
I was the Number One

Pieces of Eden is the most famous and played VRMMORPG nowadays. The game count with almost a billion players worldwide and have at least twenty million players online daily. Since its debut two years ago. The game still have a lot of discover and the wolrd in game could be even greater than Earth itself. To extend that real money started to be generated through playing it. There is a variety of classes and even secret ones. Monsters and Races from every kind of culture are available on the game. Among this all of information only one is unchanged. This began about a one and half year ago when that player started playing. The information was simple World Rank 1 has not being changed since that name was spotted there. The name was so much on the news that people started to name their characters after it. So its even impossible to know if you are talking to a legend within the game. The nickname in game was Greedness.

ESH · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The World changed

A few weeks passed since Nathan left the game. He subscribed into a gym. Started a diet. He was waking and sleeping early. He's life was being treated. This was his way to forget the trauma he suffered on that dungeon.

Every location he was he would remember as the news on the last days were about the disappearance of the best player in the world. Everyone was having the same thoughts and they were even speaking on the news.

"Is the level 150 the maximum were one can go?"

These headlines would insult him. He could easily get level 151 but his greed took the best out of him and without knowing he jumped off the bridge. He received a Class that wasn't on the selection menu. That was great but he didn't want to start all over again.

"What should I do?", he thought this same line over days.

The Top players were now competing over the first spot. Such thing was unseen when he was there. His presence was respected by those below him. He watched the fight over the Ranks and was so boring. They were using the tiebreaker to determine the best character as once the level up they would stop there for a few days or weeks.

"One and a half year.", he would say this often as well.

The money wasn't ending. He didn't have to worry about it as well. He knew how to use it and the money worked in his behalf. He was wealthy but not happy. He was playing because it was the first time he was truly good at something but then it was stolen from him.

"What should I do?", this question was constantly over his head.

Almost a month went by when he decided enter the game again. Greedness was the name more changed on the last month. He remembered what games are for and lost his way. So now he would only enjoy it and have fun.

[Welcome to the Pieces of Eden, Greedness.]

"Good to be back.", he looked at his character naked of his previous items. "Lets see what is good here.", he put some basic clothes he used on the cities and opened the Status Windows.


[Summoner (Legendary) Lv. 1][Free Slot]

[Exp: 0/1000 (0.00%)]

[HP: 250/250]

[MP: 1000/1000]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 25]

[Stamina: 20]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Wisdom: 30]

[Charisma: 25]

[Will: 50]

[Faith: 20]

"What are these stats?", he looked at them better. "They are too good. Let me do the math. It's like I was level 20.", he looked at his life and mana. "These are unreal. Is this Free Slot what I think it is?"

[Free Slot]

[You can add one extra class here.]

"In the end I'll be a dual class.", he waited to digest all the information. "Maybe I can achieve the level 150 earlier than I expected.", he smiled.


"One hour on real life is one day here. So two years already passed and no one came to battle him?", he felt strange. As the information could leak and rankers would come to battle it. "Items. They lost something valuable on their death and want to retrieve. Should I loot their bodies on the way out?", then he remembered the real problem. "How do I leave here without dying?", he opened the Inventory. "Where is my Return Stone?"

[Return Stone (City of the Dwarfs)]

[You don't have enough level with the Dwarfs to go back there.]

"What? Even if my affinity is on the maximum?", he gave up and closed the Inventory. "Abilities?", he saw the Catchball.

[Catchball (Active)]

[Percentage of Catch: 10%]

[You throw a magical ball that can capture a monster. Depending on the monster level it can struggle to leave or will not obey you.]

"Only 10%? That's garbage and it's the only active skill of this class.", he looked at the other one below.

[Efficiency (Passive)]

[You double your chances for every fail you have on the same task.]

"Isn't this too much broken tho?", he made the math again. "10%, 20%, 40%, 80%, 160%. I can catch any creature within five chances.", he looked at the door.


"Can I withstood at least two hits?", he started to surf his Inventory again. "Here."

[Dragon-Arm Armor]

[Durability: 200/200]

[Defense +110]

[Fire Resistance]

[You can stop one attack with this gauntlet.]

[Dragon Heart]

[Durability: 1/1]

[Only use.]

[You gain Fire Immunity for 120 seconds after using it.]

"His breath and one attack. It's all I have.", he opened the door. "GIVE YOUR BEST SHOT, LIZARD."

Without any preview warning the breath went to his way and so he smashed the Dragon Heart.

[Fire Immunity 00:01:59]

He jumped by the side and threw his first Catchball. The ball did nothing on hit.

[You used 250 MP.]

"I only have four chances then.", he immediately threw the next one. This one broke before vanishing.

[You used 250 MP.]

"WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING?", the dragon came with his hand to the boy and he raised his Dragon-Arm blocking the second attack.

So he went foward and threw the third one.

[You used 250 MP.]

Something almost happened but the dragon noticed by his action. Nathan and Greedness hadn't anything that they could do but to throw the ball. Unfortunately the giant claw smashed the character before the ball could contact its target.

Greedness was dead. The game would made you log out for four hours everytime you die. As well you would lose level and items. Nathan was off the capsule he uses to play and went to dinner with his family. They were apart since he dropped college but with his downtime of the game he tried to reconnect with them.

"How is the game, brother?", Gabriel asked. He was the middle child.

Nathan was the older from three siblings. Gabriel was the second and Aura was the third.

"I returned a little before coming here.", he smiled.

"How was it?", Gabriel was a entusiast of his brother and knew that he was the best at the game.

"Fun.", Nathan had played for a lot of time but because of his overpowered class and items the battles were too easy even when facing monsters like Cornelius. But this last one was good because he needed a plan to work out even if it didn't in the end.

"When are you going to buy me a capsule?"

"I don't know.", Nathan looked at his parents.

"When you stop to get bad grades in school.", their mother said.

"But mom..."

"Not of but mom.", she said and return feeding Aura.

"If you get straight A's.", Nathan said.

"Really?", the boy was excited.

"Did I lie to you before?", he looked at his parents again. "But you need to obey father and mother to use it."

"Okay. I'll do my best."

The dinner was fast and he was about to go home when his mom approached.

"You don't need to buy him a capsule."

"Don't worry about it, mom.", he looked at his mom. "Do you or father need something?"

"No, son. We don't.", she smiled a little. "Look..."

"Don't worry, mom. I know.", he hugged her and left. "You don't need to say it. Bye."

The time spent was good and he had it very good but wasn't enough to enter the game. So he went to sleep. The sun rised and he got a very good breakfast. He went to the gym and just after he entered the game. Good habits had entered his life after a couple of vacation years.

[Welcome to the Pieces of Eden, Greedness.]

[You died previously and you lost the following items.]

[Return Stone][Goggles of the Sage][Dragon-Arm Armor]

"That's okay.", he was okay about losing those items.

[You caught Cornelius the Magma Dragon.]

"What?", this was new to him. He looked and a new tab appeared on his Status Windows. Summons.


[Magma Dragon]

[Boss Lv. 156]

[HP: 25.500.000.000/25.500.000.000]

[MP: 500.000/500.000]

[Strength: 565]

[Agility: 255]

[Stamina: 450]

[Intelligence: 220]

[Wisdom: 195]

[Charisma: 550]

[Will: 250]

[Faith: 150]

"Why didn't he get weaker after being caught?", he looked at the Window and there was two methods to summon a captured monster. Clicking in it on the Window or saying. "Summon, Cornelius."

"I've come to greet you, my master.", the dragon wasn't giant anymore. Actually it was the size of a hand at most.

"Where is all that power that you showed on the cave?", Nathan was disappointed with the change. His summon looked like a plushy.

"I can't transform into it as master isn't powerful enough yet."

"What can you do?", it was too disappointing for him to have a useless plushy.

"My powerful breath is always ready to help you, master.", at this words Nathan thought that it could be good if he retained the power at least a little. So he could jump some levels.

"Hey look.", another player pointed at Greedness with the talking plushy.

"Okay. Dismiss.", the plushy exploded into clouds and disappered. "I need to get out of here and change my name too."