
I was a merchant NPC before I became the LAST BOSS.

Hello. I'm here to tell you that. The main story of this book is already posted. The title is "Looks Is Better Than Stats." I'm going to continue this book later, once the main story progresses, since this is an origin story and Eidos is a really important character in the main story. I actually intended to post the main story first, but because I wanted to join the September event, because the main story is not a revenge story I posted this first. you might thought that this book felt a little bit rushed.  and my answer is because it is. Don't worry, I'm going to make this book much better, but for now, I'll focus on the main story.  I already have 100+ chapters in the main story, and I only need to proofread them. So please keep supporting me and enjoy the main one. This is the main story synopsis. In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits. In a departure from convention, the completion of this quest signals the game's ultimate conclusion. Step inside, where digital realms blur with reality, and discover what it truly means to live in a world where boundaries cease to exist

Ank_Art · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Jolly Knight Vs. NPC: FINAL PART

"this is my contracted spirit, and one of the four great spirit. Salamander"

Eidos paused mid-attack, briefly taken aback by the awe-inspiring sight of the summoned creature. His eyes widened as he recognized the significance of this moment. Marie had summoned one of the Four Great Spirits, an incredible feat that showcased her absolute seriousness in the battle.

With Salamander by her side, Marie's abilities were elevated to a whole new level. The fiery spirit exuded an intense heat that radiated throughout the training ground, further intensifying the already heated battle. Marie's spells grew even more potent, fueled by the elemental magic of her contracted spirit.

The small red dragon watched the battle with keen eyes, its presence commanding the utmost respect. Eidos, though faced with this new challenge, didn't waver. Instead, he steadied himself, his dual-wielding technique undeterred. He knew that defeating an opponent who commanded the power of one of the Four Great Spirits would be an incredible achievement.

The onlookers were left in awe, their eyes fixed on the spectacle unfolding before them. The clash of blade and magic, sword against staff, and now, the inclusion of a contracted spirit, painted a vivid picture of an epic showdown between this new mentor and student.

Eidos's determination burned brighter than ever as he faced this new obstacle. He understood that to emerge victorious, he would need to push his limits even further and harness the full extent of his dual-wielding abilities. 

But even so, Marie's relentless assault continued, her incantations weaving intricate patterns in the air as she summoned ever more potent fire magic, now with Salamander's fiery presence enhancing her spells. The training ground was ablaze with the intense heat and swirling flames conjured by the powerful Jolly Knight.

[You received -100 HP Damage]

[You received -100 HP Damage]

[You received -100 HP Damage]

"so hot"

However, as Marie unleashed her devastating magical onslaught, a subtle but significant change began to ripple through the atmosphere. Eidos, caught in the midst of their fierce duel, felt a newfound surge of energy coursing through his veins.

"I guess it's time to use this new skill," he muttered under his breath, his eyes fixed on Marie.

With determination etched across his face, Eidos raised his staff high, his fingers gripping it tightly. His surroundings trembled, and the very stage they stood upon seemed to groan in response.

"Gravitational Apparition!"

[-500 MP]

Suddenly, the entire training ground quaked as if subjected to an immense force. Marie's eyes widened in shock as her body was drawn inexorably downwards, her feet stumbling on the ground. She felt an overwhelming pressure pushing her into the earth, making every movement a herculean effort.

"Geh!" Marie grunted, struggling against the unseen force that held her captive. Her fiery magic wavered as her concentration waned, and even the mighty Salamander seemed to struggle in the face of this mysterious magic.

"What is this... magic?" Marie gasped, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she fought to remain upright. The gravitational apparition had taken her completely by surprise, disrupting her fiery onslaught and leaving her vulnerable.

Eidos, his staff still raised, stood firm against the power of his own spell. His eyes gleamed with determination as he took advantage of the chaos he had unleashed. The battle had reached a pivotal moment, and it was clear that both combatants were willing to push their limits to emerge victorious.

Marie, her body still subject to the immense gravitational force, seemed momentarily trapped. However, in a desperate bid to regain control of the battle, she uttered a single word,


The fiery dragon spirit Salamander, which had been hovering around her, suddenly merged with Marie. Her form underwent a dramatic transformation; she no longer appeared human but rather a half-dragon, her very essence suffused with the elemental power of fire.

The high gravity that had previously hindered her movements was now inconsequential, as she moved with newfound grace and power, her dragon-like attributes granting her the strength and agility she needed.

Eidos, witnessing this incredible transformation, felt a mixture of awe and trepidation. He knew that Marie had just unveiled a formidable ace up her sleeve, and the impending clash was bound to be cataclysmic.

With a raised hand, Marie summoned a massive fireball, smaller than her previous attack but crackling with an intensity that made it clear this was her ultimate strike. The entire training ground seemed to quiver in anticipation of the impending cataclysm.

Eidos, sensing the impending danger, attempted to equip both his shield and staff to defend against the oncoming onslaught. However, a discouraging message flashed before him,

"[DUAL WIELDER SKILL LEVEL IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH]," dashing his hopes of a dual-defense strategy.

With no other choice, he readied himself to face Marie's devastating attack with his own formidable spell. The two titanic forces clashed, and the sheer power of their magic rippled through the training ground.

Kael's forehead glistened with beads of sweat as he mustered the courage to speak up, "Master, I can't help but think that we should stop them right about now."

In response, Atnas let out a hearty laugh, his joviality filling the training ground.

"Master, are you being serious right now? Do you actually want this school to be turned into rubble?" Kael's voice trembled with worry as he questioned the guild master.

"AHAHA, FEAR NOT, MY DEAR KAEL. I'VE TAKEN PRECAUTIONS TO SHIELD THIS PRECIOUS SCHOOL FROM HARM USING MY SKILL. NOTHING WILL BEFALL THIS BUILDING," Atnas assured, his tone lighthearted. However, under his breath, he muttered, "As for the occupants of this room... well..."

The Jolly Knight and Kael exchanged incredulous glances, silently conveying their disbelief at Atnas's apparent nonchalance. It was a moment that left them both wondering if their master was joking, though the stakes seemed far too high for jest.

  Kael looked at Master Atnas with a face that said, "Youve got to be kidding."

For a moment, it felt as though the world held its breath. Then, with an explosive burst of energy, the battle reached its climax. The force of their collision sent shockwaves through the surroundings, and the training ground quaked as their powers clashed in a cataclysmic display of magic and might. And with that, the intense battle finally concluded.