
I woke up in body of five year old girl...

Qinlin open her eyes and find herself laying in the middle of forest she was confuse as for why she is laying here. she was well known for her talent of medicine and weapons not only that her talent in cultivation is also envies by other's. but she died while facing tribulations of ascending celestial king resulting in her death. the original owner was daughter of rich family her father was well preserved in medicine, her second uncle were merchant while her third uncle was martial art teacher. but everything was destroyed when someone put an eye on their secret medicine prescription resulting in there downfall. qinlin along with her four siblings roam in wilderness, running away from scammer but when she came over she help her siblings leave comfortable life. her eldest brother was well preserved in poision and medicine. she has art of both healing and killing. third sister know every single information about the place which she want to know. forth brother is expert in making weapons. her fifth sister take total diffrent path and become a scholar... but why a certain emperor nephew is sneaking around her house what does he want..

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Mo Xing...

Early in the morning lingxi came at there home with his whole family he told her that his mother has agree to be nanny of qinque.

His mother surname is Su and everyone call her aunt su his younger sister name is lingning and she is only five month old.

Lingxi is the eldest son, lingxu is the second brother, lingyu is the third brother and following by there sister lingning.

Lingyu had been assign has personal male servant of qinye while lingxu is going to be personal male servant of qinling.

As for lingxi he is going to be manager of the shop that qinling is planning to open after the drought aunt su will not only take care of qinque but also cook for them.

In the afternoon she went to the teahouse and found Mo chu seating with another women who seem to be fourteen year old.

When she reach the table both get up from there seat in the form of greeting she wave her hand in response.

"No need to be formal with me" she seat down on her chair and look at both of them they call the waiter and order there food.

No one spoke first qinlin continue looking at the young girl no chu has sense the weird tention in the air so she keep quite.

Its was a awkward silence in the air finally it was the young girl who spoke first since she is one hear who want work.

"My name is Mo Xing I'm older sister of mu chu I heard from her that you had job for us" she nodded her head.

"Well I want a personal maidservant for me and my little sister" as for qinque she is still very young to have one.

No xing pause for a sec before speaking "why you want us I mean you can buy slaves without having any worry of being betrayed"

She smile at her and spoke "well I can buy a slave but they will be an illiterate and I want someone who know how to read"

Mo xing raise her eyebrow "since you know I can write you should also know that I can copy books to make money this is also good job for me without being a servant"

She lean on her chair and shudder "well if you don't want to work as my servant then it's your wish it's not like I'm forcing you"

Mo xing nodded her head and spoke "you must has heard that our parents had sold us right" she raise her eyebrow at her lazily.

"Well it's our stepmother who want to sold us to an old master as his concubine I get to know about it and run away with my sister"

"She is still searching for us if she get to know that you had hired us she will surely try to make trouble for you it's much better for you to hire some slaves to do work"

She lean her body toward the table and rest her chin in her palm "well why are you telling me your life story"

Mo xing was taken back she don't know why but when she look at her eye her heart felt like telling her everything.

She don't knoe why she felt like that but from what she has heard from her sister and what she has observed.

The girl is not someone who will go around telling people there secret she felt relax when she thought about it.

"You are too lazy to do that" she laugh out loud and clap her hand "well you guess right I'm too lazy to do that"

Mo xing smile at her they talk with each other few two hours before parting there ways in the end mo xing agree to work for her even mo chu want to work at her house.

She happily went to her house both of them will came here tomorrow she has already informed qinling about it.

He had no opinion about it and let her do whatever she want when qinqin get to know that she is going to have personal maid she was very happy.

After eating there dinner they all went to bed in the middle of night she woke up from dripping sound outside of her room.

She drag her sleepy body toward the window and found out that it's raining a smile appear on her lips.

It's has been three year in this area since rain fall here looking at the rain that's falling from the sky it suddenly felt relax and happy.

With this rain the drought will be ended and farmers will again grow grains on there field the problem of food will be solved.

With a happy smile she again fall asleep when she wake up in the morning the rain has stopped.

After having her breakfast with her siblings she went to the teahouse today both mo chu and mo xing will start working here.

When she reach there she saw them standing outside of the tea house with there clothes and stuf.

After exchanging formalities they had all seat inside the carriage and went toward her house in the way they talk about alot of things and all.

When the time they reach the house the sky already has darken she let both sister share a room after placing there things.

They all settle down to eat there dinner since five of them are master they eat first on dinning table.

But others eat eat in there room since it's has been rained last night everyone in the village were happy.

Everyone gather at the only cherry blossom tree on the entrance of the village they seat there and chat they all didn't join.

Everyone fall asleep early in the next morning everyone were busy doing there stuff and all.

Mo xing was surprise to know that she is studying medicines but didn't comment on it and silently do her work.