
Chapter 68

After talking about Professor McGonagall's life experience, seeing that there was still enough time, the little wizards pulled Li Xuan to tell Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout about their achievements.

Professor McGonagall below is also listening to Li Xuan's explanation, after all, what she thinks of herself and what she hears from other people are two completely different concepts and completely different experiences.

The first class, the same as Li Xuan's class in the previous life, first told the little wizards about some of the situation of such a class, and some small stories.

Except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they are basically old teachers, so they will say something about the course to improve students' interest in the course.

After all, no matter what the world, teachers know that interest is the best teacher for students and the motivation to keep them learning.

Didn't you see that even Snape did this, opening his mouth was death and glory, which boy didn't listen to it!

Then start to learn theoretical knowledge, generally speaking, like the first day of contact, basically with theory as the active hand practice as a supplement, and after a week or two, the students are familiar, then it becomes practice-based and supplemented by theory.

Because of Li Xuan's wave of rainbow fart in the morning, Professor McGonagall was in a very good mood this morning, even if a little lion caused trouble at noon and was sent to her, she smiled and comforted him that he was not reprimanded as harshly as before.

This made Fred and George feel that Professor McGonagall had not been cast on the Soul Reaper Curse, and yes, the trick-or-treating duo sent by Filch were Fred and George, which can be said to be regular visitors to Professor McGonagall's office.

The twins, who had not been reprimanded by Professor McGonagall for a while, were still a little unaccustomed, and even wondered if something was wrong with their dean.

The two of them got into trouble again, and then this time Professor McGonagall didn't give them two good faces, but Fred and George accepted the reprimand with a smile this time.

Anyway, I was scolded not once or twice, I have immunity, this is a normal Professor McGonagall!

Well, maybe these two brothers have that masochistic tendencies?!

But at dinner in the evening, Professor McGonagall met Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, but talked about it, which made Professor Flitwick happy, after all, it was really rare to be praised by Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout at the same time.

Li Xuan, who was nibbling with lamb chops, did not know that he had given his dean a long face again, but today he was full of classes, two flying lessons in the afternoon.

For flying lessons, Li Xuan is not interested at all, what is the meaning of riding a magic broom, even if there are various light wheel models, no matter how fast the speed is, it can't change that it's just a broom.

Riding a flying broom, for men, is really not friendly, even if when riding a flying broom will automatically generate a triangular cushion similar to a bicycle cushion, but that is not comfortable!

Is this triangle friendly to fellow men?

Li Xuan was afraid that riding a flying broom too much would affect his development, so even if his flying talent was good, he did not show it, and he did not want to be pulled by Professor Flitwick to the Quidditch team in Ravenclaw.

Entering the Quidditch team meant training often, and regular training meant riding a flying broom for a long time, which Li Xuan did not want to.

And what's the point of riding a flying broomstick, my bird snake, my fire dragon is a decoration?

So for the flying lesson, Li Xuan's idea is that it is good not to hang up the subject, and the hidden Li Xuan did not expect that he was more popular.

Because it is flawless and proficient in all kinds of things, it is indeed very powerful, but this is God is not a person, giving people the feeling that they are not a world, even if they are close, it is useless.

But there are flaws, there are those who are not good at it, then the golden body is broken, and the distance is pulled in at once, and Li Xuan understands it when he thinks about it. I didn't expect that my behavior would have such a effect.

For the interaction with the people of Hogwarts, Li Xuan pays attention to a casual, casual, and not forced.

As for the omnipotence, erudition, maturity and steadiness in the eyes of other little wizards, it can only be said that it is brought about by psychological age and insight, and it is also crucial to know the plot through familiarity.

"There's no stupid waving of wands here, so many of you won't believe it's magic. I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of the simmering cauldron with white smoke wafting from the crisp fragrance.

You won't really understand the fluid that flows into people's veins, the magical power that makes people feel and confused…

I can teach you how to increase your prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death—but one thing has to be that you're not the stupid fools I often encounter… "

Looking at Snape who said such a forced paragraph to everyone on the podium, especially the last sentence, it was very characteristic of Snape, and no matter how good the words were, they should be followed by some ridicule or sarcasm.