
Chapter 93: The Crisis of Identity Unraveling

In the meantime, the New York Police Department.

"Captain Custer, what's the situation?"

George Stacy, who was standing in front of the monitor, asked Custer, who had already arrived at the scene. Stacy, who had lost the monitor feed, asked Custer, who had already arrived at the scene, to


"He's punching that asshole!"


A few George asked suspiciously to Custer, "Is it Spider-Woman?"

"No, it's not her, it's the other Spider-Man."

Caster stood on the bridge with a serious expression as he watched the battle at the top of the bridge.

The Brooklyn Bridge was completely blocked at this point, cars were solidly blocking the entry and exit ends, and panicked crowds of people were struggling to get out.

Smoke from the explosion quickly filled the bridge.

There was a steady stream of building debris falling downward, and a "rumbling" sound resonated through the night sky.

The entire Brooklyn Bridge was transformed into a battlefield.

A woman with a child in her arms fell forward in her haste to run.

Caster was quick to help her.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The other party couldn't stop thanking him.

Smoothly helping the woman in front of him, Caster began to evacuate the crowd with the rest of the police officers.

"Captain Caster, ready for targeting, shall we fire?"

The helicopter pilot overhead, asked to him who was in charge of the scene.

He could have authorized the firing, but after glancing at Spider-Man, who was fighting the Green Monster, he finally hesitated and said, "No, don't fire for now, the helicopters stay away from them."

"Whoosh! "

Gwen utilized her spider silk to block the rocks that were smashing down from the top of the bridge.

The citizens below who had narrowly escaped being smashed had no time to thank her and rushed forward.

Looking up, she saw the two men who were fighting above her head, and strange feelings rose in her heart; why did Spider-Man always show up when he was in the most danger?

An incredible thought surfaced in her mind: could it be that he, like this "Goblin Monster", knew his identity?

Shaking her head, she shook this absurd idea out of her mind.

Seeing a burning car not far away, Gwen immediately jumped to the side of the man, and ripped open the door of the car, she grabbed the other man's arm, and ripped him out of the car.


The explosion exploded violently all around her and Gwen pushed the man out of the way the moment it hit.

Flames impacted on her body, burning her uniform at her left arm.

Gwen covered her arm and was slammed hard into a car.

"There was a loud bang as the sturdy car was deformed by her impact.


Covering her chest, Gwen instantly felt a sharp pain.

Enduring the pain, she looked upwards.

At this point, the Green Demon had been completely beaten without the ability to fight back.


Peter's sharp claws changed into fists and blasted the Green Demon's face.

Maneuvering the floating skateboard, Green Demon quickly stepped backward while throwing down a pumpkin bomb to stop his opponent.


The explosion blew up the bridge wires, sending the taut wires flailing in all directions with a sharp whistling sound.

The broken wires whipped around with a shrill whistling sound, and the broken pieces of the building crashed downward.

The green demon just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw countless black rainstorms coming towards him.

Knowing the power of this thing, he naturally did not dare to underestimate it.

He had just seen this thing corrode all the robots.

Stepping on the glider, he struggled to dodge the "black rain".

However, a lot of projectiles were still sprayed onto his left shoulder.

The green battle armor made of special material was instantly corroded with holes.

And there was a possibility that it would continue to seep through the holes.

Shocked, he immediately ripped off the armor on his shoulder.

As a result, the moment he ripped it off, he was hit hard in the chest.


This attack directly knocked him out of the air and smashed him heavily onto the ground before plowing several meters along the ground.

With unabated momentum, he crashed into a burning car with a loud bang.


Peter's feet stepped on the ground, looking at the Green Demon whose armor was shattered and who stood up in a state of disarray.

Although the other party had mastered a lot of black technology, and his body seemed to have undergone a lot of strengthening.

But facing his own corrosive spider web and stronger body, these were still not enough.

The Green Demon stood up and faced Peter, slowly raising his hand.

"Pathetic monster, you think you can stop me! Look at the helicopters hovering above you, the next second they'll be dropping bombs on your head, you're just like me!"


The laser, radiating heat energy, pounded out at Peter.

Using this moment, he maneuvered his skateboard to fly once again.

Letting out a wicked grin, he threw a pumpkin bomb at Peter's location.

"Reincarnation! Reincarnation! You and I are reincarnated! Next time you'll be me! Haha, Spider-Man.

Green Demon operated the skateboard and flew upwards.

The current form was unfavorable to him, and he could only retreat for the time being when he couldn't defeat the suddenly stirring Spider-Man head-on.

But the other opponent, Gwen, who was already filled with rage, naturally wouldn't let him escape so easily.


Spider silk shot towards Green Demon's flying skateboard, and Gwen pulled her opponent.


A furious cry escaped Gwen's lips and she used the elasticity of the spider silk to bring herself to the green demon.

Her fist smashed into her opponent's head without mercy.

However, at this time, her strength had failed her quite a bit, and she did not completely knock the Green Demon down.

Enduring the dizziness and pain, the Green Demon flew out a punch while lasers shot out from between her fingers, forcing back the charging Gwen.

"With a thud, he was blown to the top of the bridge by Gwen's counterattacking punch.

Gwen endured the chakra rolling around in her body and stepped onto the top of the bridge.


Peter also stood nearby the moment she landed.

The three people formed a triangle in their position on the bridge.

"Hoo! Whew!"

Gwen covered her chest and gasped for air as she said to the green demon, "How could I let you get away so easily?

"Let you hurt anyone you want?"

She looked at Green Demon viciously, "Don't even think about it!"

The green demon didn't run away immediately, scarlet eyes staring at Gwen, laughter coming out of her mouth.

"Gwen, you're running around in these clothes, aren't you afraid that your monster identity will be discovered?

Gwen's expression was a bit flustered when she heard the green demon call out her name.

The Green Demon seemed to enjoy this expression of Gwen's.

He carried communication equipment within his armor, which had not been completely damaged at this point, and reaching out his hand, he operated it at his wristwatch, linking up the communication equipment.

"I know what you fear, what you suffer, you're like me Gwen, you chose that bloodiest of paths and you're going to bring everyone around you down with you!"

The green demon laughed and dialed a certain number.

"The cycle of life, the cycle of death, the cycle of hell, the cycle of pain, the cycle of duty, and now, I want you to wallow in that cycle."