
Chapter: 1016-1020:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1016. Over A Long Time | Reverend Insanity

There was another scene.Inside the door of life and death.In Obsession Death Domain.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had no body, what was displayed was the soul with three heads and a thousand arms.He looked at his appearance in the lake, muttering to himself: "Very good. I created a method of soul devouring based on food path, it not only let me return to my peak condition, I could even devour the souls of other Gu Immortals to obtain their memories and cultivation experience over their lives! Hehehe, is this a blessing in disguise…""But from start to finish, I did not find the souls of any other Immortal Venerables or Demon Venerables. I can understand why Star Constellation is not here. Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable is not here too, did he return home successfully?""It is time to return to the world of the living. Without Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po valley obstructing me, it is much easier for me to get out of the door of life and death compared to Ren Zu. But my main body cannot move out yet, I should send out some split souls to pave the way for my main body.""Hmph! When I regain control of the world, I will deal with you."Spectral Soul looked at a special soul. He was sleeping soundly, his body was emitting a golden luster, he was like a sun that had sunken into a lake.…In the following scene, there was no Spectral Soul, but seven mortals instead."We can see the light of day again, this is amazing." Among the seven people, one looked up at the sky."Even though we are now mortals, we have our main body's cultivation experiences, we can definitely become Gu Immortals.""Due to the obstruction of Reverse Flow River, only seven of us made it out, even though there were ten at the start.""It is going to take some effort to let our main body come out. If anyone finds out, it will be troublesome. They will not sit around and watch.""To play it safe, we should separate and develop in all five regions secretly. We will communicate once in a while.""In that case, why don't we create an organization to deceive the masses?""That's true, let's call it Shadow Sect, we will be as unnoticed as shadows, yet we are everywhere. One day, the entire world will be shrouded in our shadows!""Alright, the seven of us will be called Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Azure, Blue, and Purple. Like seven of the immemorial heavens, we have once stood at the peak, but have now fallen. This is to warn ourselves that we cannot be lazy or complacent!"…"Sword Immortal Bo Qing is actually a split soul of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!" Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals cried out.Among them, an old woman said in shame: "There is no denying it with the evidence in front of us. My Spirit Affinity House is at fault for failing to investigate properly.""The methods of a Demon Venerable are almost impossible to defend against. Even in Heavenly Court, his split soul spies were lurking here, not to mention Spirit Affinity House. It was fortunate that Tower Lord noticed it and used Heaven Overseeing Tower to expose these shocking secrets, that gave us the chance to stop this terrifying demon!"Heavenly Court's Gu Immortal exclaimed.In this situation, even though they could not do anything, Spectral Soul's condition was not good either.Every since grey memory descended, Spectral Soul had been standing still, allowing the myriad tribulation grand clear space to assault him, he was already covered in countless injuries."Azure." On the ground, Mo Yao's remnant soul, who was inside Bo Qing's immortal zombie body, felt deep emotions as she saw the young and handsome Azure in the image.Around her, grey fog rumbled as a scene in the depths of her memory was shown.All around there were ruins, there were countless mangled corpses lying on the bloody ground.There seemed to have been an intense battle earlier."Husband! Don't die, you cannot die! If you die, how will I live without you?" Mo Yao hugged Sword Immortal Bo Qing as she sobbed helplessly.Bo Qing held Mo Yao's hands weakly: "At this point, I will not conceal it from you. I am from Shadow Sect, I am a split soul of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. You loved the wrong person, loving me will only cause you pain and hardship. Go, leave, if not, it will be too late."Mo Yao's body shook, she shook her head as she rejected him firmly: "No, I will not go! I don't care about your identity, I only know that we love each other deeply, that is the most important thing. I don't care about anything else! If I cannot live together with you, I will die with you!""Oh, oh, oh!" Ying Wu Xie watched from the side, he showed a curious and shocked expression.Grey fog rumbled continuously, the scenes around Spectral Soul became more and more chaotic.Earlier, it was from Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's perspective, but now, they were from the perspectives of seven people.These seven only inherited a small portion of his foundation, they had their own difficulties and pains.Once in a while, Spectral Soul's main body would send out more split souls from Obsession Death Domain, traveling through Reverse Flow River.This made the scenes even more chaotic now.However, the largest image still attracted everyone's attention the most.Six members of Shadow Sect gathered together.They were the first batch that had left the door of life and death, they were all immortals now."It was my mistake!" Green spoke: "If I did not ask Azure to teach that unscrupulous merchant in treasure yellow heaven a lesson, Azure would not have fallen into the trap of love and betrayed us, even our main body was exposed!""This is not your fault, Green." Purple consoled: "These are traps and difficulties created by heaven's will! Haven't you all noticed? It was faint when we were still mortals, but as our cultivation level rise, our lives also have become more filled with difficulties, nothing is going smoothly. Anything we do will cause unnecessary consequences, there are problems everywhere.""We have to settle Azure's matter quickly, otherwise, our main body's plan will be obstructed!""What should we do? Azure cultivates sword path and his battle strength is the highest. Do we need to gather our strength and jointly eliminate him?""It is possible, but the price is huge, and the risk is high. I have a plan! If it succeeds, we might be able to turn Fairy Mo Yao over to our side." Purple said slowly."Oh? What plan?"Purple smiled: "The reason why Azure fell into the trap of love was because Spirit Affinity House used their signature Immortal Gu, Love. This Gu is rank nine, its might is nigh unstoppable, thus Azure fell prey to it, it is not his fault. After all, his sword path is not complete yet, he cannot resist such attacks.""But coincidentally, I had some enlightenment today, my wisdom path attainment level reached great grandmaster. Because we have been keeping in contact, I have a deep understanding towards Azure's sword path. After he got into trouble, I have been deducing on how to solve this problem. I deduced an Immortal Gu recipe, it can create wisdom sword Immortal Gu.""Wisdom sword Immortal Gu?"Purple nodded: "That's right, wisdom sword can cut the threads of love, even if this Gu cannot rival rank nine love Gu, in actuality, we just need to cut away the dao marks from love Gu on Azure's body. We can make it such that Azure obtains a fortuitous encounter and thinks he created this new Immortal Gu recipe himself.""Once he uses it, the love threads on his body will be cut, he will regain his reasoning and become one of us again. Not just that, since Mo Yao still has those love threads, we can use them to turn her over to our side!"Purple's words made everyone overjoyed, they praised."Brilliant! Brilliant plan!""Haha, worthy of a wisdom path Gu Immortal like Purple."…"What?!" Seeing this, immortal zombie Bo Qing, who was on the ground, frowned deeply.Mo Yao's remnant soul, which was inside the body, knew that her lover had created wisdom sword Immortal Gu himself!"Then… after that, did Azure deceive my feelings, or did he still love me?" At once, Mo Yao's remnant soul shook, she was filled with doubts.But at this time, another scene was portrayed around Spectral Soul.Shadow Sect's seven immortals gathered."As long as I become a venerable, even without our main body, I can be unrivaled and dominate the world. By then, with such invincible strength, even heaven's will may not be able to deal with me. At the least, there are still many lifespan Gu in this era." Azure raised his head, speaking with an arrogant tone."Don't look down on heaven's will." Green said solemnly: "The lesson that we have learned over these years, isn't it enough?""Purple, you are our advisor, what do you think?" Yellow asked.Purple looked at Azure: "After Azure's first failure, it seems that as long as we prepare amply and deal with any mishaps, there aren't big problems… how is Fairy Mo Yao?""Hehehe." Azure laughed coldly: "That silly woman, she is prepared to sacrifice herself for me. She went to Eighty-Eight True Yang Building to refine calamity beckoning Immortal Gu. She wants to draw the myriad tribulation over to herself when I undergo the tribulation."Purple shook his head: "Even though Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's luck path is quite innovative, Mo Yao's method will not succeed. But since she has the intention to do so, why don't you hand change soul Immortal Gu and that immortal killer move over to her. If you fail the tribulation, as long as your soul is intact, you will still have a foundation, you can start over rapidly again.""Mm. It is better to prepare amply." Azure nodded expressionlessly.…This scene made immortal zombie Bo Qing's body shake intensely.Ying Wu Xie felt something amiss, he quickly said: "Don't overthink it, this is a myriad tribulation, it might not be real!"Immortal zombie Bo Qing did not speak, he was silent as a rock, he clenched his fists as his muscles tensed, his eyes were shut tight.…Five of the immortals from Shadow Sect were gathered again."Blue failed. He used his own immortal aperture and fused with the immemorial blue heaven fragment, in order to research heaven's will, but he has already fallen deep into the dream realm." Yellow said with deep pain.The immortals were silent.A long while later, Purple said: "Even though Blue can be saved, I think we should not attempt it hastily. This is a trap left by heaven's will, in order for our members to get exposed.""Sigh! We can tell after Azure failed his second attempt to ascend to rank nine. The power of that tribulation was more than ten times as much as the first! Evidently, heaven's will does not want us to become venerables, it is trying to deal with us at all times.""I will not hide it from you, I have recently had a bad feeling. First Azure, then Blue, I am afraid the next one is me."The immortals were shocked, they quickly said: "Purple, don't overthink it.""I am not overthinking, this is the prediction of a wisdom path Gu Immortal… After I am gone, Gu Immortal Da Li will take over my position. Also, the power of heaven's will is higher than our estimations, but it is not impossible to deceive. From now on, Shadow Sect will lay low, accumulating our strength in secret, when we perform the heaven defying deed, we should go all out at once, so that heaven's will has no time to react to our actions."

Reverend Insanity



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Chapter 1017. Deep Scheme | Reverend Insanity

On a larger image."Green, hurry go!" Yellow grabbed Green's hand, pulling him outwards."No, I will not leave! It can still be saved, look at the immortal fetus Gu, it is still alive!" Green screamed, struggling: "Let me go, that is my entire life's work!""You think this explosion is simply an accident? Look at the remaining rank eight immortal materials, take a good look at them!" Yellow called out furiously.Green's body shook, clarity returned to his eyes, he had a realization, his forehead was covered in sweat as he said with lingering fear: "These immortal materials are all full of heaven's will. That was so close, a moment ago, my sense of reasoning was influenced by heaven's will. Even after setting up this huge formation and hiding in Northern Plains' Earth Trench, I was still noticed by it?""Only a complete otherworldly demon can be fully undetected by heaven's will. Us being discovered is nothing to be discouraged over. Give up on this attempt, we will start over again." Yellow consoled.Green was speechless, looking at the sandy area around him, he nodded solemnly.…"I've already told you, your deduction is completely wrong, I have nothing to do with Red Lotus' true inheritances." Gu Immortal Da Li said helplessly.The opposing time path Gu Immortal was shrouded in fog, their appearance could not be seen. Only the red lotus marking on their forehead was visible, bright and red.They smiled coldly: "I used the time path method in Red Lotus' true inheritance to deduce, how can that be wrong? Red Lotus Demon Venerable's next true inheritance is with you."Da Li was silently before replying: "There is nothing else to say, let's fight!"Saying this, he charged ahead."You finally stopped evading!" The mysterious Gu Immortal was filled with intent to fight.After a long battle.Gu Immortal Da Li could not defeat the other party, he was suppressed by the Immortal Gu House, Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.…The myriad tribulation grand clear space finally ended.Spectral Soul did not put up any resistance, his entire body was hurt by the countless green birds, his mass had shrunk by one third.At the same time, Heaven Overseeing Tower was prepared to strike, it seemed to be close to getting out of its phantom form.The surrounding grey fog had dissipated by half.This meant that the myriad tribulation, grey memory, was already half over.But the tribulations from the sky still continued!Another myriad tribulation was gathering on top of Spectral Soul's head.It seemed that as long as Spectral Soul was still alive, heaven's will would not let him off!Myriad tribulation — Dark Oil Poison.From the sky, drops of sticky poisonous oil dripped down.The oil seemed to be boiling hot, when they landed on Spectral Soul's body, there was a sizzling noise as smoke rose.The oil entered the wounds created earlier, flowing in and corroding Spectral Soul's body, an intense process of rotting was occurring inside.Soon, the poisonous oil turned from drops to streams, countless streams were raining down from the sky, over the surroundings.Spectral Soul's huge body was bathed in poisonous oil, it was rotting at an observable rate, his body mass was shrinking rapidly.But he did not do anything.Ying Wu Xie, who was below, had an anxious expression.He wanted to call out, but he was in the grand tribulation earth collapse, any movement or intense thinking would cause him to sink further."What is wrong with you guys, both of you are acting like this!" He grumbled, looking at immortal zombie Bo Qing beside him.From the start, immortal zombie Bo Qing was like a statue, not moving, it was as if he was dead, he was unmoved by anything outside.Thankfully, they were below Spectral Soul's feet.Being covered by Spectral Soul's body which was above the clouds, the myriad tribulation did not cause any harm to Ying Wu Xie or immortal zombie Bo Qing.A very far distance away.Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng were assisting each other as they escaped.Behind them, a group of Southern Border Gu Immortals were chasing them.The xenophobia of the five regions' Gu Immortals was quite strong. Even in the most open Eastern Sea, foreign Gu Immortals did not have an easy time, they were often ostracized and bullied by Eastern Sea Gu Immortals.In the earlier battle, after Hei Lou Lan nearly killed a Southern Border Gu Immortal, the situation became uncontrollable.The Southern Border Gu Immortals flew into a rage, these Northern Plains outsiders were so arrogant and bullying them, not only did they fight in Southern Border, they injured them. Where did they think they were?Thus, the chasing continued, not just that, they even gathered their allies and reinforcements.Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng were not in good condition to begin with, they were injured. They battle as they retreated, under their skillful movement, they got farther and farther away from Yi Tian Mountain.No matter how huge Hei Lou Lan's ambition was, she did not dare to get close to that place again.That was not the stage for rank six Gu Immortals.Not even rank sevens, and rank eights also could only be side characters.That was a battlefield where Spectral Soul and heaven's will fought!The myriad tribulation dark oil poison had already ended, Spectral Soul was now surrounded by another myriad tribulation.This myriad tribulation was unknown, it had broken the limits of historical records.It was formless and ethereal, only a mystical aura that could not be perceived was around.The aura coiled around him, causing Spectral Soul's body to explode wherever it went. Spectral Soul was a soul, but it was so condensed it was like material, it was as if it was a soul beast.With the explosions caused by the aura, the huge mountainous body vanished, only a framework of it was left, huge pieces of the soul were blasted away.In the grey fog, another scene appeared.Old Man Yan Shi coughed blood, he held heavenly secret Immortal Gu as he muttered: "So Fang Yuan has Spring Autumn Cicada. No wonder he could refine Fixed Immortal Travel and go to Central Continent's Hu Immortal blessed land and obtain Dang Hun Mountain. He then destroyed Imperial Court blessed land and caused the collapse of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building!""Since he is an otherworldly demon who possesses Spring Autumn Cicada, he has clearly escaped fate… hehehe, this can be the best tool against heaven's will. Fine, I will conceal the tracks of you and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, to prevent others from deducing matters about you."…Qin Bai Sheng secretly watched the immemorial ruin bat as well as the numerous calamities and tribulations in this area.This was the time when Dong Fang Chang Fan had undergone possession and was going through tribulation."Dong Fang Chang Fan was merely using possession to revive, but his main body's aura was perceived by heaven's will, sending such a terrifying disaster. In the future, when our main body tries to revive, the tribulations would likely be worse!"The Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance immortal zombie nodded beside him: "We can leave, this test against heaven's will has ended. Why is Chu Rong not back yet?"At this time, Fairy Jiang Yu appeared with a terrible expression: "Chu Rong is dead, the operation to take back Modest Thatched Hut failed!""What happened?" Qin Bai Sheng was mildly shocked: "Chu Rong is a fire path grandmaster with rank seven cultivation level.""It is the inheritor of Three Thatch Demon Immortal." Fairy Jiang Yu said: "This person was deeply concealed, his methods were ruthless, I almost failed to make it back.""Three Thatch Demon Immortal… Hmph, forget it, we will give up on Modest Thatched Hut. Before the commencement of our crucial plan, we cannot expose our identities over this Immortal Gu House and cause heaven's will to attack us in advance." Qin Bai Sheng thought for a moment and said this.…Luo Po valley.Shadow Sect's group faced the Central Continent Gu Immortals with grim expressions.Qin Bai Sheng stared at Feng Jiu Ge, sighing: "Heaven's will's attack is already here. In order to protect the pawn Fang Yuan, Yan Shi concealed his traces. Central Continent's Gu Immortals investigated Fang Yuan and in following their clues, instead found us.""What do we do?" Fairy Jiang Yu asked."We have no choice but to fight." Qin Bai Sheng gritted his teeth and said.…"Cough, cough, cough…" Old Man Yan Shi coughed continuously, his expression was pale, he was so exhausted that it seemed like he would die from being out of breath."I used heavenly secret Gu and consumed a hundred years of lifespan. But it was worth it, I deduced that Spring Autumn Cicada's condition is bad, it has already been used.""Seeing that Fang Yuan went to Yi Tian Mountain in advance, he evidently knows about the battle of Yi Tian Mountain. With this, I can deduce that our main body has already failed once, thus, he had to use that Red Lotus true inheritance to make Fang Yuan rebirth, sending him back to the past to change the future. Heh, thankfully, Spring Autumn Cicada is only rank six, it is nothing scary.""In that case, Fang Yuan is the best method of measurement. Looking at his future performance, I can deduce even more things.""Would searching his soul directly be easier? Or would it affect the entire situation?"…"In accordance to my planning, Bo Qing and Seven Star Child have already slowed down Heavenly Court as much as possible. This result should be a lot better compared to the last time."Old Man Yan Shi sat in the pavilion, looking at the mountain and fog change mysteriously."On Zombie Alliance's side, the arrangements are set, we can use them as a backup. It would be best to preserve them, sigh, I hope we do not need to use them.""Using the newly obtained lifespan Gu, I have about twenty years left. It is time to die. It is natural for my split soul to return to the main body. But before dying, I should help the main body deduce the tribulations of the following heaven defying plan."A moment later."Cough, cough, cough, I didn't die? This means that I have already deduced all of the tribulations? No, it is because every wisdom path advisor of Shadow Sect, from generation after generation, had been deducing all along, we finally accumulated enough foundation to create a qualitative change!""Hehehe, this is so ironic. Using heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core, the wisdom path killer move created can deduce the contents of the tribulations. But this Immortal Gu was created by Paradise Earth. He had tried to get rid of the main body's influence all his life, to think that after dying, he actually provided us such huge help."…Seeing this, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were shocked beyond words.It turned out that Shadow Sect had already deduced the tribulations! That meant it was very suspicious that Spectral Soul was not moving inside the myriad tribulations.The mysterious myriad tribulation had gone away, the next myriad tribulation descended.Vine dragon tribulation!Countless green vines with sharp thorns shot out from the sky and ground, coiling around Spectral Soul's body.Soon, millions of vines surrounded Spectral Soul tightly, forming a huge ball.They coiled around him relentlessly, becoming tighter and tighter, stabbing into his body and using the Demon Venerable's soul as their nutrients!"Something is wrong! Something is wrong!""He is doing this on purpose, look at that ten extreme formation!"Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals shifted their gazes around as they came to realizations.Because Shadow Sect had deduced the tribulations, they could make arrangements around them.Spectral Soul purposely did not put up resistance because he wanted to fuse his soul path foundation into this formation, as the nutrients for this formation."What is he trying to refine? He actually used his own demonic soul as Gu refinement material!""Not just that, with so many myriad tribulations around him, they are actually carving space path, poison path, qi path, and wood path dao marks on his body, to destroy his soul path dao marks. They could harm Spectral Soul because these dao marks were not weaker than the soul path foundation that he had accumulated for the last hundred thousand years!"Gasp…Sensing this, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals drew in deep and chilling breaths.It seemed that Spectral Soul was not only refining himself, he was even using the power of the myriad tribulations to achieve his goals.But what was his goal?The ten extreme formation was at the final juncture. In the dark fog, the ball of light was becoming brighter and rounder.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's heart sank to rock bottom.He had a determined expression, he said solemnly: "We cannot go on like this, we have to ruin Spectral Soul's scheme! No matter what he is refining, we have to destroy this ten extreme formation.""But we are in phantom form.""No, we have one chance to retaliate. This is something that generation after generation of Heaven Overseeing Tower Lords have created after researching. It has always been kept as a confidential secret!" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord said.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals heard this and were joyful and surprised: "Why don't you use it?"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord smiled bitterly, he told them the price for using it.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals fell into deathly silence.

Reverend Insanity



next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1018. Narrow Victory | Reverend Insanity

A moment later, someone stepped up: "Since Shadow Sect can make sacrifices, why can't we of Heavenly Court do the same? I am willing to stay behind and manipulate Heaven Overseeing Tower!""I am willing too.""Giving up this body to slay a Demon Venerable, what reason is there not to?"More and more Gu Immortals stood up.Of course, there were Heavenly Court Gu Immortals who had other opinions."In my opinion, the urgent matter now is to find out what Spectral Soul is trying to refine.""The matter is not desperate yet, we should preserve our strength until absolutely necessary.""Back then, when Spectral Soul Demon Venerable was still alive, he could not take down Heavenly Court. Now that he is dead, he is weaker than during life, what should Heavenly Court fear?"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord waved his hand: "I have decided, those who want to stay will come with me to activate Heaven Overseeing Tower. As for the rest of you, I will send you to white heaven. Regardless of victory or defeat, you have to gather the remains of the Immortal Gu House and return to Heavenly Court."After saying this, Heavenly Court's members came to an agreement.Heaven Overseeing Tower shot out a bright light towards the sky, before a beam of light descended from the sky, covering the entirety of Heaven Overseeing Tower.Spectral Soul was startled, he tried to control Heaven Overseeing Tower, preventing it from getting out of its phantom form.But Heaven Overseeing Tower was not being manipulated to get out of its phantom form, in fact, its final attack required it to stay in phantom form the entire time.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's voice resounded over the surroundings: "Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, I will show you the newest and most powerful attack of Heaven Overseeing Tower!"Boom!With a loud sound, the surrounding scenery had a subtle change.The myriad tribulation, vine dragon, was coiling around Spectral Soul's body, but now, under the control of Heaven Overseeing Tower, it changed targets and attacked the ten extreme formation instead.Spectral Soul's expression changed.Heaven Overseeing Tower's attack was beyond his expectations. Even though he had planned for tens of thousands of years, and deduced it countless times, expending the lives of many generations of wisdom path Gu Immortals. His entire plan had been deduced and refined, deduced and perfected.But he did not deduce that Heaven Overseeing Tower had a method to manipulate the myriad tribulation directly!What sort of method was this?An intense aura burst out, Spectral Soul stopped being motionless, he quickly used his methods to resist the attacks of the countless vines.He had experienced many myriad tribulations, to complete the mysterious Immortal Gu in the ten extreme formation, his battle strength had already been severely lowered.But right now, he attacked at full strength, his demonic might was overwhelming, it gave off an unstoppable feeling.Even though more than half of the soul path dao marks on his body were gone, he was still shining with the light of dao marks, they were bright and numerous like the stars in the sky.An unimaginable clash!One side controlled the myriad tribulation to attack, while the other's soul changed into countless forms to defend against the vines.Even though he was alone, even though he only had his soul left, Spectral Soul showed incredible capabilities in battle that almost resembled a miracle!He blocked all of the vine dragons coming his way.The ten extreme formation was tightly defended by him, nothing could go through.Heaven Overseeing Tower, still in phantom form, was disassembling.The speed got faster and faster, the countless mortal Gu and Immortal Gu that formed Heaven Overseeing Tower were facing destruction every minute and second.In Heaven Overseeing Tower, every few breaths of time, one rank eight Heavenly Court Gu Immortal died, sacrificing themselves.In order to control the myriad tribulation, Heavenly Court had paid a huge price!The same went for Spectral Soul.His main body was already heavily injured, to resist the vine dragon myriad tribulation, his soul was diminishing rapidly, it was as fast as a deflating balloon.The aura that was all over the place had weakened. His overwhelming demonic might seemed to have turned from a forest fire to a pile of bonfire."Spectral Soul, you transgress against heaven, you will die like a dog!" Before dying, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord shouted his final curse.Around him, all of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were dead.With a loud bang.The remaining half of Heaven Overseeing Tower broke apart, turning into countless fragments.The fragments turned back into mortal Gu and Immortal Gu, following the beam of light, penetrating the heavenly wind qi wall to go deep into white heaven.The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals who were left behind to guard white heaven rapidly moved and collected the Immortal Gu. Most importantly, they had to retrieve fate Immortal Gu.Spectral Soul's body had shrunk from thousands of meters to hundreds, until he was only a handful of meters tall.Not only that, his soul was no longer condensed, it was very translucent, it swayed with the wind, his aura was very weak.The grand tribulation earth collapse dissipated at this moment.A bright sword light flashed in the sky, immortal zombie Bo Qing had already flown towards Spectral Soul.Mo Yao's remnant soul inside the body screamed: "Spectral Soul! Return my husband to me!!"Spectral Soul's gaze was fixed upon the ten extreme formation. The dark fog in the ten extreme formation was gone, all of the ten extreme immortal zombies were sacrificed, only one round ball was left, shining in the light of nine different colors.Immortal zombie Bo Qing moved closer: "You promised me you will revive him!"Spectral Soul turned around, gazing at immortal zombie Bo Qing's face: "The split soul that created Bo Qing was already destroyed in the myriad tribulation. With the split soul lost, how can I revive him?""You lied to me?!" Immortal zombie Bo Qing clenched his fists, a dangerous light was shining in his eyes."Of course I did not lie to you. I am Bo Qing's main body, when I revive, Bo Qing will naturally revive as well. When I dominate the world, it would also mean that Bo Qing has attained rank nine cultivation level. Isn't this what you were hoping for?" Spectral Soul said slowly."Old scumbag!" Immortal zombie Bo Qing was furious, he attacked Spectral Soul.But the sword light had just shone and vanished instantly.Immortal zombie Bo Qing floated in front of Spectral Soul, unable to move."You are my final obstacle? Hehehe, it is a pity. If Yan Shi did not remind me earlier, you might have caused me trouble. But now… hehe. Did you forget that all of your sword path Immortal Gu have my will in them, did you also forget who was the one feeding them over these years?"Spectral Soul spoke coldly, he paused before continuing: "Now, I will give you one final chance. Kill them, and repent for your act of betrayal."'Them' naturally meant the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals in white heaven.Spit."Hmph, foolish woman."At the next moment, Mo Yao's remnant soul was pulled out, devoured by Spectral Soul in one mouthful.After swallowing this remnant soul, Spectral Soul's body condensed slightly."Wu Xie, you will defend me, I only need a little over ten breaths of time to succeed!" Spectral Soul said as he shrunk to the size of a child."Yes." Ying Wu Xie flew up, standing beside Spectral Soul, looking around alertly.The beam of light that penetrated the heavenly wind qi wall was gone."We have no chances left." Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals sighed, they retrieved the remaining Immortal Gu from Heaven Overseeing Tower as they retreated.Spectral Soul touched this newly refined Immortal Gu, with his eyes filled with emotions."After plotting for tens of thousands of years, after so much planning and painstaking efforts, I finally succeeded in refining this rank nine sovereign immortal fetus Gu. With this Immortal Gu, I can surpass all of the venerables in history, I can obtain the body of an otherworldly demon, reaching an unsurpassed realm that nobody has ever seen! All other Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables in history will not be my match, even if Ren Zu resurrects, he will be inferior to me! Hahaha…"Spectral Soul raised his head and laughed.In his laughter, there was insanity, relief, pride, arrogance, and venting…Wind blew, as Spectral Soul swayed in the wind.He almost had used up his full strength, if he did not devour Mo Yao's remnant soul, he might not even be able to keep his form.The laughter stopped.Spectral Soul squinted, having an eerie gaze: "The closer I am towards the end, the more I cannot afford to be careless."The remaining soul path dao marks on him were shining brightly.Using his soul, he could undergo surveillance of a very huge radius.In white heaven, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals had withdrawn, although they left behind many investigative Gu worms.Spectral Soul snickered, the light in his soul shined brightly as he spat out a breath of spectral qi towards the sky.This spectral qi moved up, penetrating the heavenly wind qi wall and destroying all of the investigative Gu worms left by Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, not a single one was left.Spectral Soul quickly looked around.Soon, he 'saw' Fang Yuan.At this moment, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan were guarding him.Fang Yuan was lying on the ground, his eyelids were trembling, he was about to wake up."He is awake, he is almost awake!" Tai Bai Yun Sheng cried out in joy.Hei Lou Lan frowned deeply, looking into the horizon, she said without turning her head: "Then quickly wake him up! Use Fixed Immortal Travel and leave this bloody place."Spectral Soul frowned slightly, but he soon returned to normal.Right now, they were a gigantic distance apart. The radius of ten thousand li around Yi Tian Mountain was covered by the myriad tribulations, the entire area looked completely different from before. If Fang Yuan used Fixed Immortal Travel, he could only teleport to ten thousand li away from Yi Tian Mountain.Furthermore, after he wakes up, he might not take a risk and approach the mountain. Even if he takes a risk, there was already enough time for Spectral Soul!After having been enveloped in grand tribulations and myriad tribulations, this entire area was very 'clean' now.The Gu Immortals who died and the immortal apertures they left behind had all been refined by the ten extreme formation. A small portion were also destroyed by the tribulations. Only life and death blessed land was intentionally preserved."There are no problems left. Eh? No." Spectral Soul turned his gaze towards Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie blinked several times, looking at his main body."How much lifespan do you have?" Spectral Soul asked.Ying Wu Xie answered: "I have fifteen minutes left.""More than enough." Spectral Soul finally relaxed his mind.He could no longer sustain his form, his body faded and condensed into a ball made of soul, it was the size of a face, firmly condensed like it was solid, it floated towards the ball-like sovereign immortal fetus Gu.During this process, Fang Yuan opened his eyes abruptly."Heaven's will!" He screamed, he sat up on the ground with a furious and anxious expression."Fang Yuan, you are finally awake." Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan were overjoyed.Boom!Fang Yuan attacked, striking at the two who saved his life.Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan were caught unprepared, they were sent flying.Fixed Immortal Travel!At the next moment, Fang Yuan used this rank six Immortal Gu.Guh.He spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was shaking, the activation of Fixed Immortal Travel failed."Damn it! I must make it in time!!" He gritted his teeth as he thought this, activating Fixed Immortal Travel again.Before Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan arrived, he succeeded!He was ten thousand li away from Yi Tian Mountain.Seeing the entire battlefield that had changed beyond recognition, he was stunned, his entire body and mind froze.It was too late!Like what Spectral Soul had expected, Fang Yuan could not make it in time.But!Right when Spectral Soul was about to enter the sovereign immortal fetus Gu, a hand stretched out.Ying Wu Xie grabbed Spectral Soul.Spectral Soul was already almost out of strength, before he could react, he heard Ying Wu Xie say four words."Lead soul into dream.""Wha…"At the next moment, Spectral Soul fell into a dream realm.And Fang Yuan's soul flew out of Ying Wu Xie's body!Next, he rapidly entered the rank nine Immortal Gu in front of him!!

Reverend Insanity



next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1019. So it was Change Soul | Reverend Insanity

Let us rewind time back to a while ago.Heaven Overseeing Tower floated above Spectral Soul's head in phantom form. But at this moment, a hundred of Spectral Soul's strong dark arms shrunk immensely, turning dry, thin and long.Obtaining his help, the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation underwent a huge change, the scattered dark clouds gathered towards the center.At the center of the dark clouds, a round ball could be vaguely seen, it spun on its own, shining with light in fourteen different colors.Seeing this, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord had an anxious expression, he ordered: "Chop off these arms!"Heaven Overseeing Tower was like a rocket, it drew an eye piercing rainbow light in the sky as it slashed forward. The rainbow light cut all of Spectral Soul's arms off upon contact."Ying Wu Xie, go and deal with Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals!" Immortal zombie Bo Qing called out.It was a simple matter for them to deal with Fang Yuan's side.But because of a series of events, they were constantly interrupted.Ying Wu Xie gritted his teeth, he was unwilling to leave at this moment: "Give me a moment to make Fang Yuan sleep first."Saying this, he activated the rank eight immortal killer move — Lead Soul Into Dream.Fang Yuan could not dodge, he was dragged into the dream realm.At the pavilion in the center of the lake, the music from the zither could be heard.Fang Yuan met Star Constellation Immortal Venerable again.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Fang Yuan hurriedly activated his dream path killer move, but the dream realm held firm, all he saw were transparent ripples in his vision.His unravel dream might work against the dream realm, but it was only rank six. In contrast, Ying Wu Xie's killer move was rank eight.The difference between the two was too vast, Fang Yuan could not unravel the dream realm.At once, Fang Yuan's heart sank to rock bottom.The zither music continued, as Star Constellation Immortal Venerable smiled at Fang Yuan gently, she sang with a soft voice.Fang Yuan smiled bitterly, he knew that he had lost!Deep in the dream realm, his only method, unravel dream, had failed, Fang Yuan could not turn this around.But at this time, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's singing entered his ears again —"Fallen songs and despondent heroes, difficulty in resisting the trials of fate.""Bent swords sink in the sand, rising and falling from ancient times, the rumbling of an unceasing heavenly river.""Alas…""Spectral night carries a soul into endless dreams, where can one rest in peace?""During spring and autumn body and mind shifts, only heaven's will remains vast and boundless."Along with it, a wave of information once again entered Fang Yuan's mind.Fang Yuan, who was deep inside the dream realm, suddenly jolted!"During spring and autumn body and mind shifts, only heaven's will remains vast and boundless!" At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of this final line.As it turned out, the mysterious rank seven Immortal Gu that he had obtained from Bo Qing's immortal zombie body was change soul Immortal Gu!Back then, Mo Yao had activated this change soul Immortal Gu at the critical moment because she was afraid that her lover, Bo Qing, would fail his tribulation. Their souls swapped and she saved Bo Qing, deceiving the entire world in the process.Bo Qing also wanted to make use of Mo Yao to pass his tribulation, but he was afraid that the myriad tribulation might affect his mind, thus, he gave this Immortal Gu to Mo Yao, rather than lending it to her.Therefore, change soul Immortal Gu was refined by Mo Yao, it was filled with her will.Thereafter, Fang Yuan used the light of wisdom and Mo Yao's fake will to create a Gu formation, containing these Immortal Gu that he deceived while slowly refining them.Because of the relationship with Mo Yao's will, change soul Immortal Gu was the first to be refined by Fang Yuan. As for the other sword path Immortal Gu, they were filled with Bo Qing's will, thus, they had slower progress, they could not be refined before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, they were still inside Hu Immortal blessed land.According to the hint of the final line, it was not possible to use unravel dream to escape anymore. He had to use change soul Immortal Gu, to swap his soul with Ying Wu Xie's!Of course, it was not that simple.The information in Fang Yuan's mind also included an immortal killer move. This immortal killer move not only used the rank seven change soul Immortal Gu as a core, it even included attitude Gu, unravel mystery Immortal Gu, and also a lot of dream path and soul path mortal Gu.Fang Yuan hesitated slightly, before deciding to follow it!According to his previous experiences, Fang Yuan knew that the information was highly reliable.Most importantly, he had no other choice.At this moment, Fang Yuan was at his wits' end, the enemy was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, purely with his foundation and ability, he could do nothing to the other party.Only by following the instructions could he obtain any hope of victory.Thus, he activated the immortal killer move.He succeeded!The souls of Fang Yuan and Ying Wu Xie were secretly swapped.Fang Yuan's soul was originally hit by lead soul into dream and was deep in a dream realm.After switching souls, he covertly entered Ying Wu Xie's Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body, while Ying Wu Xie's soul went into Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body, but he was inside the dream realm in Fang Yuan's place.After switching their souls, Fang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.But after seeing 'himself', he thought quickly, he placed his hands at his waist, laughing smugly: "Hahaha, this time, why don't you try and escape?!""Fang Yuan!" Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng shouted.But 'Fang Yuan' was deep in sleep, he could not be woken up.At this moment, immortal zombie Bo Qing raised his hand, preparing to attack Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng.Fang Yuan's heart jumped.He had set an alliance agreement with Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, if he left them in the lurch, he might face a backlash from the alliance agreement. But if he saved them, he might attract suspicion, his identity might be exposed.But soon, Fang Yuan realized."I am overthinking it! I have left all my Immortal Gu in my original body, I have no way to stop Bo Qing, even if Ying Wu Xie has many Immortal Gu, lead soul into dream is an immortal killer move, how can I learn to use it so quickly?"Fang Yuan could only watch.But an unexpected surprise quickly occurred!There was a huge suction force from the ground.The immortals were caught off guard, they were all sucked into the ground, their legs were deeply buried in the ground, a strong force was restricting them, preventing them from moving.Grand tribulation — Earth Collapse!Bo Qing and 'Ying Wu Xie' were shocked, they did not expect that while the myriad tribulation was dealing with Spectral Soul, there was actually a grand tribulation waiting to ambush them.What was even more shocking was that Hei Lou Lan, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and 'Fang Yuan' were unaffected by the grand tribulation.After landing on the ground, Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng regained their freedom, they could move freely.Furthermore, at this moment, the ten extreme formation had created already the mysterious ball, the force that restricted the space around them vanished.Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng brought 'Fang Yuan' and rapidly retreated, escaping for their lives.Immortal zombie Bo Qing's eyes shined with deep killing intent, but he could only watch as they escaped.Soon, Hei Lou Lan, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and 'Fang Yuan' escaped far away, vanishing from Bo Qing's field of vision."Hmph, Fang Yuan can escape for now, but can he escape for his entire life? As an otherworldly demon, you are the best tool to use against heaven's will, how can we let you go so easily? As for Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, even though they are not otherworldly demons, they were affected by him and became fate escapees. Even if we do not deal with them, Heavenly Court would eliminate them eventually." Bo Qing snorted coldly.Fang Yuan heard this and quickly thought: "It seems that an otherworldly demon is very useful to Shadow Sect. No wonder Ying Wu Xie only wanted to capture me and not kill me. Strange! That grand tribulation, earth collapse, why did it not affect Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng? Heaven's will… forget it, the most important matter at hand is to familiarize myself with the dream path Gu worms I have. If I have to attack later and I fail to use lead soul into dream, wouldn't I get exposed?"Fang Yuan took a peek and was shocked to find that he had more than just dream path Immortal Gu! There was also change soul Immortal Gu, attitude Gu, unravel mystery Immortal Gu, and other mortal Gu, they had all been brought over through his soul.And this mysterious immortal killer move had another use, it allowed Fang Yuan to use Ying Wu Xie's Gu worms."It seems that attitude Gu had an important use. It allowed me to disguise myself and deceive Ying Wu Xie's will that is inside these dream path Immortal Gu and mortal Gu. It is like earlier, when I used Mo Yao's fake will to coax Immortal Gu out of Bo Qing's immortal zombie body."Thinking of this, Fang Yuan glanced at immortal zombie Bo Qing again.If the other party knew that Ying Wu Xie was already someone else, moreover, he was now the culprit who harmed Bo Qing and took out most of his sword path Immortal Gu, immortal zombie Bo Qing might behead Fang Yuan immediately without saying anything else!The situation was still very dangerous.Even though they swapped souls and Fang Yuan had escaped from the dream realm, he was currently more fragile than he ever was.If he was found out, there would be no hope.It was as if he was walking on a tightrope above a valley, if he was careless, he would fall and die with a mangled corpse.Fang Yuan gathered his concentration, he immediately moved his limbs, struggling intensely.The result was, his body sank deeper and deeper.He shouted, acting like he was furious.But internally, he felt extremely glad: "This grand tribulation came at a great time. I am stuck in here and cannot escape, I cannot even generate thoughts, thus I cannot attack. If I cannot attack, I will not be exposed. This gives me the opportunity to familiarize myself with these unknown Gu worms!""Stop struggling, stop thinking. It will make our situation worse, we cannot deal with this at the moment." Immortal zombie Bo Qing, who was beside him, quickly attempted to console him in a calm tone.Fang Yuan observed and noticed that Bo Qing was not suspicious, he finally felt slightly relieved.He sighed, looking at Spectral Soul: "We can only hope that our main body saves us."But Spectral Soul was also deeply trapped, after the first myriad tribulation, wind lightning prison, the second myriad tribulation, grey memory, descended.The grey fog descended at a very slow speed. It was so slow that anyone who was undergoing the tribulation could retaliate in many ways.But Spectral Soul did not move.He stood quietly, like a solemn mountain."Did our main body get hit already?" Fang Yuan shouted, looking extremely anxious: "This is such a good chance, you have to retaliate!!"In his mind, he was thinking about other things, Spectral Soul was restricted now, he was glad to see this. But on the other hand, he was within the range of the myriad tribulation grey memory, he felt some unease.The grand tribulation was already unstoppable, if the myriad tribulation descended, how would he survive?

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1020. Obtain the Greatest Gain! | Reverend Insanity

"The myriad tribulation is coming!" Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, looking at the grey cloud of fog descending slowly.Immortal zombie Bo Qing squinted, his muscles were tense.The grey cloud descended, but it caused no harm."What is going on? Is this a harmless myriad tribulation?!" Fang Yuan was nervous, seeing that there was no commotion, he touched all over his body as he cried out in suspicion.Bo Qing did not answer him.Someone in Heavenly Court quickly recognized this myriad tribulation, grey memory. But Fang Yuan and Mo Yao's remnant soul did not know it.However, soon, Fang Yuan and Mo Yao's remnant soul obtained some understanding of their own.Because after Spectral Soul was shrouded in the grey fog, his memories started to appear in images before them.His experiences during childhood, in his youth, during adulthood… all of these experiences were a form of interrogation and torture in regards to Spectral Soul's heart, he made countless choices that decided his future fate.And at the same time, Tai Bai Yun Sheng carried Fang Yuan as he escaped at full speed.Hei Lou Lan took a final look at the grey fog in the sky before following after them.Inside Fang Yuan's body, Ying Wu Xie was trapped in the dream realm, he was facing Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.He gritted his teeth, shouting maniacally, pouncing towards Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.However, he did not hit her.This was a dream realm, distance was not what it seemed.He might seem to be close to Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, but no matter how many steps he moved forward, his distance with Star Constellation Immortal Venerable did not change.Star Constellation Immortal Venerable played the zither but did not sing, the music was beautiful, like the sound of a clear mountain spring.Compared to Ying Wu Xie's agitated behavior, it formed a stark contrast."Quickly let me out, quickly let me out. Heaven's will! You accursed heaven's will!" He pointed at Star Constellation Immortal Venerable as he shouted.But Star Constellation Immortal Venerable was unmoved, she showed neither joy nor rage.Ying Wu Xie blinked, he forced himself to calm down, muttering: "Don't be anxious, I need to stay calm, stay calm. I know everything about lead soul into dream, this dream realm has not manifested externally, it will fade away soon, it cannot contain me forever. Also, the Gu Immortals on Fang Yuan's side will save me. Once I wake up, I will return and expose Fang Yuan's identity! Now, I can only hope that Yi Tian Mountain isn't far away after I wake up!"But Ying Wu Xie's wish was not going to be fulfilled.Because next, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan met with some Southern Border Gu Immortals, both sides fought while moving.Not only did Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng not have the time to wake up Ying Wu Xie, they even got farther and farther away from Yi Tian Mountain.'Ying Wu Xie' and Bo Qing were all immobilized in the ground because of earth collapse.Waves of grey fog coiled around immortal zombie Bo Qing as they shined with bright lights, showing constantly changing scenes.These were Mo Yao's memories, as a variant human, she had suffered a fate of being ostracized."Hmph." Immortal zombie Bo Qing snickered.Facing these sad traumas in her life, Mo Yao's remnant soul showed her strong-willed personality."Strange, why are you unaffected by the grey fog?" Bo Qing looked at Ying Wu Xie, who was beside him.Fang Yuan was thinking: "I want to know the answer to this question as well!"According to logic, grey memory affected Spectral Soul and Mo Yao's remnant soul, there was no reason for Fang Yuan to be unaffected.But for some reason, nothing happened to Fang Yuan.Evidently, this myriad tribulation, grey memory, let Fang Yuan off, he did not get exposed because of it."Don't tell me this is the manipulation of heaven's will? Earlier, heaven's will let Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng be unaffected by the tribulation, did it want them to bring my body and get far away from this place?"Fang Yuan had many guesses, but behind these guesses, there was a cold sensation when Fang Yuan thought about them, he felt his hair standing, there were a lot of terrifying implications behind his thoughts.But right now, facing immortal zombie Bo Qing's suspicion, Fang Yuan could only pretend to be ignorant."I don't know." Fang Yuan shook his head, he pointed: "Yours is pretty interesting."Bo Qing snorted: "It seems that because you were just born, and only have eighteen hours to live, you had no time to experience these things."Mo Yao's remnant soul inside immortal zombie Bo Qing did not suspect Fang Yuan, her attention was mostly on Spectral Soul.Regarding Spectral Soul's main body, Mo Yao's remnant soul was quite worried.But next, the grey fog showed that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had obtained the food path true inheritance of the beastman Gu Immortal back during his time.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's nature made Fang Yuan quite shocked.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were in a commotion, but because they were in phantom form, they could not do anything.At this time, in the sky, the third myriad tribulation descended — Grand Clear Space!Countless green birds slashed at Spectral Soul, the power was terrifying, the expressions of Fang Yuan and Mo Yao changed.Next, Fang Yuan saw many scenes in the grey fog.Sacred Feather City, Thieving Heaven true inheritance, Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, the red lotus in the River of Time…"So it turned out that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable knew about Sacred Feather City's location during his lifetime.""Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's name was Ben Jie Sun, but even though he was an otherworldly demon like me, he was not from Earth!""Lifespan Gu… it seems that heaven's will is the greatest restriction of Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables.""Red lotus! Ghost face! When I failed my rebirth last time, it was actually Spectral Soul Demon Venerable who helped me! I understand now, in my previous life, the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie was killed, and the ten extreme formation could not be completed, Spectral Soul made use of me to start all over again!""What, <the legends of ren zu> is Ren Zu's true inheritance?"Next, Fang Yuan saw Spectral Soul using the method of soul devouring, but still failed when dealing with the golden soul. He saw seven out of the ten split soul returning to the world of the living.Next, combined with the portion of grey memory affecting Mo Yao's remnant soul, he understood the origin of wisdom sword Immortal Gu, as well as the complex relationship between Bo Qing and Mo Yao."That soul which is sleeping while emitting golden radiance is Verdant Great Sun? The one born from Ren Zu's right eye in the legend?""Bo Qing is Azure! That Purple is actually Tai Bai Yun Sheng's master, Purple Mountain True Monarch, whom I randomly named?!""So the truth behind Mo Yao and Bo Qing was like this.""Heaven's will! So all of those superb immortal materials are filled with heaven's will, Shadow Sect is wary of them and had to give them up. After obtaining them, they seemed harmless to me. But what about in the future? If I carry these immortal materials around, will I draw the attention of heaven's will?""So that's it. A wisdom path Gu Immortal of Shadow Sect, Da Li, was the rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie that was suppressed! Everything makes sense now."At this time, the myriad tribulation grand clear space dissipated, while the myriad tribulation dark oil poison descended, attacking Spectral Soul.The following scenes made Fang Yuan even more shocked!He finally understood that the secret of him having Spring Autumn Cicada had been known by Shadow Sect since long ago.Because of Shadow Sect's help, he was not exposed for so long after the collapse of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.In contrast, Shadow Sect's Qin Bai Sheng and others helped him deal with the problem, engaging in a battle with Feng Jiu Ge.Shadow Sect's strength was incredible, they managed to deduce the tribulations."The secret of rebirth, the fact that I own Spring Autumn Cicada, after this battle, the entire world knows!""Shadow Sect, Spectral Soul, they seem to want to use my otherworldly demon status, but because of a twist of fate, Shadow Sect's Northern Plains branch was almost completely wiped out. No, in a way, isn't this showing the power of heaven's will?""Shadow Sect could deduce all the tribulations, what method did they use? This is simply the ultimate weapon against tribulations!""Spectral Soul Demon Venerable… he is likely the strongest venerable. During his life, he might have been equal to the other venerables, but using the food path true inheritance, he created the soul devouring method. He could steal the cultivation memories and experiences of others. Thus, he could not raise his attainment level directly like with dream realms, but after so many years of accumulation and development, his attainment level in all other paths, including formation path and wisdom path, are definitely at least great grandmaster! It is not strange that he deduced the tribulations.""In this case, it is too strange that he is not reacting. Could it be that he is doing this on purpose?"Dark oil poison and grey memory faded, but the vine dragon tribulation descended soon after.Heaven Overseeing Tower began its final struggle, it manipulated the myriad tribulation and directly attacked the ten extreme formation.Spectral Soul's fight to defend it made Fang Yuan, who witnessed everything, tongue-tied. He had once been proud of his battle tactics that were refined over time, but compared to Spectral Soul, it was nothing.Eventually, Heaven Overseeing Tower broke apart, Heavenly Court failed, even Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was sacrificed.Both sides suffered great losses!Spectral Soul's body was only a handful of meters tall. He was no longer as condensed as previously, his aura was very weak.Mo Yao's remnant soul manipulated the immortal zombie body, flying into the sky and questioning Spectral Soul, but she was wiped out."You are my final obstacle? Hehehe, it is a pity. If Yan Shi did not remind me earlier, you might have caused me trouble. But now… hehe. Did you forget that all of your sword path Immortal Gu have my will in them, did you also forget who was the one feeding them over these years?"Spectral Soul's words made Fang Yuan's heart jump.During this period of time, he had already deciphered many details regarding the immortal killer move lead soul into dream.This was thanks to the fact that Ying Wu Xie only had Gu worms that were meant to use lead soul into dream.Even though Shadow Sect designed this killer move for him, according to his cultivation level, there were several versions. But Ying Wu Xie had distinctly classified them, he placed a pile for each of their respective Gu worms.This allowed him to use the killer move much more efficiently and easily. But at the same time, Fang Yuan could learn about them more easily.Fang Yuan understood: "Facing Spectral Soul's main body, I only have one chance to strike. If I fail once, Spectral Soul will react and I will have no opportunity left!"Spectral Soul swallowed Mo Yao's remnant soul, saying to Fang Yuan: "Wu Xie, defend me. I just need a little over ten breaths of time to succeed!""Yes." Fang Yuan had a calm mind, he flew up, standing beside Spectral Soul, looking around alertly."We have no chances left." Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals sighed as they retreated."After plotting for tens of thousands of years, after so much planning and painstaking efforts, I finally succeeded in refining this rank nine sovereign immortal fetus Gu. With this Immortal Gu, I can surpass all of the venerables in history, I can obtain the body of an otherworldly demon, reaching an unsurpassed realm that nobody has ever seen! All other Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables in history will not be my match, even if Ren Zu resurrects, he will be inferior to me! Hahaha…"Spectral Soul raised his head and laughed."Sovereign immortal fetus Gu?" Fang Yuan's heart was moved: "What use does this Gu have, it can allow Spectral Soul to reach a realm where nobody has never gotten to before? Is this realm immortality?""The closer I am towards the end, the more I cannot afford to be careless." Spectral Soul squinted, investigating carefully.Fang Yuan's heart nearly skipped a beat.But in the end, Spectral Soul only spit out some spectral qi and destroyed all of the investigative Gu worms."As expected. The final line of the song indicated the true use of ghostly concealment, it is to prevent the detection of ghosts and souls. Back then, Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable could take Luo Po valley, Dang Hun Mountain, and travel through the Obsession Death Domain without being restricted by endless souls, it was because of this move!""Thus, Spectral Soul did not suspect me. It seems that Ying Wu Xie's soul is also his split soul. Only towards himself could he be so trusting without reservations."Next, Fang Yuan witnessed Spectral Soul floating towards the sovereign immortal fetus Gu.At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan calmed down, he was no longer nervous.According to the song, he had to destroy this sovereign immortal fetus Gu. Because Immortal Gu were fragile, he just needed to squeeze it to destroy it. But Spectral Soul, no matter how weak he was, there was an unknown level of risk to deal with him.But Fang Yuan was firm and determined, he directly targeted Spectral Soul, snatching sovereign immortal fetus Gu!"Lead soul into dream." He struck.He had not comprehended it entirely, this was not a complete immortal killer move, it was inferior to the original rank eight version.But right now, Spectral Soul was already weak to his limits.Fang Yuan succeeded in one attempt!Next, he left Ying Wu Xie's body, doing the same thing as Spectral Soul, his soul floated towards sovereign immortal fetus Gu.At this moment, he had finally broken free from Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's instructions, he took the fruits of Spectral Soul's labor, the achievement he had spent countless years and paid an immeasurable price to painstakingly create!

Reverend Insanity