
I will Love You Forever

MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. We are married and belong to each other but how come I don't remember being married at all? Ayla, a beautiful girl from Salem village losses her mind when her stepmother sells her to an old ugly man, Mr Parker but following a series of massacres in the village, on the day she is supposed to be given to Mr Parker, The monstrous werewolf, Gerard Jarek claims that he would only stop the attack as long as she is given to him as his wife. What would Ayla do to escape the clutches of this beast? Would she accept him as her husband or find another way. Is she as innocent as everyone thinks or is she a badass girl with an innocent face? New book here. Do well to vote and enjoy. PS, This book cover isn't mine shout out to the owner.

May_lion · Fantasy
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200 Chs


The driver drove for a long time but I didn't get exhausted and just watched the scene through the window.

Beautiful and gigantic buildings. I couldn't even see the top of these buildings from where I sat and was fascinated by them.

Back at Salem, we only have small houses and the biggest was Mr Parker's house which was like Gerard trash house.

Seeing all these buildings were like a dream to me. I only used to see them on TV and paper but I must admit that they look more beautiful than I had ever imagined.

"Maam, would you like something to drink?" Lucy asked but I was too engrossed in the scene before me that I didn't even hear a word.

But she didn't ask any further and just kept quiet. It didn't take long before the car stopped and we got to Essence multipurpose shopping mall.

"Maam, we are here." This time, I heard her and a smile flashed on my face. I was so happy to finally come out and not just to any place but to a place I've never dreamt of coming to in my entire life.

The driver got out of the car and held the door for me to come out. It was then that I saw the building properly. It was super tall and I couldn't guess how many floors would be there.

"This way ma'am." Lucy showed me the way noticing that I was staring at the building as I had come from another timezone.

I took a step forward then noticed something. I turned to Lucy with a serious expression.

"Maam, is there something you need?" she asked worried by the expression on my face.

I faced the entrance and spoke. "Please address me as Ayla when we are alone. Calling me ma'am or my lady sounds too distant."

I didn't even wait for her to say anything else before I walked into the mall.

It took some time for Lucy to tag along but she did eventually. I knew she was surprised that that was what I wanted to say to her but the thing is, Lucy is older than me by a few years and I find it rather awkward that she refers to me with all these strange titles.

We first walked around the mall without knowing what to buy. All I wanted to do was admire the beautiful sight. In fact, I didn't have any plans of buying anything because to me, I had enough already and this was just an outing nothing more.

"Maam... Um sorry Ay... Ay..." I turned around and sighed when I noticed that she was finding it hard to call my name.

"It is fine, just call me Ali... Is that okay?" I raised a brow to get an answer and I got a nod instead.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"Well, this cloth looks amazing and it would go well with your skin," Lucy recommend and plain pink gown with silver shoes.

I smiled. Indeed, it was beautiful but I didn't like the colour because it looked too girly and pink wasn't really my thing. I would rather go for colours like black, white, grey or any mature colour but certainly not pink.

"It is indeed very pretty." I took it from her hand but instead, I placed it on her body to size it while she stared at me confused.

"We should take it for you..." immediately those words dropped from my lips, I realized that I had no dime with me and I was sure that Lucy didn't have money with her either.

I leaned in close to her and whispered. "Why did you even bring me here in the first place? I don't have money to buy anything."

I felt silly right now and to make matters worse, the sales reps have been staring at us from the very moment we entered this section of the mall.

Lucy smiled but I didn't see it and just panicked. I placed the gown carefully in its former position and tried to pull Lucy away but she didn't budge.

This time around, I felt like a frustrated scary cat. " Lucy, I know you like the dress so much but I don't have money with me and..." I checked the tag and saw the price, "500 dollars? Even if I sell myself and my father's entire fortune, I still wouldn't be able to pay for this."

Although I was whispering, some sales reps took it upon themselves to move closer so as just to hear what I was saying.

"No Ali, that's not the issue. You..." Lucy was trying to explain something but I just couldn't hear a word. This is the first time I'm coming to a mall and I wouldn't want to get beaten for theft.

"Madam, if you are not getting anything, you can use the door as you can see, these as top-notch clothes for only elites in this society and..." she looked at me from head to toe before completing her sentence. "You don't fall into that category."

Immediately she said this, everyone looked at me and the other sales reps began to laugh amongst themselves.

I had never felt so humiliated in my entire life but this was rather fun to me. At least, I'll have a funny story to tell my children when they nag me about coming to the mall.

Lucy lost her cool and walked up to salesgirl who just finished speaking. "You... Do you have any idea who you are talking to? This is Ms Ja..."

I placed my hand on her shoulder and shook my head indicating that it wasn't worth it.

Another roar of laughter started again. "Let us go," I told Lucy but Lucy was so adamant and wanted to teach all of them a good lesson.

Outside this section, doctor Qin watched the whole scene unfold and called Gerard immediately.

A cold voice came from the other end. "Speak."

"I know you are busy but I just came to the mall now and..." doctor Qin tried to explain what he saw in detail but Gerard cut him.

"Go straight to the point." his cold voice sounded even cooler than before.

"Fine fine... It's Ayla." just as Gerard suggested, he went straight to the point and decided to omit the necessary information.

"What happened to her?" Gerard's voice was icy and Qin could feel his body shivering even though Gerard was far away.

"You said I shouldn't beat about the bush and I have gone straight to the point," he murmured but spoke knowing fully well that Gerard heard his former words.

"She's here at the mall with one of your staff and you won't believe what is happening..." Qin wanted to start saying his nonsense when Gerard angrily cut him short.

"What mall is it?"

"Huh... Um... Essence." Qin answered unsure why Gerard wanted to know that when he was talking about something more important.

"So as..." Qin wanted to continue but the call was disconnected by Gerard.

"Punk! A thank you wouldn't hurt." Qin snared and chuckled before walking into the mall.

"Run along now Lucy... Or else, you might just steal something here. I'm sure that your poor hands are itching." the sales rep began again and this time, I lost my cool.

I pulled Lucy behind me and a smile appeared on my face as I face the sales rep. Sigh "I should really applaud you for your good eyesight. You can see properly and can even tell if someone's hands are poor."

I clapped my hands and continued as she snared at me. I spotted her name on her uniform and continued. "Look here Theo, a mirror is right behind you and since you are so good at telling someone's status, I guess you should look at yourself first."

Instinctively, she turned and looked at the mirror but then turned back and wanted to say something when she spotted a handsome renowned doctor walking into their section.

"Mr Qin." doctor Qin looked at her and I also turned to look at who she was talking about. His face looked so familiar but I couldn't remember where u saw him and right now, I didn't care.

"Ah... It's Mr Qin. What brings you here?" she hurriedly left her counter and walked straight to him like a duck in the Mississippi River.

Lucy snared at her but didn't bother to look at who she was talking to. All the other reps were also surprised to see one of the most wanted bachelors in country C standing right in their mall.

Immediately she drew closer to Qin, he moved back and covered his nose. "Sis, how are you managing to breathe the same air as this girl? Damn!" He put on a disgusted look and looked like he was going to faint anytime soon.