
I will Love You Forever

MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. We are married and belong to each other but how come I don't remember being married at all? Ayla, a beautiful girl from Salem village losses her mind when her stepmother sells her to an old ugly man, Mr Parker but following a series of massacres in the village, on the day she is supposed to be given to Mr Parker, The monstrous werewolf, Gerard Jarek claims that he would only stop the attack as long as she is given to him as his wife. What would Ayla do to escape the clutches of this beast? Would she accept him as her husband or find another way. Is she as innocent as everyone thinks or is she a badass girl with an innocent face? New book here. Do well to vote and enjoy. PS, This book cover isn't mine shout out to the owner.

May_lion · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Should I just walk around in my bikinis?

Diana paced around the house confused about where her brother could have gone. She tried to get information from the staff but none of them would give her an appropriate answer.

She was worried because he never left home unless it is very important and due to the curse, his movements have been restricted.

She was worried that he would see the sun and it would have grave consequences.

A sigh left her lips as she tossed and turned on the bed. She didn't know where he could be because there were so many residents that were under his name so he could be anywhere at this moment.

A knock came from her door and she immediately went to get it hoping that there would be news about her brother's whereabouts.

Immediately she opened the door, she began to ask without even knowing who was standing there.

"Have you found out where my..." when she finally looked at who was standing there, her eyes darkened.