
I was in love with my best friend.

Anvika is a beautiful girl with a great family and a good existence. Three boys and two girls were her childhood friends. There were five people in the group. As the years went by, they completed their schooling and enrolled in university, and Anvika began to feel a deeper connection with Nivik—her best friend—and eventually fell in love.But she never dared to tell him how she felt since she was always afraid of losing their friendship. She is considered Nivik's best friend alone.Nivik was unsure of how he felt about Anvika. One day, Advik, the Nivik brother, confided in Nivik that he was in love with Anvika and pleaded for assistance. Nivik promised his brother that he would assist him since he loved him so much, but later on, he realized how he felt for Anvika.They experienced a lot in this triangular love tale, including mutual misinterpretation. What would happen if Nivik found out that his best friend also had feelings for him? Would he choose to keep his promise to his brother, or would he choose to break it?

priyanka_princes · Teen
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22 Chs

I'll handle it

Nivik stood by Anvika's side, seething with rage. Seeing her broken leg, the extent of her pain, filled him with a fury he could barely contain. He clenched his fists, his knuckles white with tension. "I have a little work to do back at the school," he muttered, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll be back soon."

He turned to leave, but Anvika, sensing his intentions, grabbed his arm. "Nivik, no. Don't go," she pleaded, her eyes filled with concern. "Take me home, please."

Nivik paused, torn between his anger and Anvika's request. He knew she was right, but the thought of Alex getting away with what he'd done was unbearable.

At that moment, Advik entered the room, having just finished a phone call. He quickly took in the scene and learned about Anvika's broken leg. His face darkened with anger, and he made a silent vow to teach Alex a lesson he wouldn't forget.

Also Advik spotted that when Nivik answered the phone, his caller ID was visible, and he also noted that Nivik's expression became irate after the conversation ended.

Advik wondered whether it had anything to do with Anvika.

"Give her a ride home" , he murmured, turning to face Nivik.

"Take her home. She needs you right now." His voice was calm, but his eyes glinted with a dangerous resolve.

"But ...." Nivik began, his frustration evident.

Advik placed a reassuring hand on Nivik's shoulder, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "I'll handle it," he said quietly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

Nivik hesitated, but the weight of his brother's words and the sight of Anvika's worried expression swayed him. He nodded reluctantly. "Alright, Anvika. Let's get you home."

With a quick glance at Advik and Sarah, Anvika responded, "I'm fine, aunty. Don't worry. I'll be okay after a nap." Goodbye. She then turned to face Nivik.

Advik watched as Nivik carefully helped Anvika into a wheelchair, his anger masked by a calm facade. He knew Nivik was torn, but he also knew that his younger brother's place was by Anvika's side right now.

As Nivik wheeled Anvika out of the hospital, Advik's thoughts turned dark. He wouldn't let Alex get away with this. The memory of Anvika's pain was burned into his mind, and he was determined to make Alex pay.

Once Anvika and Nivik were out of sight, Advik took out his phone and made a call. "I need you to meet me," he said curtly, his voice cold. "We have a situation that needs handling."

He ended the call and left the hospital, a plan forming in his mind. Alex had crossed a line, and Advik was going to ensure he faced the consequences. As he walked, his expression hardened, a sinister smile curling his lips. Alex would soon learn that some actions come with a heavy price.

Nivik pushed her hospital stroller outside.

He didn't say anything on his walk to the home.


As Aaravi opened the door to see Nivik and Anvika arriving home, her heart sank at the sight of her daughter. Anvika's leg was wrapped in a thick, white bandage that extended from her knee down to her ankle, secured with neat, tight wraps. The bandage was spotless, yet its pristine whiteness seemed to amplify the seriousness of the injury.

Aaravi's eyes immediately filled with worry and concern. She rushed to Anvika's side, her hands hovering protectively as she tried to assess the situation without causing her daughter any more pain. Aaravi's love for her children was boundless, a fierce and nurturing force that guided her every action. Her children were her world, and seeing one of them hurt was a pain she felt deeply in her own heart.

"What happened, Anvika?" Aaravi's voice trembled slightly, betraying her anxiety.

Before Anvika could answer, Nivik did. "It's just some sort break, aunty. Rest assured that mom has double-checked her," Nivik said, feeling the attention.

Aaravi's eyes flickered between Nivik and her daughter, her worry not entirely alleviated. She could see the tightness in Anvika's face, the way she avoided making eye contact. Aaravi's motherly instincts told her there was more to the story, but she didn't press. She knew her daughter well enough to recognize when she was holding back tears.

Anvika remained silent, afraid that if she spoke, she might break down in front of her mother. She didn't want to worry Aaravi more than she already had. The love and concern in her mother's eyes were almost too much to bear.

"Are you sure it's just a small wound?" Aaravi asked, her voice soft but insistent. She gently touched Anvika's arm, her touch filled with tenderness.

"Yes, Auntie. I promise," Nivik replied, his tone steady. "Dr. Sarah said she just needs to rest for a while. Anvika's strong; she'll recover quickly."

Aaravi nodded, though her worry lingered. She helped Anvika settle into a comfortable chair and brought her a glass of water. "If you need anything, anything at all, you tell me, okay?" she said, her voice gentle yet firm.

Anvika nodded, managing a small smile. "I will, Mom. Thank you."

Aaravi spoke to the servent right once and instructed her to bring her items down and set up Anvi's room on the lower level.

The waiter resumed his duties.

Anvika was put on the hall sofa by Aaravi and Nivik.

Aaravi sat beside her daughter, watching her with a mixture of love and concern. She wanted to ask more, to understand every detail of what had happened, but she also knew that sometimes, the best way to show love was to give space. She resolved to keep a close eye on Anvika, to make sure she had everything she needed for her recovery.

As the evening wore on, Aaravi's heart remained heavy, but she drew comfort from the fact that Anvika was home, safe and surrounded by family. She silently vowed to do everything in her power to help her daughter heal, not just physically but emotionally as well. The strength of a mother's love was boundless, and Aaravi's love for Anvika was a fierce, unwavering force that would see them through this difficult time.