
I woke up with a Dating Sim Choice System

Will wakes up one day with a Dating Sim Choice System that's sole goal is to help him achieve his happy ending, but the only problem is that the system has a personality that would even put the Devil to shame. Follow the story of Will as he tries to navigate the thing called 'Love' while being forced to make choices that could turn his life upside down.

RedBloodRabbit · Urban
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14 Chs

I'm Back Baby!!!!

Welcome, my loyal subjects of the underworld.

I'll keep this brief and to the point.

Firstly, I apologize for my prolonged absence over the past few months. Unforeseen circumstances arose that required my attention, including consoling a close friend and working on several private projects that demanded my time.

Secondly, I owe you all an apology. I haven't posted any chapters in the past several months, and for that, I deeply and sincerely apologize. I know I've let you down, and I take full responsibility for it.

But here's the good news, my subjects. Brace yourselves, because I'm about to make it right. I promise you that I'll be back in action and posting chapters very soon. Starting from this coming week, you can expect a regular flow of thrilling chapters to satisfy your cravings.

So buckle up and get ready, because the wait is almost over. The reign of chapters is about to commence once again, and I expect each and every one of you to be eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Cheer me up! With some good old V's and I might just go super Writer, and unleash my ultimate writing speed.

( Chapter 12 release in: »%«)

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