
Chapter: 1011-1015:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1011. Spectral Soul? Spectral Soul! | Reverend Insanity

The immortals present could not believe their own eyes!Zither mind tribulation, star flow tribulation, these two grand tribulations were easily stopped by Spectral Soul, it was as easy as drinking water."This, this is the might of a rank nine demon venerable?" Fang Yuan's heart shook.Spectral Soul was already dead, what was present now was merely his soul.This gigantic soul was already beyond normal form.He was thousands of meters tall, like an imposing giant! The dark clouds that the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation created merely reached the height of his waist.Fang Yuan and the others were in the air, resembling flies. Looking at Spectral Soul's leg, it resembled a giant mountain peak.Spectral Soul's chest had reached the clouds, he was as tall as the sky!He had three heads.The front head had dragon horns, a lion's mane, snake eyes, and elephant tusks.The left head had a peach-colored forehead, hair like grass, and three flower-like eyes.The right head had a fringe of clouds, eyes resembling lightning, ears like fire, and a golden mouth.He had a thousand arms, five hundred on each side. They were dark like ink, his muscles were bulging with firm lines, oozing with demonic aura.He also had a thousand ghostly hands, earlier, Heavenly Court had spent huge effort to use Embroidered Tower to immobilize a ghostly hand to the ground, but that was merely one out of a thousand!"Ah! This appearance, this appearance! Don't tell me? Impossible! Impossible!" Fairy Li Shan had recognized Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, she screamed in disbelief. Her arms were covering her head, she shook her head as she retreated, she lost all the grace that a rank seven Gu Immortal had.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's appearance was not a secret, it was widely spread in the Gu Immortal world, even in the mortal world it was well known.Especially in Southern Border, many villages and countless mortals had a culture of revering Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. The people used clay to create a statue of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, and would pray to it during festivals and offerings.Hei Lou Lan's pupils shrunk to pin size, she was so shocked she could not speak, her entire body was shivering.Gulp, Tai Bai Yun Sheng swallowed his saliva, his body was covered in cold sweat.Fang Yuan showed a moved expression full of anticipation.His shock from earlier had vanished."This… is the limit of soul path? The soul turns from phantom to solid, it can interfere with the material world, it is as condensed as a physical body, and is unbelievably powerful! Such a soul foundation definitely surpasses a hundred million man soul. My soul compared to it, is like an ant versus the moon…""But even the powerful Spectral Soul Demon Venerable died in the end, his soul returning to the door of life and death. Now that he has broken out, defying heaven and fate, what is he trying to do?""When can I reach such a level as well? But even at this level, he cannot avoid death. I pursue eternal life… does it truly exist?"Fang Yuan's eyes shined with bright light, at this moment, he felt greatly excited.Even as an immortal zombie, he could feel a sensation of hot-bloodedness!One could learn from examples set by capable people.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable was a predecessor who was undeniably a forerunner of Gu cultivation.Even Fang Yuan, who had five hundred years of experience, was small like a fly when he was facing Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!But Fang Yuan's fear had gone away entirely.He felt deep excitement, it was feverish!Like a person who aspires to climb the highest mountain seeing an immeasurably tall peak, even if that was not the goal, he still feel deeply motivated and wanted to climb up, to surpass it!Fang Yuan had long since forgotten about death.If he died on the path of ascension, even if his corpse was desecrated and his soul was utterly destroyed, so what?This was the goal that he pursued!Bam!!At this moment, Heaven Overseeing Tower burst out with a grand light, it shattered Spectral Soul's ghostly hand and regained freedom.It was a rank nine Immortal Gu House after all.Inside the tower, the atmosphere was extremely heavy.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals bit their lips, seeing this overwhelming giant, they felt great pressure in their hearts."As expected of Spectral Soul, such vast demonic might, it is simply terrifying!" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord laughed loudly, the aura in his body rose as his silvery hair swayed, his sleeves were fluttering like a war banner.His fighting spirit soon spread to the other Heavenly Court Gu Immortals.The immortals' eyes burned with passion."Heaven's will cannot be defied!""Heaven cannot be defied!""Even if you are Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, who had once slaughtered the world and caused endless bloodshed.""Your era is over!""Even if we die today, we will protect the Great Dao of heaven!!""Come, activate Heaven Overseeing Tower."The immortals had firm determination, Heaven Overseeing Tower shined with an unprecedented dazzling light.Spectral Soul's left head looked at it as it growled, several hands were moving around.The entirety of Spectral Soul moved with a speed disproportionate to its size. In an instant, several hands grabbed Heaven Overseeing Tower tightly.More and more ghostly hands emerged, overlapping over one another, surrounding Heaven Overseeing Tower in the center.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were unrelenting, Heaven Overseeing Tower's light shone through the crevices of the ghostly hands' fingers, shooting out light that resembled sharp blades.More than ten ghostly hands had layered together, but they shook vaguely.Spectral Soul, after getting to this point, actually ignored Heaven Overseeing Tower, the three heads looked towards the sky, having grim expressions.Even though he was several thousand meters tall, the sky was taller, it was still above his head.As if angered by Spectral Soul's arrogance, the deepest part of the sky was conjuring the strongest thunderstorm it could muster.An apocalyptic feeling engulfed the immortals."This… is no longer a grand tribulation.""This is a myriad tribulation! Apocalyptic myriad tribulation!"Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals were lost for words.Beyond grand tribulations, there were myriad tribulations.Myriad tribulations were terrifying, if a rank eight Gu Immortal passed all three, they would become a rank nine venerable!Heaven was enraged, it knew that grand tribulations were useless against Spectral Soul, thus, it conjured a myriad tribulation.Myriad tribulation — Wind Lightning Prison!Fast! Fast! Fast!The myriad tribulation descended faster than any Gu Immortal's expectations.Countless lightning bolts descended from the sky, countless tornadoes coiled around Spectral Soul's body like pythons and dragons.Spectral Soul's three heads roared at the sky angrily. His six eyes shot out blood-red light that was oozing with killing intent, it had an intimidating aura.A thousand arms moved together, ghostly hands tore the tornadoes apart while his hill-like fists punched against the lightning bolts in the sky.Hei Lou Lan and the others could not speak anymore.The scene in front of them was like the reenactment of a legendary tale.The myriad tribulation was targeting Spectral Soul and the ten extreme formation. Fang Yuan and the others were inside the formation, they were rather safe."This myriad tribulation's power is much higher than ordinary ones!""Our main body can endure it.""The ten extreme formation?""It has been refined by sixty percent already.""Only sixty percent… the following tribulations will become more terrifying."Saying this, Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals became silent.Their real archenemy was not Heavenly Court or Fang Yuan, it was heaven!If they were in their complete state, Shadow Sect's group was confident. But because of Heavenly Court and Fang Yuan, they were in an incomplete state, in fact, the ten extreme formation had almost been about to break earlier, they only salvaged it by sacrificing Zombie Alliance."Sacred Feather City is lost, and our main body has appeared, we serve little purpose now.""That's right, we should sacrifice ourselves to the ten extreme formation and save some time, that is the best way.""Then, what about those people?""Leave them to us." Ying Wu Xie spoke this as he looked at Bo Qing.The later tribulations would be more powerful. Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals had little use in resisting the tribulations. They might as well use themselves to accelerate the refinement of the formation.The true identity of these Shadow Sect Gu Immortals was that they were Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's split souls.Precisely because of this, Shadow Sect could remain mysterious and hide in the background, developing for so many years without exposing themselves.This was also why Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals disregarded death, they were united and did not care about sacrifice.This huge force was simply a one man show by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!After discussion, Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals, including Seven Star Child and Song Zi Xing, made the same choice as Old Man Yan Shi, they entered the formation and sacrificed themselves.Only two people were left.One was Ying Wu Xie, he had the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique, his cultivation level also rose as time passed. At the last moments of his life, he would fully become rank nine, he was the final trump card of Spectral Soul.The other was immortal zombie Bo Qing, he had also been one of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's split souls, but right now, he was only Bo Qing's immortal zombie body, the remnant soul inside was not Bo Qing but Mo Yao.Mo Yao's remnant soul would not help in the formation even if she went in, she could only be refined as immortal material. This was not worth it, thus she stayed behind.Currently, Spectral Soul was controlling the situation, resisting the myriad tribulation while suppressing Heaven Overseeing Tower.Immortal zombie Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie had no more worries, they charged towards Fang Yuan and the others.Fang Yuan and the others were not their match, they quickly retreated.But being encircled by the formation, and with space path methods sealed, where could they run to?Bo Qing waved his hand and sword light flew out, chopping off Fairy Li Shan's head as blood spewed out of her neck.The Sword Immortal's strength could not be resisted.Man as Before!At the crucial moment, Tai Bai Yun Sheng activated man as before Immortal Gu.Fairy Li Shan returned to her former state, touching her neck, her eyes were filled with fear.Immortal zombie Bo Qing's arms were behind his back, he laughed arrogantly: "Merely a rank six time path Immortal Gu, how can it stop me?"As he said this, Fairy Li Shan's eyes widened as sword qi burst out of her body, turning her into a pile of mushy flesh."Little aunt!" Hei Lou Lan cried out in pain, her eyes were bright red as she charged towards Bo Qing.Ying Wu Xie blocked Fang Yuan.He stared at Fang Yuan intently: "Fang Yuan, you were actually able to leave my dream realm, very interesting. Then, with my rank eight cultivation level, I want to see if you can escape from it again!""You know my name?" Fang Yuan growled, feeling something amiss."Hehehe, you are an otherworldly demon, you are still useful to Shadow Sect, I will spare your life. Don't think of using Spring Autumn Cicada, this rank six Immortal Gu has already been deduced by Old Man Yan Shi. In its current state, it cannot be used, isn't that right?" Ying Wu Xie was confident of victory, he approached with a smile."What?!" Fang Yuan's entire body shook.

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Chapter 1012. Murdering Kin, Slaughtering Everyone | Reverend Insanity

A hundred thousand years ago.Southern Border, Xuan Ci Mountain.It was night time, darkness was everywhere. Wind and thunder rumbled, lightning flashed across the battlefield at times.Partway up Xuan Ci Mountain, more than ten Gu Masters' corpses were on the ground.It rained heavily, but it could not wash away the thick and bloody smell of the place.A battle had just ended, there were only two people left on the battlefield, the victor was evident."Hahaha!" A young man laughed while looking at the sky, his eyes were blood-red, his expression was filled with bloodthirst. He slowly walked towards the other Gu Master.The other Gu Master was an old man, he was heavily injured and could not battle anymore. He retreated in a hurry, but he tripped and fell into the mud.The young Gu Master slowly walked in the rain, standing in front of the old Gu Master, looking down imposingly, his gaze was cold and icy, there was not a hint of warmth.But the old Gu Master's gaze did not carry fear, instead, it was filled with disbelief and fury!The elderly man shouted: "Why? Why! I am your grandfather, I brought you up, I taught you everything you know. Your accomplishments today are all because of the clan's nurturing! Why did you attack the clan's higher ups, why did you repay our kindness with enmity? Why? Why!"Facing the elderly man's questioning, the young Gu Master lowered his gaze, smiling lightly: "Why? I did not really consider that. Hmm… if I have to give a reason, maybe it is because I was annoyed.""Annoyed?!""That's right… Saying things like, our clan is weaker than the other party, we should endure it and suffer in silence. Saying things like, we should respect the old and love the young, we should be courteous and have integrity, we should not talk back to elders. Saying things like, the clan is relying on me to defend its reputation, I need to think for the clansmen, that is how I can become a brilliant clan leader… it is really annoying! Since I was young, I have felt annoyed, I thought I could endure it, but I kept enduring and finally, I could not anymore." The young Gu Master said as his mouth opened, revealing his pale white teeth."Just because of this?!" The old Gu Master was furious, he sat up in anger.He stared with wide opened eyes as he scolded: "Why did you become like this? What were you actually thinking about? I must have been blind, I raised you for so many years in vain! Hehe, I actually wanted to hand the village to you?!"The old Gu Master angrily rebuked until he cried, he sobbed uncontrollably."Enough! Enough!" The young Gu Master had a ruthless expression, the old Gu Master's crying made him extremely annoyed.He raised his right hand, slashing down.Whoosh.With a soft sound, the old Gu Master was cut in two, blood spewed out as his intestines flowed out, he had died without satisfaction.The young Gu Master became calm, he stopped moving.He wore a black robe, standing in the rain like a statue.He lowered his head, looking at the corpse below him, memories of the past appeared in his mind involuntarily.When he was a child, his grandfather had brought him to ride horses and fly kites. When his superb aptitude was revealed, his grandfather smiled in joy. When he became a Gu Master, his grandfather taught him personally. He taught him to handle the clan affairs, he taught him meticulously…A long time passed.The young Gu Master let out a breath, he started to laugh."Hehehe… hahaha."Soon, his laughter became louder as he raised his head, looking at the sky with his arms wide open.His tears flowed out, he was filled with sorrow, but on his face, there was an expression of utter satisfaction.He felt like he was someone who was drowning, suddenly, he had reached the surface of the water and struggled to get to the shore.He breathed in deeply, he could smell a thick, bloody stench, it assaulted him, seemingly filled with the rage of his clansmen.But he felt that this air was goddamn fresh!"Even though I am very sad… is this freedom? Hahaha, if I had known this, I would have killed them long ago. These annoying things should have been killed long beforehand. From now on, I will kill whatever annoys me!"The young Gu Master screamed in the rain, his excitement was evident on his face.Crack.A flash of lightning went by, illuminating the young Gu Master's expression of joy.A hundred thousand years later.Lightning flashed and thunder roared, the young Gu Master's face was still illuminated by this light.But now, he was already entirely different, he was a monster that was thousands of meters tall, with three heads and a thousand arms."So noisy, non-stop rumbling, enough is enough!" Spectral Soul roared.Boom!A thousand arms exerted force, demonic aura surged and filled all the surroundings, they coiled around the tornadoes and tore them to shreds.The impact of his actions caused the clouds over the whole area to stir.He suppressed the wind and lightning!The lightning bolts completely vanished under his wrath.The clouds dispersed and the sun returned, the myriad tribulation, wind lightning prison, had been resolved by Spectral Soul!Even a myriad tribulation could not stop him.The might of a Demon Venerable, it was fully displayed!All who witnessed this, be it Fang Yuan's side, or Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, they were in shock."Did we succeed?" Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie looked back, joy showing on their faces.But immediately, the sky turned dark again, countless grey clouds gathered above Spectral Soul's head.The second myriad tribulation was gathering strength!Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie's expressions turned dark.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals heaved a sigh of relief.Spectral Soul's six eyes showed a pondering expression.Suddenly, he raised hundreds of arms, stabbing into the dark clouds at his waist.The dark clouds were formed by the ten extreme formation, receiving Spectral Soul's help, the clouds shook intensely."Oh no! He is accelerating the formation!""Even though I do not know what he is trying to refine, we cannot let him succeed!""Everyone, collaborate with me!!"Under Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's lead, Heaven Overseeing Tower turned phantom, it flew out, bypassing the encirclement of the ghostly hands.At the next moment, Heaven Overseeing Tower turned back into material form, with a loud sound, it propelled forward and crashed into Spectral Soul's right head fiercely.At once, Spectral Soul's head caved in from the impact, his chin was slammed into the position of the cheek bones.Spectral Soul roared furiously, a hundred hands grabbed at Heaven Overseeing Tower."Again!" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord shouted.The six Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortals around him were in charge of this.At the critical moment, Heaven Overseeing Tower turned phantom again, causing Spectral Soul's attack to miss.This ability to turn phantom was one of Heaven Overseeing Tower's methods. But it was not easy to activate, a large amount of thoughts and concentration was needed, it was like Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's ability to absorb attacks.Six Heavenly Court Gu Immortals turned the tower phantom twice, they were breathing heavily in exhaustion.Heaven Overseeing Tower floated above Spectral Soul's head in phantom form. But at this moment, a hundred of Spectral Soul's strong dark arms shrunk immensely, turning dry, thin and long.Obtaining his help, the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation underwent a huge change, the scattered dark clouds gathered towards the center.At the center of the dark clouds, a round ball could be vaguely seen, it spun on its own, shining with fourteen different colored lights.Seeing this, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord had an anxious expression, he ordered: "Chop off these arms!"Heaven Overseeing Tower was like a rocket, it drew an eye piercing light rainbow in the sky as it slashed forward. The light rainbow cut all of Spectral Soul's arms off upon contact."Ying Wu Xie, go and deal with Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals!" Immortal zombie Bo Qing called out.It was a simple matter for them to deal with Fang Yuan's side.But because of a series of events, they were constantly interrupted.Ying Wu Xie gritted his teeth, he was unwilling to leave at this moment: "Give me a moment to make Fang Yuan sleep first."Saying so, he activated the rank eight immortal killer move — Lead Soul Into Dream.Fang Yuan could not dodge, he was dragged into the dream realm.At the pavilion in the center of the lake, the music from the zither could be heard.Fang Yuan met Star Constellation Immortal Venerable again.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Unravel dream.Fang Yuan hurriedly activated his dream path killer move, but the dream realm held firm, all he saw were transparent ripples in his vision.His unravel dream might work against the dream realm, but it was only rank six. In contrast, Ying Wu Xie's killer move was rank eight.The difference between the two was too vast, Fang Yuan could not unravel the dream realm.At once, Fang Yuan's heart sank to rock bottom.The zither music continued, as Star Constellation Immortal Venerable smiled at Fang Yuan gently, she sang with a soft voice.Fang Yuan smiled bitterly, he knew that he had lost!Phantom form!Heaven Overseeing Tower dodged Spectral Soul's attack again.But Spectral Soul's ghostly hands did not stop, they drove into the ten extreme formation.Heaven Overseeing Tower was prepared to attack again, but one of Spectral Soul's heads opened its eyes and gazed at Heaven Overseeing Tower, immobilizing it.Heaven Overseeing Tower was unable to change out of its phantom form!"Hahaha, this time, why don't you try and escape?!" Ying Wu Xie placed his hands at his waist, laughing smugly."Fang Yuan!" Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng shouted.But Fang Yuan was deep in sleep, he could not be woken up.Bo Qing was about to kill Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, when there was suddenly a huge suction force from the ground.The immortals were caught off guard, they were all sucked into the ground, their legs were deeply buried in the ground, a strong force was restricting them, preventing them from moving.Grand tribulation — Earth Collapse!Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie were shocked, they did not expect that while the myriad tribulation was dealing with Spectral Soul, there was actually a grand tribulation waiting to ambush them."Why are they not restricted?!" Soon, both of them were shocked again.They saw that after landing on the ground, Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng regained their freedom, they could move freely.Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng were shocked and joyful.The latter quickly grabbed Fang Yuan, who was sleeping, and retreated rapidly.What made them even more joyful was that after the ten extreme formation created the mysterious ball, the force that restricted the space around them vanished. If Fang Yuan woke up, they would be able to use Fixed Immortal Travel and escape.But Fang Yuan was deep in sleep.Immortal zombie Bo Qing's eyes shined with deep killing intent, he was about to use his sword path Immortal Gu, when he felt that the thoughts in his mind, just as they appeared, were sucked out and into the ground.Evidently, the power of the grand tribulation earth collapse had a variety of targets. Not only could it target the Gu Immortal's body, it could even affect their thoughts, wills, and emotions.Just like this, Bo Qing could only watch as Hei Lou Lan and the others escaped from under his nose!

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Chapter 1013. Grey Memory | Reverend Insanity

This grand tribulation earth collapse was completely unreasonable!Not only were the Gu Immortals trapped in the ground, their thoughts were also interrupted.Without thoughts to mobilize their Gu worms, what methods could Gu Immortals use?Unless they could use wisdom path methods to resist it.But the condition for that was, the wisdom path method had to be set up in advance. Otherwise, once they fell into earth collapse, even if the Gu Immortal had a wisdom path method to use, they could not unleash it.Taking action in advance was the only way.Without the initiative, one was doomed.This showed the power of the grand tribulation, one could just imagine the might of the myriad tribulation."Damn it!!" Ying Wu Xie struggled continuously, there were few results from his actions, he sank deeper and deeper as he screamed."Stop struggling, stop thinking. It will make our situation worse, we cannot deal with this at the moment." Immortal zombie Bo Qing who was beside him said in a calm tone.Or strictly speaking, Mo Yao's remnant soul was very calm.She was experienced.When she was alive, she helped her lover Bo Qing with his tribulation, the myriad tribulation that she had seen before was more terrifying than this!Comparatively, the grand tribulation earth collapse was harmless and gentle."We can only hope that our main body saves us." Ying Wu Xie sighed, looking at Spectral Soul.Only to see that Spectral Soul was also sinking, half of his huge legs were already below the surface of the ground. Not just that, his left leg's lower portion was tightly sewed onto the ground.This was the result of an earlier attack by the Immortal Gu House Embroidered Tower.Even though Spectral Soul was powerful and mighty, and had used his full efforts, he could not control the entire situation.At this moment, out of his six eyes, two were staring at Heaven Overseeing Tower, preventing it from moving, the other four were staring at the sky.At the top of the sky, grey colored clouds were growing in thickness, they descended slowly.The second myriad tribulation had started.But it was different from the first, wind lightning prison, that was extremely fast beyond one's reaction speed, in an instant, the wind and lightning would approach a person and attack them.This myriad tribulation however, was very slow.It was so slow that anyone who was undergoing the tribulation could retaliate in many ways.But Spectral Soul did not move.He stood quietly, like a solemn mountain."Did our main body get hit already?" Ying Wu Xie shouted, looking extremely anxious: "This is such a good chance, you have to retaliate!!"But until the grey cloud completely shrouded Spectral Soul, he did not move, he stared at Heaven Overseeing Tower, controlling it firmly.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were troubled.They used the phantom method to make Heaven Overseeing Tower evade Spectral Soul's attacks. But to think that Spectral Soul's phantom path attainment level was beyond expectations, he was certainly a great grandmaster.Heaven Overseeing Tower's phantom tactic was taken advantage of by Spectral Soul, becoming unable to return to its normal form. Then how could it fight or do anything in that state?"The myriad tribulation is coming!" Ying Wu Xie gritted his teeth, looking at the grey cloud descend slowly.Immortal zombie Bo Qing squinted, his muscles were tense.The grand tribulation earth collapse was enough to make them defenseless and helpless, now that the myriad tribulation had descended, was it the end for Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie?The grey cloud descended, but it caused no harm."What is going on? Is this a harmless myriad tribulation?!" Ying Wu Xie was nervous, seeing that there was no disturbance, he touched his body all over as he cried out in suspicion.Bo Qing did not answer him.Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals recognized this myriad tribulation, but Ying Wu Xie was unable to obtain the answer."Is this grey memory?" The Heavenly Court Gu Immortal who recognized it cried out."What is grey memory?"The Heavenly Court Gu Immortal recalled: "When I was young, I had once obtained the inheritance of a rank eight Gu Immortal. In the past, this rank eight Gu Immortal failed to pass a myriad tribulation, grey memory. During his final moments, he left behind his inheritance. This myriad tribulation is harmless to the body, but it draws out the person's deepest memories. These memories were either those which had caused huge pain to the Gu Immortal's mind, or were a trauma in their life.""Don't look down on this myriad tribulation. That rank eight senior did not even last fifteen minutes under this myriad tribulation, he lost all his motivation and became dejected without any fighting spirit left in him, he lost all interest in life.""The saying goes, you are your worst enemy. Looking at Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, he was invincible in the world, then wasn't his biggest enemy himself? For everyone in the world, even if we become a rank nine venerable, we will have a period of time when we were weak. We cultivate step by step, becoming stronger along the way. Spectral Soul Demon Venerable slaughtered people over the world, he had an immense murderous nature, people guessed that he might have suffered some trauma when he was young.""Who does not have any painful memories in the deepest part of their mind? Who does not have any shameful memories that they cannot express? Who has never made any decision that went against their nature? Along the way, who has never made a mistake? Amazing, simply amazing! This myriad tribulation is incredible! Perhaps even Spectral Soul is going to falter here."Myriad tribulation — Grey Memory.Because he recognized this myriad tribulation, Spectral Soul did not move.He knew that no attacks could resolve this tribulation. Only by entering it and facing his past, all the shame, trauma, humiliation and anger, could he pass this tribulation.The grey clouds coiling around his body suddenly had bright lights, there was even sound emitting from them.What was presented in front of the immortals was a scene from Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's childhood."Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!"A band of Gu Masters surrounded a family of three, their eyes were reddened as they shouted ruthlessly."Father! You cannot kill mother!!" A child protected his heavily injured mother, yelling with all his energy."Hmph, all demonic path members should be executed! We of the righteous path have to uphold justice and slay members of the demonic path!! Why can't we kill her? Not only can we kill her, we must kill her. Only by killing her can our clan's humiliation be purged!!" The old Gu Master who was leading the group, said with a righteous tone, he shouted angrily, he was the grandfather of the boy, the leader of the clan.The clan leader's words received a warm cheer from all of the clan elders and elite Gu Masters.They raised their arms and shouted."Kill!" Kill! "Kill!""Kill!" Kill! "Kill!"Whoosh.With a soft sound, fresh blood spewed out.The boy quickly turned around, at the next moment, his eyes opened wide, as his pupils shrunk to pin size.He saw his father had moved in front of him, his face was red and he was gritting his teeth, there were tears in his eyes as he suppressed his intense emotions. The dagger that he was holding had already stabbed deeply into the heart of his beloved wife.The boy opened his mouth and wanted to scream.But he did not make any sound.From that day onwards, he became very quiet.Evidently, this boy was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable when he was a child.Under the influence of grey memory, his childhood trauma was no longer hidden, it was displayed in front of everyone.The grey fog moved, as another scene appeared.Several years had passed.The young boy had grown slightly, he was standing in front of his grandfather respectfully.His grandfather, who was the clan leader, drank a sip of tea, asking casually: "I let you read about the history of our clan, what insight have you gained? Come, tell grandfather.""Grandfather." The boy first greeted, before saying: "I have had many gains these last few days, I have learned much.""Oh? Tell me." The old man asked in curiosity."Looking at history, I realized that there is one universal law in this world, that is — to kill." The boy said calmly."Kill?" The old man frowned, he replied in a grim tone: "Explain it to me.""Yes." The boy continued: "When we are hungry and need food for our bellies, we kill prey. When we have enemies, we kill our enemies and eliminate the threat. When the world is peaceful, the ruler will kill his meritorious subjects to gain authority and control…" The boy said slowly, he did not notice that the old man's frown was getting deeper.The boy continued: "Throughout history, it is a case of you killing me, and me killing you. What is a hero? They are someone who has killed the most enemies. What is a loser? They are someone who could not kill their opponent and got killed instead.""Actually, even though kill is a word, it has very deep meaning behind it. How to kill, should one use Gu worms and do it themselves, or hire other Gu Masters to accomplish the deed? Sometimes, we cannot kill outright, because that would attract trouble, so we choose to assassinate. There are many forms of assassination, for example…""Enough!" The old man bellowed, in his anger, he smashed the cup on the ground.The fragments shot past the boy's face as a wound was created, blood flowed slowly.The old man stood up, pointing at the boy, shouting in anger: "I let you study and read, it is for you to admire the achievements of our clan's ancestors, and learn about the glorious history of our clan. I want you to learn about courtesy and integrity, I want you to understand the glory of the righteous path. And you actually learned about killing? What sort of twisted logic is this? You, you, you, you are confined for a month, stay in the house and reflect upon your mistake!!""Yes, grandfather." The boy replied, he spoke softly, but there was a stubborn light in his eyes.The grey fog moved, as the scene changed again.Several years later, the boy was already a rank one Gu Master."Hehehe, I finally refined hidden aura Gu today, I will give grandfather a shock by hiding in the study room!" The youngster sneaked into the room."Eh? No, I am only a rank one Gu Master, while grandfather is rank four. It is very easy for him to find me. I should hide behind the secret door, in the hidden tunnel, and jump out to scare grandfather later." The youngster changed his mind, he opened the secret door and hid behind it.Not long after, he heard a commotion.He did not dare to open the secret door, he could only listen to the voices.Two people walked into the study room.His grandfather walked with heavy and hurried steps, he was furious."This traitorous son! He really wants to rebel? He wants to harm his father?!" The old clan leader was enraged, he slammed the table and caused a huge impact."Clan leader, the evidence is conclusive. News that you have obtained an eighty year lifespan Gu has already spread out. It is confirmed that young clan leader wants to harm you."A hoarse voice could be heard.The youngster could recognize instantly that this was a certain clan elder, the personal aide of the clan leader."Hmph! This traitorous son, he wants to seize my authority, how can that be possible?!" The clan leader shouted."Clan leader, there are many higher ups supporting young clan leader." The hoarse voice said again.There was a brief silence.The youngster's grandfather's voice said solemnly: "My son's influence is not to be underestimated. If we suppress him openly, not only will our reputation in the righteous path be damaged, there will be internal strife that would weaken the clan. Hmm… go and prepare, we will strike first and find a chance to assassinate him. Once he is dead, as long as we kill this traitorous son, the other clan elders will have no choice but to give up.""Clan leader is wise!"Behind the secret door, in the hidden tunnel, the youngster covered his mouth, his entire body was shivering intensely.

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Chapter 1014. Food Path Inheritance | Reverend Insanity

Tai Bai Yun Sheng carried Fang Yuan as he sprinted and escaped.Hei Lou Lan took one final look at the grey fog, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's pitiful childhood made Hei Lou Lan feel a sense of understanding due to her similar experience.For some reason, the grand tribulation, earth collapse, did not affect them.Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan made use of this chance to escape, running away while feeling shock and joy.The ten extreme formation was in its critical moment, it could not restrict the surroundings, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan escaped very easily.Soon, the battle of Yi Tian Mountain was thrown to the back of their minds.In a few minutes, they could no longer see the grey clouds in the sky."Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan, wake up!" Hei Lou Lan slapped Fang Yuan's face, but he was not responding, he was sound asleep.Without Fang Yuan's Fixed Immortal Travel, they could not leave Southern Border.Unless they crossed the regional walls.But that would cause too much losses."Gu Immortals from Northern Plains?!" A voice could be heard from afar.Next, three Southern Border Gu Immortals landed.Seeing Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng in a pathetic state full of injuries, the leading Gu Immortal was shocked: "Looking at your injuries, did you come from Yi Tian Mountain? Speak! What actually happened there?"Tai Bai Yun Sheng had an expression of wariness.Hei Lou Lan smiled coldly: "You want to know what happened, go there and see for yourselves."The three Southern Border Gu Immortals snorted, they did not have high cultivation level, they were here to investigate because the Gu Immortal experts of their respective clans had gone to Yi Tian Mountain and lost all traces of communication with them.No matter which super force it was, they were very concerned about the ownership of Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.Furthermore, Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng's auras were very weak, they were covered in injuries and were not in their best condition."We are asking you to speak, you had better obey us.""Northern Plains Gu Immortals coming to Southern Border and still acting so arrogantly!""Attack!! Take down the three of them."Thus, a battle occurred out of nowhere.And in Yi Tian Mountain's battlefield, the grey fog was still spreading.The situation was in a stalemate.No matter how hard the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals tried, they could not go out of their phantom form.Ying Wu Xie and Bo Qing were all immobilized on the ground because of earth collapse.Waves of grey fog coiled around immortal zombie Bo Qing as they shined with bright lights, showing constantly changing scenes.These were Mo Yao's memories, as a variant human, she had suffered a fate of being ostracized.Speaking of which, it was strange, Bo Qing's immortal zombie body actually had Mo Yao's remnant soul. What happened in the past to Bo Qing during his tribulation was unknown.But Mo Yao, who was now present, had to endure the attack, because her remnant soul was in the grey fog, the most painful memories in her mind was drawn out."Hmph." Immortal zombie Bo Qing snickered.Facing these sad traumas in her life, Mo Yao's remnant soul showed her strong-willed personality."Strange, why are you unaffected by the grey fog?" Bo Qing looked at Ying Wu Xie who was beside him.Ying Wu Xie was staring at Bo Qing's grey fog intently."I don't know." Ying Wu Xie shook his head, he pointed: "Yours is pretty interesting."Bo Qing snorted: "It seems that because you were just born, and only have eighteen hours to live, you had no time to experience these things."Saying this, Bo Qing's face was full of worries.The myriad tribulation grey memory was not a threat to Ying Wu Xie. That was because he was too young, he did not have much life experience.But it was a completely different story for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!"This second myriad tribulation is truly vicious! Once you are within the grey fog, not only are your past traumas revealed, the deepest emotions in your mind will be drawn out, you will experience the emotions that you once felt. My memories have already caused me to feel upset. If the recollection was on my lover, I might… If I am already this affected by it, then for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, who has had a longer life and much more experience, how would he deal with it?" Thinking about this, Mo Yao's remnant soul looked up by moving the immortal zombie body.Inside the grey fog, Spectral Soul was like a tall mountain, he was unmoving, like a dormant volcano.Surrounding him, the grey fog was rumbling, countless rainbow lights were shining. This fog showed all kinds of images, Spectral Soul had already become a Gu Immortal.Inside Earth Abyss."Youngster, you want to obtain my inheritance?" In the darkness, two eyes shined brightly like lanterns."Yes." The Gu Immortal spoke concisely. He wore a black robe with messy shoulder length hair, his expression was cold, bright light shined in his eyes from time to time."Hehehe… hahaha!" In the darkness, a crazed laugh could be heard, it got louder and louder, it caused one's eardrums to tremble.After a while, the laughter stopped."It seems you have made your decision! Then this is your inheritance test. Roar!" Following a loud roar, a strange beast came out of the darkness.This beast had four limbs, its body was covered in scales, it had a crocodile's head.Its huge crocodile-like mouth had sharp teeth inside, they were shining with cold light, like blades of daggers.Above its head, it had two curly dragon horns.But from its body, there was the aura of a Gu Immortal.Evidently, this was a beastman Gu Immortal.Beastmen were a type of variant human, in history, they were the most targeted during the era of the three Demon Venerables. Who could have thought that Spectral Soul encountered a beastman Gu Immortal during his life.This beastman Gu Immortal with dragon horns and a crocodile's head opened his mouth, biting at the Gu Immortal's soul.But Gu Immortal Spectral Soul did not dodge or evade.The beastman bit, tearing apart Spectral Soul's arm.Blood spewed out.Crack, crack.The beastman chewed, under the grinding of his sharp teeth, Spectral Soul's arm was torn to shreds, blood oozed out of the space between his teeth, flowing everywhere.Gulp, the beastman swallowed, sending the blood and flesh, along with the bones, down its throat."Delicious! I have not eaten such fresh food in a long time!" The beastman Gu Immortal shouted, pouncing again.Spectral Soul did not retreat, he allowed him to continue biting.The beastman Gu Immortal quickly ate his other arm, and his two legs, devouring them.Assaulted by intense pain, Spectral Soul was expressionless, he did not even frown at all.Instead, the beastman Gu Immortal showed some shock on his face."You are different from those previous people." The beastman Gu Immortal stopped eating, he assessed Spectral Soul as he spoke with a tone of praise: "You have no emotion of fear at all. You know, I invented food path, I did a lot of research on eating. Many people wanted to obtain my inheritance, they allowed me to eat them, they looked very tough on the outside with no expression, but they were filled with pain and fear on the inside.""Don't think that emotions can be concealed so easily. Actually, this kind of flesh tastes sour and disgusting, it is not delicious at all, I can tell when I eat it.""Then, is my flesh delicious?" Spectral Soul asked.The beastman Gu Immortal frowned, he spoke: "Honestly speaking, your flesh feels cold, your bones are too tough, they are not delicious. They taste like the icicles that I ate during my childhood, when I was hunted down by you humans in frozen lands while escaping in hunger.""But forget it. Hahaha, I have been trapped here, I have not eaten anything fresh in a long time. How can I not be satisfied with this? Furthermore, what I love eating most are the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, they are my favorites, hahaha. Lad, you want to obtain my inheritance, there is a price to pay! Don't die at the last moment!"Saying this, the beastman Gu Immortal scratched, tearing open Spectral Soul's stomach, pulling out his large and small intestines.Next, in front of Spectral Soul, he sucked them into his mouth, crying out that they were delicious.Spectral Soul had a pale face, but his expression was still cold, as if those were not his intestines.Deep in the beastman Gu Immortal's eyes, there was a flash of panic.He cackled, brandishing his claws, pointing at Spectral Soul's chest: "Next, I will eat your lungs, you have to endure it!""What can I not endure?" Spectral Soul smiled coldly: "In this special environment, even if I am eaten until only my head is left, I can still grow back. And by then, I would obtain your inheritance. After that, you would lose all value to me, you should worry about yourself."The beastman Gu Immortal's movements froze for a second, he went into a rage, his eyes were spewing fire: "Lad! You talk big! I want to see how long you can endure this for?"He purposely moved slowly, causing friction in Spectral Soul's body, making him feel that his intestines and organs were being held, and his bones were being scratched, to try to generate fear and panic in him.The beastman Gu Immortal took out Spectral Soul's organs and ate them one by one. In front of him, he opened his mouth from time to time, letting Spectral Soul see the miserable state of his organs that were crushed to bits.Spectral Soul's calm expression slowly changed, turning into one of interest.The beastman Gu Immortal saw this gaze and had a change of expression: "What are you thinking of?""I find it interesting.""I am eating your flesh, I am eating your organs, you find it interesting?" The beastman Gu Immortal looked at Spectral Soul with a disbelieving expression."Of course, eating is natural in this world, but on the other side of eating, there is killing. We eat meat, we have to hunt. When we eat vegetables, we have to uproot them, that is also killing. Even if we eat nothing but wind and drink nothing but water, we are still swallowing and digesting them. All in all, eating is killing. Of course, killing is not just eating, thus, your food path is inferior to my killing path.""I have eaten many things, but I have never been eaten by another individual. You are eating me now, that is the same as killing me. Similarly, I have killed many life forms, but I have never been slowly killed by anyone else. This allowed me to understand the feeling of being killed, it is a form of enjoyment. Those who kill have to be prepared to be killed. Simply by killing others, I cannot fully comprehend killing. Thank you for letting me comprehend a deeper meaning in killing."The beastman Gu Immortal heard this and opened his eyes wide, he looked at Spectral Soul like he was seeing a nightmare, a monster!Cold sweat began to form on his head.He felt that he could not swallow the young man in front of him anymore.He gulped, feeling that his throat was blocked."Lad! I will eat your upper body now, let's see how arrogant you can be!!" The beastman Gu Immortal shouted, devouring with a frenzied gaze, his eyes were reddened.Soon, Gu Immortal Spectral Soul had only his head left.Seeing this, all of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, along with immortal zombie Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie, were silent.Even though he only had a head left, Gu Immortal Spectral Soul was still calm and at peace."This, what sort of willpower…" Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were lost for words.Earlier, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal who was very confident of the myriad tribulation grey memory saw this and his expression turned dark, he lost his confidence.But at this moment, the beastman Gu Immortal laughed wildly.He laughed in an insane manner, he was so happy, tears were flowing out of his eyes.It was filled with a tone of mockery."Hahaha, you were deceived, but don't be upset, you are the two hundred and seventieth person who was deceived. Hahaha!"Spectral Soul's gaze flashed: "Is this inheritance fake?""Of course it is real! Back then, I cultivated to rank eight, Barbarian Jiu Lie tried to trap me instead of killing me, he was after my food path, hmph! I could not beat him, but he could not obtain what he wanted so easily either. I established an agreement with him, I would pass the food path inheritance to future humans, but not him. And the inheritor must endure my eating test.""After making the agreement, I have been trapped here, many humans came here in order to pass the test, to obtain knowledge of food path. But even Barbarian Jiu Lie could not understand my true ability. Hehehe, my entire body is full of food path dao marks, I have reached a level that has never been achieved by anyone before me. I can consume rocks and wind to fill my stomach. I can even consume Gu worms to increase the dao marks on me. I ate dao marks non-stop, and finally, after a thousand years, I broke the agreement that we had made.""Hahaha! So do you get it? Next, I will eat your head and turn you into my nutrients and nourish me, to allow me to recover. Don't worry, I will remember you, you are one of the most unique among the pitiful people that I have eaten.""So that is it." Spectral Soul still had a plain expression, he was very calm.The beastman Gu Immortal's expression froze, he grabbed his throat, shouting anxiously: "What is going on? What is going on?!"Spectral Soul laughed coldly: "I would never allow another person to determine my life and death. Not to mention an old agreement. You think my flesh is so easy to consume? Every piece of flesh that you eat contains a part of my soul. You are a great expert in food path, but coincidentally, I also have some attainment in soul path.""Soul path? When did such a path appear?! The splitting of the soul will cause you pain that is immensely higher than the tearing of your flesh!""I'll let you know, I am the founder of soul path. As for that bit of pain… only by experiencing it will I enjoy the amazing feeling of killing, isn't that right?" Spectral Soul said as the beastman Gu Immortal's expression turned ashen, he stopped moving.He was dead.His eyes were opened wide, staring at Gu Immortal Spectral Soul.Even though the other party only had his head left.In the beastman Gu Immortal's eyes, there was only fear.

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1015. Scenes of Past Events | Reverend Insanity

Not only the beastman Gu Immortal, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals who saw this also felt immensely fearful."Demon! Demon!""This Spectral Soul is completely crazed, even though there was a cause, he is filled with demonic thoughts, he thinks that nothing cannot be killed, he thinks that the greatest joy is killing, he thinks that the Dao of heaven and earth is essentially killing.""No wonder he could become a Demon Venerable, and caused the greatest bloodshed in the world! Even the pain of tearing his soul apart felt splendid to him. He seems cold and logical, but he is actually crazy to the extreme. Nobody can save him, his mind is incapable of redemption!""I have to agree, an invincible mindset is the basis for becoming invincible. He has such a mindset, it is simply demonic, but because of this, his mind will never waver, everything in this world will only reinforce that misconceived ideology!""The myriad tribulation grey memory cannot stop him. Even though he is not a Demon Venerable now, and cannot be 'physically invincible', he is still mentally invincible!"Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals discussed, they were anxious, fearful, disdainful, and filled with hatred, all of these were on their expressions.Chirp, chirp…Just at this moment, in the sky, there was the clear chirping of birds.Heavenly Court's immortals looked up, feeling great joy."Myriad tribulation!""Another myriad tribulation!""The myriad tribulation grey memory is not over yet, but another myriad tribulation is on the way already.""Spectral Soul Demon Venerable is defying heaven, once he revives, the world would undergo bloodshed again. Heaven would not allow him to do so, thus it caused these immense tribulations. He will definitely not succeed!"The chirping of birds became louder and more frequent.The sky was shining with a jade light.Large groups of birds entered a formation and charged down."Myriad tribulation — Grand Clear Space." One of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals recognized this.They seemed like birds, but it was actually the power of space path. Wherever the flying birds went, space would be cleared out, nothing could exist there, it was a terrifying power that could not be stopped."This is grand clear space? In history, there was a Northern Plains predecessor who failed the tribulation but survived it, with an inspiration, he created the immortal killer move three winged green bird. His descendants obtained it and had once dominated Northern Plains.""That's right, this is the tribulation!"Under the expectant gazes of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, the jade flying birds flew down, circling around Spectral Soul.Wherever the flying birds went, long and deep wounds were formed, as if they were sharp blades.Wounds soon formed all over Spectral Soul's body, it was a terrible sight.Spectral Soul had no reaction, but Ying Wu Xie was screaming on the ground.Immortal zombie Bo Qing was also showing nervousness on his face.The grey fog surrounded Spectral Soul, its power was seemingly causing him to dwell in his memories.A vast amount of rainbow fog that was thousands of meters tall rumbled in the surrounding hundred li, countless scenes were shown, they displayed Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's rich life experiences in front of everyone.Suddenly, behind Spectral Soul's head, rainbow fog expanded, forming a huge veil that pushed away all of the surrounding scenes.In the image, there was an abundance of green light, this was a green heaven fragment world of the immemorial nine heavens!A group of Gu Masters were inside fighting with a group of featherman Gu Immortals.Spectral Soul, who was still a Gu Immortal, was also among them. He wore a black robe and had black hair that swayed with the wind, killing intent was oozing."Humans, you are too much!" The featherman Gu Immortal leader cried out, throwing out an Immortal Gu House.It was Sacred Feather City.More than ten featherman Gu Immortals flew into Sacred Feather City, as the city burst out with a glorious light.The human Gu Immortals could not beat them, they were utterly defeated.Gu Immortal Spectral Soul was unable to resist the might of the Immortal Gu House, he was heavily injured, barely surviving.Next, the scene vanished, turning into countless smaller fragmented images. Tens of thousands of images surrounded Spectral Soul, encircling him tightly, almost without any gaps.All of the experiences in his life, as long as there were emotions in them, they were shown, everyone was watching with dazed expressions, they could not keep up with the number of scenes.Spectral Soul's entire life was condensed endlessly.Everyone could see that he walked further and further on the demonic path, his killing nature also intensified, as his cultivation level rose.A huge screen of fog was formed, pushing away the surrounding images again.The position was at Spectral Soul's left leg.Seeing this, the immortals had an understanding: The larger the scene that came from the rainbow fog, the more variation there was in Spectral Soul's emotions at the time.Thus, the moment the scene started, everyone's attention was drawn.This was a silver-white space.It was the location of a Thieving Heaven true inheritance.Gu Immortal Spectral Soul barged in, arrogance could be felt from his expression, he spoke to himself: "Thieving Heaven, even though you were a Demon Venerable, you are already dead. Why don't you leave your inheritance to me."However, the Thieving Heaven true inheritances were left for otherworldly demons.Gu Immortal Spectral Soul was not an otherworldly demon, he was not qualified to inherit it.He tried all kinds of methods, but he ended up spitting out blood, his expression was pale as he returned empty handed.…When Spectral Soul became a Demon Venerable, he dominated the world, slaughtering the masses.He stood on a peak, his hair was white as snow.Looking afar, looking at a field of corpses, looking at the perishing life forms.This was recorded in human history, Spectral Soul destroyed a certain super force and slaughtered over ten million people just to obtain lifespan Gu.He played with the lifespan Gu in his hands, while his expression was perplexed.He looked over the scenery, muttering to himself: "Heaven, if you want to kill us, why did you create us?"Even though he had strength that was invincible in the world, he was perplexed.His killing path could not explain this.…Another huge screen of fog appeared.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable came to a Thieving Heaven true inheritance space, the same place he had once went to in his youth.Thieving Heaven's will formed in front of him: "Anyone who can become a venerable has an outstanding aspect. I hope you can be magnanimous and leave this true inheritance for a fated person."Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's hands were behind his back, he had a cold expression: "When I was young, I had desired everything in here. But now, I have already obtained my Dao, no matter how precious the things are here, they are of no attraction to me. I came here because I have a question."Thieving Heaven's will smiled: "I understand. Those who have reached our heights will have questions about heaven and earth. How about this, I will share my experiences with you, as a reference.""Okay." Spectral Soul Demon Venerable nodded.Thieving Heaven's will continued: "You might already know, I am not from this world, I am what you would call an otherworldly demon.""The world I came from is different from here in both its foundation and scenery. To me, I am only a traveler here, I want to go home, I have strived over my whole life for that goal.""My real name is Ben Jie Sun, in my original appearance, I had blond hair and blue eyes. Before coming here, I had a beautiful fiancée, we were preparing to get married. I had a high status in society, that was because I was a mecha operator.""Meka?" Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's eyes were shining with deep interest.Even though he had traveled over the five regions, this was the first time he was hearing about other worlds."Mecha… you can think of it as a puppet, or a suit of armor. A human stays inside and manipulates it to unleash immense battle strength." Thieving Heaven's will explained vaguely.…A moment later, another scene appeared.Within Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable held Giant Sun's true inheritance, looking at it as he sighed deeply: "This possession method can extend lifespan, but possessing a body using the soul is only a desperate method, death is still unavoidable. To extend one's life, lifespan Gu is the best option. The path of a Gu Immortal is filled with calamities and tribulations, it is hard for the body to resist them, and it is hard for the soul to exist independently, the maintenance of longevity means the defiance of heaven… it is hard, hard, hard!"Giant Sun, oh Giant Sun, even if you created Eighty-Eight True Yang Building and attempted to plunder the lifespan Gu in Northern Plains. But heaven's will is vicious, fewer and fewer lifespan Gu are being produced, even if you obtain all of the lifespan Gu in the world, so what?""Heaven's will dictates the production of lifespan Gu. To live a long life, the crucial thing is heaven's will."…At the river of time.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable stood in the air, looking at a red lotus that was floating on the river's surface.His entire body was emitting a thick darkness that was corroding the red lotus.Eventually, after exerting all his efforts, he successfully left a ghost face on the surface of the red lotus."Throughout history, the most mysterious Red Lotus Demon Venerable…" Spectral Soul Demon Venerable sighed, his face was full of fatigue as his eyes shined brightly: "I want to know, why did you purposely stop and leave behind the heavily injured fate Immortal Gu?"A long time passed.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's expression was mixed with shock and bafflement.He muttered."Star Constellation Immortal Venerable truly made a deep scheme!""So only a complete otherworldly demon can thoroughly destroy fate.""Even Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable is only half an otherworldly demon. He is similar to the immortal killer move soul replacement that I created, his soul is from another world, but his body was born here.""I want to extend my lifespan, I have to defy heaven, and go against heaven's will. Unfortunately, heaven's will has no soul, I cannot kill it. Maybe with the help of this Red Lotus true inheritance, I can become half an otherworldly demon…"…In a dark secret room.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable sat on the ground, there were countless Gu formations in front of him.Inside the Gu formation, there were countless corpses, including men, women, young and old, and all sorts of variant humans.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had disheveled hair now, his hands and body were covered in blood, he was skinny like a skeleton, his eyes were deeply swollen, but they were shining with brilliant light.He was staring at a book fixedly.<the legends of ren zu>."The Legends of Ren Zu, The Legends of Ren Zu, to think that I only truly comprehended you today. You are an exposition of human path, you are the true inheritance left behind by Ren Zu.""With methods of human path, I can create a completely new body, after soul replacement, I will become half an otherworldly demon!""Maybe not just that, I can still…""It is a pity. It is too late, it is too late! I am heavily injured beyond treatment, death is approaching me."Seeing this, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were deeply in shock.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable was invincible in the world, but he actually died from injuries. Who hurt him? Or did he injure himself after testing out human path methods?The myriad tribulation grand clear space was still continuing.More than half of Spectral Soul's thousand arms were already chopped off by the jade flying birds. His body was covered in wounds, but he was not resisting at all.

Reverend Insanity