
Chapter: 1061-1065:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1061. Blood Torrent | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains.Inside the first layer of the heavens in the sovereign immortal aperture.Fang Yuan opened his eyes slowly, his pupils flashed."I've spent so many days on deductions, but I'll use its original name, it will continue to be called blood torrent." Thinking of this, at Fang Yuan's will, the Gu worms around him moved, scattering around him.Hundreds of mortal Gu flew around him, forming a huge circle.Blood asset Immortal Gu was residing in his chest, its red insignia started to glow as it emitted burning heat.Suddenly, a dazzling blood-red light shot out of Fang Yuan's chest.The blood-red light rushed into the sky, turning into a huge stream of blood.The stream of blood carried Fang Yuan and charged out.After flying into the sky, with a swoosh, a long red line was drawn.A river of blood-red light was flowing in the first layer of the heavens.Everywhere it went, an intense stench of blood that would make people nauseous could be smelled.In the river of blood-red light, Fang Yuan's entire body was covered, completely concealed. This was good, he could hide himself, even if enemies wanted to attack, they would not know which part of the river to attack.After flying for a while, Fang Yuan stopped moving.The river of blood-red light vanished, Fang Yuan's figure appeared all alone."The speed of this river can be even faster, I just need to add in some more mortal Gu." Fang Yuan thought about his experience and concluded."But no matter how many mortal Gu I add, the linear speed cannot match sword escape Immortal Gu."Sword escape Immortal Gu was a rank seven Immortal Gu, this immortal killer move, blood torrent, used only one rank six Immortal Gu, and that was the rank six blood asset Immortal Gu, it was natural that the speed was inferior to Sword Escape.Unless Fang Yuan could raise blood asset Immortal Gu to rank seven, the straight line speed of blood torrent could not surpass Sword Escape.But this way, as a rank six Gu Immortal, for Fang Yuan to use the rank seven Immortal Gu, he would face the same awkward situation again, it was not worth it."My linear traveling speed is inferior to using Sword Escape, this was expected, it is not a problem! I deduced this immortal killer move while thinking about traveling while changing direction, to make up for the flaw of sword escape Immortal Gu. I can use blood torrent and sword escape Immortal Gu alternately, this way, I can barely deal with Chu Du." Fang Yuan considered it clearly.Blood torrent was a blood path killer move, while sword escape Immortal Gu was sword path, the two were unrelated, if any other Gu Immortal used both of them, they would lose out on both ends.But Fang Yuan was an exception!His body was special, it was formed from sovereign immortal fetus Gu. His dao marks were of all paths, yet they did not interfere with one another.Fang Yuan could use blood torrent and sword escape Immortal Gu alternately, without causing them to lose their original strength.Sword escape Immortal Gu allowed one to fly in a linear direction, even though it was fast, they could only move in one direction, it was too simple, it could be countered easily.If the user stopped to change directions, the weakness exposed in that instance would be fully used by Domination Immortal.But if he used Sword Escape and blood torrent alternately, he would make up for their weaknesses, he would be able to face Domination Immortal.Chu Du was a strength path Gu Immortal, strength path was a path that focused on offense and recovery, it had the longest sustainability in battle, but it usually lacked in speed.Of course, this was only Fang Yuan's estimation.As for whether it would be effective, he needed to test it.After all, the last time Domination Immortal Chu Du fought openly was a hundred years ago.After his battle with Liu tribe's first supreme elder, he had concealed his traces and cultivated in seclusion.Fang Yuan not only deduced his blood path killer move these last days, he even collected information on Chu Du using all kinds of methods.But most of the information was from a hundred years ago.At this point, Fang Yuan started to miss Fairy Li Shan. Hei Lou Lan's younger aunt had mountain pledge Gu, she had a huge network and was in contact with many people in the demonic and righteous paths, and even lone immortals. If she was still around, he would be able to collect more information regarding Chu Du."Lang Ya Sect might be huge, but it had been in seclusion for so many years before wanting to make contact with the world again recently. In terms of information, it cannot match Fairy Li Shan. Information path, this is one of my weaknesses, I need to fix it."Fang Yuan's thoughts were wandering.He thought of the battle of Yi Tian Mountain.Ah, that was a huge trap!Fang Yuan thought about it and his heart was still pounding.He could survive because two giants were fighting, and he as an ant had profited from their conflict. He barely survived, a huge portion was attributed to luck.Come to think of it, it was because his information path attainment was too low, he had insufficient intel! If he knew about the hidden details of Yi Tian Mountain, he would have changed his plans."However, even if I had Fairy Li Shan's information path methods, I would not have been able to get any information. Yi Tian Mountain was simply too big of a plot, in the five hundred years of my previous life, there was no such huge commotion!"Fang Yuan put aside all of his irrelevant thoughts.He had to say, after reviving, his thinking speed was extremely fast. It was completely unlike the immortal zombie body.And with his wisdom path grandmaster attainment level, with the help of many wisdom path methods, he was even more perceptive than in the five hundred years of his previous life, he could think more nimbly.In this aspect, he had completely surpassed himself!Even though he deduced blood torrent, he needed to practise it, and continue to modify it as he used it.After creating an immortal killer move, it could not be left untouched. The Gu Immortal needed to modify and improve it, or even revamp it if needed.Back in the day, Dong Fang Chang Fan created myriad star fireflies, he had improved upon it multiple times. Even so, he was not personally satisfied with it.Some immortal killer moves were improved upon by the creator for their entire lives, even their inheritors participated in this process.For example, peerless crescent moon slash was a signature immortal killer move of Heaven's Envy Manor, generations of Gu Immortals had improved on it countless times. Precisely so, this move could become famous in Central Continent, and its might was not to be underestimated.Fang Yuan's immortal killer move was only created hastily, it was far from the level of moves like peerless crescent moon slash.In the following days, Fang Yuan practiced on using blood torrent and sword escape Immortal Gu.Non-stop usage increased his experience, he gained a lot of insight towards the use of blood torrent and Sword Escape.While practicing, he continued to modify the move, eventually, he stopped adding in mortal Gu to blood torrent, instead, he started taking out certain Gu worms."I need blood torrent to work with Sword Escape, because I need it for changing directions. After Sword Escape stops, I need to succeed in activating blood torrent in an instant. This is a short window of time, thus, many mortal Gu makes it troublesome. Not only would it be a waste of time, increasing the difficulty of activation, the gains are also minute with just a small increase in speed.""This is almost ready, I should try to gather my immortal aperture and escape. Let's see if I can escape from Chu Du."Even though Fang Yuan could continue to create more blood path killer moves, there was no need to.After getting blood asset Immortal Gu, he had used this Immortal Gu as the core, along with the accumulated mortal killer moves in the five hundred years of his previous life, to create three blood path killer moves: life staking blood print, blood healing lake, and blood torrent.At this level, it was enough already.After all, he only had blood asset Immortal Gu, if he used one blood path killer move, the others could not be used at the same time.As for the other aspects, Fang Yuan could use other Immortal Gu instead.After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he had lost almost all of his accumulated Gu worms, his current Gu worms were of many paths, they were a mess and were not organized to systematically cover all aspects. But he had no choice but to use them now."But if I were given another chance, I would still choose to take sovereign immortal fetus Gu!" Fang Yuan had no doubts about this.Even though Fang Yuan was inside the sovereign immortal aperture, it was easily guarded and hard to attack, but he had to be wary of Chu Du seeking help from others, or setting up an immortal battlefield killer move on the icy plain.In any case, the longer he stayed, the worse it would be.After making up his mind, Fang Yuan had no more hesitations.At his will, the entire immortal aperture started shaking.The tremors were increasing in magnitude, after a while, the immortal aperture world started to shrink.It was shrinking at an incredible speed! After an instant, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and he was already in the outside world, the northern icy plain.There was no snow or wind.Pale white sunlight shone on this flat icy plain.It was still very cold.Fang Yuan focused his mind, he looked around with a divine light in his eyes, quickly seeing Chu Du.Domination Immortal Chu Du!As Fang Yuan had expected, he had stayed here and did not leave.But the unexpected thing was Chu Du's attitude."Wait, please wait!" Chu Du did not attack, he smiled warmly as he spoke to Fang Yuan in a gentle tone, there was no killing intent in him.Fang Yuan snorted: "Are you being polite after resorting to brute force?""I am ashamed, truly ashamed." Chu Du admitted his mistake, he apologized: "I was too rash earlier. But after seeing your tribulation, it truly had too big of an impact on my future cultivation journey! Thus, I lost my reasoning for a moment and attacked. Now that I think about it, it was truly shameful."Fang Yuan looked at Chu Du vigilantly, he used many methods to probe the surrounding area.Seeing that Fang Yuan was silent, Chu Du initiated: "Friend, I do not want to be enemies with you, I just want the method to draw out Reckless Savage's true meaning. I hope we can make a deal.""Deal?" Fang Yuan's eyes shone with brilliance, he said with a tone of consideration: "It is not impossible, as long as you can interest me with your offer."Joy flashed on Chu Du's face.But next, Fang Yuan said: "But before the transaction, we have to settle the score for your attack on me which interfered with my tribulation!""I will definitely satisfy you with the compensation!" Chu Du said immediately, he had an earnest attitude.Even Fang Yuan was shocked — Was this still the Domination Immortal?But thinking about it, Fang Yuan's alertness towards Chu Du rose.This person could put down his pride, he was an incredible person! Anyone who looked down on him was a terrible fool."If you want to compensate me, return my flying sword Immortal Gu to show your sincerity." Fang Yuan continued to speak.

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Chapter 1062. Chu Du's Weakness | Reverend Insanity

Hearing that Fang Yuan wanted to take back flying sword Immortal Gu, Chu Du smiled, he replied: "As long as we complete the transaction, not only will I return flying sword Immortal Gu, I will even give you satisfactory compensation."What a joke, of course he had to keep this flying sword Immortal Gu for now, it was the best bargaining chip to restrain Fang Yuan.How could Chu Du return it now?Chu Du was warm and polite now, but he was deeply aware internally of this.Fang Yuan laughed, but there was no disappointment on his face.When he asked this question, he had already known the answer, his expression turned cold: "Chu Du, you have no sincerity! We can forget about this matter."Saying so, he activated sword escape Immortal Gu and flew out like a sword, he pierced the air and instantly appeared far away."Friend, please wait." Chu Du's expression changed, he quickly chased.Fang Yuan moved straight ahead, pointing towards the sky, after flying for a while, Chu Du's figure appeared several li behind him."Immortal killer move…"Fang Yuan looked back and felt that the Gu worm aura on Chu Du was very complex.It was a strength path movement killer move, and was at rank seven, it was even faster than sword escape Immortal Gu's linear movement!Fang Yuan's heart sank, this situation was bad for him.In fact, he had placed most of his hope on sword escape Immortal Gu. After all, it was very fast, even ancient cloud beasts could not catch up.To think that Domination Immortal Chu Du also had an immortal killer move that could allow him to fly faster than sword escape Immortal Gu!"I'm afraid that Chu Du has nurtured more Gu Masters for their immortal ascension than just this one. In the last hundred years, he must have secretly obtained a lot of Reckless Savage's true meaning, his strength path attainment level is unmeasurably deep, this is how he created such strength path killer moves.""Since sword escape Immortal Gu will not work, let's try blood torrent."Fang Yuan willed and stopped Sword Escape, his body still flew ahead due to inertia, but it became slower.Next, blood-red light flashed on his body as it surrounded him entirely, turning into a river of blood.The river of blood tore through the sky, moving like a slithering red snake, the smell of blood permeated the air.Immortal killer move — Blood Torrent, activated successfully!Fang Yuan turned around and flew towards his left side.The consecutive use of both moves was very smooth, even Fang Yuan was satisfied: "I reduced the number of mortal Gu, it was the correct move! This way, the chances of blood torrent failing are lower, and I can use it faster. This is all thanks to the practice I did back in the immortal aperture."These thoughts only flashed for an instant, his attention was mainly placed on Domination Immortal Chu Du.Fang Yuan had changed his direction, the most important thing was Chu Du's reaction to it."If Chu Du can catch up to me, I will have to stop and debate with him, to discuss the matter of transaction."Fang Yuan was planning for the worst case scenario, but Domination Immortal Chu Du charged forward with an incredible force, flying right past him!Fang Yuan's expression froze.His vision turned to follow Chu Du, he saw the other party move like a bullet train, Chu Du moved forward with great speed, he had such great strength that shock waves could be felt along his path.After flying for more than ten li, Chu Du's speed slowed down until he stopped moving.Next, he turned around and gradually gained speed, charging at Fang Yuan.His speed became faster and faster, soon, he reached a speed that surpassed sword escape Immortal Gu.Brilliance flashed in Fang Yuan's eyes, he immediately used blood torrent and changed his direction.Thus, the same situation happened again.Domination Immortal Chu Du flashily, or rather, brutishly, flew past him.Fang Yuan was overjoyed.He was worried about sword escape Immortal Gu because it could only fly in a straight line, thus he created blood torrent to make up for that weakness.To think that this shortcoming was even more serious for Domination Immortal Chu Du!The situation changed suddenly, Fang Yuan's thoughts churned fiercely, he decided to stop moving.It was very easy for him to escape now and shrug off Chu Du, as long as he was vigilant, he would not fail."Interesting." Fang Yuan muttered, deciding to negotiate with Chu Du.Chu Du saw that Fang Yuan stopped flying and felt great joy, he also stopped moving."So close, so close. It seems that the flying sword Immortal Gu in my hands is very useful. The other party is making considerations for it!"Fang Yuan waited for Chu Du to fly to him, after a certain distance, he raised his hand: "Stop, let's talk with this distance between us."Fang Yuan was vigilant, even though he had the advantage of movement, it was still better to maintain a certain distance.Chu Du immediately stopped, he smiled, looking slightly pathetic compared to before.Fang Yuan said: "Brother Chu is really incredible, this was really eye-opening! What killer move is this, it is so amazing, even my sword escape Immortal Gu cannot compare to it.""This killer move is called body strength travel, I created it after much effort, it can increase my speed using my immortal body's strength path dao marks. But there is one weakness, I can only travel forward, and cannot change directions while flying, I cannot even move backwards. I have not practiced with it enough, I used it today out while panicking, it was truly shameful." Chu Du said, he candidly conceded his weakness, giving an open-minded disposition that could make people look up to him.Fang Yuan nodded, showing a serious expression: "Brother Chu is extremely powerful, during normal combat, in Northern Plains, who can make you use this move to retreat?""I will thank your praise! Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world is extremely deep, I only have a bit of reputation, but the more I cultivate, the more I realize my insufficiency. There are definitely more than five rank eight Gu Immortals in Northern Plains. Among rank sevens, you are one of those experts who can make me feel wary. I am ashamed, I do not even know about your name or background." Chu Du smiled with a bitter expression.His words were not just out of politeness, they were his true thoughts.Fang Yuan did not know much about Domination Immortal Chu Du, but Chu Du knew even less about Fang Yuan.After Fang Yuan used sword escape Immortal Gu, his speed shocked Chu Du! After all, in terms of linear speed, sword escape Immortal Gu could compare with the similarly ranked qi escape Gu.Chu Du was an experienced rank seven Gu Immortal, he had many movement methods. But compared to sword escape Immortal Gu, most of them were inferior. Only this final immortal killer move, body strength travel, could work.Fang Yuan's guess was right, this immortal killer move, body strength travel, was created by Chu Du for retreating.But in Northern Plains, very few people could force Chu Du to retreat.And because Chu Du had been keeping a low profile these last years to raise these Gu Masters for their immortal ascension, he did not fight much.It was not that he did not practice this immortal killer move enough, but it simply had too many Gu worms, it was hard to use.The first time Chu Du saw Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan was undergoing tribulation in the immortal aperture. Chu Du made a move, but Fang Yuan was even faster than him, with more resolution!While Fang Yuan was searching for Chu Du's information, Chu Du was not slacking, he was also trying to find Fang Yuan's information.But he had no gains.In his perspective, Fang Yuan was someone who seemed to have jumped out of a rock. Since when did such a person exist in Northern Plains?!Not mentioning anything else, just his aura was very strange. When Chu Du first saw him in the immortal aperture, he was rank six. But now, he had rank seven aura.However, he was a Northern Plains Gu Immortal, that much should not be wrong.But did he cultivate blood path or sword path?This was a question that Chu Du was very curious about.These two paths were not related at all! If it were soul path and enslavement path, or rule path and restriction path, or wisdom path and emotion path, then it was understandable.But sword path and blood path?Wasn't he afraid that they would interfere with one another?But Fang Yuan not only had rank seven sword path Immortal Gu, his blood path killer move made even Chu Du gasp in shock.Also, also.So be it if he cultivated blood path and sword path, that was none of Chu Du's business, but he actually had a method to lure out the Reckless Savage's true meaning?!Chu Du had racked his brains and made countless attempts before ending in failure, he could only choose a crude method like raising disciples afterwards.What method was actually used?Reckless Savage's true meaning, he definitely needed to have wisdom path attainment to do it!Did that mean, his wisdom path attainment was also not low??In this pursuit, even though it was very short, Chu Du could not catch up to Fang Yuan!Seeing that Fang Yuan did not fly away but stopped instead, Chu Du felt like his heart was pounding, he was filled with excitement and joy!Strength decided everything, thus right now, Chu Du treated Fang Yuan as an equal.Fang Yuan was silent for a moment, before he slowly said again: "Actually, it is not impossible to have a transaction…"Chu Du did not speak, he only listened. His eyes were burning with enthusiasm, as if fires were blazing in his pupils.But after a long time, the despicable Fang Yuan did not speak, he seemed to have gone deep in thought.Chu Du could not hold it in anymore, he asked: "I believe that with my wealth, you will definitely be satisfied."Fang Yuan looked at him before saying: "Didn't you attend the Northern Plains auction recently?"Chu Du's expression froze, he said in a probing manner: "So you attended the auction as well?""That's right." Fang Yuan admitted openly: "During the auction, I even made use of you." Of course, the second line was only in Fang Yuan's mind."What would you like, you can just say it." Chu Du pursued."It is hard to say." Fang Yuan sighed, he frowned as he showed a difficult expression.Chu Du was feeling impatient.If this were another person, he would have slapped the other party already."There is nothing you cannot say, even if I do not have it now, I can try to get it for you." Chu Du continued.He had already decided to obtain this method regardless of the cost!Fang Yuan sighed again: "I said that because I have not thought of what to trade with brother Chu yet."Chu Du was furious.After such a long time, you showed such a difficult expression simply because you have not made up your mind?Chu Du frowned, his tone became deep and low as he said: "Sir, did you stay here simply to toy with me?""Brother Chu, don't be angry, of course not!" Fang Yuan immediately said: "Any Gu Immortal would have calamities and tribulations looming over them, we have countless needs. I have not thought of what, and how to transact with you to obtain the greatest benefit for my cultivation. How about this, give me some time to think about it, after careful consideration, I will reply to brother Chu."Chu Du had an ugly expression, he thought about it and nodded helplessly: "Alright."

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Chapter 1063. Transformation Path! | Reverend Insanity

Seeing Fang Yuan's figure leaving in the horizon, Chu Du watched, staying on the spot."Letting him go like this, was it a correct move or not?" Chu Du's gaze was flickering.But soon, he smiled bitterly to himself: "Even if I do not want to let him go, what can I do?""My methods cannot capture or catch up to him.""If I use brute force, with this person's mysterious background, he might be troublesome to deal with, and even if I capture him, he might destroy his own soul, how would I get the method then?""However, seeing his attitude, he must be sincere in trading with me. Otherwise, he could have left already, why did he stay to talk with me?"Chu Du recalled the conversation he had with Fang Yuan.He thought about it for a while, he felt that Fang Yuan was very sincere, even though Fang Yuan did not talk about anything significant, and most of the things he said were lip service.But precisely so, Chu Du felt: This was much more sincere than giving empty promises and assurances of benefits.Of course, his greatest confidence was not in Fang Yuan's attitude, but the flying sword Immortal Gu that he had in his hands."This is a rank seven Immortal Gu!"Even a legendary figure like Chu Du did not have many rank seven Immortal Gu in his possession.Fang Yuan flew away and did not encounter any more problems.Lang Ya land spirit had already arranged for hairy man Gu Immortals to set up immortal battlefield killer moves, there were even Immortal Gu formations used for teleportation.However, Fang Yuan had an extremely easy time in getting away from Chu Du. Thus, the immortal battlefield killer move to obstruct Chu Du was no longer needed.Retrieving the components of the battlefield killer move, Fang Yuan used the Immortal Gu formation and returned to Lang Ya blessed land."You had dog shit luck Immortal Gu's protection, yet you still encountered Chu Du, this does not follow common sense. Did anyone scheme against you?" Seeing Fang Yuan, Lang Ya land spirit asked straightforwardly.Fang Yuan frowned, he had considered this question long ago."With dog shit luck Immortal Gu's protection, my luck should not be bad. Was it because the earthly calamity was too fierce, the luck gained from Dog Shit Luck was all used to counter the earthly calamity?" Fang Yuan had a guess, but he could not say it to Lang Ya land spirit.He was a human Gu Immortal after all.Even though he joined Lang Ya Sect, they were still of different races, there was a rift between them.Like earlier, when Fang Yuan rushed back to Northern Plains from Southern Border, Lang Ya land spirit used the opportunity to take advantage of his situation."But if that is the case, then the earthly calamity that I went through was already heavily weakened by luck. Then, what sort of strength would the actual earthly calamity have?"Thinking of this, Fang Yuan felt a cold chill.In this tribulation, he had narrowly avoided death, his life was in danger, it was a close call.In fact, this earthly calamity had completely surpassed the level of earthly calamities. Even the ten great catastrophes could not match Fang Yuan's current earthly calamity."But I have connected luck with many people. Perhaps because Dog Shit Luck's effect was split between many people, it was not effective." Fang Yuan thought, but he said: "First supreme elder is right, this is not a problem of luck, someone was plotting against me!"The identity of 'Fang Yuan' had already been exposed in the battle of Yi Tian Mountain.Be it the secret about him being an otherworldly demon or Spring Autumn Cicada, the fact that he also destroyed Eighty-Eight True Yang Building was known to all.Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court, and all of the Huang Jin tribes in Northern Plains were likely to plot against Fang Yuan.Lang Ya land spirit sighed, worry was written all over his face, his tone became grim: "Maybe no one is plotting against you. Don't forget, you are a member of Lang Ya Sect. And my Lang Ya blessed land is already exposed, we have suffered more than one attack. A while ago, we lost two Gu Immortals, the value of this place is enough for many experts and forces to act."Fang Yuan was slightly happy, it was much better for him if Lang Ya land spirit had such thoughts.Lang Ya land spirit's gaze was flickering, he quickly changed his words: "But if we can use wisdom Gu as the core to create the Immortal Gu House Secluded Residence, not only can we defend ourselves, we can even defend against all of the deductions from almost everyone in the world!"Fang Yuan smiled without speaking.It turned out that Lang Ya land spirit wanted to talk about this. It seemed that he was still coveting wisdom Gu. But sadly, in the earlier transaction, Fang Yuan did not sell wisdom Gu."It was all thanks to first supreme elder's Gu worms that I passed this tribulation. I will return them to you now, these Gu worms were a great help." Fang Yuan said as a huge number of Gu flew according to his will, out of his immortal aperture."Of course! With their help, simply an earthly calamity is a piece of cake." Lang Ya land spirit said proudly.Fang Yuan did not say the truth, but he did not lie, he diverted the topic: "Especially your killer move immortal tribulation tempering aperture, it was really effective. But Chu Du appeared at the end, it was quite scary. Thankfully, I was superior to him in terms of movement, albeit slightly."While listening, Lang Ya land spirit collected all of the Gu worms, after inspecting each of them, he asked with a tone of regret: "Are you really not selling Dang Hun Mountain and wisdom Gu to me?"In the original transaction, Lang Ya land spirit wanted to use three true inheritances in exchange for Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po Valley, and wisdom Gu.But after thinking about it, Fang Yuan felt that even though refinement path, luck path, and theft path were good, they were not entirely suitable for him, they did not quite fit his future plans. If he exchanged for all of them, it was not worth it.However, the refinement path killer move immortal tribulation tempering aperture, the luck path true inheritance's dog shit luck Immortal Gu and others, they could provide Fang Yuan with huge help.Thus, after thinking about it, Fang Yuan chose his words and urged the land spirit: "Do you really want to trade all three true inheritances with me? There are many Immortal Gu in the true inheritances, if I get them, would Lang Ya Sect not need them later?"Lang Ya land spirit was unwilling to let them go as well.For example, dog shit luck Immortal Gu, it had been refined immediately by Long Hair Ancestor the moment Giant Sun Immortal Venerable died.After that, dog shit luck Immortal Gu had been guarding Lang Ya blessed land, providing huge help to the previous Lang Ya land spirit when he refined Gu. At the same time, it protected Lang Ya blessed land from countless disasters and dangers.However, if Lang Ya land spirit did not offer them, these true inheritances would be too low in value, how could they be traded for Fang Yuan's three treasures?Thus, Fang Yuan urged again: "First supreme elder, since both of us are unwilling, why don't we take what we need. Let's deal with a portion of each.""Oh? Explain clearly." Lang Ya land spirit said.Fang Yuan spoke about his intentions as Lang Ya land spirit rejected: "No way, no way, you want the most essential parts of all three true inheritances, but you are only offering Luo Po Valley. This is a huge loss, no way! It will not do!"Fang Yuan smiled, continuing to negotiate with Lang Ya land spirit.Lang Ya land spirit was not good at negotiations, his baseline was quickly identified by Fang Yuan after some probing.Under such a situation, the land spirit was simple and easy to deal with compared to Gu Immortals.Eventually, Fang Yuan and Lang Ya land spirit came to an agreement.Fang Yuan officially sold Luo Po Valley to Lang Ya land spirit, while he obtained dog shit luck Immortal Gu, blood asset Immortal Gu, and dark limit Immortal Gu, these three rank six Immortal Gu. His debt to Lang Ya Sect was cleared, and he borrowed a large number of mortal Gu and Immortal Gu to fix his weaknesses, and most importantly, the Gu worms needed to form immortal tribulation tempering aperture and triple layered sword wave.And in fact, immortal tribulation tempering aperture and triple layered sword wave were extremely helpful to Fang Yuan during the tribulation.Even though this transaction was made, Lang Ya land spirit was still coveting Dang Hun Mountain and wisdom Gu right now.This time, the land spirit expressed his intent to purchase them again.But would Fang Yuan agree?Even so, he could not reject Lang Ya land spirit too harshly, he thought and said carefully: "I have no intentions to sell these two yet, but if I have any difficulties in the future, and the situation requires it, I will use them to trade with first supreme elder."Lang Ya land spirit was about to speak.Fang Yuan waved his hand, quickly saying: "I will leave these two treasures in Lang Ya blessed land. I will not take them with me, I will lend them to the sect for use, as per our previous agreement. Don't worry, first supreme elder."Lending wisdom Gu to Lang Ya Sect meant Lang Ya land spirit would feed it, this solved a huge problem for Fang Yuan.As for Dang Hun Mountain, it was better to not place it in his immortal aperture.Famous mountains or rivers bore a huge burden on the heaven and earth qi. The same applied to secluded domains of heaven and earth.Most importantly, Shadow Sect had clear knowledge of Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley, if they used Fixed Immortal Travel to teleport into Fang Yuan's immortal aperture, that would be a terrible situation.Lang Ya land spirit was not resigned, he continued to touch on this topic, but who was Fang Yuan? He was someone with negotiation skills honed from over five hundred years of life, the simple Lang Ya land spirit could not compete with him.After a long conversation, Fang Yuan took back a lot of his cultivation resources that were stored with Lang Ya land spirit.Like the eerie fire dragon pythons, regretful spiders, dragonfish, arrow bamboo forest, they were all from Hu Immortal blessed land or Star Form blessed land, they were sources of revenue that were only inferior to guts Gu.From start to finish, Fang Yuan did not ask Lang Ya land spirit about selling the killer move immortal tribulation tempering aperture.Chu Du?He was just a backup plan for Fang Yuan.Even though they had exchanged information path Gu worms and could communicate, Fang Yuan had already left, he was not restricted by any information path methods, wouldn't any future transactions depend on Fang Yuan's mood?As for… rank seven flying sword Immortal Gu.Hehe, it was just a rank seven Immortal Gu, so what if he could not take it back?Ordinary Gu Immortals treasured rank seven Immortal Gu, but Fang Yuan owned even rank nine Immortal Gu like wisdom Gu, he naturally had a different perspective.Especially when he had lost almost all of his Immortal Gu some time ago to Ying Wu Xie.Merely rank seven flying sword Immortal Gu paled in comparison to all those Immortal Gu.Chu Du did not know about Fang Yuan's background, he underestimated Fang Yuan.All in all, there was little chance that Fang Yuan would trade with Chu Du.Reckless Savage's true meaning was much more important to Fang Yuan compared to a rank seven Immortal Gu!"Because the path that I am going to walk on now is transformation path."Fang Yuan had thought about it deeply, he had considered it thoroughly.Transformation path!This was the most suitable path for him now.

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Chapter 1064. I am a transformation path Gu Immortal | Reverend Insanity

Why did Fang Yuan choose transformation path?After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan had a living body. He had been considering the most important question, what path was he going to choose from now on.In his previous life, he chose blood path, that was because blood path allowed quick growth and was very powerful, he could grow while fighting, and it had little requirements towards resources. Moreover, during his previous life, this was his only decent fortuitous encounter, his best prospects were in blood path.After rebirth, he gave up on blood path and chose strength path, that was because now was not the five regions chaotic war period, the regions were still orderly and blood path could not flourish. Another reason was because of his fortuitous encounters. Fang Yuan searched his memories and found the best opportunities for him at certain periods of time, coincidentally, these opportunities were all related to strength path.Actually, be it blood path or strength path, they had flaws.Blood path was in poor circumstances, people held animosity towards it. Any Gu Immortal or Gu Master who cultivated blood path would be pushed aside by the entire world.Strength path was declining, even though Domination Immortal Chu Du added the human jun strength branch, its decline could not be stopped.Truthfully speaking, these two paths were not the best choices.Fang Yuan concluded: Since rebirth, his fortuitous encounters were quite plentiful.Wisdom path, luck path, theft path…These opportunities were also of very high grade. For example, Dong Fang Chang Fan's wisdom path inheritance, or Star Lord Wan Xiang's star path inheritance.Star path and wisdom path, these two paths were much better than blood path and strength path.Having an inheritance and not having one resulted in drastically different outcomes.The former allowed one to use the wisdom of predecessors to advance fearlessly, they could be very confident. The latter explored on their own, in a world of the unknown, they had to experiment and find their way forward slowly.If Fang Yuan had obtained these two true inheritances in his previous life, as long as the situation allowed it, he would have chosen Dong Fang Chang Fan's wisdom path inheritance as the main focus, with Star Lord Wan Xiang's star path inheritance as well as Blood Sea Ancestor's true inheritance to assist him. He would become a wisdom path Gu Immortal.Because in terms of prospects, Dong Fang Chang Fan's wisdom path inheritance was the best.Wisdom path Gu Immortals were few in numbers, they were very valuable in the Gu Immortal world. While being very popular, they were also deeply feared by many.But the path to choose was not just dependent on future prospects, one's immediate needs were important too.Dong Fang Chang Fan's wisdom path inheritance came from a Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortal, it had been passed down for many generations, the prospects were great.But this inheritance had a weakness, it did not excel in fighting.The biggest advantage of this true inheritance was the proficiency in deduction.In order to make up for this weakness, Dong Fang Chang Fan created the immortal killer move myriad star fireflies, his weakness was alleviated.Dong Fang Chang Fan's route was not suitable for Fang Yuan.Because he was facing danger everywhere.Ying Wu Xie, Shadow Sect's remnant forces, Heavenly Court, Central Continent's ten great ancient sects, the Huang Jin tribes in Northern Plains, Fang Yuan had many enemies.Especially after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan's secrets were exposed, be it Spring Autumn Cicada, his otherworldly demon status, or the crime of Imperial Court blessed land, he had almost been completely exposed.Thus, Fang Yuan not only needed to consider his future prospects, he had to consider his circumstances.In some aspects, his immediate needs were more important than his future prospects.Without the ability to deal with his circumstances, even if he had huge prospects, it was useless, he could not make use of them.Right now, Fang Yuan needed high battle strength.Metal path, fire path, lightning path, sword path, blood path, these five paths were publicly recognized as the paths with the highest battle strength.The first three had been mainstream for an extremely long time.The latter two, be it sword path or blood path, had very short history, they were considered to be new. Sword path had Bo Qing, while blood path had Blood Sea Ancestor, but other than these two, there were few noteworthy people. Thus, the foundation of these two paths could not match the other three.For Fang Yuan, be it metal path, fire path, or lightning path, his attainment level was ordinary, he had no inheritances for them.In contrast, he was a blood path grandmaster, and even though his sword path attainment level was ordinary and had no inheritance, he had many of Bo Qing's Immortal Gu.The attainment level of all of the paths was an important element of consideration.Without an inheritance, if the person had high attainment level, they could innovate and create new methods. But it would be harder to do it without an inheritance, the person needed talent and creativity.Fang Yuan's strength path, blood path, wisdom path, and star path attainment levels were all at grandmaster, with blood path coming from his previous life's foundation. Strength path was accumulated over both lives, while wisdom path and star path were obtained by chance, using the dream realm to raise their attainment levels rapidly.Refinement path was at quasi-grandmaster, it was good even among Gu Immortals.Enslavement path was at master level, it was not impressive among Gu Immortals.Luck path was quasi-master, while most of his other paths were ordinary (like sword path, light path, dark path, and others), or even blank (like phantom path).In terms of attainment level, he should go on the path with the highest grandmaster attainment level, one out of these four.But forget about blood path, or strength path on the decline, wisdom path and star path were not outstanding in battle strength, even though he had inheritances of them, Fang Yuan's accumulated Immortal Gu were all lost already.If the Immortal Gu in these inheritances were not yet refined, Fang Yuan could still slowly refine them in the future.But these Immortal Gu were in Ying Wu Xie's hands now, he did not know which ones were already destroyed, in this situation, there was a huge obstacle for his future cultivation. Even if he was willing to take a risk and refine Immortal Gu, because there could only be one, he might not succeed!With all of these considerations, Fang Yuan was in an awkward position.After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, when thinking about his future path, Fang Yuan felt deeply lost.Only after he gradually realized the profoundness of this body, the confusion in him was dissipating, he could see hope again.He first realized that his body had over a thousand dao marks, of all paths.This was not out of the ordinary.When Gu Immortals undergo tribulations, because of the tribulations in their immortal apertures, dao marks of all different kinds would form, it was only that there would very clearly be one or two types with the highest quantities.The most important thing was — his dao marks did not interfere with each other, they did not weaken one another!This was simply too amazing!When Fang Yuan first realized this, he could not believe that something this good could exist!This overturned conventional wisdom regarding cultivation. If he told people about it, they would think he was spouting nonsense.But thinking about sovereign immortal fetus Gu — a rank nine Immortal Gu that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable and Shadow Sect had prepared to create for tens of thousands of years, the essence of their work.In this way, it was not strange for it to go against common sense.Next, Fang Yuan was immensely joyful.This benefit was not for others, it was for himself!With just this point, he could cultivate every path!!Long ago, Fang Yuan had once planned to cultivate two immortal apertures, one for time path, and another for strength path. But the sovereign immortal aperture was much more absurd, it could cultivate every path, from the start of history, every single path that had existed!This was simply like a dream.In history, even Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables cultivated one path primarily, with another secondarily. Even if Gu Immortals cultivated many paths, the result was often that they would end up in failure after trying to bite off more than they could chew.Because their dao marks resisted each other, the more they cultivated, the greater the conflict, it was not worth it.But Fang Yuan did not have this problem, he could cultivate every path, there was zero conflict, his prospects were bright, he surpassed the Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables in history!Fang Yuan quickly calmed down.The possibility was beautiful, but cultivating every path was just a wondrous dream. He had to consider the amount of time needed, resources, effort, and most importantly, a safe and peaceful cultivation environment.Fang Yuan did not have any of these.He had limited effort and resources, and had no time, his enemies were in all five regions, including the Northern Plains Gu Immortals who were most skilled at combat, the number one Gu Immortal organization in the world, Heavenly Court, the ten great ancient sects who controlled Central Continent, and countless people who were coveting the luck path true inheritance that he had…His prospects were wonderful, but danger lurked everywhere.Forget about creating his own path. Fang Yuan did not have that foundation. He could only choose one path that was available now, and continue on it. At most, he could cultivate a second one.Any more, and the situation would not allow it. His time and effort would be wasted, and he would be seeking his own doom.Among all of the paths, which one could allow Fang Yuan to gain great battle strength and display his expertise, while also considering his attainment level and inheritances?After thinking about it, one path was left in Fang Yuan's mind.That was — transformation path!Transformation path was called the 'path that projected every path', transformation path Gu Immortals could transform into existences of metal path, light path, sword light, light path, and all other paths.But transformation path had a flaw that has lasted until today, that was when transformation path Gu Immortals transform into other beings, they needed to get rid of those dao marks to prevent their dao marks from interfering with one another.This flaw was non-existent to Fang Yuan. Because of sovereign immortal fetus Gu, his dao marks co-existed in harmony. When Qi Zai chased him, he had even thought that Fang Yuan was the owner of Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's secret of unrestrained transformation.It could be said, transformation path could display Fang Yuan's advantage the most.It could even be said, Fang Yuan was currently, no, he was one of the only two people in history that were most suitable to cultivate transformation path.Even more amazingly, once he cultivated transformation path, his secret of having dao marks that did not resist each other would be concealed completely.Fang Yuan could use the Immortal Gu of all paths after transforming, without attracting any suspicion.And after transforming, he could use the Immortal Gu of those paths and receive an amplification effect. For example, becoming a sword path beast to gain numerous sword path dao marks, and then using sword path Immortal Gu to gain a greater amplification in power.Even though Fang Yuan's transformation path attainment level was not high, so what, he had Reckless Savage's true meaning!Even though Fang Yuan did not have any transformation path inheritance, it was not an issue. Why? Because transformation path killer moves were easy to obtain, perfectly transforming into another form completely was a killer move of transformation path in itself.As for the Immortal Gu of transformation path, they were the easiest to refine in all of the paths. To Fang Yuan, he could quickly accumulate them and restart again.Furthermore, Fang Yuan had other considerations.Like Lang Ya blessed land.This Lang Ya land spirit placed high value on the identity of a hairy man, if Fang Yuan cultivated to fruition, he could turn into a hairy man Gu Immortal to gain his trust, he would get more support!In the future, when he faces assault, he could turn into other things or people to deceive others. If his identity was exposed, and he could not do anything with his original identity, he could conceal himself and continue to roam the world safely."From now on, I am a transformation path Gu Immortal!"

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Chapter 1065. Refining Change Form Immortal Gu Again | Reverend Insanity

Lang Ya blessed land, a few days later."This is the interior rain." Lang Ya land spirit said as he landed a basin of water to Fang Yuan, letting him look.Fang Yuan stretched out his arm to receive it."Be careful." Lang Ya land spirit instructed: "This rank six immortal material is very special, it is quite 'heavy'."Lang Ya land spirit placed a lot of emphasis on the word 'heavy'.Fang Yuan nodded: "Don't worry, I have heard of this immortal material."Saying this, Fang Yuan took this immortal material.Suddenly, he felt a strong gravitational pull.Looking over at it, the water in the basin was clear and transparent, it had traces of green in it. Fang Yuan was holding it stably, but the water surface had ripples for some reason, like the surface was being struck by rain.This was the rank six immortal material interior rain!This type of rainwater was very unique, it contained dao marks, its actual weight was not high, but it brought a type of burden to the life form holding it.Lang Ya land spirit emphasized on 'heavy', he was not talking about weight, he was talking about its psychological burden."Have you really decided to use the third and final opportunity to ask me to refine Gu? Not to refine Fixed Immortal Travel, but to refine change form Immortal Gu instead?" While Fang Yuan was looking at the immortal material in the basin, Lang Ya land spirit asked again."Yes, I have decided, I won't change it again!" Fang Yuan nodded, he replied firmly without hesitation.Fang Yuan had thought about it deeply, he had made up his mind to cultivate transformation path.Fixed Immortal Travel was good, but firstly, the most crucial material, light of the immemorial era, was missing, secondly, Fang Yuan was not certain that it had been destroyed, and finally, change form Immortal Gu had greater importance to Fang Yuan at present.Thus, Fang Yuan changed his mind and used the final opportunity to try and refine change form Immortal Gu!Immortal Gu were unique, change form Immortal Gu was the essence of transformation path itself!This Immortal Gu was famous in history, Reckless Savage Demon Venerable had used it and refined it to rank nine.But after Reckless Savage Demon Venerable died, the rank nine change form Immortal Gu was destroyed as well. From then on, people would refine it again starting from rank six.In terms of foundation, transformation path was much deeper than sword path and blood path. After Reckless Savage Demon Venerable, there were many Gu Immortal experts in transformation path, these people were like bright stars in the sky, they had left a deep mark in the long history of the world, they were talented and legendary, future generations revered and looked up to them.Change form Immortal Gu had been a key element, it had also risen and fallen with these experts. Change form Immortal Gu had been destroyed dozens of times, and refined again by others. Under most situations, it was rank six. Rank seven change form Immortal Gu appeared scarcely in history. As for rank eight change form Immortal Gu, it was even rarer, almost countable with two hands.The higher the rank of the Immortal Gu, the harder it was to refine. And together with the lower chances of success, the refinement materials were also more expensive. For instance, Old Ancestor Xue Hu, to refine rank eight Immortal Gu Fortune Rivalling Heaven, had spent almost all of his savings, and even ordered Snowy Mountain blessed land's Gu Immortals to find immortal materials for him. From this, one could see the terrifying cost of refining a rank eight Immortal Gu.Thankfully, Fang Yuan was only trying to refine rank six change form Immortal Gu.He had the Immortal Gu recipe, and there was little chance of change form Immortal Gu being refined by others.The immortal materials were mostly prepared, this was thanks to Lang Ya blessed land's huge immortal material inventory, and Fang Yuan did not have to pay for them at all.Because of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable and Long Hair Ancestor's agreement, Lang Ya land spirit would refine Gu for Fang Yuan three times. Mortal Gu were guaranteed, but Immortal Gu were not.This was the third and final time."It is a pity. Back then you had the success dao mark, refining change form Immortal Gu would have been a guaranteed success. Why did you rebirth at that crucial moment?" Lang Ya land spirit thought back and felt it was greatly regretful.Fang Yuan had informed Lang Ya land spirit of many things honestly. After all, secrets like his rebirth were already exposed, even if Lang Ya land spirit did not know, he could obtain information from the outside world."At that time, I was used by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, but even now, thinking back to it, it is still very suspicious." Fang Yuan frowned.Lang Ya land spirit shook his head: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. Even though we do not have a success dao mark, I have inherited my main body's special hairy man nature Gu refinement technique. This method can use the dao marks of heaven and earth to assist in the Gu refinement, even though calamities and tribulations occur, the advantages surpass the disadvantages.""Furthermore, my Lang Ya blessed land has used the killer move immortal tribulation tempering aperture to pass countless calamities and tribulations, there are a great number of refinement path dao marks here. Together with the effect of the remaining parts of Refinement Cauldron, there is a high chance of succeeding in refining change form Immortal Gu on the first try.""However, to make it safe, Fang Yuan, you have to participate in this refinement. You are the owner of dog shit luck Immortal Gu, using your strong luck, you can increase the chances of success. In this refinement process, interior rain is the first problem. In the following days, you have to practise with the interior rain that you have."Luck path had great effect in assisting Gu refinement.Back then, when Giant Sun Immortal Venerable worked with Long Hair Ancestor to refine Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, luck path played an important role of assistance.But when Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable and Long Hair Ancestor cooperated to refine space escape Immortal Gu, it could not be used. After all, theft path was inferior to luck path in terms of helping with Gu refinement.Next, Lang Ya land spirit taught Fang Yuan some of the secrets behind the hairy man nature Gu refinement technique, including some precious Gu refinement methods and many mortal killer move for Gu refinement.Of course, these were not free, Fang Yuan had to pay with his sect contribution points.Even so, Fang Yuan gladly accepted them.The current Lang Ya land spirit was inferior to the previous one in Gu refinement, but it was still Long Hair Ancestor's obsession, its refinement path attainment far surpassed Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan had an amazing teacher now, many of his questions and problems in refinement path was solved. Those precious Gu refinement methods and killer moves that were long lost benefited Fang Yuan greatly. The hairy man nature Gu refinement technique was an eye-opener to Fang Yuan, he felt that if this method worked, it would be far superior to the human isolation style!Interestingly, while Fang Yuan was researching refinement path, his brother was also researching refinement path in Black Hair Continent, which was under Cloud Cover Continent.Fang Zheng was sitting in a room in the imperial city of Black Hair Continent, holding a three-colored flame in his hands.Fang Yuan's fake will was speaking inside his mind: "In the competition tomorrow, the enemy is extremely powerful! Fang Zheng, even though you have rank five cultivation level, you severely lack Gu worms. You are also a human Gu Master, you are ostracized in Black Hair Continent, you can only refine Gu yourself. Tonight, you must refine the rank five Gu River Swallowing Toad. That way, you will be able to counter the enemy's water path methods.""I know, can you shut up?!" Fang Zheng snorted in his mind.Fang Yuan's fake will stopped speaking, but soon, the three-colored flame in Fang Zheng's hands dissipated.Fang Zheng spat out a mouthful of blood, after failing the Gu refinement, he suffered internal injuries."Hehe." Fang Yuan's fake will laughed: "Oh my stupid brother, you are still as useless as ever. The Gu refinement process has just started, and you have already failed at the third step."Fang Zheng's expression was very ugly, but the truth was in front of him, he had nothing to say, he kept quiet and sat down, using Gu worms to heal himself.Fang Yuan's fake will continued: "Being useless is fine, any person can grow and become stronger even if they are useless and weak. But the important thing is, there is no hope if you cannot recognize your own weakness and uselessness. The materials you prepared can only allow you to attempt the Gu refinement three times. This is just the start and you have already failed. Without my help, how will you refine the River Swallowing Toad? Hehe, in tomorrow's battle, death is not barred, the other party will not spare you even if you beg them. You are beyond saving."Fang Zheng felt anger from embarrassment, he shouted: "If I die, that's my own business, you are too noisy, shut up!"Fang Yuan's fake will said eerily: "I am going to keep talking, can you stop me? You think I care about your life? Hmph, little brother, you are still so ignorant. I only want revenge, you are just a tool for my revenge.""I can become anyone's tool, but I will definitely not be yours!" Fang Zheng replied resolutely.Fang Yuan's fake will laughed: "You have no choice, even if you do not want to, so what? After participating in the competition, along your advancement, you killed many hairy man Gu Masters, you were taking revenge for me. Tonight, you must listen to my advice in order to successfully refine the Gu. You must accept my guidance, otherwise, you will die tomorrow without doubt!"Fang Zheng's expression was dark, but he did not rebuke.He clenched his fists, falling into dead silence.Two hours later, he started to refine Gu.Fang Yuan slowly gave his pointers regarding the steps. Fang Zheng did not speak, but he followed the instructions without any deviation.Finally, when the sky was turning bright, at dawn, Fang Zheng succeeded in refining the River Swallowing Toad!Cloud Cover Continent.Fang Yuan lightly let out a breath of air.The interior rain in front of him had been processed properly, it was like frozen ice, resembling a completely transparent jade.But the truth was, processing the immortal material to this degree was not just as simple as freezing it.There were more than fifty steps involved in this, more than twenty Gu refinement methods were used, and thirty refinement path mortal killer moves. Furthermore, the Gu refinement needed to do all these within several minutes.After wasting three basins, Fang Yuan finally succeeded by the fourth basin of interior rain.At this time, a lump of fake will flew to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's eyes shone, after confirming that it was harmless, he retrieved it in his mind.Soon, an almost indiscernible smile appeared on the corners of his lips."In order to survive, Fang Zheng can only follow my instructions. Even though he hates me to the core, in order to live, he can only obey.""Every time he survives using my guidance, he would feel humiliated and angry. But as long as this happens once, it will continue to happen. The more it happens, the less affected he feels, eventually, he will get used to my existence and rely on me subconsciously. By then, it would be the best time to refine Blood Deity.""But his current mental state is still not good enough, he needs to be trained further."

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