
Love in Silence: Falling for My Best Friend

Anvika is a beautiful girl with a great family and a good existence. Three boys and two girls were her childhood friends. There were five people in the group. As the years went by, they completed their schooling and enrolled in university, and Anvika began to feel a deeper connection with Nivik—her best friend—and eventually fell in love.But she never dared to tell him how she felt since she was always afraid of losing their friendship. She is considered Nivik's best friend alone.Nivik was unsure of how he felt about Anvika. One day, Advik, the Nivik brother, confided in Nivik that he was in love with Anvika and pleaded for assistance. Nivik promised his brother that he would assist him since he loved him so much, but later on, he realized how he felt for Anvika.They experienced a lot in this triangular love tale, including mutual misinterpretation. What would happen if Nivik found out that his best friend also had feelings for him? Would he choose to keep his promise to his brother, or would he choose to break it?

priyanka_princes · Teen
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71 Chs

We need to find her. Now.

After a brisk walk, Anvika, Nivik, and Neena finally reached their school. The campus buzzed with excitement and a hint of nostalgia as students gathered in groups, exchanging greetings and well-wishes for the future. The air was filled with laughter, and the energy was electric, a celebration of their shared journey and the promise of new beginnings.

Anvika and her friends quickly found their usual spot near the main courtyard, where they were soon surrounded by their classmates. Hugs were exchanged, and stories from their school days were recounted with fondness and laughter. It was a bittersweet moment, as they realized this was the last time they would all be together in this familiar place.

As the morning unfolded, Nivik's attention was drawn to a group of students loitering nearby. His expression darkened as he recognized the gang that had been a constant source of trouble for them throughout their school years. The group was notorious for their antics and had caused no small amount of grief for Anvika and her friends.

Nivik leaned in close to Anvika, his voice low and serious. "Anvika, keep an eye on that gang over there," he said, nodding discreetly in their direction. "You know how they are. It's our last day, and I don't want any trouble."

Anvika followed his gaze and spotted the familiar faces of the troublemakers. They were laughing loudly, their demeanor as arrogant as ever. She felt a twinge of anxiety but quickly pushed it aside. "Yeah, I see them," she replied, her voice steady. "I'll be careful."

Neena, who had been chatting with another friend, turned her attention to Nivik and Anvika. "Don't worry too much," she said, her tone reassuring. "We'll stick together. They won't dare try anything with all of us around."

Nivik nodded, though his concern didn't entirely fade. "Just stay alert," he insisted. "I want today to be about us and our memories, not dealing with their nonsense."

Anvika smiled at her friends, grateful for their protective instincts. "Agreed. Let's just enjoy the day and not give them the satisfaction of ruining it."

With that, the three friends rejoined the festivities, making a conscious effort to keep their distance from the troublesome gang. They spent the rest of the morning reminiscing about their favorite moments, taking countless photos, and soaking in every last bit of their final day of school.

Despite the occasional glance towards the gang, the day went smoothly. Anvika felt a mix of relief and joy as she shared these moments with Nivik, Neena, and their other friends. The camaraderie and support they shared gave her confidence that they could face anything, even the troublemakers who had been a thorn in their side for so long.


Anvika whispered to Neena that she needed to go to the restroom, assuring her she'd be back soon. Neena nodded, telling her she'd wait in the auditorium where a small farewell ceremony was about to start.

Minutes ticked by, and Anvika still hadn't returned. Neena glanced at her watch, a flicker of worry crossing her face. She excused herself from the conversation she was having with another friend and decided to check on Anvika.

As Neena made her way towards the restroom, Nivik was engaged in an animated discussion with their classmates, reliving old memories and sharing plans for the future. However, he soon noticed that neither Anvika nor Neena was in sight. A gnawing feeling of unease settled in his stomach. He scanned the courtyard and noticed something else: the trouble gang was nowhere to be seen.

His instincts kicked in. Something was off.

"Hey, where's Anvika?" Nivik asked, interrupting a friend mid-sentence.

"She went to the restroom," someone replied casually.

"But that was a while ago," another chimed in. "And Neena went to check on her."

A sense of urgency gripped Nivik. He excused himself and hurried towards the restroom, his heart pounding with each step. As he neared the restroom, he saw Neena standing outside, a worried expression on her face.

"Neena, what's going on? Where's Anvika?" Nivik asked, his voice tense.

"I don't know," Neena replied, her brow furrowed with concern. "She went in, but she hasn't come out. And I checked inside – she's not there."

Panic surged through Nivik. "We need to find her. Now."

They quickly retraced their steps, scanning every corner of the school grounds. Nivik's mind raced, connecting the dots. The trouble gang's sudden disappearance couldn't be a coincidence.