
Chapter 1 No one notice my existence

(AN: I started a self awareness campaign on this introduction and many of you is aware how bad this virus is spreading. Hope everyone is safe and continue to believe that one day a cure will be discovered and will end this horrifying virus.)

Does anyone know what life is without meaning? Walking on the same road everyday. Going in the same direction. Without saying Hi to anyone. Arriving in a place that has the same appearance as of yesterday. The never ever changing world of black and white.

Right now I'm an old man returning to college. Seeing the emptiness on my eyes no one bothers to talk to me. How could an old man like me understand this 1st year student with an age gap of 10 yrs. An old man whose age is around 30 yrs old. Why did I even bother going through college again? I understand more than anyone else how an idiot of a person I am. I haven't even touched a book for almost 10yrs. Despite being a NEET for 5 years. I returned to college with a clean state of mind. I mean I barely understood anything at all.

With my fat appearance wearing an odd oversized jacket despite being already fat. Although I look different and my fashion sense is questionable. For me as long as it made me feel comfortable. I don't really care what others feel. Was this what they call a generation gap? Everyday is always the same as yesterday. As for the daily lesson, that is the only thing that changes. Especially when the professor whose age was the same as me gave a sudden surprise quiz. I mean what's the point of giving a surprise quiz. This teacher sometimes loves to troll to students. Good thing I studied harder than most of these kids. And I often get passable scores. Still this dull student life continued for a few weeks. Until a calamity a deadly pandemic appeared that shocked the whole world.

This accident started when a scientist mentioned on the internet. That he discovered a deadly virus that has a potential to wipe out humanity. As for the details of such a virus nobody knows. As this scientist was often called a mad scientist by his peers. At first the world laughed at him and refused to believe his words. But the first victim occured after a week of his proclamation. The victim who caught the virus died after 7 days. Its estimated that he caught the virus when the mad scientist alarmed the world. He became the first human to die in a mysterious way. The virus made the infected human weak and the symptoms were no different from having a common cold. The infected humans are ignorant of getting infected to the point that. It was already wide spread all around the world before anyone took it in a serious manner. The World Health Organization tried to stop the virus from spreading. But the people did not cooperate as they have an attitude of believing only if their eyes can see it in a direct manner. A common term in human language which means to see is to believe. A month later thousands of people died from the virus. At this point of time the people became aware of how dangerous it was. Yet there are still some people who acted indifferent to such situations. This caused the government to issue a continuous lock-downs but the people took it in a bad way. For them such a virus is negligible compared to having no work and no food to prepare on the table.

While the world was in panic. There was me who didn't really care if the world ended. I mean a fat guy who has no friends and lives alone. Even if the virus gets me will it really matter? Maybe I am one of those ignorant and arrogant people who does not care. I mean nobody cares about me so why do I care. Besides, Am I not contributing to society by locking myself in? Doing the so-called self quarantine. It has been 2 weeks since the virus started terrorizing the world. And I often spend my time lazing around the house. Eating, Sleeping and surfing the internet or playing online games. I did feel that the virus already was inside me as some of the symptoms already appeared. Like being dizzy and my head hurts every morning (Perhaps because I sleep late?) or having a fever and my body temperature goes up and down. I also have a bad cough which was the first sign yet I disregard all of it. After two weeks I'm still alive and kicking. Did the self quarantine work? I had no idea as no one would tell me If I was really safe or not. How about going to the hospital to confirm it? Too lazy..

I am one of the few losers who wish that how good it would be if the world would end. Or one of those zombie fanatics. That when the virus appeared a few months later. Some bored people predicted that it would mutate and cause a zombie outbreak. While this was a myth to laugh at. But after 3 months since the virus spread. A new development occurred that might have triggered the end of the world. Yes , you guessed it right. The virus evolved..

And yeah for all the zombie fans out there it causes the dead to rise again.. Yet it was sad as it didn't last long. Unlike what you see in movies and dramas zombies are not that scary in reality. As long as the government dropped a nuclear bomb around that area it was as good as gone.

And so the long dream and wish of all the zombie fans all over the world ended as simple as that.

By the way the virus was named Crofol20 from the word Crown of Fools 2020. It was named that way to alarmed the people. To stop their foolish action and cooperate with the government. After the massive zombie outbreak a year later they found a cure for it. Crofol20 has two stages. 1st stage that caused a hundred thousands deaths. The infected will have a severe fever. And will die because their lungs will no longer function and they will stop breathing. At this point I am not sure of the details and might as well search the internet for more information. The 2nd stage was the common known Zombie mode. Infected people from stage 1 rise from the dead and start behaving like a good old zombie. At this point it was easy to destroy them as Stage 2 Crofol20 virus was not as infectious as the stage 1 form. Even if you get beaten you won't be turned into a zombie. Instead you will get infected by a Crofol20 stage 1 virus. But at that point people were already aware how to stop the virus from spreading. And Zombies were being beaten left and right.

As for me I continued to monitor the world through the small window of my good old ancient computer. The computer who had been with me for 20 yrs. While I'm at it. I also help spread the words about the virus. On various platforms on the internet. While I may not be of help in the outside world but doing this using the internet does make a difference. And because a cure was developed. The people returned from their ordinary life. Until a few months after a cure was discovered. The Crofol20 virus evolved further towards stage 3 and was now called Crofol21. Stage 3 Crofol21 causes millions of deaths all over the world. The virus was not deadly itself but people who got affected were changed into another being. And these people proclaimed themselves as NeoHuman and started killing ordinary people. It took them only a year to take over the world. As they are equipped with amazing strength and some have higher intellect to command them. These Neohumans are people with superpowers. But for some odd reason they hated people who were not infected with Crofol21 virus. They can detect people who were different from them and this resulted in an endless massacre.

I am also infected and became part of the NeoHuman thing. But unlike them I had no interest in killing ordinary people. As for my superpowers. I didn't have the time to use them as ordinary people fought back at that time. I got caught in a crossfire between the two groups and died after a hand grenade exploded in front of me. Such a silly thing to die. Yet I was thankful that it happened. After all No one was bother If I disappeared. No one noticed that I even existed.

Death was not that bad at this point of time. While I did not die in an instant after the hand grenade exploded. As I was struggling between the line of life and death. My past flashes in front of me. Seeing my lonely self living a lonely life. Dying this way was the best outcome for a nobody like me.

And again I was thankful I died that way.







"Saferu wake up!.. You have gots sleeping at my class.. Do you think my class is boring! If you can't answer my question I will have you stand outside until the class ends.." A loud and angry voice had woken me up from my deep sleep. As I was having a dream of my past life. The man who looks like an old person who was forever single has its angry eyes staring at me. The teacher asked a question. Which I had no idea how to answer so I ended up standing outside until the class finished. Too bad for the teacher I was a veteran in sleeping in class. So even If I am standing outside the room I already mastered the standing napping position.

I did say I was thankful that I died at that time. I have read various web novels and had dreams of such an outcome. Yes you guess it right! I manage to reincarnate into another world. But it was not a smooth sailing journey. As when I was a baby my parents got killed and I got picked up by a good couple who raised me up like their own child. Not to mention I had a good sister who was 3 yrs older than me.

I whose name is Saferu Goldmoon reborn on this new world of Erathes will become an amazing person! Or so what I believed. That I would have been after all that was always the case for every main character who got sent into another world. Yet I remained ordinary and much worse I got tagged as Villager A. Heroes and Demon Kings existed in this world! And the lowest job would be a common Villager. Which I happen to have obtained. But it was not that bad as my big sister was a famous Merchant Class. And while at it I will also brag that my fiance was a Mage Class and beauty that I can show off to everyone. Being a Villager might not be that bad as all I wanted was to have a good and peaceful life.

"Saferu wake up, the class has already ended, let's return home.." I was still sleeping while standing when I heard a familiar sweet voice calling me.

" Annastasia..? The class already ended? That was fast..*Yawn" I was surprise to see my beautiful and beloved fiance.

" You love to sleep that much.. You are even capable of sleeping while standing.. Hurry let's go home.. Tomorrow is an important day where we see our advanced classes.." Annastasia gave a beautiful smile as she dragged me outside and we continued to return home.

The advance assessment is where the people of this world made a test after reaching the age of 14. As people of this world are born with a class of their own. But during the advance assessment they will have a chance to change their fate. For example a common Villager like me. Has a chance to obtained another class but the class I can obtained are from the basic first class. In a way it is like a class evolution or an upgrade. For people who are born with a first basic class like my Fiance. Who was a mage at birth she can obtained another higher class which is inside the circle of a mage. Like a wizard, an arc mage or the most legendary one the Heroic Wise. It is the highest class that a mage can reach and Heroic Wise was also famous as a Heroes companion. They are consider Heroes in the mage circle. My big sister was a merchant at birth and now she evolved into a Craftor Merchant. Which specialize on creating things and selling them.

Can't wait to see what job I will get tomorrow..






The next day I stand in front of a famous mirror which specializes in telling what job you will get. At my side was my fiance. Since I am a self proclaimed gentleman I let my fiance do the test first. And As expected of my fiance she got the highest job for mage. The Heroic Wise.

The people all around here cheered as a new Hero was born at our place. While this was a remote village far from the center of the Human Kingdom. It was rare for a hero to appear at this place. While everyone was busy cheering for my women I touched the mirror. And the Mirror told me a shocking result.

Saferu Goldmoon (Villager) -> (Villager X)

What the hell is Villager X!!! And after It made the announcement it crack and broke. Which made the tester panicked and shouted out loud my class.

"Damn you Kid.. you managed to advance into a new class Villager X and broke the assessment mirror.." The tester's shout was loud enough for the people around the place to hear. As they whisper some mocking words towards me. I look at the face of my Fiance and I was sad to see a look of disappointment from her eyes. What can I say regardless of the X added to my Villager class. To the people of this world a Villager was still the lowest class. It was not a rare case for a Villager to not advance. But for people who remained a Villager. Even after taking the advancement test they got treated like the lowest of the low. I guess my good luck ends here. As I looked at my status again I was surprise to notice a familiar word written below it.

Saferu Goldmoon (Villager X)

Status: Infected

Illness: Crofol21 (Dormant)

Ahh… I wondered what kind of power I get when this illness is awaken. Wait, I needed to figure out how to awaken these things. It's such a waste that this virus followed me from my old world and I won't have the chance to try and test it out.

I have no idea If I'm a Covid19 positive or not as I felt I had some symptoms of it and was to lazy to have a check up as I live in the middle of nowhere. but I am currently in self quarantine. While I had no idea how long I will live I felt like writing again despite my weak feeling to ease my boredom.

BakaNoBakacreators' thoughts