
I will Love You Forever

MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. We are married and belong to each other but how come I don't remember being married at all? Ayla, a beautiful girl from Salem village losses her mind when her stepmother sells her to an old ugly man, Mr Parker but following a series of massacres in the village, on the day she is supposed to be given to Mr Parker, The monstrous werewolf, Gerard Jarek claims that he would only stop the attack as long as she is given to him as his wife. What would Ayla do to escape the clutches of this beast? Would she accept him as her husband or find another way. Is she as innocent as everyone thinks or is she a badass girl with an innocent face? New book here. Do well to vote and enjoy. PS, This book cover isn't mine shout out to the owner.

May_lion · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Wait... wait we are in the car.

"Ah..." I was expecting to hit the ground but I fell on Gerard instead and I must commend his stamina.

My head hit his chest and I was worried that he would get hurt. When I regained my balance, I looked up at him and felt awkward.

"I am sorry." Gerard looked lost for a second but in the next minute, he nodded and held my hand then walked me into the arcade.

We arrived in the parking lot and there was very little light coming in so I'm guessing his allergy to the sun did not affect him.

As we walked into the arcade, I realized that everywhere was just as dark as the apartment the only source of light was from the bulbs that hung from the ceiling and it looked like a place that Gerard would definitely go to because there was no sunlight. This dark thing was still a mystery to me.

"Umm... Do..." I began but he cut me short.

"Gerard... Call me Gerard." I blinked twice but then regained myself and responded.