
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Urban
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73 Chs

A deal is made.

Gwen and Alec searched all the briefcases but they couldn't find what she needed. Hell , even Gwen didn't know what the goods looked like! All she knew was it was worth 2.5million dollars...she had to find it. She was frustrated. She walked to the balcony in Alec's room. The breeze was comforting. She sucked it in. She thought it was better to ask Bain what she was looking for. As deliverers , the goods were not to be known .

" Hey ...Bain? What do the goods look like ?"

" Gwenie... they're diamonds. Make sure you get em'....If things get hard, call me and I'll send some of my guys over." Bain was always concerned about her . She only had one day left and Mr. Frinee was a dangerous man.

" I'll manage just fine" Gwen assured him. She hang up. She palmed her face . She was running out of time.

" Who was that?" Alec stood behind her. " Your boyfriend? " Why the hell was he asking? It wasn't his business but he wanted to know.

" No...that was my boss. " Gwen turned and pushed him back. " And also ...it is none of your business. "

Alec was grinning inwards. He put on a serious face. " Sorry for invading your personal space. "

" I'm starting to think you're hiding something from me. We've searched all the briefcases and found nothing . " Gwen pulled out her gun again. " You're hiding something. "

" Well, calm down. " Alec held the hand with a gun. He smiled. " You see there's one more briefcase we haven't seen. "

" Where is it ? " Gwen was tired and exhausted. All she needed was answers and a good night's sleep.

" I can't tell you." Alec whispered. His face suddenly turned dark. " Unless , you agree to help me with something. "

Gwen couldn't believe her ears . Her mouth fell open but words didn't come out. " What are you trying to do? Those are my goods and I don't need to help you with anything! "

" Then we'll never know where your 'goods' are . "Alec let go of her hand and she immediately placed the gun at his chest.He moved closer and closer till she had to take a few steps back. " You won't shoot me. You don't have it in you. And more importantly , if you do pull the trigger and kill me ...You'll never find the briefcase and you'll immediately land in jail because I have dozens of guards around . "

Gwen bit her lip so hard she thought she might bleed. But he was right , she didn't have the murderer quality. The best she could do was torture him till he wished for death." I- " . Her phone rang. It was an unknown number." Hello? "

" Ah..Miss Gwen. I just called to remind you. " It was Mr. Frinee." You have one day to go. I'll be waiting.Tomorrow , midnight. " There were noises and chatter in the background.Gwen heard a familiar voice. It was her mom's.

" Where are you ? " she tried to be as calm as possible.

" Your house. Oh, Marylynne was just telling me about your childhood." His voice was repulsive. Gwen's blood was boiling ." Ok , I have to go. Bye. "

Gwen glared at Alec before admitting defeat. " What do you want ?"

" That's more like it. " Alec moved to the desk in the corner of his room. " You will accompany me to an event. The annual business elites ball. " He noticed Gwen's expression." Dont worry. It's not an actual ball. The ball is just a cover .This is where deals are made , shares are bought and all that crap."

" And what would my purpose be at such an event." Gwen came closer and sat on his desk.

" You'll be my beautiful date and more importantly...a distraction to other eyes." Alec smirked." I need you to seduce someone. " Gwen was dumbfounded.She looked infuriated. Alec was quick to explain. " You just have to keep him busy for a while."

" Who is he and why should I ' seduce' him ?" Gwen crossed her arms.

" His name is Richard Grey.My biggest competitor." He gave Gwen a photograph. " We both want to sign a deal with a group of Japanese investors so I have to get to them first and convince them ."

" Fine. " Gwen stood and turned to leave .

" Tomorrow..7.30pm. I'll pick you up.Text me your address." Alec yelled behind her.She didn't turn." Should I send you a dress ? "

Gwen stopped but she didn't turn. " No thanks. I think I'll manage just fine." And just like that she was gone.

" I like her. " Alec grinned .