
I WILL NOT be neglected

wisteria had always known that she was not wanted by her family. She was still a kind child. At the age of 17 when she was presented the chance to make her life better and stand on her own feet. Wisteria took the chance and went abroad. For eight years, she struggled trained herself hard, and now she is back with her space ring, which has countless top-notch treasure and her world wide known businesses. she now has a family to love and the people who adored her. She did not had anything missing. Then one day one mistake made herself loose control and Now. She is facing this man. “ What is wrong with me? Why am I unconsciously doing Wrong to this man ?” “ I wish I could compensate” she thought compensating him would be easy as she had many things that other people covet. . . . Why is this man making me responsible for him? “ hey, wait wait WAIT, Look, I have some treasures you can have it and let me go” The man just looked at her and replied, “ You have caused me so many troubles, You need to be kept on constant watch, Be responsible for me and marry me. You cannot be left alone anymore you will burn down the world.” wisteria knew he was right, she Has caused him many troubles, but that does not mean she asked to marry him. OR does she have to? *confused*

Tanya_Srivastava · Urban
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7 Chs


Wisteria Held the handle Of her door, she looked back to the figure who has entered his own penthouse. She also went in her own house.

She took a very quick hot shower and changed into some simple Casual clothes. It just took her 20 minutes to get ready to see more serious. She did her actions very fast.

She went out of her penthouse and student front of the man's door, wisteria took a deep breath to calm her herself down and rang the bell of his house.

She stood there for approximately 7 to 8 minutes, waiting calmly.

Maybe he is changing.

After some more waiting, the door opened, she was going to open her mouth to Apologise but her words got stuck in her throat when she saw him in front.

The man stood there with only one towel that went around his waist, and another towel which she was using to dry his hair. Mysterious eyes could not leave his upper body.

Lord, the abs.

Wisteria FOCUS, look at his eyes and not anything else.

The man gesture her to come in while trying his hair. He sat on the Sofa and again gestured her towards the seat in front of him.

Wisteria took a breath and started to apologise, " look, Mr., I am so sorry about my actions. I really did not target you. I am also not a clumsy person. I really do apologise for my behaviour. If you feel I could compensate you."

" Killian Rei Heartze , my name" , Killian told her his name when he never let people know his surname that easily, he was also a little shocked by himself but he did not show it.

" oh,okay, Mr. Heartze , I Truly apologise, this hotel is mine , As a compensation, if you agree, I would like to make your stay free of cost from now on till the time you're staying here. and if you need anything, you can tell me or any staff here, we will try our best to satisfy you." Wisteria thought of the best to apology is to compensate in any manner and this was what she felt was the best way here.

Killian did not think anything that happened was that much of a huge mistake but he did want to have a peaceful stay here," I do not need your compensation. It would be enough if you could just not make my life miserable and not turn me into a joke."

Killian really wanted to know the name of this beauty infront of him sitting with shyness and still excluding the air of confidence and gracefulness.

" I think this will be enough, miss..?"

She remembered that even after all this she did not introduce herself properly to him,

" Wisteria, wisteria long Dinaro, you can just call me wisteria in short"

"Yes, miss wisteria, we Established that I do not need any compensation." He again made himself clear to her

"As you wish, but the offer is always open, if you need anything just ring the bell,"

She stood up and went forwards to shake hands as if it was a deal done and dusted, but how could her luck be just like that with this man,

She shook his hand after he got up but the moment they ended their handshake, wisteria 's hand went another way taking away killian's towel which was around his waist.

Killian did not wear anything beneath the towel, he is now standing butt naked infront of an attractive women, while her eyes are open wide with apology and embarrassment looking at him, at his body in whole.

Wisteria, after the shock reeled in, turned around and ran towards the door to go out while shouting," I am so sorry".

After she felt, Killian saw himself and remembered her face when she looked at his brother, he felt a little embarrassed, his ears turned red after seeing himself getting excited ;


" you really are my nemesis miss Wisteria,"

As he said that he wore his towel and went in to change into some clothes.





Wisteria ran back to her room and covered herself Inside the blanket on the bed, it was a first time for her to look at that thing.

She never had a boyfriend, she was never intimate with anyone, she did not have time to watch things as she was busy with training's and business, she knew how it was supposed to look but she never saw the real deal.

Is it supposed to be pink?

It looked smooth and soft though.

Never thought something that big could be hidden in a pant.

I mean it doesn't feel possible.

"Aaaaaaaaah, keep that image out of your brain, stupid, FOCUS ON YOUR MISTAKE, that too again, "

She felt like crying, nothing goes her way when that man is infront.

Can I even apologise now?





At night she got a call from her another assistant, sheng,

"Boss, now that you arrived here, everyone wants to know the mysterious brain behind the agricultural and wine chains all over the world, they prepared an noble elite party, you have an invitation, would you like to attend?"

wisteria always knew that someday she has to show her face, it has been approximately 5 years for her, after opening these businesses and not showing who she is,

"I will attend, email the invite to me, prepare the dress and everything, when it's time."

"Yes boss it's this weekend , I will sent people to dress you up?" Sheng asked;

"Alright" , wisteria quickly replied;

"Wait a min, sheng, how do you think one should apologise if they did something wrong to another person?"

Sheng was puzzled,as their boss, wisteria always felt like such a perfectionist and someone who had never made mistakes, but still she answered her best,

maybe boss is for someone else ,

"Boss, apology should be heartfelt, I think if someone gives me roses, I will surely forgive them"

Wisteria nodded on her side," good, alright,

For the dress, make it….."

"Yes, I know make it black and gold, I know you Boss, do not worry", sheng replied with a smile.