
I will be the strongest flame user

mob_mobbers · Fantasy
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25 Chs

the meteorite rises from the crater

paige summons fire around the Anastasia "oh I mean no harm." she puts her hands in the air "oh really because you just hit my friend there." Anastasia looks over at mark and see's that he is growing his flesh back "geez that really stinged." mark rubs his side "it was an accident I swear!" paige's flames extinguish "sure lets go with that." Anastasia dusts off the ash on her body "I am Anastasia I come from that meteorite as you saw." "ha I felt it." shrunak looks at her body and asks "soooo Anastasia what can you do?" "this." she taps shrunaks forehead and then he just stands there like he's in a catatonic state "is... is he okay?" paige and mark ask in extreme concern "yeah just give him a sec." shrunaks eyes tear up "Wha- how why. what was that?" "that was your future and what you will do down the line, like it or not that is your destiny and you can't fight destiny."

"now my I ask where you are heading?" Anastasia asks "well we're heading to this kingdom where there are a royal family who are, unfair you can say." Anastasia thinks for a moment. "well I'm joining whether you like it or not." she smiles and then they all set up camp in the woods. as paige and shrunak set up the tents, mark and the meteorite Anastasia talk for a bit "so Anastasia how are you?" "oh I'm good just started existing ya know, you?" mark yawns "oh I'm fine nice to meet a meteor." mark smiles and brings out his crossbow and starts to polish it. "shrun no its this wa-." the tent they were setting up falls to the ground "we have been setting this up for two hours and it would be nice if YOU TWO COULD HELP!?" shrunak aggressively sticks the pole in the group and paige lights the tent on fire.

"mark should we help them." mark stops polishing his crossbow and looks at Anastasia "let them figure out themselves, you can help but I'm doing my own stuff." mark heads deep into the forest to look for something "HEY BLOOD BITCH GET BACK HERE!" shrunak shouts. "calm down shrun he'll be back." "paige I don't want him back I'd thought that bringing him on this adventure w6be a good idea but clearly it's not, and now we got this rock space woman with us." Anastasia remarks "hey what did I do?" shrunak sighs "nothing I'm just sick of this shit we're already getting hunted because of him." shrunak sits down. "look I'm just gonna follow mark and see where he went." "what happened to waiting for him?" paige decks shrunak in the face "you learn to grow the fuck up." paige storms off.

shrunak rubs his face "you kinda asked for it." Anastasia snorts "well you know what I didn't ask for you showing me my future." "oops." she snidely replies "oops that's all you have to say for basically telling me, theres your entire life deal with it I don't want to know about that." shrunak stands up and kicks Anastasia in the face "if that face didn't have enough cracks I sure as hell put a few more in." he spits on her and heads off with nothing but a dagger to defend himself whilst Anastasia sits there alone nothing but the sound of wind and cricket chirps.