
I Woke up as A Middleschooler

Discontinued until further notice! Disclaimer: It is my goal to make something unethical, immoral, etc, so odds are, you'll find things to go along with that. Aki Himura was once a generic background character, living his life as a high school student on the cusp of graduating, then, in a sick twist of fate, he woke up as a middle school-aged girl.

TwistedDragon · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: A Girl's Body!?

(Quick note: I will refer to Aki as a female (girl) after he realizes his sex changed, also, the only reason I refer to him as a she is because the biological sex was changed : )

Aki groggily awoke as his vision is flooded with information. 'Something feels weird...' He thought as he sat up. He looked around his room. 'Messy as always.' He thought as he quickly scanned the room, looking at his desk, chair, bed, and floor.

'Hmm...' His internal monologue continued as he put his hand to his chin. 'That doesn't feel right.' He thought as he looked at his hand. 'Small.' He thought. 'I should probably look in the mirr-' He was thinking, but his internal thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an alarm clock that went off right next to him.

He reached for it and waved his hand expecting to make contact with his clock, but he did not. 'My reach is shorter as well...' He thought as he looked in the direction of the clock. He sighed, then crawled a bit closer to it to turn it off.

As the relief of silence began to set in, his door opened abruptly. "Aki, wake up you have sch-" His mom said as she entered and saw Aki on all fours, hand still on the clock. "I didn't realize Aki had a guest over, and a young one at that, sorry." She said sheepishly with confusion as she exited and closed the door quietly.

'That seems bad... But also, what did she mean? I mean, obviously, my appearance changed, but how much? I seem younger?' He thought as he moved into a sitting position, holding his feet off the edge of the bed, then got off the bed.

He walked over to the door and opened it. As he looked into the hallway, he saw his mother standing in front of the door, staring into space with a shocked expression. After a moment, she looked down at Aki.

"Excuse me, do you know where Aki is?" She asked as she crouched slightly to match Aki's height.

"That'd be me." Aki said blandly. 'My voice is higher than before... Almost girlish...' He thought

"So you two even have the same name, how strange..." She said. Aki shook his head.

"No, I am your son." He said with the same bland tone. The sound of a relieved sigh was quickly heard.

"Thank goodness, I thought you were a lolicon for a moment." She said with a relieved tone as she relaxed a bit.

'Lolicon...?' He thought. "Wait... I'm a girl...?" He asked reluctantly as he took a half-step back from his mom. His mom nodded with a light, relieved smile. 'Why isn't she questioning this? I feel like she should be even more worried considering her son was just turned into a girl!' She thought to herself as she began to freak out, though there were no physical signs of her thought process.

"Well, breakfast is ready, come down once you're dressed, also, put some pants on, that shirt may cover a lot, but it'll be a bit breezy without underwear." She said as she walked down the hall. She looked down.

'Oh, I only have a shirt on...' She thought as her vision floated over to where her pants and underwear are just sitting on the ground. She went over to her dresser and grabbed a white shirt, then fashioned a loincloth out of it, promptly leaving the room afterward.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, he went straight to the dining room and sat down. "So, how did this happen?" She asked. Aki shrugged.

"I don't know, it's pretty obvious that I had no clue I had changed." She said. Aki's mom quickly thought back to when she was at Aki's door and how there was no expression or particular reaction from Aki.

"Really?" She asked in a surprised tone. 'Certainly fooled me...' She thought as she looked at Aki. "Maybe it's related to that thing they found in Tokyo?" She suggested.

"Oh yeah, the government's been pretty tight-lipped about that, haven't they?" Aki asked rhetorically.

"Well, that aside, you can't go to school looking like that..." Aki's mom said. Aki nodded in agreement. "We also have to deal with your sister and father... I wonder how they'll react to this..." She wondered.

"Probably with more emotion than you did." Aki said with a blank stare.

"Well, prior to finding out, I had thought my son was actually a dirty lolicon and brought an underaged girl into the house, so excuse me for not reacting the way you thought I should." Her mom said with an annoyed tone.

"Fair enough." She said blandly. "I am wondering though, what were you planning on doing if that was the case?" Aki asked.

"I would have been very polite to the girl and had her leave, then scold you and ban you from the computer until you graduate, amongst other things. After all, the girl didn't do any wrong in the situation as she wasn't the near-adult." She explained. Aki nodded.

"Yeah, that would make sense. Anyway, back to the previous topic." Aki said.

"Yes, your sister and father..." Aki's mom said as she trailed off. A moment of silence fell onto the room. "Your sister is at school and your father is at work... But once they come home, we'll certainly have to explain, won't we?" She added.

"That sounds... Difficult." Aki said as she began to think a bit. "What if I stayed upstairs until they get home, then, you explain it to them and have me come downstairs?" Aki suggested.

"They would certainly be shocked, but it's easier than explaining why there's a random middle school girl in the house." Aki's mom said. She sighed. "I'll call your school and tell them that you got sick, in the meantime, you should eat and then go upstairs." Her mom said as she stood up.

Aki nodded as she finally looked down at her bowl of rice with natto. 'Neat.' She thought as she began to eat.

For my character, Aki, I am going to say hi- ahem, her, name is is spelled using the Kanji for myself and hope, essentially meaning my hope.

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