
I Will Protect You This Time

How far can you go to protect the one you love? Warning: Story contains extreme violence, gore and things that might be considered as ra*e. FYI, it won't have much smut scene. Yeah. So don't expect much. Artworks are by Bee

Haru_Minami · History
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360 Chs

Chapter 3: The Banquet (Part 2)

Episode 07

(Even Flowers Wither Without Care)

! Warning !

This episode contains strong language, violence and abuse which might be traumatizing for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.




After a while, Rubena returned to her room. Her maids were already informed that she will be going to the Greycastle Duchy. So they started to prepare her.

She had already taken a bath. And as she was sitting on a chair, some maids were giving her foot massage and cutting her fingernails.


"Yes, My Lady."

"Call Anne."


After that Rubena's personal maid, Clara bowed and left the room. She has a neat appearance, unlike the other maids.

Shortly after, Clara came with Anne.

Knock* Knock*

"Come in."

Soon after, Clara entered the room and stood behind Rubena.

"Greetings, princess."

Anne greeted Rubena while bowing.

"Hmm. Raise your head."

"You asked for me, princess?"

"Yes. Inform me about everything she did after waking up."

"She didn't do anything in particular. After she woke up, I brought water for her to wash her face. Then-"

"Was it cold?"


"Good. Continue."

"Then His Majesty's aide came and informed her about her schedule for today."

"Pfft! Ahahahhah! Can't believe it's her last day here! It would have been nice if I could see her getting out of this empire! But alas! Hahahaha~"

The room filled with Rubena's laughter.

Anne was actually working for Rubena to spy on Isabella. Rubena wanted to make Isabella's life a living hell without dirtying her hand.

Rubena made sure she couldn't eat anything and asked Anne to always bring her rotten food. Giving her cold water to bathe, wash or drink. Putting wet firewood in the winter so that she couldn't light the fireplace. Even stamping out the fireplace on a cold snowy night.

And one day at a banquet, she crossed her limit…

< That time Isabella was still chasing after Roberto. And some Aristocrats were talking about how Isabella didn't deserve Grand Duke Roberto.

"How is it that Lady Isabella is engaged to Grand Duke Silverwind, not you Princess!?"

"I know right. She doesn't deserve him!"

"Princess Rubena is so beautiful and innocent! Whereas Lady Isabella is so evil! Princess Rubena matches perfectly with the Grand Duke."

"Oh, Ladies! You mustn't say that. My sister will hear you. She will be disheartened!"

Rubena replied to the other ladies with an innocent face.

"You are such an angel caring about such a person!"

"She knew you and the Grand Duke loved each other but were still trying to seduce him."

Isabella was then having a drink, standing at the corner of the banquet hall. Of course, she heard them all. It was nothing new for her.

Suddenly she saw Rubena coming towards her.

"Sister, don't mind them! They were just jesting."

In reality, Isabella knew it was nothing like that. A Joke about a Royal family member is considered a capital offence. And the Aristocrats never even addressed Isabella as a princess.

"It's fine."

"Oh, sister! Are you having a drink?"

"Umm. Yes."

"Can I see the glass?"


But when Isabella was giving her the glass, Rubena jerked Isabella's hand and the drink splattered on her face.

"Ahh! Sister! How can you do that?! I was just apologizing. I understand that you are angry but still! How can you splash your drink on me!"

Rubena started screaming and crying loudly to gather everyone's attention.

"What? I-"

"How evil!"


"Poor princess Rubena!"

"She was apologizing even though it wasn't her fault."

"Our poor princess."

Mutter* Mutter*

The whole banquet was filled with everyone muttering and disgusted look.

That day when Isabella returned to the palace. She was beaten badly by Mathias.

Whip* Whip*

"I didn't do anything! Aghh!"

"You disgusting creature! How dare you lie!"

Whip* Whip*

"Aghh~I am not lying! I promise!"

Whip* Whip*

"Shut your disgusting mouth!"

Whip* Whip*

"How dare you do that to my precious Ruby!"


"I didn't! Sob* Sob* Aghh!"

"You're still lying!"

Whip* Whip*

"Aghh~ I'm sorry! I won't do it again."

In the end, she had to apologize for the thing she didn't even do.

She was beaten until Mathias was out of energy. Her skin was ripped off from different places. After beating, she was locked in a dark room without any windows. There wasn't any source of light or air to get in that room.

They didn't give her any food or water for days. After a few days, she was taken back to her room. Then a healer came and healed her wounds.

From then on, she apologized for things she didn't even do. >

After Rubena laughed her heart out and asked Anne,

"Make sure to give her the BEST food today. It's her last day here. So Let's make it memorable, shall we?".

"Yes, Princess."

"Oh, and make sure that she takes you to Fellmirr with her."


"I wish Mother was here. She would have been so happy!"

Rubena's Mother the second Empress Helena was on a vacation in the Royal Family's Beach Villa. She is a terrible person. Mathias had another concubine and they had a son. But Helena murdered both of them cruelly.

"Anyways that Fu*ing bit*ch is finally leaving this place. Roberto can finally be mine. That wh*re, who knows how she seduced Roberto."


Suddenly a maid that was cutting her fingernails cut one nail a bit longer. Her distorted expression that looked like an angler fish turned into an innocent face in an instant.

"Ah! Forgive me, princess! I have committed a great sin!"

The terrified maid kneeled and started asking for forgiveness.

"Sigh~ Anne, go back to her room. And make sure she takes you with her."

"Yes, Princess."

"And keep an eye on her. Who knows when she will try to run away! I will never marry a monster! They are ugly and fat! That bitch and that monster suit each other perfectly, don't you think so? Hahaha!"

"You are right, Princess."

"And if she runs away, you will have to pay for that, Anne. Now go."

"Y-yes, princess."

Then Anne bowed and left the room. After that, Rubena looked at the maid and said,

"Oh, dear! It's okay! Clara, take this poor girl outside. She appears to be very nervous.".

"Yes, My Lady."

"Thank you, princess. Thank you so much for forgiving me. I won't make such a mistake again."

"Oh, don't mind that."

After that Clara took the maid away from Rubena's room. The next day the maid quit her job. It is rumoured that her fingernails were ripped apart by someone and she was in a devastating state while leaving the palace.

Shortly after Clara left with the maid, Rubena departed for Greycastle Duchy.




After Albert left the room, the maids started to bring pieces of jewellery and other accessories to my room.

"You should eat something first, princess."

"I am not hungry."

"You are not allowed to eat for the rest of the day. We need to make sure you look perfect."

A middle-aged maid said firmly.


"Princess, His Highness ordered you to look perfect."

"... Bring me some fruits."


After that, some maids brought some fruits in a tray. I ate some apples and grapes.

Shortly after, Anne came to the room with a trolley filled with food.

"I brought food for you, My Lady."

"She can't eat now."

The middle-aged maid replied. She was a Senior maid. The other maids who were working here were under her authority.

"Why not?"

"I don't think I have any obligations to inform you about that."

"But My Lady, I worked so hard to bring these for you. How can you not eat?"


Before I could say anything, the senior maid said,

"If you want to lose your job, go ahead and give it to her.".

"I-I apologize."

"It's okay. You don't have to scold her. Anne put these here and go."


Anne replied with joy.

Actually, even though the foods look like delicacies, Anne mixed a potion on the food that will cause severe stomach ache.

"Oh, My Lady. I want to tell you something in person."

"Hmm. Leave us alone for a minute."

The senior maid glared at Anne for a moment, then left the room with other maids.

"What is it, Anne?"

"My Lady, please take me with you in Fellmirr."

"What? No."

I can't take her to a dangerous place like that.

"No! You have to. I want to serve you for the rest of my life. I can't leave you alone to go to an unfamiliar place."

Anne started to act all pitiful. She was pretending to cry.

Sob* Sob*

"Sigh~ Okay. Go and let the butler know that you will be coming with me."

Hearing that Anne was overjoyed.

If she goes to the Fellmirr Empire with her, she can do whatever she wants with Isabella. And Rubena won't be there to order her around. She could take Isabella's jewellery as much as she wanted.

"Yes. I will go and tell the butler right away."

Saying that Anne left in a hurry. After that, the maids who were outside, came in right away and took away the food Anne brought.

'Well, I'm not that hungry, so it's fine. And Anne isn't here, so she won't know.'

"Princess, you need to take a bath now."


Then the maids started massaging my body using different kinds of ointments, oils and herbs. After that foot massage, hair massage, face massage and many more massages using herbs and ointments I've never seen before.

First, they gave me a bath using milk, then Rosewater. I had to bathe two times. Then they put perfume on my hair and body. It took 6 hours to complete all the massages and bathing. I was exhausted.

But the result was visible. My skin was glowing. It was soft like cotton and smooth like silk. It's as if I touch my skin, it will melt. And my slightly curled hair became straight. I couldn't recognise myself after seeing the mirror. It's like I am another person.

Rubena is famous for her innocent face. She has baby pink hair and puppy eyes like her grandmother, Dora Greycastle. Male aristocrats of Loire are head over hills for her. Although in reality, Isabella is the prettiest. But without care, even flowers wither.

However today after all that care, her beauty blossomed like flowers. Her rosy cheeks, red lips, her golden hair, long golden lashes… everything about her was mesmerizing.

So much so that, even the maids who looked down on her, were blushing. Maybe because of that, they were preparing her gently.

It was afternoon. Suddenly the sound of trumpets and drums were heard. I guess the Crown Prince of Fellmirr and his group have reached the capital.


I really am leaving this place tomorrow.