How a NEET conquired another world
A NEET is someone the world detested.
A NEET does not care if the world ended.
A NEET hate everyone.
Yet when A NEET was sent into another world.
A NEET gave up being a NEET to conquer it.
To bad the NEET was betrayed after The NEET conquered the world.
But The NEET was given a second chance.
And this time The NEET well remain a NEET while conquering this new world AGAIN.
Everyone hated what I had become.
A messiah that ruled the world with evil and cruelty.
When I reach the peak and ruled the world
The women I love the most betrayed me.
And now your saying that I have to that again.
I'm just a NEET..
I ruled the world like what you said..
I left being a NEET..
Yet I failed and got betrayed..
This time the second chance you gave me..
I will stay at a safe room and will gave command..
This time I will hide my self to this new world..
Let the Hero search for me..
Let the world knows that I exist yet won't see my existence..
I will ruled this world hidden behind the curtain..
This time I will forever remained a NEET in this new world..
BakaNoBaka · Fantasy