
I was Rifted Homeworld Mass Effect

Crazy night leading to a very unbelievable adventure. Being sucked away, and sent to places you only wanna dream about not actually go to. Designation 1 Mass Effect. Sub- Final Fantasy Tactics war of the Lions. I do not own the characters mentioned in the web novel. Support the official games, video games, and board games, and the authors and producers who made them. Discord Frozentidez#9107

FrozenTidez · Video Games
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Tutorial: I am gonna get it beaten into me Aren't I? Part 1

System: Of course User I am here to assist. Downloading...Quest...now...

Quest 1 Complete tutorial. Rewards: Inventory Small, Store, Auxilliary Subroutine, Observe

Quest 2 Relax and interact with the body. Rewards: Technology Ticket, Fighting Ticket

Quest 3 Part 1 get to know your crew better.

System: Would you like to begin the tutorial now?

"Umm yes let's do this. Can't hesitate if I wanna live right? He..he." Couldn't help but let out a dry laugh at it all. After a few minutes of hemming and hawing and just downright procrastination, It started to come togethor... What did I have to lose? After contemplating the options before me, if I am dreaming.... or if this.. this was ... reality..? My new reality. I couldn't get out of whatever this was, I couldn't log out if I was in some game. No matter where I searched for an escape or thought up of one, I came up blank. I couldn't help shuddering at the thought of it all, I felt so scared like I would break at the seams.

System: Memory Erosion in place. Repairing Mind. Separating the corrupted fragmented memory shards. Uploading mental patch.

"What the heck was that? System? " A cool breeze went down my spine. Starting from around the area of my neck.

System: Your mind was breaking, I intervened by applying a special medi-gel through your broken implant. My priority is to help you, User. Also to prevent time from being wasted. User it is time to get started.

I felt like a kid getting off the bus knowing the teacher called home about my bad behavior. It's gonna hurt .. I know it is, it was all I could think about. The negative anticipation.

System: Separating mind fragment.... uploading to mental pocket. All systems ... now..clear.

Begin the operation. This should be fun. Best of luck User May the Administration Protect You.

Objective: Defeat Hostiles. Upscale Task

"Man sounded like the System had some sympathy there, or was it amusement? Should just be a low level I am fighting against. It is the tutorial, guess I will fool around a little bit to judge the damage output. Or do I go all out to see how much I can do? But wait for the images of earlier, not the sex ones, but those, they were good I wonder how she is doing? I hope she is safe. Hopefully, the System will tell me later. Damn it, focus! They always say distractions can get you killed. I have been In space combat based off that time with the Krogan. That was before but I don't remember much."

Looking around it looks to be a warehouse of sorts. A few crates were out about the dock, or the receiving bay I guess depending on your preference.. There was a forklift with a few pallets stacked upon it. The light seems to be dim as hell. A flicker every now and then in the distance.

'A power problem maybe?'

System: Your initiative is 13.

"Well, shit that is not bad If I am fighting against a scrub right? Ummm, hello there? Ok, I guess. Seems I am on my own after all." Talking out was dumb but I wanted to finish this.

"Whack!! Ting!!" The sound of a hit of metal against my back.

-6 Health

"You talk to much fool. But you are built a lil sturdy it seems, well in the back at least to be able to take a hit like that, and still be able to stand." The attacker said as he moved about.

Ding! Ding! Dropping of metal echoes inside the warehouse.

Behind me, there was a guy about 5'0ft. The guy got about a solid 200 pounds on me. 200 pounds of muscle!

'Damn it, this tutorial shit, I am gonna get it beaten into me Aren't I?' Getting into a standard fighting stance my legs felt wobbly. Looking closer his build Looked ridiculous.

He took another swing destroying s crate as I moved out the way. Looking at the shit, I thought I was going crazy. I stared way too long looking at the debris. He already circled around into my blindspot. My back was to him again.

"Fucking hell!! are you the Juggernaut mini clone shit!" Couldn't help yelling at the fucker. I then turned completely around. no point just looking at him from behind that seemed.. to just be dumb! 'Well so was I talking out loud? Stupid mistake again. But then again I thought I was talking in my head.' As I look at him, I see the tag floating above his head Common Thug Lv3.

"Well Kid I don't know who that is, but you are pretty dumb. Just talking out loud when there are enemies nearby." The Common Thug said as he was picking up a bigger piece of metal to hit me with.

Best I could do was charge at him from the ground and get him down at least. Taking off from a kneeling position I felt it, time slowing down and strength in my arms down to my torso and legs. I could see a little display in the corner of my eye.

System: Activated Lv1 4/50 Adrenaline Rush

I launched myself at him to get a good tackle, As I got close, I could feel it, I wasn't going to connect for the takedown. He got up while I was figuring out what to do. Did the next best thing. Straightened myself up to a higher position and outstretched my arm and close line him from the back. He went down face first I pivoted around and kicked him in the head. It wasn't enough, I could still see him moving. I kicked him in the ribs he stopped moving finally. My heart slowed down my breathing began to return to normal.

I stepped back. " Holy crap!"

Cough, Cough, Cough " Not bad brat. You broke a few of my ribs." Pft a tooth goes across the floor. He wipes a little from his chin. "And a tooth, not bad at all, but you see kid.. thing is.. you gotta finish the job! Shred! Push!"

'I forgot about biotics and it was gonna bring a whole new level of pain by forgetting.' I stared like a deer in headlights.

Common Thug hands gained a shimmering glow around it. Something like a moving sphere shot from his fist and went flying through the air. Connecting in the center of my chest. Catching me in the side of my ribs. It felt like at the edges there were blades, cutting through my skin slowly, no that was wrong more like it was being chewed. In the center, it felt like a ball was pushing through to get inside by pushing outward and moving everything away from its path.

To be continued...

Unknown to the User, A few Individuals were watching what was going on between him. They watched the Temporary System and those he interacted with beforehand on the ship.

Updated 07/04/2019

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