
Chapter: 1066-1070:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1066. Everyone Collecting Immortal Materials | Reverend Insanity

A blood deity was Fang Yuan's long term plan.Fang Zheng was the second step of this plan.The first step of this plan was to refine blood deity Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan wanted to refine this Immortal Gu in his first life. He had even found trouble with Vicious Lightning Fiend for its remnant recipe.Only after refining blood deity Immortal Gu and killing a blood related relative would he be able to create a blood deity.Right now, Fang Yuan might have a blood deity Immortal Gu recipe, but it was only seventy percent complete. When he had been an immortal zombie, he did not have the resources and effort to spare in completing this Immortal Gu recipe. Now he had revived, but he could no longer step in the light of wisdom."Even if I can't use the light of wisdom, with my grandmaster attainment in blood path and wisdom path, it is enough to deduce the rest of the blood deity Immortal Gu recipe. It is just that the time and effort used would be far more than using light of wisdom.""Even after refining blood deity Immortal Gu, for killing Fang Zheng and creating a blood deity, I still need to change his point of view first, at least, I need to make him not have hatred towards me. Because refining a hatred filled relative into a blood deity will create backlash to the owner, they are like a double-edged sword, harming the enemies but also able to harm myself as well if I let go of my guard."Actually, there were many ways to influence someone's feelings towards other people in the world of Gu Masters. Wisdom path had countless methods, emotion path was even more specialized in this.Fang Yuan had quite a lot of such methods. As long as he wanted to, he could just use one to make Fang Zheng docile and loyal to him.But doing so meant influencing Fang Zheng through external power, altering his true emotions. And when he is killed and refined into a blood deity, the wisdom path dao marks used on him would be cleared completely, leaving behind only pure blood path dao marks.At that time, Fang Zheng's true emotions would return.Fang Yuan could only slowly change Fang Zheng's emotions and perspective, and he would be able to get a blood deity that met his standards.Obviously, changing Fang Zheng's perspective would be a very long process, and the completion of blood deity Immortal Gu's recipe was also a far-off project, at least, Fang Yuan currently did not have the time to do this. Not to mention, after he perfected the blood deity Immortal Gu recipe, he still would have to prepare immortal materials to refine Blood Deity. However, the last point was much easier than other paths, blood path Gu worms had a characteristic – the cost of their refinement was quite low.These many reasons determined that the refinement plan of Blood Deity could only be a long term goal.But no matter how long it took, as long as he moved forward step by step, persevering and not giving up, he would finally succeed.Fang Yuan was currently taking out some time from his busy schedule to train Fang Zheng, reaching his goal slowly.A thousand mile journey starts from a step, droplets of water form into river.After understanding Fang Zheng's situation, Fang Yuan activated Gu worms to produce fake will which then flew out.This fake will would fly to Fang Zheng's mind, replenishing the fake will that had been consumed in his mind.A few days passed, Fang Yuan became very skilled in processing interior rain. Lang Ya land spirit then gave him another set of immortal materials to familiarize and gain proficiency in the Gu refinement technique.Fang Yuan's attention was mainly placed on this aspect in preparation for refining change form Immortal Gu.When he was free, he would pay attention to his sovereign immortal aperture, inspect the changes in his immortal aperture and managing it.Gu Masters nourished their aperture, and the aperture produced primeval essence which was then used to activate Gu worms. But regardless of if it were Gu worms, Gu materials or primeval stones, Gu Masters relied on the outside world for these cultivation resources.At Gu Immortal level, the immortal aperture could not only produce immortal essence, it could also produce countless resources and they would be extremely safe and reliable, unlike the resources from the outside world which would need the Gu Immortal to watch all the time to prevent others from stealing them.To a Gu Immortal, the immortal aperture was the safest production base. If it was managed properly, it would be an extremely huge help to the Gu Immortal, and be a solid foundation for them to rely on. Because of having the same dao marks, it could produce the most suitable resources needed for the Gu Immortal and produce food for Immortal Gu. Trading the resources with the outside world could earn the Gu Immortal a lot of immortal essence stones. There was even a chance of the immortal aperture having a completely new wild Immortal Gu formed!Fang Yuan inspected his immortal aperture.His immortal aperture was divided into ten layers, with the layout like the five regions and nine heavens.Why was there such a layout, was it intentionally created like that by Spectral Soul or was it naturally formed? Fang Yuan did not know. After all, he had no role in creating sovereign immortal fetus Gu, he was only a lucky fellow who seized the fruits of success at the last moment.Fang Yuan had conveniently named the layers by referencing the five regions and nine heavens, with just an addition of the word 'mini' in front; like Mini Northern Plains, Mini Eastern Sea and so on.After making several observations, Fang Yuan had gradually discovered some minor mysteries of the sovereign immortal aperture.He discovered: the sovereign immortal aperture's five regions and nine heavens were not only similar to the outside world in layout, their environments were also almost the same.For instance, Mini Northern Plains had the terrain of a boundless flat grassland, the wind path dao marks in the immortal aperture were somewhat more numerous in this area.Most of the fire path dao marks in the immortal aperture were located in Mini Western Desert. Mini Southern Border had more earth path dao marks and also some poison path dao marks as well.After discovering this, Fang Yuan had distributed his accumulated cultivation resources accordingly.He placed the eerie fire dragon pythons in Mini Western Desert.Dragonfish in Mini Eastern Sea.Regretful spiders in Mini Southern Border.Arrow bamboo forest, star fragment grass and so on in Mini Blue Heaven.As for Mini Northern Plains, there were large numbers of snow monsters in there. These monsters remained behind from the first earthly calamity, and they included large numbers of desolate beast snow monsters, and even ancient desolate beast level snow monsters.Fang Yuan did not have the time or energy to deal with these snow monsters for the moment and so he left them aside. Anyway, Mini Northern Plains was empty, with no precious resources and was quite large, so these snow monsters could move about freely, after all, they were unlike ruin bats which could pierce through the aperture walls.Air bubble fish, shark fin wolf, literature carps, desolate beast giant horned sheep, worldly sand gull, oil water, rockmen, blood zhi forest, mirror willow trees and so on were also arranged properly.While Fang Yuan was training his Gu refinement skills, he was also taking out some time to look after these resources.Arrow bamboo forest, star fragment grass and so on might have been moved into Mini Blue Heaven, but their Gu worm production had fallen terrifyingly. Meanwhile, eerie fire dragon pythons and dragonfish experienced minor decrease in their reproduction. Only regretful spiders had similar production rate to beforehand.There was nothing to be done, the sovereign immortal aperture might have broad prospects and unlimited potential, but currently it had only gone through one earthly calamity.Although it possessed dao marks of every path, but there were only about a hundred dao marks of the majority of the paths.The growth of regretful spiders relied on wisdom path dao marks, dragonfish on food path and water path dao marks, while the living environment of eerie fire dragon pythons had more fire path dao marks. The production of star path mortal Gu in arrow bamboo forest and the star fragment grass fields depended on star path dao marks.He had previously placed these resources in Hu Immortal blessed land or Star Form blessed land.The former had passed six or seven earthly calamities and had a lot of dao marks, its fire path and water path dao marks passed the numbers in the sovereign immortal aperture. While Star Form blessed land itself focused on star path, the sovereign immortal aperture simply could not be compared to it on this aspect.However, not all the paths in the sovereign immortal aperture had only around a hundred dao marks.Qi path dao marks were far higher in number, this was because Fang Yuan had killed the qi path Gu Immortal Qi Zai in Southern Border's Five Regional Mountain Range and obtained his accumulation of qi path dao marks.However, qi path dao marks were still not the highest in number, the highest were snow path dao marks.Fang Yuan had passed his first earthly calamity with difficulty, actually calling it an 'earthly calamity' was not appropriate, it was so terrifying that it far surpassed the ten great catastrophes.Calamities and tribulations had a rule, that was the balance of fortune and disaster, the stronger the might of the calamities and tribulations, the more benefits the Gu Immortal could receive after passing them.The benefits here were referring to dao marks.Fang Yuan obtained huge numbers of dao marks from his first earthly calamity.Among them, snow path dao marks were the highest in number, following afterwards were strength path and transformation path dao marks. The latter two paths' dao marks were lower in quantity to qi path. After all, Fang Yuan's qi path dao marks were the lifetime accumulation of the rank seven Gu Immortal Qi Zai, while the strength path and transformation path dao marks were obtained just from the first earthly calamity.These dao marks were already beginning to influence Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture.It was still not noticeable in the other four small regions, but in Mini Northern Plains, there was already a large patch of snowy plain and its boundary was still slowly expanding.This environment was good enough for Fang Yuan to plant many kinds of cold resistant vegetation.Like when Hu Immortal blessed land's environment changed after experiencing a few earthly calamities, and Hu Immortal was able to plant blue degree grass, chestnut grass, six divine grass, milk tea flowers and so on.One main principle of managing immortal apertures was to act according to the environment.To refine Change Form, Fang Yuan was preparing with all his effort, and in Central Continent, Ying Wu Xie's group was also not idling.They had obtained the light of the immemorial era, and started gathering other immortal materials listed in the Gu recipe.They were able to resolve a small portion of the items from their own inventories, but there were still many that required them to buy from the outside world or exchange with others.Ying Wu Xie had inherited the remnant forces of Shadow Sect, and was the boss of Defy, so his first choice was to trade for the resources from the organization.Negotiations, bargaining, and finally transactions.Gu Immortals chased after profits and with the loose structure of Defy, it was not easy to transact immortal materials.Ying Wu Xie and Hei Lou Lan almost ran their mouths dry while negotiating. Shi Nu and Tai Bai Yun Sheng were not adept at negotiations.After great pains and effort, Ying Wu Xie was finally able to gather three portions of Gu refinement materials."Yu Mu Chun is already dead, I have no choice but to give up on the hairy man heaven and earth style and use human isolation style to refine Fixed Immortal Travel. This method's success rate is quite low, just three portions of immortal materials are not enough."Ying Wu Xie did not stop purchasing the materials, moreover to refine the Gu, he and the other three immortals took the risk of returning to Earth Abyss.Shadow Sect had arranged a super Gu formation in Earth Abyss which could provide huge help in Gu refinement.When Ying Wu Xie barely gathered six complete portions of immortal materials through Defy, a mishap occurred.A member of Defy, demonic Gu Immortal Gong Sun Liang, who had been hiding in Ming Tang valley, was ambushed and captured by Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals! Gong Sun Liang sent a request for help to Defy, the whole of Defy had immediately fallen into a huge turbulence.Gong Sun Liang, who had hidden himself very well, was actually captured. More importantly, Heavenly Court had personally made a move, this was truly shocking.Most of the members of Defy were those that were suppressed or excluded by Central Continent's ten great ancient sects, and had secretly allied for survival. Meanwhile, the ten great ancient sects were no more than subsidiaries of Heavenly Court.Facing the colossal Heavenly Court, everyone in Defy was feeling insecure, and feared Gong Sun Liang revealing clues that would implicate them."Damned Heavenly Court!" Ying Wu Xie could only curse at this.Because of this event, other members of Defy went into hiding, and no longer dared to communicate with him, let alone trading immortal materials.Ying Wu Xie knew they not only feared Heavenly Court, more than that they were doubtful of him, this boss. After all, previously, Gong Sun Liang had lent his Immortal Gu to Ying Wu Xie, and he was the one who met with disaster while the Immortal Gu remained with Ying Wu Xie. Was it the greed for Immortal Gu that the boss intentionally did not save Gong Sun Liang? This suspicion had caused the power and prestige of the boss' name to take a huge hit.Gong Sun Liang was captured, cutting down Ying Wu Xie's optimal source of gathering immortal materials.With no choice, they could only take help of treasure yellow heaven.This was the biggest market in the five regions.But the service charge was high and the transactions were not secret, they could easily be tracked down by those that had the intention.In short, the risk was high, if not for there being no other way, Ying Wu Xie would not have used this method."Gong Sun Liang is captured, Heavenly Court will sooner or later find out about this place. Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord is dead, but Fairy Zi Wei has awakened. I must refine Fixed Immortal Travel as soon as possible!"Ying Wu Xie was feeling more and more hurried.His circumstances were also worsening by the day.Shadow Sect had emptied out almost all their treasuries to refine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, even using Zombie Alliance as immortal materials to refine into the ten extreme formation.Shi Nu might be rank seven, but his immortal aperture was not managed properly.Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng had advanced to Gu Immortal not long ago and had limited accumulations.Although treasure yellow heaven had a superb collection of immortal materials, Ying Wu Xie suffered from poverty and had to spend his remaining wealth very carefully. He had to haggle over the smallest details, who would want to transact immortal materials with him?Finally, by the time Ying Wu Xie was able to gather ten portions of Gu refinement materials through treasure yellow heaven, he had almost reached the point where he shed tears of bitterness, his expression one of misery.A tiger without strength gets bullied by dogs.If now was before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, there would be ten or twenty entire portions of rank six immortal materials which could be obtained from just a fraction of Shadow Sect's treasury. Even if the materials were not in the treasury, with just one order, Zombie Alliance over the five regions would mobilize large numbers of immortal zombies to gather the immortal materials.Why would he get into this state!To gather the immortal materials, the current Ying Wu Xie and the rest had almost already emptied out their pockets."I must succeed in refining Fixed Immortal Travel! I must succeed!" Ying Wu Xie inwardly cried out.His situation was filled with difficulties, while Fang Yuan was progressing smoothly.Fang Yuan had already discussed with Lang Ya land spirit, even if the first Gu refinement did not succeed, they would still continue.As for the immortal materials required for the second or the third time, Fang Yuan would have to bear all the costs.He had ample money on hand, or rather, he had extremely ample money on hand.The production of his major resources had decreased, but Fang Yuan's earnings had instead multiplied by several times!The reason?The time path foundation in Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture was extremely abundant, the rate of time inside was as high as sixty times that of the outside world.What did that imply?One day in the outside world was two months inside the sovereign immortal aperture!With such an increase in time, there would be more resources produced, completely making up for the reduction in the production rate.However, only a part of these resources would be sold by Fang Yuan. When negotiating with Lang Ya land spirit, Fang Yuan had intentionally mortgaged Dang Hun Mountain. In any case, Fang Yuan was able to pay the debt.But this, however, gave Lang Ya land spirit plenty of motivation.Lang Ya land spirit was slightly worried that the Gu refinement would succeed in one go, wouldn't that mean he would be unable to take the chance to obtain Dang Hun Mountain?

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1067. Both Sides Refine Gu | Reverend Insanity

Several days later, in a deep part of Central Continent's Earth Abyss.Shi Nu came back from the outside, reporting to Ying Wu Xie: "Master, I have already investigated clearly. Because of the huge cave-in, there was a massive commotion, Ancient Soul Sect sent out three Gu Immortals to investigate. According to your instructions, I have already lured several ancient desolate beasts and five desolate beast groups to them. Because there seems to be wild Immortal Gu in them, the three Gu Immortals from Ancient Soul Sect will be kept busy."Shi Nu was a rockman, he was born with earth path dao marks. Shi Nu's earth path cultivation was extremely useful in an environment like Earth Abyss.Ying Wu Xie nodded: "You did well in this matter, but heaven's will is everywhere, do not be careless. When I am refining Gu, heaven's will might influence these Gu Immortals to cause them to come here and ruin our plan!"Shi Nu thought for a moment before speaking: "Master is right, but in this direction, we have already arranged three groups of desolate beasts to obstruct them. Even if they get past the desolate beasts and arrive here, we will have enough time to react."Ying Wu Xie shook his head slightly: "You have not seen the true power of heaven's will. Not only can it influence Gu Immortals, it can also affect desolate beasts and desolate plants. At the crucial moment, these desolate beast groups might charge at us."Shi Nu's expression changed: "If the desolate beast group charges here… what do we do?"What he meant was, were his earlier preparations of luring the beast groups simply shooting themselves in the foot?"No need to worry. My confidence does not lie in these desolate beast groups or ancient desolate beasts. It is in this super Gu formation!" Ying Wu Xie said as an insightful light flashed across his eyes.Here was the safest place in Central Continent.This super Gu formation covered all aspects, it not only hid them from heaven's will, it prevented the deductions of wisdom path Gu Immortals, and also had incredible offense and defense, it could even assist in refining Gu.When Spectral Soul was in the door of life and death, he devoured souls and gained the memories and cultivation experiences of countless Gu Immortals. When he was alive, he was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, his talent was top tier even throughout history.Experiences of formation path and refinement path were all absorbed by Spectral Soul, he saved a lot of time and effort because of this, he raised his formation path, refinement path, and other paths' attainment levels to great grandmaster.And this super Gu formation was designed by Spectral Soul in the door of life and death, one could imagine how powerful it was.Ying Wu Xie was relying on this super Gu formation to refine Gu, it was an ingenious idea.Even if desolate beast groups or ancient desolate beasts came charging, he could use the super Gu formation to kill these desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts, using their souls to fuel the super Gu formation and increase its might. Thus, there was no issue of creating trouble for themselves.Shi Nu's worry was undue, even though he had lived here for a long time, he did not know the true power of this Gu formation."I did not destroy Spring Autumn Cicada, heaven's will resides inside this Gu, thus, the location of the super Gu formation is known by heaven's will. But it is not a problem, even if Heavenly Court's rank eight Gu Immortals attack us, I can defend us for some time. With Heaven Overseeing Tower destroyed now, even though they have fate Gu, the chances of Heavenly Court getting here are low!"Ying Wu Xie did not give up on Spring Autumn Cicada after careful consideration.Fang Yuan could use Spring Autumn Cicada to destroy Shadow Sect's plan of a hundred thousand years. Then why couldn't Ying Wu Xie also use Spring Autumn Cicada as his final trump card?Heaven's will was vast, it only cared about balance, it did not bear grudges. Anyone who threatens this world or threatens the life forms in this world would be targeted by heaven's will.Right now, heaven's will's main target was Fang Yuan, not Ying Wu Xie.Thus, even though Spring Autumn Cicada was full of heaven's will, it was still useful to Ying Wu Xie.And in Ying Wu Xie's plans, he was going to re-refine Spring Autumn Cicada, to clear out the heaven's will inside, making this legendary Gu his own.But these were future plans.Right now, Ying Wu Xie's mind was on refining Fixed Immortal Travel.This Immortal Gu was the key to resolving his problem!With this Immortal Gu, he could go anywhere, he would regain the freedom he needed."There is no time, we should refine Fixed Immortal Travel now. Shi Nu, don't resist, I will activate the Gu formation and send you to the formation core, you will assist me with refining the Gu." Ying Wu Xie ordered."Yes master, I will do my best, even if I have to stake my life!" Shi Nu quickly responded.After moving Shi Nu, Ying Wu Xie also came to the most central formation core. As for Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan, they were moved to two other formation cores.Even though it was only a rank six Fixed Immortal Travel, this Gu refinement was very significant to Shadow Sect's future, and even the situation of the five regions.The Gu refinement began!Half a month later, Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.The first refinement attempt of change form Immortal Gu was about to begin.Fang Yuan stood in Cloud Cover Continent, he was looking at Lang Ya land spirit with a serious expression.Lang Ya land spirit was no longer so sagely, he was muscular and brawny, he had black hair on his body as he floated in the sky like a demonic god.He growled, his voice filled the scene, clouds scattered upon his action.Dao marks seemed to have lit up due to his voice, the surroundings were full of them."These dao marks are mostly refinement path dao marks, they are exceptionally good assistance in Gu refinement!" Lang Ya land spirit introduced proudly.He growled again.While growling, lumps of light shined in the entire sky, they shone with beautiful and vibrant lights, it was a dazzling sight."What is happening in the sky?""Quickly look, an immortal miracle has occurred again!""Not long ago, there was a rainbow beam, and now, there are rainbow stars in the sky, this is such a grand sight!"At once, in Black Hair Continent, Yellow Hair Continent, and White Hair Continent, there were huge commotions as all sorts of people, from beggars to royalty, looked up with enthusiastic gazes, at the stars in the sky."Each star is oozing with Immortal Gu aura, these are the components of the Immortal Gu House, Refinement Cauldron?" Fang Yuan asked in a questioning tone.Lang Ya land spirit nodded, saying regretfully: "You guessed right, it is a pity that most of the core Immortal Gu are gone, if Refinement Cauldron was intact, the chances of refining change form Immortal Gu are sixty percent!""But forget it if its lost, I am not going to repair Refinement Cauldron anyway, what can the complete Refinement Cauldron do? True strength does not lie in Immortal Gu, it depends on the Gu Immortal themselves.""Pay attention, I am about to start!"At this time, the dao marks in the surrounding hundred li lit up, the sky was shining in rainbow colors.Lang Ya land spirit was high in the sky, countless Gu worms were flying around him, large numbers of mortal Gu materials were instantly refined by him, the speed was so fast Fang Yuan could barely keep up by looking.In a while, Lang Ya land spirit growled: "Your turn."In an instant, Fang Yuan's vision changed, he replaced Lang Ya land spirit in his position, floating in the air. As for Lang Ya land spirit, he was standing on the ground, watching Fang Yuan.As it turned out, Lang Ya land spirit had assessed the situation and decided that this Gu refinement was going to use a dual Immortal Gu refinement method. Lang Ya land spirit was going to use the hairy man Gu refinement method, while Fang Yuan was going to process the important immortal materials. They held equal importance in this.Fang Yuan was amply prepared. After appearing in the sky, he waved his hands as he took out a large basin of interior rain.Lang Ya land spirit saw this and nodded, feeling slightly pleased.Fang Yuan was calm and collected, he had deep foundation in the basics, his methods also had an indescribable essence of profundity."This lad is worthily a reborn individual, with his previous life's experiences, his refinement path attainment level is reaching grandmaster. But to take this final step, it will not be easy." Lang Ya land spirit assessed.The Gu refinement proceeded smoothly, all of the steps were meticulously followed. Even if accidents occurred, they were small and negligible.Fang Yuan and Lang Ya land spirit made ample preparations. And because Fang Yuan and Lang Ya land spirit were not unskilled in refinement path, it was a cooperation of two experts. It was not strange to have such progress.For three days and nights, Lang Ya land spirit and Fang Yuan worked without rest, their hard work paid off in the form of an incomplete Immortal Gu.Lang Ya land spirit saw this and was overjoyed: "It seems that this first Gu refinement is likely to succeed! As long as the last few steps have no issues…"Before he finished his words, the sky rumbled, thunder resounded as lightning flashed.The Immortal Gu was about to form, tribulation descended!Fang Yuan's expression changed, but his hands were still stable, manipulating the mystical icy flame, tempering the incomplete Immortal Gu."Don't worry, it is merely a rank six Immortal Gu's tribulation, it is nothi… what?!" Lang Ya land spirit's pitch became extremely high, like a rooster held by its neck.His eyes were staring wide at the rumbling tribulation lightning in the sky.Before the tribulation descended, the intensity and aura had already far surpassed the standards of rank six in Lang Ya land spirit's memories.In fact, even rank seven Immortal Gu would not result in such tribulation lightning!"Why did this happen?!" Lang Ya land spirit growled angrily in confusion."First supreme elder, take care of the Gu refinement, I will deal with the tribulation." Fang Yuan gritted his teeth."No! At the crucial moment, you cannot leave, your Dog Shit Luck is protecting the Immortal Gu. Let me deal with the tribulation, everyone, form the ancient battle formation!" Lang Ya land spirit shouted.As he said that, close to ten hairy man Gu Immortals flew to him. As silvery light flashed, a huge silver giant appeared again!The second ranked battle formation in the Olden Antiquity Era — Heavenly Giant Solor!Central Continent, Earth Abyss."Huff, huff, huff…" Ying Wu Xie breathed roughly, his eyes were red, he was like a gambler who had lost almost all his money, and was desperate to recoup his losses.Since half a month ago, he had been trying to refine Fixed Immortal Travel, up until now, he had already failed eight times!"Damn it, I only have two chances left.""I have the Gu formation to help me, but I still failed eight times. The human isolation style truly has lower success rate compared to the hairy man heaven and earth style.""However, even if Yu Mu Chun were still alive, I would never use the hairy man heaven and earth style. Heaven's will wants to get rid of me, if I give it this opportunity, it will use the tribulations to attack. If a tribulation that counters the super Gu formation destroys it, there will be trouble!""Fang Yuan does not know about heaven's will, he is using the hairy man heaven and earth style. Hehe, good luck to him."

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1068. Success and Failure | Reverend Insanity

Boom! Boom! Boom!Loud sounds resounded non stop as the entire sky of Cloud Cover Continent shook."This is the heavenly drum thunder tribulation!" Lang Ya land spirit said inside the ancient battle formation Heavenly Giant Solor.His face was showing shock and confusion."With this heavenly drum thunder tribulation, every time thunder booms, formless astral lightning would form in the Gu Immortal's body, destroying their intestines and organs, the force can blow up mountains and crack boulders. This is a sound path and lightning path tribulation, normal Gu Immortals cannot defend against it easily, they are also sure to die in this tribulation. However, Fang Yuan, you do not need to fear, this place is surrounded with refinement path dao marks, it is the best defense. Furthermore, I have methods to resist it, as long as Heavenly Giant Solor is around, you will be safe!"While feeling anxious, Lang Ya land spirit transmitted this to Fang Yuan, he was afraid that Fang Yuan would be distracted by the tribulation, causing the Gu refinement to end up in failure.Even though Lang Ya land spirit wanted to get Dang Hun Mountain, and Fang Yuan failing to refine the Gu would help in this, he was a land spirit that had to follow his promises, this was an agreement made by Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable and Long Hair Ancestor, he had to do his best to help Fang Yuan without scheming against him.Fang Yuan floated in the air, completely unaffected by the rumbling thunder outside.His expression was calm, his mind was also ice cool.Lang Ya land spirit's worry was excessive, Fang Yuan had undergone so many battles, the five regions chaotic war, the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he had experienced all of these chaotic scenes, he was immune to such interference.He was composed, his fingers moved quickly, like flowers blooming, he stably proceeded with the Gu refinement.Boom boom boom.Every thunderous sound would cause the giant silver body of Heavenly Giant Solor to shake.The hairy man Gu Immortals who formed the battle formation felt agitated, their hair was standing on end, as if an apocalypse was coming.Lang Ya land spirit snorted coldly: "I have a move that counters sound path. Behold my immortal killer move — Silent World!"The silver giant shone with boundless brilliance.The silvery light was sharp, like shards of the sun.Fang Yuan shut his eyes in time, as he activated several defensive killer moves.The silvery light flickered and vanished without a trace.Silent world!No more thunder was heard.In the sky, dark clouds loomed as countless bolts of lightning flashed in the clouds.But the thunder that accompanied every flash of lightning was gone.After a long time, the sounds of thunder returned, from soft gradually to loud."With just this heavenly drum thunder tribulation's size, even if it expands by ten times, it cannot interrupt the Gu refinement." Lang Ya land spirit had just said this smugly when the dark clouds in the sky transformed.Numerous blue light lumps shot down from the dark clouds, each light lump was a blue charm lightning shadow!This was a lightning fiend, its battle strength matched rank six Gu Immortals.When Hu Immortal underwent tribulation, she died because of a blue charm lightning shadow. And now, Fang Yuan had to face twenty of them!Lang Ya land spirit's eyes were bulging, he yelled: "What is going on? Why is there a second blue charm lightning shadow tribulation? And the size is actually twenty times of the usual!"Even with Lang Ya land spirit's long life and countless experiences, he was visibly fazed.Fang Yuan's heart jumped, this was so similar to the situation when he was undergoing tribulation."During my first earthly calamity, it surpassed a heavenly tribulation. This time, during change form Immortal Gu's refinement, the same thing happened, there are actually twenty blue charm lightning shadows! If I encountered this during my earthly calamity, I would have died without question!"During Fang Yuan's first earthly calamity, the heaven and earth qi turned into some iron crown eagles, two ancient ruin bats, and countless ancient snow monsters, desolate beast snow monsters, and others…In terms of size, his first earthly calamity was larger, but Fang Yuan barely passed it.If he encountered this earthly calamity with twenty blue charm lightning shadows, he would not be able to live.During his earthly calamity, the ancient ruin bats had just formed when Fang Yuan resolutely attacked them with his full power without hesitation, destroying them. Fang Yuan had high offense and low defense, this was making use of his advantage.But if he fought against twenty blue charm lightning shadows, it would be different.Blue charm lightning shadows were fast, their battle strength matched rank six Gu Immortals, even if Fang Yuan used triple layered sword wave, he could not hit them.Fang Yuan had rank seven and eight Immortal Gu, but they were not defensive Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan had strong attacks, but weak defensive methods, he was countered by the blue charm lightning shadows."The underlying problem is, I developed too quickly, my foundations are unstable, I have too many weaknesses now." Fang Yuan had a thought.Actually, he had discovered this problem long ago.But since the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he had been pressed for time, he had no free time to make up for these aspects.Twenty blue charm lightning shadows charged at Fang Yuan together. They were so fast, like lightning, Fang Yuan only saw several blue traces before they all got near him.Lang Ya land spirit shouted in panic, using another immortal killer move.The silver giant's body was shining in light, within the pure white light, the silver giant's body expanded until it multiplied a dozen times in size.The original silver giant was already huge, with this transformation, its feet stepped on Cloud Cover Continent while its head extended up towards the heavens!The silver giant's mountain-like body shook intensely, it used another immortal killer move.The blue charm lightning shadows were already at Fang Yuan's left and right, they crashed into a sudden wall of light that appeared and were bounced back.After saving Fang Yuan, the silver giant raised its hands, clasping them together to form a circle, with Fang Yuan inside.Its arms were huge, they covered the surrounding space around Fang Yuan."The situation, is bad, even though my killer move can defend against blue charm lightning shadows, your refinement is still being interrupted. You need to be careful now, stronger attacks might be coming at you, if you fail to hold firm, the Gu refinement will fail!" Lang Ya land spirit transmitted again.Fang Yuan nodded, he did not speak, his expression was heavy.While refining Gu now, there were countless refinement path dao marks helping him, and even the remaining portion of Refinement Cauldron was in the air assisting him. But the silver giant's battle with the blue charm lightning shadows would disturb the dao marks, causing countless tremors. These were all problems for Fang Yuan! If he made a mistake, his hard work would be wasted.Bam bam bam!Loud clashing sounds entered Fang Yuan's ears.The blue charm lightning shadows were like blue bees, surrounding the silver giant and attacking at its two hands.They were moving quickly, while the silver giant was moving clumsily."You bunch of fools!" Lang Ya land spirit scolded.He had to protect Fang Yuan and keep his arms stable, he could not be distracted, thus, the matter of resisting the blue charm lightning shadows was left to the other hairy man Gu Immortals.But these hairy man Gu Immortals had low battle strength, they were unskilled in controlling the giant. Even though they did their best, the immortal killer moves they used either failed, or even if they succeeded, in the outside world, they created flashy effects but had little impact.After a long time, they only killed one blue charm lightning shadow, and that was because of a lucky hit.Lang Ya land spirit did not even have the energy to yell at them."Right now, it is really bad." He was full of worries.The silver giant was created with Heavenly Giant Solor, it had expanded by more than ten times, with less defense than before. It could only take a beating while the blue charm lightning shadows attacked, it was getting more transparent, fading with time.Even though Fang Yuan's situation was stabilized, because of the outside interference, his speed fell drastically.Lang Ya land spirit estimated that with this speed, the silver giant could not last until the end.He was already occupied now, while Fang Yuan was focusing on the Gu refinement, they could not fight.Without external help, this refinement was bound to fail!"Thankfully, this is my first try, it is okay if it fails, I have funds." Fang Yuan's attitude was actually rather good, he had a positive mindset.When refining Immortal Gu, who could expect to succeed on the first try?Fang Yuan could bear the failure, but over in Central Continent's Earth Abyss, Ying Wu Xie had no alternatives left."This is the final chance, the final set of immortal materials, I cannot fail again!" Ying Wu Xie's forehead was covered in sweat, he gritted his teeth.He was like a wolf that was forced to the edge of the cliff.Once he failed, to gather another batch of immortal materials, it would be extremely difficult."In this situation, I can only use my trump card… I can't care less about the backlash, I need to get through this crisis first!"Ying Wu Xie made up his mind and activated a certain immortal killer move.An intense pain assaulted the depths of his soul.Under the effect of the immortal killer move, his entire soul turned into fuel and started burning. At the same time, his luck rose gradually!"My main body had explored Eighty-Eight True Yang Building and created this move… luckily, I obtained rank seven soul howl Gu earlier, together with some mortal Gu, I can use this move."Determination flashed across Ying Wu Xie's eyes.He was going all in, using a huge amount of luck to help himself in refining Fixed Immortal Travel."I can definitely succeed this time!!" He screamed internally.Inside Lang Ya blessed land, there was great danger.The silver giant was extremely weak, it was on the verge of collapsing.The hairy man Gu Immortals in the giant suffered severe injuries, some of them had burst arteries, they were spitting out blood, some had fainted while others were trembling intensely, throwing up frothy saliva.They had assembled the ancient battle formation, now that the formation was damaged, the injuries were reflected onto them.There were eleven blue charm lightning shadows left.Be it Fang Yuan or Lang Ya land spirit, they were in despair."The next time I refine Gu, I will definitely not use the hairy man heaven and earth style!" Fang Yuan swore to himself, at this moment, he felt that the human isolation style was very wonderful."I am actually going to fail this time, my Lang Ya blessed land's reputation is ruined, it is the fault of these tribulations that increased in strength so ridiculously!" Lang Ya land spirit was furious."Alright, it is almost time to stop." Gu Immortal Sixth Hair thought to himself.He was the spy that Shadow Sect had placed in Lang Ya blessed land, there were three of them formerly, now he was the only one left.He was the one communicating with Ying Wu Xie, giving him the information about Fang Yuan and the blessed land.While resisting the blue charm lightning shadows, he did not help much, in fact he was doing sabotage. From Shadow Sect's perspective, they were unwilling to see Fang Yuan refine change form Immortal Gu."For the final attack, let's use killer move one arm sacrifice!" Sixth Hair thought as he almost laughed out loud.Even though this move was powerful, it would greatly weaken the silver giant. Now that the silver giant was on the brink of breaking apart, once this move was used, it would definitely collapse."If I use this move, the ancient battle formation would collapse, not only would Fang Yuan's refinement fail, the backlash of the ancient battle formation would also kill many of the hairy man Gu Immortals. After surviving, I would be given even greater responsibilities. This is perfect, simply perfect!"Cold light flashed in his eyes, the traitor Sixth Hair used one arm sacrifice resolutely!One of the silver giant's arms left its body, as it fell, a bright light was emitted."Oh no! Which idiot…" Lang Ya land spirit's expression changed, he was about to scold.Suddenly!This severed arm was hit by an immortal killer move and erupted with incredible strength as it flew far away.Boom!With a loud crash, an intense explosion occurred, it happened to hit the surrounding blue charm lightning shadows.These blue charm lightning shadows were flying around everywhere, at that moment, coincidentally, most of them were gathered together, and were hit by this explosion, they all died at once.Stunning results!Fang Yuan was dazed.Sixth Hair was shocked: "This, this actually worked?!"Lang Ya land spirit was also in a daze, he shouted after a while: "Good attack!!"With this change, the silver giant collapsed, and the hairy man Gu Immortals were all injured. But there were only three blue charm lightning shadows left, the situation turned around quickly.Just Lang Ya land spirit alone could deal with these blue charm lightning shadows.Sixth Hair was in regret, he wanted to attack but Lang Ya land spirit ordered him to take care of the other hairy man Gu Immortals.An hour later, Fang Yuan held the newly refined change form Immortal Gu as he stood in disbelief."The first refinement attempt succeeded?"Central Continent, Earth Abyss.Puff!Ying Wu Xie spat out blood as he fell backwards.His expression was pale, he fainted at once.The final attempt at refining Fixed Immortal Travel failed!

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Chapter 1069. Heavenly Court! | Reverend Insanity

The butterfly fluttered its wings, it flew up and down, as jade green light scattered below its beautiful wings.Eventually, it landed on the tip of Fairy Zi Wei's slender white finger.Fairy Zi Wei looked at this jade butterfly deeply, smiling as she said: "This is Fixed Immortal Travel?""Precisely." An old female Gu Immortal beside her said expressionlessly.This old woman had a hunched back, she was bending down, her hair was yellow like wheat, her face was wrinkled and her eyes were blurry.She wore a brown-yellow robe, there was a ring of sand around her waist.Fairy Zi Wei turned around, expressing her gratitude sincerely: "Merely a rank six Immortal Gu, it actually needed a refinement path great grandmaster like Granny Sha to refine, this was truly its honor."This old female Gu Immortal was a member of Heavenly Court, she had recently woken up.She had rank eight cultivation level, she was several thousand years old, there were no records about her age, but there were such antiques in Heavenly Court, except that her refinement path great grandmaster status was very rare.Fairy Zi Wei knew a bit more.She was a wisdom path Gu Immortal, she could deduce many secrets from small clues.She knew that this Granny Sha had little lifespan, she had to sleep in Heavenly Court to delay the arrival of her death. But she and Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord were from the same generation, they were even in a relationship during their younger years.During the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord sacrificed himself and died, this alarmed Granny Sha, she took the initiative to end her hibernation and woke up.Granny Sha looked at Fixed Immortal Travel in Fairy Zi Wei's hand as she sighed deeply: "I am an old woman with half my body inside the coffin, what honor is there? By refining Fixed Immortal Travel this time, can I really help you to capture that Fang Yuan?"Refining Fixed Immortal Travel needed the crucial immortal material, the light of the immemorial era.By this era, it could no longer be found by normal Gu Immortals, but Heavenly Court was an exception.This was the number one Gu Immortal organization in the world, present since the Remote Antiquity Era, it had been in a leading role throughout history, arrogantly looking down on all five regions.Wind Cloud Manor was only a sect under Heavenly Court, but they already had the light of the immemorial era in their inventory, Heavenly Court's own treasury undoubtedly had more.Thus, Granny Sha could rush to refine Fixed Immortal Travel without lacking immortal materials.This was the foundation of Heavenly Court after being around for three million years!Towards Granny Sha's question, Fairy Zi Wei smiled: "This is the result of my deduction, I have sixty percent assurance."Surprise flashed across Granny Sha's eyes: "You and tower lord are wisdom path Gu Immortals on par with one another, with sixty percent assurance, there is a need to try."Fairy Zi Wei nodded lightly: "To speak the truth, I was able to deduce because of luck, as I had gotten some crucial information. Fang Yuan having Fixed Immortal Travel and Spring Autumn Cicada is no longer a secret. Some time ago, we captured a demonic path Gu Immortal, Gong Sun Liang, we learned about the boss who had borrowed Gu from him. Next, we investigated several areas that Fang Yuan might have appeared in, one of them was pot river. At Wind Cloud Manor, Gu Immortal Feng Chan Zi stole the light of the immemorial era from their treasury and sold it to an outsider.""Thus, you deduced that Fang Yuan's Fixed Immortal Travel has already been destroyed, right?" Granny Sha asked."That was a possibility, but looking at the result, we were right." Fairy Zi Wei answered."That Fang Yuan has many Immortal Gu, Spring Autumn Cicada has already been sealed, while Fixed Immortal Travel is with us. This way, it is much easier to capture him." Granny Sha said.Fairy Zi Wei shook her head, she sighed lightly: "Actually, Fixed Immortal Travel is not a problem. It is merely a rank six Immortal Gu, there are too many ways to deal with it.""That's right." Granny Sha agreed: "It is almost impossible to raise Fixed Immortal Travel to rank seven or eight. The light of the immemorial era needed is too much, even in Heavenly Court's treasury, we can only try to refine the rank seven version three times. As for rank eight Fixed Immortal Travel, it is consigned to history."During the Immemorial Antiquity Era, there was an unlimited amount of light, but now, it was an extinct immortal material.But Fixed Immortal Travel required the light of the immemorial era to refine.Rank six Fixed Immortal Travel could not transport rank seven Gu Immortals, not to mention rank eights.These Gu Immortals had plentiful dao marks in them. To transport them using Fixed Immortal Travel was like asking a baby to carry an elephant.Unless there was a Gu Immortal specialized in space path, or if a special immortal killer move was used.But such a situation was extremely rare, in general, Fixed Immortal Travel was capped at rank six, even though it had a great effect, it had little use to rank seven and eight Gu Immortals.Granny Sha continued: "Actually, in Heavenly Court's history, we have owned Fixed Immortal Travel multiple times. In most situations, we gave them to the lower sects for use, and because of tribulations and others reasons, they were lost. Once, Fixed Immortal Travel was in the hands of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Liang Liang, he raised it to rank seven. This person cultivated space path alone, but during the rampage of immemorial desolate beasts, he battled and died, the rank seven Fixed Immortal Travel was destroyed during that time."Rank six Fixed Immortal Travel was treasured by Fang Yuan, but in the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals' eyes, it was almost an unnoteworthy object.It was unusable, thus in many situations, it was given to the ten ancient sects, so that they could display its greatest worth and control the situation in Central Continent.To think that Fang Yuan relied on Fixed Immortal Travel to create so much trouble in the world.It was still the same saying —There was no strongest Gu worm, only strongest Gu Master (Gu Immortal)!The effect of a Gu worm not only depended on the Gu worm itself, the more important reason was the user, the Gu Master.Fairy Zi Wei continued: "Rushing to refine Fixed Immortal Travel and sealing Spring Autumn Cicada merely cut Fang Yuan's wings. The true problem is finding his hiding spot. Now, I will deduce with my full strength and find him in Central Continent. Granny Sha, I will need your help to refine Immortal Gu and restore Heaven Overseeing Tower."Granny Sha nodded and said in a heavy tone: "Tower lord is dead, I couldn't save him. But I can rebuild Heaven Overseeing Tower, I am sure he would rest in peace behind the door of life and death if he knows this. Goodbye."Granny Sha said this as Fairy Zi Wei summoned another Gu Immortal, Myriad Tidal Dragon."Feng Chan Zi almost made a great blunder through this selfish use of public assets. It seems that Central Continent has been peaceful for too long, the sects are all complacent and rotting, how can such scoundrels be allowed to tarnish the reputation of Heavenly Court? Punish him to guard Hidden Dragon Cave and Di Zang Sheng for twenty years. If that Evil Dragon manages to move even a bit, he would be failing his duties, we will take his life as punishment." Fairy Zi Wei said as cold light flickered in her eyes.Myriad Tidal Dragon nodded as he frowned slightly: "What about Old Man Bei Feng?"Feng Chan Zi was Old Man Bei Feng's grandson, he was very doted on. Most importantly, with Old Man Bei Feng's accumulated achievements and battle strength potential, he could already rise to Heavenly Court and become one of its members.Among the ten great ancient sects of Central Continent, not all rank eight Gu Immortals can ascend to Heavenly Court and become members. One had to be exceptional.Fairy Zi Wei smiled: "If Old Man Bei Feng wants to come to Heavenly Court, I will personally welcome him. But his grandson will now be guarding Hidden Dragon Cave, with Feng Chan Zi's rank six cultivation level, he cannot deal with it. Since nobody in Heavenly Court is willing to take care of that mess, we will let Old Man Bei Feng handle it."After pausing for a while, Fairy Zi Wei continued: "I called you here today because I deduced many identities of Defy's members, I want you to go personally and capture a number of them, so that I can get more clues.""Understood." Myriad Tidal Dragon accepted the order.Now that Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was dead, as the only remaining wisdom path great grandmaster, Fairy Zi Wei was tasked to lead Heavenly Court.A wisdom path Gu Immortal was most suited for this job.Of course, she was only leading Heavenly Court temporarily.Heavenly Court Gu Immortals had equal status, not one of the rank eight Gu Immortals had absolute authority, they had to discuss matters between all of them. Unless there was an Immortal Venerable leading them, that would be a different story."Granny Sha is rebuilding Heaven Overseeing Tower.""Myriad Tidal Dragon is outside capturing the members of Defy.""Wei Ling Yang is internally investigating Heavenly Court and modifying our investigative methods, times are different now, we cannot let more traitors come in.""Now, I will go all out to deduce Fang Yuan's location. We cannot stall this!"Thinking of this, Fairy Zi Wei's brows rose slightly.It seemed from the result from her last deduction, that the more she targeted Fang Yuan, the more Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect would cooperate.From Heavenly Court's perspective, Spectral Soul was the main target, they could not rest until he was dead.Right now, Spectral Soul's main body was trapped in Southern Border's super dream realm. Heavenly Court did not (and could not) act, they could only watch as Spectral Soul died slowly in the dream realm.Thus, Heavenly Court's focus was on Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect's remnant forces.To prevent them from saving Spectral Soul.Shadow Sect's remnant forces, like Zombie Alliance, was already facing the assault of people sent by Fairy Zi Wei. Fang Yuan was her current focus, Fixed Immortal Travel was not an issue, but Spring Autumn Cicada was different.If Fang Yuan went back to the past and rewrote history, what would happen?!Central Continent, deep in Earth Abyss.Ying Wu Xie woke up slowly."What happened? This is…" Ying Wu Xie was in a daze, gradually, clarity returned to his eyes.He remembered everything."Damn it, I failed in refining Fixed Immortal Travel! After using my trump card, my luck rose immensely, why did I not succeed? Now, I have lost everything, and my soul's injury is severe." Ying Wu Xie had a pale expression as he clenched his fists.He was upset, and also lost, he did not know what to do now.Suddenly, the surroundings shook, Ying Wu Xie's super Gu formation started to activate rapidly."Oh no! This is the deduction of a wisdom path great expert, the super Gu formation's automatic defenses has been activated!" Ying Wu Xie gasped in his mind, his face turned even more pale now, without a trace of rosiness.

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Chapter 1070. Sacrifice A Rook To Save The King | Reverend Insanity

In Central Continent, who would deduce Ying Wu Xie?Ying Wu Xie's first thought was Heavenly Court.The number one Gu Immortal force in the world since the Remote Antiquity Era.The Heavenly Court that three Demon Venerables could not take down.The Heavenly Court that had three generations of Immortal Venerables leading it.Even when Spectral Soul Demon Venerable was invincible in the world, he did not attempt to attack Heavenly Court.The supreme Heavenly Court!As the super Gu formation continued to run, resisting the wisdom path deductions of the mysterious great expert, the entire Gu formation was shining in dark eerie light, it was cracking under the pressure."In just a short time, who is it that has made the super Gu formation so overworked? Only Heavenly Court's wisdom path great expert can do it!" Ying Wu Xie's expression was pale, his back was covered in sweat.After Spectral Soul Demon Venerable died, and he returned to the door of life and death, Shadow Sect had existed, having been developed over a hundred thousand years, achieving its peak due to immaculate planning, but after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, the losses were terrible, only some remnant forces were left. Now, Spectral Soul was stuck in the dream realm, only Ying Wu Xie was left as the final hope.Ying Wu Xie knew deeply how heavy the burden on him was.If he was deduced, without Fixed Immortal Travel to teleport and escape, he would definitely be assaulted by a large number of Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, until he died."Never mind if I die, but my main body will fall into a desperate situation. I, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, will die for real! I will become history. I am not resigned to that fate!"Ying Wu Xie howled, he struggled to get up.He invested his attention and immortal essence into the super Gu formation.The Gu formation started to become more stable, the eerie light flowed like water, moving in the formation, the cracking sounds also became softer.With a Gu Immortal controlling it, the Gu formation could display a completely different level of power!Earlier, this super Gu formation did not have Ying Wu Xie controlling it, but it could still defend against Fairy Zi Wei's deductions. With Ying Wu Xie's support, its might rose by more than ten times, the situation was under control.But Ying Wu Xie's situation was becoming worse.He had just woken up, his condition was not good.Because the Gu refinement failed, and he used his trump card killer move to increase his luck, his soul was severely injured.After waking up, he controlled the super Gu formation without rest, he did not even have time to heal his injuries.Ying Wu Xie controlled the super Gu formation for a while, he felt dizzy and saw stars in the air, his body was shaking as he almost fainted again."No! This super Gu formation is hard to control, we have to defend against the wisdom path deduction, my mental energy is severely drained, I cannot continue resisting it."Ying Wu Xie's heart sank."Shi Nu! Hei Lou Lan!" He called, left with no choice, he told these two the secret method to manipulate the super Gu formation and let them control it.A while later, he could not endure it anymore, he fainted."Master!" Shi Nu was very loyal, after being able to control the super Gu formation, he found that Ying Wu Xie's situation was bad and quickly used the Gu formation to heal Ying Wu Xie.Hei Lou Lan was in charge of defending against Fairy Zi Wei's deduction.The situation was stable again.Ying Wu Xie finally woke up again.He was in a better state, once he woke up, he asked: "How long was I unconscious for?"Shi Nu replied: "Two days and three nights, master.""Did they stop the deduction?" Ying Wu Xie asked again."Not even once." Hei Lou Lan transmitted.Ying Wu Xie's expression was grim, his heart sunk to rock bottom: "Two days and three nights of deduction without stopping, the other party is indeed a wisdom path great expert of Heavenly Court, their wisdom path attainment can match Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord! Sigh, Heavenly Court…"Heavenly Court's foundation was too deep.It had been under the rule of three Immortal Venerables, with countless rank eight Gu Immortals joining throughout history. Shadow Sect had developed for a hundred thousand years, it had a huge force, but compared to Heavenly Court, its foundation was too shallow.Shadow Sect had researched for tens of thousands of years, they found an opportunity coincidentally and paid a heavy price to send the traitor Lian Jiu Sheng into Heavenly Court.But Lian Jiu Sheng could not get much intel after joining Heavenly Court.Most of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were sleeping, they rarely were active.However, just the small amount of information obtained, showing a portion of Heavenly Court's power, made Shadow Sect feel great trepidation.The biggest concern was Heavenly Court's rank nine fate Gu. This Immortal Gu was only damaged during Red Lotus Demon Venerable's time, it was not completely destroyed.Using rank nine fate Gu as the core, the rank nine Immortal Gu House Heaven Overseeing Tower had incredible might, it could truly oversee everything. Its range of detecting fate escapees spanned over the whole five regions, along with white heaven and black heaven, it was a shocking scope.The second concern was that Heavenly Court's grotto-heaven was free from tribulations, seemingly because it had devoured large numbers of fragments of the seven broken immemorial heavens.Finally, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals had unfathomably deep research regarding immortal apertures. In this regard, even Spectral Soul could only gasp in amazement.Any rank eight Gu Immortal who joins Heavenly Court would first have to contribute their immortal aperture, and combine it into Heavenly Court's grotto-heaven. When they go outside of Heavenly Court, they would be given a mystical phantom aperture for storing immortal essence and Gu worms.This method was among the deepest secrets of Heavenly Court, it was the work of Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable! After rank eight Gu Immortals fuse their immortal apertures into Heavenly Court's grotto-heaven, they would be free from tribulations, they could also sleep and slow down the loss of their lifespan.Heavenly Court was created three million years ago during the Remote Antiquity Era. By now, it had the grotto-heavens of three Immortal Venerables, along with countless rank eight Gu Immortals' grotto-heavens, they were all fused into Heavenly Court.Thus, the size of Heavenly Court's grotto-heaven was unbelievable, the amount of resources in immortal materials inside was immeasurable. With just these resources, Heavenly Court was self-sufficient, it did not need anything from the five regions.It was unknown just how many rank eight Gu Immortals were sleeping inside Heavenly Court, or even how many members there actually were in Heavenly Court.But just by thinking about it, one could understand the terrifying might lurking in Heavenly Court.However, since ancient times, lifespan Gu had been the traditional way to gain lifespan. For the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals to use sleep to extend their lives, there was definitely a drawback. But Lian Jiu Sheng had never uncovered what this drawback was, it was among Spectral Soul's greatest regrets.Compared to Heavenly Court, Shadow Sect with a hundred thousand years of foundation was too weak. Shadow Sect was like an iceberg, Zombie Alliance, which was scattered over all five regions, was just the tip of the iceberg. Old Man Yan Shi, Bo Qing, and Purple Mountain True Monarch, were hidden under the iceberg. As for Heavenly Court, it was the sea that carried the iceberg. The sea was unfathomably deep, even though the iceberg floated on the sea, nobody knew what was hiding inside the sea, or what ferocious creatures were dwelling below. Maybe the Gu Immortals were already dead, but nobody knew the truth, and they were not going to find out either.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, Lian Jiu Sheng, Bi Chen Tian, Fairy Zi Wei, Granny Sha, they were all rank eight Gu Immortals who joined Heavenly Court in the last thousands of years. The depths of the sea was not explored yet, these were just huge waves on the surface."Master, what do we do now?" Shi Nu asked.Ying Wu Xie fell into deep contemplation.He racked his brains, thinking hard!At the moment, Fairy Zi Wei's deduction was like a long spear forcing Ying Wu Xie and the rest to raise their shield and defend against (the super Gu formation). Even though it was powerful and could block Fairy Zi Wei's deduction, this way, by controlling the super Gu formation, Ying Wu Xie and the rest were restricted from doing anything else.And just defending themselves was too passive, they were going to lose eventually, it was not a wise decision."Heavenly Court targeted me not only to deal with Shadow Sect, but also because they want to pursue Fang Yuan. My body is originally Fang Yuan's, in a way, I am shielding him from this disaster.""It is very strange that I failed to refine Fixed Immortal Travel this time. I had ten chances and extremely high luck in the final one. Even if my luck was split, the chances of success are still very high. Fang Yuan could succeed his refinement even in that situation. My situation was far better than his, yet I still failed. I am afraid Fixed Immortal Travel has already been refined by someone. If that is so, it is likely Heavenly Court!"At this time, over in Lang Ya blessed land, the traitor Sixth Hair had already sent a letter of apology to Ying Wu Xie.Thus, Ying Wu Xie had a clear understanding of Fang Yuan's situation."It seems I can only sacrifice a rook to save the king." Ying Wu Xie had a resolute expression.He decided to abandon his subordinates to obtain a chance to escape.Using the super Gu formation, his aura could be concealed for some time, Fairy Zi Wei's deductions would be drawn to the super Gu formation.This way, Ying Wu Xie could escape in the meantime, going through the regional walls and leaving Central Continent.Central Continent was a tiger's den, there were too few remnant forces of Shadow Sect. Leaving this place and going to any of the other four regions would be a huge help to Ying Wu Xie."I failed to refine Fixed Immortal Travel, but I am only a rank six bottom-tier immortal zombie, it is far easier for me to pass the regional walls compared to rank sevens and eights. Now, I can only work hard to travel the four regions and gather my remnant forces. Even if Heavenly Court has the rank six Fixed Immortal Travel, those rank eight Gu Immortals cannot use it. Heaven Overseeing Tower has been destroyed, they cannot locate me as well.""I can only abandon this place. And to control the Gu formation, at least two rank sixes or one rank seven are needed…"Ying Wu Xie thought about it and decided to give up on Shi Nu, bringing Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan with him.The loyalty of these three was not an issue, especially Hei Lou Lan, followed by Shi Nu,and finally, Tai Bai Yun Sheng.The more important reason was that he had to pass the regional walls many times. The lower the cultivation level, the better it was when going through them. Shi Nu's rank seven cultivation level was a burden instead.Ying Wu Xie made his decision and executed it.Shi Nu had no objections, he was utterly loyal, he even passed all of his accumulated Gu worms and the rockman tribe in his immortal aperture to Ying Wu Xie completely.Ying Wu Xie's immortal aperture was a dead land, he kept the Gu worms while passing the rockman tribe to Hei Lou Lan, letting them live in her immortal aperture.Bringing Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, with Shi Nu left to draw the attention, Ying Wu Xie retreated, his target was the closest regional wall.

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