
I will be the strongest flame user

mob_mobbers · Fantasy
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25 Chs

the sun shimmers as mark hides

"wait I have an idea!" mark jabs a tree with a swift movement and the tree falls. Mark grabs it and uses it as a umbrella "must suck being a vampire ay" "paige I've been vampire for one thousand years and it does suck, being immortal is a double edged sword like yeah you live forever, but then you realise you live forever watching your loved ones die, wandering this earth for so many years." Mark's eyes tear up.

the three enter the town and as they can see it's a town thriving in resources with miners come out of the mine covered soot with mine carts filled to the brim with gold, silver, bronze and all kinds of minerals. shrunaks face is ecstatic he had never seen so many in one town

"there must be a war coming or they want to sell to other towns and form a alliance ?" paige remarks as if she had seen this before "my town could use some of these ores might buy some" shrunaks mouth grin ear to ear "paige can we buy some stuff?" shrunak asks. paige looks into her satchel "yeah thankfully we have enough for an umbrella for mark and that's it" shrunak's face full of gleam quickly turns to a face full of sadness.

"welcome what can I get you?" the store clerk asks " oh just an umbrella please because it looks like its gonna rain" the store clerk looks confused "ma'am to me it looks like it ain't gonna rain, are you okay?" paige doesn't know how to tell the clerk she's travelling with a vampire "uhhh well ya se-" "you're travelling with a vampire aren't you" paige slowly walks over to the umbrella rack and grabs one and as she turns back she see's the store clerk is Wielding a broad sword.

"aww hey there kitty." mark spots a white fluffy kitty "and what's yours name?" mark pats the cat on its forehead. "oh nice a cat may I pet it?" shrunak holds his hand out and then the cat walks over and rubs their head against his hand... Mark's eyes water from the betrayal of what he thought was a friend "how dare you betray me I should dig my finger into your sku-" "mark dude calm down it's a cat some people have dog energy or cat energy" shrunak says whilst the cat sits on his shoulder. paige runs out the shop umbrella in hand.

"GUYS RUN!" she yells at the top of her lungs with an angry store clerk "oh that's why come on mark, you to kitty." shrunak grabs mark and runs " so what happened paige? "well mark being a vampire he doesn't seem to like." the store clerk throws a knife at them hitting mark in the back "AH shit! that fucking hurts." mark rips the knife out and he quickly regenerates

the three keep running until the clerk stops following. "well I think he's gone but eh I got some bad news." shrunak and paige stop to catch their breath and they all realise they are now in the valley of frost where the days are cold but the nights are freezing "aww shit of course that's why he stopped!" shrunak wines. paige grabs a branch of Mark's tree and uses her magic to set it alight "I think if we use the dead tree as a campfire we'll be fine I think." "you think we'll be fine? paige we need confirmation that we will be fine." Mark sits on the ground in a meditation like position "come on mark, what are you doing?" mark starts to emanate a aura. "shrun, I'm able to hibernate and thankfully I had drained enough blood from my sister to last me years." shrunak falls to the ground "come on guys we can do this so just get up. I'm sure that we could make it through the valley." there is a pause "paige listen the distance is to far we would be dead by Thursday." paige falls and lays near the tree. the three give up hope even mark he may not die but he will have to know that another people who were his friends will sadly die by his side.