
I woke up with a Dating Sim Choice System

Will wakes up one day with a Dating Sim Choice System that's sole goal is to help him achieve his happy ending, but the only problem is that the system has a personality that would even put the Devil to shame. Follow the story of Will as he tries to navigate the thing called 'Love' while being forced to make choices that could turn his life upside down.

RedBloodRabbit · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: System Store (Not Edited)

"What the fuck" I couldn't help but voice my thoughts while looking at the objectives that the task required me to complete.

"System, do I have to do all these objectives to complete the task?"

[ That's correct, Host, but don't worry, I'll make sure that you can complete these simple objectives without any problems. ]

I couldn't help but twitch my mouth while hearing what the System had to say.

Simply it says, huh, well, SIMPLY MY ASS, nothing of those Objectives are simple; how the hell am I supposed to find an old Hermit hiding deep in the mountains in Swallow forest when there are literary fucking bears and tigers roaming those mountains, oh and let's not forget that if I had to profess my love to upperclassmen, not only would I get rejected I'll be scorned and possibly beat up for that love confession, so no thank you I'm not in the mood to face a bear or a tiger, nor am I ready to possibly get my ass handed to me by the other male students.

"System, is it true what the 'Relationship Status' showed?" I had to ask this question again as it has yet to completely sink in.

[Host, as I said before, I, as a system, would never alter nor can I change any thoughts that people would have towards the Host; all their thoughts about the Host are their own opinions. Now Host, please stop pestering me about such insignificant things and get some Objectives completed. ]

"...." This damn System definitely has a personality problem.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, System, what are DS Points, and why do I have 669 of them?"

[Host, are you an imbecile or did your brain cells die faster than a decaying corpse? DS Points are known as Dating Sim Points, which you can use to buy items in the System store, and the reason why you have 669 Points is that I felt sorry for you and hope you would use those Points wisely.]

This damn System is definitely an Insult System made to insult me. Damn it, my heart is paining from all the insults I've received in just the last few days due to this System.

"System, you didn't have to insult me, you know."

[Host, it's not an insult if it is a fact. ]

"..." Deep breaths, Will, deep breaths.

"System, can you please open the System store"

{ System Store opeining }

Current DS Points: 669

Available Items: 3

Item 1: Charisma Level Increaser Elixir x2

Description: Need help with your Charisma? Then look no further; with the Charisma Level Increaser Elixir, you will be on your way to handsomeness in no time.

Cost: 200 DS Points

Item 2: Social Level Increaser Elixir x5

Description: Struggling to properly converse with someone due to a low Social level? Then look no further; with the Social Level Increaser Elixir, you could sweet-talk a model into doing a strip tease show in a matter of minutes.

Cost: 120 DS Points

Item 3: Musicly Level Increaser Elixir x17

Description: Want to be able to understand music better? Then look no further; with the Music Level Increaser Elixir, you will be able to understand and possibly produce your own music in the future.

Cost: 100 DS Points




[Yes, Host?]

"what's up with the salesman's description of each item."

[Host, don't ask a rhetorical question that will get you a rhetorical answer.]

You know what? I may need to get life insurance if this System keeps up at this pace.


"Hmm, System, purchases 2x Charisma Level Increaser and 1x Social and Music Level Increaser."

[ Purchases have been successful. Please look in the inventory for purchased items.]

"System, open the inventory and withdraw all recently bought items." I need those items as soon as possible, as it will help with want I got planned.

[Items withdrawn. Host, please look at the table on your right for the items.]

"Thanks" I immediately grabbed all three elixirs and drank them with hast. I could feel a slightly warm fuzzy feeling in my body for a moment.


[Congratulations, Host, on Leveling up on Charisma, Social and Musical skills! Due note Host that even with this slight improvement, you are like a tiny fish who just figured out that it can eat its own faeces to survive.]

I felt sick when the System mentioned the part about the ' tiny fish who figured out that it can eat its own faeces to survive'. What the fuck, System who gave you such a dirty mouth?

"System, who gave you such a shitty personality?" I voiced one of my internal thoughts out loud.

[Well, Host, that would be you! I got my personality based on how you view yourself.]

"I call bullshit on that!! Why would I have such a shitty view of myself?" I slightly raised my voice after I heard why the System has such a shitty personality.

[Host, do you remember a few days back when you read the thoughts of what people thought of you in the 'Relationship Status']

"Yes, I remember. I remember how I felt after I read their thoughts about me and how they viewed me as a piece of faeces. I was angry at first and felt that I wanted to just run up to my pearents and confront them about what they truly felt for me, but before I could.. I broke down, and all the emotions I felt at that moment exploded like a flood that had finally found its release.

"System, what has that got to do with anything?"

[Host, after you read their thoughts about you and broke down, you started to subconsciously believe that you deserve to be treated like a piece of trash, thus empowering the negative thoughts that you had about yourself already, hence my attitude towards you.]

"Huh??" How the hell I'm I the cause of how you treat me.

"So, is there any way for that to change."

[Host, the only way to change my attitude towards you is to increase all your stats to Level 20, and only afterwards will 'you' start viewing yourself as something else.]

"So basically, your saying I have to increase all my statuses to Level 20 just to view myself as a normal human?"

[ That's incorrect Host. Once you reach level 10 in all statuses, you will then reach the level of an average human. Only when you reach Level 20 in all statuses would you be at the level of an above-average human.]

"Let me guess, the only way to increase my statuses would be to complete the tasks and objectives you assign me, correct?"

[That's correct Host, so I suggest you start on your objectives soon to increase your statuses level sooner.]

"Fine, but could you show me my status, please"

[Status Opening]

{ Status of Will van Starlit }

Name: Will van Starlit

Age: 16

DS Points: 49

Relationship: Single

{Status Skills)

Academic Skills:

Level: 4

Rank: Elementary School Level

Comment: You'll barely survive with this level of skill. Even if you were in elementary school, you'd be dead last if not kicked out of school!

Physical ability:

Level: 4

Rank: Weaker than a starving Chicken

Comment: If you ever go to a chicken farm, make sure to wear protection, as even a starving chicken could defeat you with a single peck!

Artistic Skills:

Level: 5

Rank: Worse than a baby's doodles

Comment: When you try to draw a portrait of a person, instated of a portrait that shows the person you drew, you draw an ugly doodle of an unknown object instead!

Music Skills:

Level: 10

Rank: Music enjoyer

Comment: You have finally grown out of your phase of the song, baby shark, and can enjoy average songs like a normal human.

Social Skills:

Level: 4

Rank: Insults instead of words

Comment: Rather than talking, keep quiet and practice your Social skills with yourself with a mirror.

Charisma Skills:

Level: 4

Rank: Ugly, as the word implies

Comment: Rather stay locked up in your room and spear everyone from seeing your ugly mug than scare them for life.

{ Status Closing }

"Not much improvement, but it's still better than nothing. So System, when can I start with the task's objectives?"

[You can start right now, Host, if you want, you can begin whenever you wish.]

"Alright, I'm ready."

Hi everyone, hope you all enjoy this chapter, and sorry for the info dump. Please let me know in the comments where I can improve and what you think so far based on chapter 1 and 2.

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