
I was a merchant NPC before I became the LAST BOSS.

Hello. I'm here to tell you that. The main story of this book is already posted. The title is "Looks Is Better Than Stats." I'm going to continue this book later, once the main story progresses, since this is an origin story and Eidos is a really important character in the main story. I actually intended to post the main story first, but because I wanted to join the September event, because the main story is not a revenge story I posted this first. you might thought that this book felt a little bit rushed.  and my answer is because it is. Don't worry, I'm going to make this book much better, but for now, I'll focus on the main story.  I already have 100+ chapters in the main story, and I only need to proofread them. So please keep supporting me and enjoy the main one. This is the main story synopsis. In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits. In a departure from convention, the completion of this quest signals the game's ultimate conclusion. Step inside, where digital realms blur with reality, and discover what it truly means to live in a world where boundaries cease to exist

Ank_Art · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Jolly Knight Vs. NPC: Part 9

Marie's internal turmoil left her momentarily frozen, her face reflecting the guilt and uncertainty that had taken hold of her. She had never intended to harm Eidos to such an extent, and seeing the consequences of her actions weighed heavily on her.

"AHAHAHA, come on, Marie! Eidos is good with it, and do you really want to look like that in front of your very first student?"

Next to Atnas, Kael shot him a look that clearly said, "Come on, old man, you're being a bit too unreasonable. The kid is one blow away from collapsing."

However, Atnas's boisterous laughter and words of reassurance shattered the grip of guilt that held her. His reminder that Eidos had willingly accepted the situation and his encouragement to maintain her composure spurred her back into action.

With renewed determination, Marie turned her gaze to Eidos, her very first student, who was looking at her with eager anticipation, his eyes filled with a mixture of trust and high expectations.

"I guess I can't look weak in front of this child," Marie thought, a grin breaking across her face. She raised her hand, and a surge of mana flowed from her, reinvigorating her spirits and filling the air with the promise of a thrilling battle.

"Lets go, Eidos," she declared, her voice brimming with newfound resolve. The battle was far from over, and with this renewed energy.

Eidos nodded with gratitude, his shield in both hands vanishing into shimmering motes of light.

"Master Marie, thank you," he began, his voice sincere and filled with appreciation. "Because of you, I've grown significantly stronger. We haven't even begun our formal training yet, but I've already gained so much. I'm truly grateful."

As Eidos spoke, an unexpected phenomenon occurred. His right hand emitted a radiant glow, and in an instant, a gleaming sword materialized in his grip. However, what truly left everyone in the room stunned was that his left hand also began to emit an even brighter light.

"!!!" Kael's eyes widened, mirroring the astonishment that rippled through the Jolly Knights. Raiza, their ever-vigilant commander, couldn't help but share in the disbelief that had gripped the room.

Eidos's left hand continued to shine, its brilliance intensifying with each passing moment. Then, to the shock and awe of all present, a staff materialized in his left hand.









+100 INT and +100 STR when both a sword and a staff are equipped.

Skill: Gravitational Apparition [upgradable]

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Mana Consumption: 500 MP

"He's dual-wielding," Kael whispered in amazement, voicing the realization that had already dawned upon the astute onlookers. It was a feat that defied common wisdom and the very laws of the gods themselves.

[You gain 100 HP Due to Regeneration]


Eidos's transformation into a dual-wielding warrior sent shockwaves through the training ground. The Jolly Knights, including Marie, stared in astonishment as he effortlessly wielded both a gleaming sword and a crackling staff, a feat that was unheard of and even forbidden by the gods themselves.

Marie's emerald eyes shimmered with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Dual-wielding... incredible," she muttered under her breath, her curiosity piqued.

Without wasting a moment, Eidos launched himself at Marie, his movements swift and coordinated. With his sword, he struck like a whirlwind, delivering precise slashes and stabs that showcased his newfound strength and agility. Each blow resonated with the force of his enhanced STR, and Marie had to call upon her magic to erect protective barriers just to keep up.

[You deal 100 HP]

But it wasn't just brute force that Eidos brought to the fight. His staff, held expertly in his other hand, crackled with magical energy. He channeled spells through it, launching bursts of arcane power in between his sword strikes. The combination of melee and ranged attacks kept Marie on her toes, forcing her to dodge and deflect not just physical blows but also potent magical projectiles.

[You deal 300 HP]

[You deal 500 HP]

"this is fun!"

Marie's expression transformed from initial surprise to exhilaration. She welcomed the challenge Eidos presented, and her own mana surged in response. With a flourish of her staff, she countered Eidos's magic with her own, creating dazzling displays of elemental forces clashing mid-air.

The battleground became a whirlwind of steel and magic. Eidos's dual-wielding prowess allowed him to adapt to different combat scenarios. When Marie created distance, he switched to using his staff to launch powerful spells, closing the gap with bursts of speed when needed. The fluidity of his movements was a testament to his training and newfound abilities.

[-350 MP]

Marie, while initially taken aback, met Eidos's onslaught with her own repertoire of skills. She crafted barriers that absorbed his magical attacks and countered with intricate spells that weaved fire and ice into deadly combinations. Their clashes created shockwaves that rippled through the training ground, rattling the onlookers.

[You received -100 HP Damage]

[You deal 300 HP]

The excitement in the room was palpable, and the Jolly Knights watched in awe as their mentor and Eidos engaged in an intense battle. Marie's experience and mastery of magic were evident, but Eidos's unique dual-wielding style brought an unpredictable edge to the fight. The clash of their powers, sword against staff, magic against might, was a spectacle to behold.

As the battle raged on, both combatants pushed themselves to the limit, drawing upon every ounce of strength and skill they possessed. Eidos knew that he had to prove himself against one of the esteemed Jolly Knights, and Marie relished the opportunity to test her abilities against her first student.

As the duel between Eidos and Marie continued to intensify, Marie's expression grew more focused and determined. She knew she couldn't hold back any longer, and with a resolute shout, she invoked a powerful incantation.


In response to her call, a small yet magnificent creature materialized on her shoulder. It was a diminutive red dragon, its form composed entirely of swirling flames. The sheer presence of the fiery spirit exuded an aura of immense power.