
I WILL NOT be neglected

wisteria had always known that she was not wanted by her family. She was still a kind child. At the age of 17 when she was presented the chance to make her life better and stand on her own feet. Wisteria took the chance and went abroad. For eight years, she struggled trained herself hard, and now she is back with her space ring, which has countless top-notch treasure and her world wide known businesses. she now has a family to love and the people who adored her. She did not had anything missing. Then one day one mistake made herself loose control and Now. She is facing this man. “ What is wrong with me? Why am I unconsciously doing Wrong to this man ?” “ I wish I could compensate” she thought compensating him would be easy as she had many things that other people covet. . . . Why is this man making me responsible for him? “ hey, wait wait WAIT, Look, I have some treasures you can have it and let me go” The man just looked at her and replied, “ You have caused me so many troubles, You need to be kept on constant watch, Be responsible for me and marry me. You cannot be left alone anymore you will burn down the world.” wisteria knew he was right, she Has caused him many troubles, but that does not mean she asked to marry him. OR does she have to? *confused*

Tanya_Srivastava · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


It was already night time, having the habit of eating healthy, wisteria did not eat the food she brought from outside today. Wisteria made herself some simple healthy dishes and thought of washing down it with some wine.

After making herself the dinner, wisteria noticed that she did not have any wine to accompany it with. She called the housekeeping service to stock her wine cabinet.

After a while, the bell rang. She went to the door and opened it. It was the manager of her hotel,

"Apologies Boss, only of your favourite is left"

The manager, Luca, answered her while he presented her with the bottle.

"It's fine, just stock it up later", wisteria replied calmly; she did not like people entering her home without any major reasons so she just talked to him on the door.

"Boss, I brought he opener, I could open it here if you want ", Manager Luca asked.

Wisteria had no choice in this matter as her opener is somewhere she does not remember after all the shifting.

"It's alright, give it to me, I will open it. Then you can take your opener back."

Wisteria took the bottle and set the opener properly on the cork and the mouth of the bottle, now she just had to pull it out.

The moment she pulled the cork off the bottle the door of the penthouse in front opened and a figure walked out, he was on a call with someone.

The cork flew towards him and hit him square in his face. The cork where struck on his forehead made a red mark.

Killian, who was on call, did not get to express his feelings, he was on a important call, he just wanted to go out and have dinner. But the moment he came out, he was hit on his forehead. He looked at the cork which was on the ground then at the woman in front which caused him to face different types of pain.

Wisteria saw what happened, she squeaked out a bow and sorry to him then in a hurry she turned around and entered her room, taking advantage of the fact that the man was still on phone even if he was glaring at her.

Why god, why am I such a klutz.

And why he is always there….ughhh.

After wisteria ran away into her room. Manager looked at the tension and hurriedly went away as to not get noticed.

Killian thought that this must be gods way of testing his patience.

It is alright, my house will be ready in some days, I will shift there and NOT FACE THESE THINGS ANYMORE.

he glared at the door of the opposite penthouse and narrowed his eyes.

"Hello, hello, Rei?…. You still there?", the man on the other side of the phone asked;

"Yes,… speak" Killian answered and continued listening to his friend while walking away.





After hearing the person walk away, wisteria quickly let go of the breath she was holding.

Thank god, atleast he did not make a fuss.

It was a genuine mistake on my part.

Wisteria thought of how she was a person with values, had everything , she also had Manner and elegance, she was trained in everything but how could she be so uncoordinated and make anyone her victim

Not once but twice.

I will be more careful, atleast he is a good human, he did not make it an issue. I will pay more attention and behave nicely.





Next morning, it was a grey cloudy day, it felt like it would rain today.

Ha, I love this weather.

She liked roam and have fun in the rain without keeping any worry about anything.

I will go take a long drive. The sky, the clouds, the music, hopefully the rain and me.

She got ready in casual attire. Wisteria had a self upgraded version of Mini Cooper shipped here already, she just did not see the need to use it before, but now she saw the weather and thought of their minime, her car.

Wisteria told the manager to get her car ready.





She came down and took the keys to her minime (me-knee-me) from Luca and drove it away.

She chose the scenic view route little outside the city, the curved roads leading to the top of the mountain. It had started to shower a little on her way back, she opened her roof , and enjoyed the ride with the gentle rain drops falling down on her. She blasted the music and enjoyed her was back.

Wisteria did not notice when she arrived near her hotel. The rain had stopped by now . When she saw the her home she closed the overtop roof, her speed was not fast but she, by mistake, totally not her fault, splashed the puddle filled because of the rain water.

The man walking on the roadside near the hotel got splattered with the rain water stilled frozen for a second.

Wisteria quickly called the manager out, and got out of the car in a hurry, "I am so sorry, i did not mean to do that, please let me help you ….." wisteria words got stopped the moment she looked at the face of the person she splashed,

"Its you" she exclaimed;

"Did someone order you and put you up to this, you know , making my days miserable?"

Killian asked genuinely,

He knew he was in a business where people could do anything, but this was new way of making someone feel disturbed.

"I could seriously pay you more, just stop your antics" he asked her.

Wisteria wanted to cry but had no tears, on one side she wanted to laugh at the coincidences and his wet cat look and on the other side she was sorry for being responsible for his look , and the car incident , AND the cork accident.

By this time the manager had come out, she asked Luca to take her keys and car away for cleaning.

She turned towards the man,"you should change first, then we will talk, please?" She made a concerned face.

Killlian thought that she was right about changing and looking at her clothes which were little see through, he could understand that she was wet because of the rain, he did not know why but her figure, her curves were very much visible, and he did not like it one bit.

He does not understand why but it was irritating him a little, the thought of her being seen by the people before and now on their way, it was disturbing.

"Let's go change " he agreed and walked a little infront of her, hiding her figure.

Wisteria did not think much of this, she was still thanking him in her heart for handing this matter calmly;

Hah, atleast he is a considerate person, he might just forgive me.