
I write my own talents

In a desolate post-apocalyptic world, where remnants of civilization struggle to survive, a young protagonist named Kai discovers a rare and extraordinary ability—the power to script his own talents for a limited time. Armed with this gift, Kai can manifest incredible skills and abilities, shaping his destiny amidst the ruins. Guided by the ancient art of inscription, Kai learns to write his own talents onto ancient scrolls, each lasting for one month. With the expenditure of experience points (EXP), he can activate and harness these talents, enabling him to overcome formidable challenges and adversaries. However, every time Kai utilizes a newly written talent, he faces a difficult choice: spend more EXP to retain the talent, or relinquish it and lose his level, forcing him to rebuild from scratch. As Kai explores the remnants of the fallen world, he encounters diverse factions, mutated creatures, and enigmatic individuals. Along his journey, he grapples with the ethical implications of his power, questioning whether he should wield such immense abilities and the consequences they may bring. With each talent he writes, Kai not only gains extraordinary capabilities but also delves deeper into his own identity and purpose in this bleak landscape.

Asta_utsugi · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Shadows of Vengeance

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the desolate landscape. Kai, clad in dark attire, moved swiftly and silently through the shadows. His shadowmeld power was now second nature to him, allowing him to traverse the darkness with ease. The twin daggers glinted ominously in his hands, ready to strike down any monster that dared cross his path.

The forest teemed with creatures of the night, their growls and snarls echoing through the air. Kai's senses were heightened, his focus honed to a razor's edge. He had chosen to target D-ranked monsters, knowing that they posed less of a risk but still provided valuable experience points. His goal was clear: level up his rank and gain the strength necessary to confront those who had wronged him.

Approaching the first unsuspecting monster, Kai blended seamlessly into the shadows. The monster, a grotesque beast with sharp claws and gleaming fangs, sensed a presence but could not discern where it came from. With calculated precision, Kai struck. The twin daggers danced in his hands, slashing and slicing through the air. Shadows seemed to swirl around him, enhancing his movements and adding an eerie aura to his attacks.

The monster let out a pained howl as Kai's blades found their mark. It thrashed and lunged, but Kai's agility and speed surpassed its wildest expectations. With a final strike, the monster fell, dissipating into a cloud of dark energy. Kai absorbed the remnants of its essence, feeling a surge of power coursing through his veins. One kill, one experience point gained.

As the night wore on, Kai's hunt continued. He moved silently through the forest, his shadowmeld power concealing his presence from the monsters. Each encounter was a deadly dance, as Kai utilized his talents to their fullest extent. He disappeared into the shadows, reappearing behind his targets with deadly precision. The twin daggers became an extension of his will, striking true and inflicting fatal blows.

The monsters, once a threat to others, stood no chance against Kai's newfound abilities. He dispatched them swiftly, his movements fluid and efficient. Shadows clung to him like loyal companions, aiding him in his quest for vengeance. With each kill, his confidence grew, and his talents evolved.

As the body count climbed, so did Kai's experience points. One after another, the monsters fell, their essence absorbed into him. He felt the surge of power coursing through him with each victory, pushing him closer to his goal. The once-lowly D-ranked monsters became stepping stones on his path to strength and retribution.

Three hundred kills, three hundred experience points gained. The forest around Kai was littered with the remnants of his conquests. Yet, his hunger for vengeance remained unquenched. The betrayal he had endured fueled his determination, driving him forward. The monsters were mere obstacles in his path, stepping stones on the journey to reclaim his honor.

As the night wore on, the air crackled with anticipation. The forest seemed to hold its breath, aware of the formidable presence that moved within its depths. Kai's eyes gleamed with determination as he pressed onward, his every step echoing a resolve unyielding.

The path to leveling up his rank stretched before him, and he would not falter. The darkness embraced him, empowering him with its secrets and mysteries. The twin daggers in his hands became an extension of his will, tools of retribution and justice.

With each kill, Kai felt himself growing stronger, his talents sharpening like a finely honed blade. The D-ranked monsters were no longer a challenge but stepping stones on his path to greatness. He knew that his ultimate confrontation awaited him, and he would be ready.