
I write my own talents

In a desolate post-apocalyptic world, where remnants of civilization struggle to survive, a young protagonist named Kai discovers a rare and extraordinary ability—the power to script his own talents for a limited time. Armed with this gift, Kai can manifest incredible skills and abilities, shaping his destiny amidst the ruins. Guided by the ancient art of inscription, Kai learns to write his own talents onto ancient scrolls, each lasting for one month. With the expenditure of experience points (EXP), he can activate and harness these talents, enabling him to overcome formidable challenges and adversaries. However, every time Kai utilizes a newly written talent, he faces a difficult choice: spend more EXP to retain the talent, or relinquish it and lose his level, forcing him to rebuild from scratch. As Kai explores the remnants of the fallen world, he encounters diverse factions, mutated creatures, and enigmatic individuals. Along his journey, he grapples with the ethical implications of his power, questioning whether he should wield such immense abilities and the consequences they may bring. With each talent he writes, Kai not only gains extraordinary capabilities but also delves deeper into his own identity and purpose in this bleak landscape.

Asta_utsugi · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 7 : A Rank Talent

As Kai made his daring escape from the clutches of the relentless monsters, he found solace in the shadows that embraced him. The first time he utilized his shadowmelding talent, a shiver ran down his spine. It felt like traversing through the very essence of darkness itself. The sensation was eerie yet exhilarating, as if he was stepping into a realm where time stood still and reality blurred.

As he moved swiftly from one shadow to another, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The power he now possessed was both thrilling and unnerving. The ability to meld with the shadows granted him a level of stealth and surprise he had never experienced before. However, it also meant delving into the unknown, embracing a part of himself that was inherently linked to darkness.

But Kai was determined to harness this newfound power to his advantage. He knew that he needed to level up and strengthen his talents if he wanted to exact revenge on those who had wronged him. With the A-rank scripting talent he had obtained, he set his sights on transforming it into an SSS-rank skill—a feat that required a significant amount of experience points.

To acquire the necessary experience points, Kai needed to hunt monsters. He searched the area for a suitable weapon and stumbled upon the twin daggers once wielded by the heir of the Veridian household. It was a stroke of luck, for those daggers had been left behind, neglected by their former owner. Kai recognized the significance of this opportunity. With the weapon in his possession, he began to practice, honing his skills and familiarizing himself with the weight and balance of the blades.

Imagining various scenarios, Kai envisioned himself using his shadowmelding talent and the twin daggers in perfect harmony. He simulated different combat techniques, mastering the art of stealth and assassination. He knew that his theoretical knowledge and gaming experience would serve him well in planning his strategies and exploiting the weaknesses of his adversaries.

As the hour of preparation drew to a close, Kai felt a surge of determination within him. He had completed the necessary preparations and felt confident in his abilities. The time had come to venture out and face the monsters that awaited him. But this was not just about survival or leveling up—it was about exacting revenge and repaying the betrayal he had endured.

With a resolute mind and a heart fueled by vengeance, Kai set forth on his hunt. His shadowmelding talent enveloped him like a cloak of darkness, blending him seamlessly with the surrounding shadows. It was a surreal experience, as if he had become one with the very essence of night.

Moving silently from shadow to shadow, Kai scouted the area, his senses heightened and his focus razor-sharp. The monsters he encountered ranged from B to D ranks, and while they may have seemed formidable to others, Kai knew that he possessed the advantage. His combined talent of speed, teleportation, and shadowmelding granted him unparalleled agility and surprise. He struck swiftly and decisively, taking advantage of their weaknesses and exploiting his own strengths.

With each encounter, Kai's confidence grew. He adapted to the unpredictable nature of the battles, refining his techniques and utilizing his talents to their fullest potential. The monsters that once posed a threat now became stepping stones on his path to vengeance.

As he relentlessly pursued his goal, Kai collected the experience points he needed to level up. The monsters fell before him, their defeat adding to his growing strength. He could feel his talents evolving, inching closer to the coveted SSS rank. The sense of accomplishment fueled his determination, pushing him forward despite the challenges that lay ahead.

The journey had just begun, and Kai knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and adversity. But armed with his scripted talent, his shadowmelding ability, and the twin daggers, he was prepared to face whatever came his way. The hunt for revenge had commenced, and Kai would not rest until justice was served.