go further and refine the luck path Immortal Gu with fate Immortal Gu, we might be able to create the legendary rank ten Immortal Gu — Destiny! By then, Heavenly Court will understand the complete profundity of heaven's will, we will act in the capacity of heaven, we will become the eternal rulers of the universe!!"Duke Long spoke softly, but towards the end, his eyes were shining, he showed a fanatical and heated gaze."Rank ten Immortal Gu?" Even a Gu Immortal at Fairy Zi Wei's level was tongue-tied upon hearing such secrets."Above rank nine, there really is rank ten realm?" Fairy Zi Wei asked in complete shock and disbelief.

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Chapter 1235. Blood Competition Ends | Reverend Insanity

Duke Long sighed: "I cannot tell you if there is a rank ten Gu Immortal realm. But rank ten Immortal Gu likely can exist. Because this was confirmed by Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable himself."Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable was the rank nine venerable after Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. He was kind and merciful, he did not dispute with people and loved peace, but like Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, he did not truly enter Heavenly Court.There were only three Immortal Venerables who truly entered Heavenly Court and fused their immortal apertures into Heavenly Court.From the start of history, they were respectively, the first rank nine venerable, Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable, the creator of wisdom path, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, as well as the creator of wood path and the owner of Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable.Northern Plains.The blood battle martial competition was having its final battle.Chu Du walked onto the stage and said: "I am honored."In front of him was a female immortal. She was clad in dazzling palace attire with the lower hems touching the ground, her black hair was tied up high with jade and gold ornaments. Her skin was snow white, her brows slender, her gaze sharp, and her chest was voluptuous and perky. She looked stately and beautiful, giving a feeling that she could not be offended.It was Gong Wan Ting.Prince Feng Xian's wife.Gong Wan Ting had a solemn expression as she sighed lightly: "Domination Immortal, you live up to your reputation, you defeated Liu Zhuan Shen and Yao Yuan Ying consecutively. Regardless of the result of this battle, the reputation of Domination Immortal will spread in Northern Plains."Liu Zhuan Shen and Yao Yuan Ying, who were mentioned, had pale expressions, there was no choice, Chu Du was stronger than them.All in all, the blood battle martial competition was about to end with the Huang Jin tribes suppressing Chu Sect and Bai Zu tribe's alliance.But towards the end, Chu Du took the stage, giving a slap to the righteous path allied forces.The power of Domination Immortal struck wariness in these Huang Jin bloodline Gu Immortals.This was the final battle, without any other options, Gong Wan Ting stepped forward.This was a battle between the leaders of both sides!"Please." Chu Du was very gentlemanly, even though he was injured, he did not panic.Surprise flashed in Gong Wan Ting's eyes as she smiled: "Domination Immortal is truly brave and heroic."Saying this, a purple light shot towards Chu Du like a blade or sword.Chu Du shouted, moving ahead instead, charging towards Gong Wan Ting bravely.An intense battle shook heaven and earth.The two sides exchanged moves after moves, and after a hundred rounds, there was no victor.They fought on both the ground and in the sky, the Blood Plain was almost completely destroyed.The spectating immortals had to move back by thirty thousand li to avoid getting involved in Chu Du and Gong Wan Ting's battle.Chu Du's might was unstoppable, he attacked more than he defended, while Gong Wan Ting did the opposite with much energy to spare.This intense battle lasted for another hundred rounds, Chu Du was covered in injuries, blood spewed out of him, but Gong Wan Ting was also no longer as relaxed, her gaze was sweeping over Chu Du, preventing him from attacking her suddenly, she did not dare to be careless.The Gu Immortal spectators were all moved, they quickly commented on this intense battle, it was the clash of two experts at the peak of rank seven. Without rank eight Gu Immortals interfering, these two would not be surpassed by Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world for several hundred years.The sun set, the moon rose, from morning to night, the victor was still not decided.Battling intensely without stop, it was truly heated.By the dawn of the second day, both sides were much weakened, the battle was at its end, victory could be decided at the next moment.The Gu Immortal spectators held their breaths as they watched the ending of this battle.But right at this moment, a grand pillar of light descended and separated Chu Du and Gong Wan Ting, who were fighting fiercely."That is enough, this battle will end in a draw." Rank eight Gu Immortal Yao Huang showed himself in the air.He looked away as he said: "Does Heavenly Lord agree with me?"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu appeared from a cloud layer, nodding: "We will fight in the sky."Saying this, both rank eight Gu Immortals flew up into white heaven under everyone's watchful gazes.Soon, the immortals in Blood Plain could hear intense explosions coming from white heaven, it sounded like thunder and beast roars.Domination Immortal Chu Du let out a breath of air, he was satisfied with this result.Gong Wan Ting had a special status, she was Prince Feng Xian's wife, Chu Du thought of this and could not kill her. If he did, he would offend Prince Feng Xian.When Chu Du was all alone, he might not be afraid, but with Chu Sect established, times were different.And Chu Du himself had displayed incredible abilities in this blood battle martial competition, for the sake of Bai Zu tribe, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would not let Chu Du die here.Like what Yao Huang and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had discussed before the martial competition, both sides managed to keep their losses to an acceptable level."Gasp… incredible, a crack appeared in white heaven.""Hearing this, I can tell how intense the battle is.""Unfortunately, we cannot penetrate the heavenly wind qi wall and observe the battle in white heaven."The spectators did not leave, they were conversing.The battle between Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Yao Huang would decide everything.During the entire process of the blood battle martial competition, no matter how many sacrifices or losses there were, or all the different battle results, none could compare to this one.Be it either side, they had suffered great losses.But Gu Immortals who actually died were not many. Several rank six Gu Immortals died, few rank seven Gu Immortals died, the biggest loss was actually Ye Lui Qun Xing who Fang Yuan killed.Towards the later part of the competition, both sides came to a subtle agreement.Of course, Gu Immortals getting injured was still a huge issue.Because of dao marks, injuries were hard to heal, the cost of it would make Gu Immortals pay a huge price.Inside white heaven.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Yao Huang were sitting opposite each other, a chessboard was in front of them."Please try this, my newly made gold leaf tea." Yao Huang chuckled, recommending his tea.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu drank it as he nodded, taking out a big bag of snacks."This is my specialty, fried centipede."The two rank eight great experts drank tea and ate fried centipedes as they played chess, it was an enjoyable time.Yao Huang sighed: "This fried centipede is fresh and delicious, the flavor never gets tiring, this is truly a rare delicacy."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu praised too: "Brother Yao Huang's gold leaf tea is superior to silver leaf tea. It seems that you are not far from refining resurrection from the dead Gu."Every tea or wine could be treated as an incomplete food path Gu recipe.Often, when Gu Immortals compete with their refinement path attainment, to avoid causing a commotion or to protect their reputation, they would offer wine or tea.When Gu Immortals taste the tea or wine, they would understand the other person's Gu refinement attainment.Of course, this method was very vague, it was only a shallow probe, it could not show both parties' true strength.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could taste something different in Yao Huang's new tea. Because he had drank the silver leaf tea before, comparing the two, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could see how Yao Huang's refinement path attainment had improved.This improvement was naturally obtained from Yao Huang's attempts at refining resurrection from the dead Immortal Gu.As for Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, the snack that he created was not simple either, it was a display of his own refinement path attainment.But Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had been busy creating Bai Zu tribe recently, he also had to attack Hei Fan grotto-heaven, his refinement path aspects did not improve, thus, his fried centipede did not become different.But Yao Huang's gaze was focused below them.Not far away from them, two figures were fighting.One resembled Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, while the other resembled Yao Huang.Below white heaven, the clamor that these Gu Immortals in the Blood Plain heard was caused by these two figures.Yao Huang praised: "Heavenly Lord, your cloning method is becoming more profound, you can actually mimic thirty percent of rank eight level strength."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu shook his head as he smiled: "I don't deserve such praise. These last days, while attacking Hei Fan grotto-heaven, I created this immortal killer move after multiple failed attempts at invading it. I have once heard that Longevity Heaven possesses one of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's immortal killer moves — Perfect Pair, it can allow a Gu Immortal to create a clone that has their full power. My method cannot compare to Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable."Yao Huang smiled.He understood clearly that Heavenly Lord Bai Zu mentioned Longevity Heaven for more complex underlying reasons.Yao Huang explained: "Don't worry, Heavenly Lord, as long as Longevity Heaven's rank eight Gu Immortals do not show up, just the Longevity Edict cannot mobilize us.""Furthermore, the situation in every region is dependent on the situation of the respective rank eight Gu Immortals, isn't it?""Right now in Northern Plains, among the rank eight Gu Immortals, Old Ancestor Xue Hu has the highest battle strength. If he succeeds in refining fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu, he would be unstoppable. But I can see that Snowy Mountain blessed land is heavily guarded now, even we will have trouble breaking into it.""Our conflict is just an internal conflict of the righteous path. But if Old Ancestor Xue Hu refines fortune rivalling heaven Gu, the situation in Northern Plains would favor the demonic path."Yao Huang said slowly as Heavenly Lord Bai Zu nodded, he agreed with the former's analysis.Originally, when Eighty-Eight True Yang Building collapsed, Northern Plains' situation changed, the demonic path rose in power. If Old Ancestor Xue Hu manages to refine fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu, the situation would be even more uncontrollable.Compared to the rise of new righteous path forces, Yao Huang was more unwilling to see the demonic path being rampant."Thankfully, in this martial competition, I invited many lone immortals and demonic path members, a portion of them died, while the rest would join either Chu Sect or Bai Zu tribe, this would weaken the demonic path and strengthen our righteous path." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu spoke with a smile.Rank eight Gu Immortals had deep considerations.The blood battle martial competition was helping Yao tribe weaken the other Huang Jin tribes, but Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Chu Du were also weakening the lone and demonic cultivators, stabilizing the situation in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world!But upon the mention of Chu Sect, Yao Huang frowned."This Chu Sect needs to change.""Northern Plains will not allow the emergence of a sect.""If Chu Du wants Chu Sect to exist, he has to change it to Chu tribe, otherwise, the righteous path will not allow it!"

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