
I woke up in body of five year old girl...

Qinlin open her eyes and find herself laying in the middle of forest she was confuse as for why she is laying here. she was well known for her talent of medicine and weapons not only that her talent in cultivation is also envies by other's. but she died while facing tribulations of ascending celestial king resulting in her death. the original owner was daughter of rich family her father was well preserved in medicine, her second uncle were merchant while her third uncle was martial art teacher. but everything was destroyed when someone put an eye on their secret medicine prescription resulting in there downfall. qinlin along with her four siblings roam in wilderness, running away from scammer but when she came over she help her siblings leave comfortable life. her eldest brother was well preserved in poision and medicine. she has art of both healing and killing. third sister know every single information about the place which she want to know. forth brother is expert in making weapons. her fifth sister take total diffrent path and become a scholar... but why a certain emperor nephew is sneaking around her house what does he want..

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Job offers...

The girl Mo chu is only seven year old two year older then her and lingyu she and her sister both were sold by there family.

Her older sister and she some how manage to run away from there few days ago she and her sister has been working to feed themself.

The eldest brother of lingyu name lingxi sigh "currently drought is going on lot of people are selling there children just for steam bun"

She was shock now she know why her older brother seem to be very worried with scarcity of food the price had raisen alot.

In this situation it will be not long before they will not able to buy food even with money in there hand.

"Well miss Qin thank you very much for treating my brother" she wave her hand indicating that's its fine.

"You don't need to thank me I just did what I can do" he smile at her suddenly her eyes lit up she turn toward Mo chu and ask.

"you said you and your sister are having hard time feeding yourself" Mo chu become confuse but she still nodded her head.

"Why don't you and your sister work in my house we will give you place to live, food to eat and some salary too"

Mo chu was stunt she become tempted by her offer she know that qinlin is not bad human if she is then she don't have bother to help them.

In the end she sign "well I will talk to my sister about it then answer you if it's okay with you" she nodded her head.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and qinling enter the room he was taken back when he saw lot of unfamiliar faces in the room he give her confuse look.

He seat down after knowing what had happen he was stunt he look at her then at the girl name Mo chu.

"You said that you and sister were sold and you are having hard tume feeding yourself then how did you pay for the room"

Mo chu was taken back she biteher lower lip and reply "well my sister is good at calligraphy so she copy some books and earn money"

She raise her raise "so both of you are literate" she pause before nodding her head she know that the girl is lying.

Not only she know how to read and write but her way of speaking show that she had receive lot of lessons about it.

The girl skin is also smooth not rough like farmers although her skin is slightly tan but she pair of almond eyes and cheery lips.

She can tell that she belong from wealthy family so in other words the girl is lying about it but she don't care about it.

She told qinling about her offer of hiring Mo chu she had notice lingxi hesitating to speak she give qinling a look he understood her signal and spoke.

"Well Mr. Ling if you want to say something please speak without hesitation" lingxi pause her sec before sighing.

"Well young master Qin honestly speaking I was thinking if you want to hire me I can do any type of work"

Qinlin had accepted this just the fact that lingxu had try to steal already tell about there situation qinling frown and look at her.

In reality he don't see any problem in him but the drought had done lot of damage food is become scared if he take them in then he had to feed them too.

He felt someone hand on his he lower his head and saw her hand on his he turn to look at her she didn't say anything but smile.

He take a deep breath before nodding his head lingxi become excited as he get up from his seat and start bowing him.

They quickly stop him "well brother lingxi how many are there in your family" she ask him curiously.

"Well we are five people my mother, me, my second brother, third brother and my sister we has just born few months ago"

Qinling pause before hesitating lingxi saw this smile "well if you have anything to say you can say it without any hesitation"

Qinling show embarrass look on his face she roll her eyes and spoke "well our younger sister need someone to breast feed her ask your mom if she is willing we will pay"

Lingxi was taken back his face turn red in this era boys usually don't talk about these things but she spoke without hesitation.

Well they can attribute it to her young age lingxi cough and spoke "well I will ask her if she is willing" qinling thank him.

They all eat there food and leave the teahouse lingxi told them that he will came to there house tomorrow.

Mo chu also promise to came tomorrow and reply to her offer they all part there ways and went back to there own house.

Qinling look at her and ask "what do you think of that little girl" he know very well that his sister had stayed with second uncle.

So she is more sensitive toward people that why he ask her opinion "that girl is not lying but she is not completely saying the truth"

"We will get to know about it tomorrow if she want to work for us she will surely tell us who she is" he frown at her words.

"Why do you think so they can also choose to remain silent and work" she shrugged "well it's not like we can read there mind can we if they want to harm us it's almost impossible"

He raise his eyebrow ather and ask her curiously "and why do you think so that they will not able to harm us if they want to"

She look at him and reply casually "well I will let qinqin spy on them" qinling roll his eyes "she is going to love this job" she chuckle.