
I woke up in a beauty reversed world (on-hold)

Isaac, a severe looking college student, had been shunned or feared by his peers his entire life due to his fearsome appearance. Isolated from everyone else, he focused on his physical fitness, and his love for reverse beauty standard fantasy novels. He dreamed of a world where he would be considered attractive, or popular. One Friday night he was reading one such novel when he drifted off to sleep, but when he woke up he wasn't in his dorm room, instead he was inside the bedroom of a very nice apartment. It turns out that Isaac had been transmigrated into a world that mirrored the stories he loved so much, not only that but as it turns out he was now considered to be among the most attractive men in the world. Follow Isaac on his journey of love, confusion, and strange comedic situations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter uploads are released at least twice a week, and will usually be released 1-3 chapters at a time depending on the length of chapters.

Atlas_Williams · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: The Most Awkward Interaction Ever; Part 2 (Maya’s POV)

(Maya's POV)

My name is Maya. Today I moved into a new apartment. For the first time in my twenty-one years of life I was free to live on my own and do as I please. Needless to say I was extremely excited at the prospect, not only of living alone, but being able to make friends with my neighbors.

Sadly my excitement was short lived, because the whole situation got out of hand when I knocked on the door of the person who lived next to me. I was expecting another woman to answer, maybe someone close to me in age who I could befriend and hang out with after work; or do things with on the weekend.

What I didn't expect however, was for an extremely handsome man to answer the door when I knocked. He was tall and muscular, with a well defined and extremely serious face. His eyes were a piercing gray-green color that seemed as though they could bore a hole directly through my soul if I allowed them to.

My excitement turned to panic and nervousness at a moment's notice, and I suddenly felt my face becoming hot. When he tried to greet me all I could offer in return was an incoherent string of mumbles and words that likely made absolutely no sense to him, though I'm pretty sure I managed to get the words "new neighbor" out somewhere along the way.

Clearly sensing my panic, he spoke to me calmly with a small, almost entertained looking smirk on his lips, somehow his calm demeanor in the situation allowed me just enough composure to greet him normally, albeit much more slowly than I would normally speak.

After my greeting, he told me his name was Isaac, and that it was nice to meet me. Falling victim to my nerves I only managed a single nod before I rushed off in embarrassment back into my own apartment.

Once back inside, I pressed my back against the front door and sank to the floor, my knees giving out on me after the encounter that I had just finished.

I was sure he thought I was pathetic. A girl that looks like me showing up on his doorstep only to greet him nervously and then rush away before even so much as engaging in pleasant conversation. Hell, I thought I was pathetic.

For a good long while I just sat there, back pressed against my front door, staring off into space and recounting the embarrassing first meeting between Isaac and myself.

Unfortunately, I'm considered to be a very ugly woman, with my symmetrical face and soft feminine features, so it comes as no surprise that someone as handsome as Isaac would hold zero interest in me. That thought was likely what spurred on my initial nervousness, causing me to act like a fool.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally got up from the floor and went about unpacking my belongings so that I could fully, officially consider myself moved into my new apartment. Maybe on another day I would try greeting Isaac again, or apologize for my behavior, that is if I can work up the courage to do so. If I can successfully speak to him again without him slamming the door in my face or laughing at me like I'm some sort of sideshow act I'd consider it a win.

One thing stuck out to me during my botched greeting though; the entire time we were face to face I never sensed even a hint of disgust From him. He didn't look horrified by my appearance or even particularly bothered that I had interrupted his morning with my greeting. That and the fact that he spoke calmly and kindly toward me, without a hint of malice in his tone intrigued me.

I chalked that up to wishful thinking though. There was no way that I was reading the situation correctly, in all likelihood I was just imagining it. A person who could find someone like me desirable to be around or attractive? That was most definitely a fantasy concocted from reading too many romance novels coupled with a heavy dose of loneliness. I shouldn't delude myself, it would only serve to build me up unnecessarily for an inevitable downfall that would only hurt me once again.

Clearing my mind of all thought, I lost myself in unpacking as time flew by. Eventually I found myself reclining on my sofa as I heard the door to the apartment next to me open and close, signaling that Isaac had either returned home or was going out for the day. Either way simply hearing that noise sparked my mind back into a whirlwind of unattainable fantasies.

If I hadn't already signed a six month lease on this apartment I would definitely be looking for somewhere else to live right now. I'm not sure if I can handle the embarrassment of facing Isaac again, let alone the possibility of running into him any time I leave my apartment.

Maybe I'll become a shut-in and rely on grocery delivery and takeout until one of us moves away or the world ends, whichever happens to come first.

Yeah…. That sounds like a good idea.