
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: First Blood.

The next day, after checking out of the inn and saying our good byes to Bunji, Mikoto and I blended back into the normal crowd of the capital. Following along with the crowd, we made our way toward the gate.

Seeing the busy capital city on our way out really drove home the fact that this is a real world. I don't remember clearly if the capital of the Land of Fire were featured at all in the canon anime. It's at least canonanical that the Daimyo doesn't live in Konoha so a capital city must exist right?

Well whatever the case, I'm glad I decided to come out of Konoha at this time. This is my chance to sight see and familiarize myself with the world outside of Konoha. Once Canon start, I won't have too many chances to sneak out like this.

All around us, the crowd continues to move toward the gate. The merchants, leaving after filling up with goods purchased here in the capital. Local farmers returning to their farms and villages with empty carts having sold all of their products. It didn't take Mikoto and I too long to reach the gate and even shorter to leave through it as apposed to entering.

A couple of hours of walking later, as various people split off here and there, we are finally alone on the road. At our current pace, it would take us another half day before we arrive at Tanzaku Quarters. Of course, if we were to run at our top speed we would get there within a couple of hours. But we're in no hurry right now so it's fine to just walk there leisurely.

Looking over, I can see that Mikoto has already taken off her traveling cloak. Currently, she's in her Ayane disguise. Particularly, she's wearing the floral deaigned lavender backless battle kimono from Dead or Alive 4. She also has the lavender thigh high socks and arm sleeves.

As for me, I'm just wearing the classic black falcon outfit from the Ninja Gaiden games. Which features the modern black ops Kevlar body suit, ninja tabis, head piece, a Kakashi style mask, and proper shin/forearm guards. And on my back, where Ryu normally keeps his Dragon sword, I have a replica of his dragon sword. From outer appearance alone, it looks just like the Dragon sword except it's just a normal sword. It's not even made of special chakra metals or anything special.

Together, Mikoto and I sure stand out quite a bit. Which is a good thing. Since I'm hoping that this will at least intimidates the weaker mooks from bothering us.

While continuing our walk toward the Tanzaku Quarters, I am finalizing our plans for this last remaining year. Sneaking out of Konoha and posing as a couple of rogue ninja bounty hunters is a good way of amassing both resources and fighting experiences. But I should also use this opportunity to develops relationships and contacts with various underworld forces too.

I don't have enough time nor the expertise to build an entire spy network from the ground up like Jiraiya. But it won't hurt to have contacts at least with some information brokers around the various nations.

What else do I need to set up with this opportunity outside of Konoha? Thinking Back to all of the spy novels and James Bond movies of my previous life, I remembers that all these spy type had safe houses. Places that they've set up to be untraceable back to their real identities where they can retreat to in an emergency.

Even Orochimaru must have a bunch of secret bases and safe houses all over the place. So I should set some up for myself as well, just in case things go south in Konoha. Worst case, Mikoto and I could kill Danzo and then flee Konoha.

Hours went by as I walked deep in thoughts and plans. Eventually I feel Mikoto tugging on my arms.

"Ne ne Onii-Chan. Something's weird ahead. I can smell blood." Mikoto informed me while sniffing the air.

"Alright let's check it out. But keep your guards up." I said as we sprint forward with Mikoto leading the way.

A couple of minutes later, we sees a bunch of broken carts and carriages discarded to the side of the road. We quickly stopped along the side the road to investigate the wreckage. The smell of blood is quite thick here, even I can smell it now.

This must be a trade caravan that was ambushed, judging by the number of carts. Looking up and noting the position of the sun, at the pace we were walking earlier, we are at most only a couple of hours from Tanzaku.

"Whichever bandit group that did this is quite bold. They were either real lucky or confident that they could pull this off before some else stumble down this road." I mused out loud.

"See if you can pick up a trail Mikoto. This couldn't have happened too long ago and given the amounts of carts, there must be a good amount of loots that they would have to haul away. So there are bound to be tracks left behind." I ordered.

"Yes Onii-Sama." Mikoto replied seriously. Her normal teasing tone no longer presents.

Meanwhile, I continued looking around. I feel like I'm missing something. Looking around, trying to figure out what it is that's bugging me about this scene.

And then it hit me. It's too clean. Everything is too clean. Where are the bloods? The scents is thick in the air but the wreckage is spotless. And then where are the bodies? These many carts means it was a least a medium size caravan. Have to be at least ten people not including the animals to pull the carts.

So again, where are the bodies?

Could they have taken the bodies away with them? No, why take the bodies? To hide evidence? But then the destroyed carts is still here and so is the heavy smell of blood.

Looking further around the wreckage, paying close attention to the ground in particular. I notice something odd. The ground is fresh. And I mean fresh as in it looked like it was freshly laid down. As if someone brought new soil and spread it across this particular section of the ground.

Making a couple of quick hand sign.

"Doton: Trap Hole Technique."

Using a simple D rank earth jutsu I dig a hole here where the fresh soil is at. Normally, this low rank earth jutsu is used in the field to make small holes to trap animals or even latrines. The size and depth of the hole created simply depends on how much chakra the user inputs.

Peeking down into the hole, which isn't too deep, I can see various bloody limbs sticking out. The dirt at the bottom of the pit is noticeably darker shade from the amount of blood soaking in. And immediately, with the open hole, the scent of blood in the air grew even more pungent.

So that's one mystery solved. Whoever ambushed this caravan buried the bodies here. But that then raises another question. Why? Why go through the trouble of burying the body?

We're only a couple of hours walk from Tanzaku Quarters, so the chance of another group walking down this road is not small. So why waste the time and effort of burying the bodies?

"Unless… it didn't take time and effort at all to dig a hole and bury the bodies." I thought out loud. If there was a ninja among the group, particularly a ninja that can use earth releases. Everything would fit.

This group must have at least one rogue ninja. Possibly even two, one with earth release and another with water release to clean the blood. And they must not have any body who can do wind releases to disburse the heavy odor of blood in the air.

All of this points toward a bandit group probably being led by two rogue ninja that are at low chuunin level at most. A Jounin, even as a rogue ninja, wouldn't have made such an amateurish mistake.

Just as I've finished my investigation of the scene, I noticed Mikoto returning to my side.

"I've discovered where they are heading Onii-sama. There tracks lead Southward toward the mountain range. The tracks are still somewhat fresh. Not more than half a day old." Mikoto reported.

"Alright, lead the way Mikoto." I said as we shunshin off into the trees.

As we tree hops our way toward where the bandit's hideout. I had thoughts about one final possibility. Admittedly, what we stumbled upon was due to an amateurish mistake on the bandit's part that no trained Jounin level shinobi would've made. Unless that mistake was purposefully made as a trap.

We are deep in Hi no Kuni, the land of Fire, and Tanzaku Quarters is one of the major town with Konoha and the capital not too far away. So one can imagine that such blatant bandit actions would cause for an mission to be issued to Konoha. And most likely, something like this would have either a chuunin squad sent out or even Genin squad with their Jounin sensei on their first C-rank mission.

After an hour of tree hopping through the dense forest of Hi no Kuni, we arrived just outside a small clearing nestled in between a mountain valley. In the back of he clearing, is a large cave opening with two bandits standing guard at the entrance. Bandits and caves, how cliche. Almost makes me feel like I'm in The Elder Scroll universe and not Naruto.

"Make sure no one escapes Mikoto. I want to handle this by myself." I said to Mikoto as I take out two kunais. I had wanted to get experience and this is the perfect chance. Whether it's a trap or not, I have confidence that I will be able to handle anything that will happen in that cave.

"Good luck Onii-Sama." Mikoto replied.

Steeling my resolve, I threw the two kunais forth. Each one targeted the throat of the two bandits guarding the entrance. Before they had even realized that they were under attack, I had rushed forward across the clearing toward the cave. My kunais having also already hit the targets preventing them from alerting those inside by the time I reached the mouth of the cave.

Looking down, I can see the two unfortunate bandits clutching at their throat struggling to draw breaths as blood gushes out. Seeing what I had done and smelling the metallic scent of blood slowly rising in the air, I can feel slight nausea rising in my throat. But now is not the time, forcibly pushing my hesitations back down, I rush into the cave.

Just like what I've learned playing Elder Scroll games, all bandit caves are dark and gloomy and this one is no different. With the exceptions of some torches I can see no other sources of light.

Stealthily, I make my way deeper into the cave. I've passed by a couple of large rooms that looks like barracks for the bandits' sleeping area with no one inside. Another large chamber that looks to be a place to prepare foods, also empty of people.

The original cave might or might not have been natural, but these side chambers are definitely man made or ninja made. The side chamber have entrances at the perfect height and the chamber itself opens up wide to accommodate large groups perfectly. Nothing is that perfect naturally. These side chamber were probably carve out using some kind of earth jutsu.

As I begin to wonder where everybody is, I start to hear noises further in down one of the branches. Following the noise, it begin to sounds like the bandits are having a large celebration tonight. I hear a lot of laughters and hollering, sounds of merrymaking.

Sticking to the shadow of the hallway, I peek into the large chamber hosting the large celebration. This was a much larger chamber than the others I've passed by. There are torches and chandeliers around the room providing lightings. They even have a large fire pit in the center where a large animal is being roasted above the pit.

As for the bandits, I can count roughly 15 bandits from my current location. They're spread throughout the chamber either eating, drinking, or generally being loud and boisterous. Toward the right side of the chambers, I can see 5 women of varying ages being played with by the bandits. Unfortunately, I've arrived too late to prevent their fate. The five women I can see no longer struggles against their captors, resigned to the situation.

But their presense complicates the situation for me greatly. I won't be able to just throw out attacks and Jutsus indiscriminately. I will have to be strategic in my attacks. After a short moments to collect my thoughts and plans, I decided on a plan of attack.

Checking my pouches to make sure I had everything I needed. Taking a deep breath and activating my Sharingan, I was ready.

'Go!' With a mental signal I dashed forward from the shadow of the hallway. Before I had even gone pass the door into the chamber, I was already throwing forth my shurikens and kunais.

With surprise on my side, I burst into the room along with a storm of projectiles in the air. It was a show of absolute precision and mastery of the unique shurikenjutsu of the Uchiha clan aided by the dynamic vision granted by the Sharingan.

It was truly amazing to see as I flew through the air while spinning and throwing shurikens. In my eyes, everything was happening as if in slow motions. I can see where every bandits were in the room. Where my thrown shurikens were in the air. Picking my targets, I released even more shurikens as I spin to see all around the circular chamber. Throats, hearts, and other vitals were targeted.

All around the chamber, death rained down on the bandits. In the air, shurikens and kunais flew about, some right toward their targets while other bouncing against each other midair in order to hit their intended targets from more optimal angles. Amidst the storm of deadly projectiles, 5 hidden senbon needles flew through the air and striking the 5 civilian women. The senbons, laced with quick acting sleeping drugs would put them to sleep and ensure that they won't panic and get themselves hurt.

After what felt like an eternity to me, I finally landed near the center fire pit on top of one of the large table. The once loud and boisterous chamber now filled with silence and the occasional soft groan of the bandits bleeding out and dying all around. I've also deactivated my Sharingan since I don't want this identity to be associated with the Uchiha. And only another Uchiha with a Sharingan would've been able to notice my eyes earlier as I spin around in the air, so I'm assured that my secret will remain so for now.

Looking toward the far back of the chamber opposite me, I can see a dirt wall risen where one wasn't before. It seems the two rogue ninjas were able to react in time to erect a wall for defense. Though from the look of it, it's not even a rock wall. It looks to be a dirt wall packed together with chakra for a little added durability. Just enough to prevent my shurikens from penetrating through.

I hadn't thrown with my full power since my resistance and weight seals are still active. Not to mention I hadn't even imbued my weapons with any chakra natures. I do know wind and lightning releases, either of which would've punch right through that dirt wall.

I watch silently as the dirt wall crumbles to reveal two scraggly looking bandits. They certain looks like the stereotypical mountain bandits, with their animal leather clothes and dirty tangled hair from not having been washed for probably months. One bandits was down on one knees with palms pressed to the ground. Presumably he is the one that erected the dirt wall. The other bandit leader, standing slightly behind, was looking around at the carnage I left in my wake. From how red his face was getting, I bet he's about to explode with anger any moment now.

"Who the fuck are you!? Do you know who we are!?" The standing leader yelled out loudly. His face red with anger as he stares at me with utmost hatred.

"Me? I'm just a regular bounty hunter. And should I know who you are?" I replied casually and calmly. Seriously, is this guy alright in the head? Does he not see what I've done to all of his minions around the room?

"A bounty hunter? Rahahaha! It's about time we get the recognition we deserved! We are the Terror of Tanzaku! The Rocks Brothers!" The loud bandit leader declared. Becoming somehow emboldened by my mention of being a bounty hunter.

This is so ham and I am so confused. Did I somehow travel to an alternate universe of One Piece without knowing where everyone is obsessed with bandits instead of pirates?

I better end this comedy before one of them start declaring about dreams and Bandit Kings.

"Yea, sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know about any bounties. I just stumbled upon your handy works and decided to follow the tracks here." I informed them while maintaining my stoic facade.

Before the two idiots could even react, I had lightning shunshin right up to them. Channeling lightning chakra through my sword, I used a quick sword draw slicing both of their heads off. It was good to know that this wasn't some elaborate traps designed to lured in Konoha's ninja teams.

Turning back around I walked toward the 5 sleeping women to check if any of them were too badly hurt. Seeing that they were ok physically despite their harrowing ordeal, I'll leave them to Mikoto to take care off.

"Mikoto, take these five to one of the barrack room. Clean them up and take care of them until they wake up." I said to Mikoto knowing that she was already here.

"Hai Onii-Chan. I'll take good care of them." Mikoto replied as she beginning tossing dead bandits away and checking the girls more thoroughly.

As for me, seeing as we won't be making our ways to Tanzaku Quarters today, I decided to look around and generally keep myself busy.

Sigh, so much for a leisurely walk toward Tanzaku.

Hey Guys! Long time no see. So I’ve been busy with my second jobs.

I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t stopped writing. Those of you who stuck around and waited, I appreciate all of you.

Enjoy the chapter and don’t forget to leave comments and criticisms. I enjoy reading all of it.

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