
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Urban
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

We meet again.


Alec could hear someone scream.Well...it probably wasn't for him so he continued his phone call "As I was saying Mr.Pierre-" He was suddenly pinned down to his car and his phone fell to the ground.His arm was twisted behind his back and he was in a tight spot ."What in the -"

"Just open the car and get in." A familiar voice spoke. Alec didn't move. He was never the type to listen." Don't mess with me . I'm not in the mood." Alex felt something like a gun touch his lower back.He decided that this wasn't the time to act pig headed. He obeyed.

He took the driver's seat and his assaulter sat in the back. The gun was still pointed at him." Drive."

Alec decided to take his chances and view his attacker through the mirror.His brow furrowed. " It's you!" He stopped the car and spun round to look at her properly. " Miss Beautiful, long time no see! To what do I owe this not so pleasant encounter? "

Gwen was speechless. Why was he so happy to see her? Didn't he realize why she was here!? Well she was holding a gun....That pretty much clearly stated her purpose.Either he was fearless or extremely stupid. And Gwen was starting to think it was the latter.

"Where's my briefcase? " Gwen placed the gun at his forehead. "Don't think I won't pull the trigger ."

" What briefcase?" Alex was genuinely clueless. He had nearly twenty briefcases and he never took time to notice if any was misplaced.

" Black leather briefcase. You had an identical one that day at the hotel. It has something I need." Gwen was growing impatient and this idiot was as slow as ever.

" I'm sorry ...I can't help you right now ...I have a meeting in about an hour and..eh..It might take a while ... you know....driving home...getting into the house..getting to my room.searchin-" Gwen's hellish glare shut him up.

" Forgive me for asking....but I'm going to be blunt . Have you always been this stupid or are you working for someone and trying to confuse me? "Gwen's frustration was written all over her face.She just wanted to blow his head off and check if he had any brains." Just answer the question I asked ... please."She gave a fake smile.

" All I'm saying is...All my briefcases are home." he shrugged his shoulders and widened his blue eyes.He was trying to look adorable.

" Stop it."

" Stop what?"

" Stop acting all cute and all." Gwen sneered as she put her gun away.When she looked up Alec had moved closer. He had a play boyish smirk on his face." What?!"

" Miss, we're alone in this car .Just the two of us .Aren't you afraid of what I'll do if you keep hitting on me... calling me cute."

Gwen couldn't believe this guy.He kept his gaze firm . It was like he was staring into her soul. She was starting to get hot.Her eyes darted around the car." Drive or I'll shoot you."

" To where?"

" Your house!....Where else, genius!" Gwen scoffed.

" Whatever you say ma'am!" He faked a British accent.He noticed a quick smile on Gwen's face.

" Welcome sir." Edward greeted Alec." And ,oh my, who's the lovely guest?"Edward bowed to Gwen. He was an old man , about 60 if Gwen guessed right . He has the most sincere grey eyes she'd ever seen.His presence gave a sense of belonging.She couldn't help but smile.

" I'm Gwen, Gwen Barkley." She held out her hand and to her surprise,he kissed it.She giggled ." Nice to meet you ."

" Let's get in ,my dear." Alec teased.

Gwen rolled her eyes .She cursed under her breath.

She thought the gate was marvelous but she didn't expect the house to leave her in shock. One needed sun glasses in here! Every thing was sparkly and the gigantic windows let in so much light ,it looked heavenly.The chandelier was enormous and old fashioned but it matched the interior decor. Everything was a fine blend of ancient and modern. Then one thing caught her attention. A painting of a lady.It was large and placed in the centre.It drew your attention.It was beautifully painted ...almost alive.

"Right! The briefcase!...."She spun round and bumped into Alec .He held her by the waist so she wouldn't stumble .His grip was firm .She held onto his arms for support.Gwen swallowed.She felt like she was sweating. God !...Her heart was in her throat.

Alec couldn't help but come closer.His free hand circled her eye slowly..... carefully. "You have lovely eyes." He smiled. Utter silence followed.The situation was tense ...mostly for Gwen. She literally just ambushed the guy in gun point and forced him to bring her to his house yet he was being so .....so....sweet. "Should I let go or do you like staying in my arms?"Alec teased.

Gwen snapped out of it and broke free from him .She avoided his gaze and coughed nervously. " Let's go to your room."

" You really can't wait to get into my bed...am I right?" He said as he run his fingers through his hair.

" Just...Shut up ....please ....I'm begging you ." This was getting too much.

Alec brought out his briefcases one by one. They were all black and identical." Search for what you ambushed me for." He threw his arms in the air and sat on his bed.

Gwen helped herself and opened the briefcases one by one.The first five were empty....the next six had documents...Gwen was tired.She leaned on a wall and closed her eyes .

" Gwen .... lovely name." Alec muttered loud enough for her to hear." But I expected something more...you know ... vicious...something like...Graciella..or...Lucianaita!" He tried his best with the Mexican accent.

Gwen laughed.Her laughter was beautiful.Alec observed her. She still had her eyes closed. Her forehead had some sweat beads and her black curly hair stuck to her face.Oh, what he would give be that hair .To be so close to her . He sucked in air and chuckled. What was he thinking?

" Care to share what's making you happy?" Gwen slowly opened her eyes and looked at him .He was lying in his bed with his arm supporting his head. His blonde hair was ruffled and his eyes were as hypnotizing as ever .She looked away.

" Wouldn't you like to know my name?" he raised his brow." I mean....you've attacked me twice so far .First ...you hit me...now you threaten me with a gun.... Aren't you in the slightest bit curious about who I am?"

" If I ask ....Will you shut up and come help me?" Gwen asked.

"Yes....yes I will." Alec sat up waiting to hear her ask. He didn't know why he was excited.

Gwen sighed."What's your name?"

Alec smiled and stood up .He walked to her and held out his hand "I thought you'd never ask." he held her hand and squeezed it." Alec Reinster."

"Gwendoline Prudence Barkley." Gwen shook his hand." But you can call me Gwen."