
Chapter 64

I finally finished the course on the history of magic, fortunately, there was only one section, otherwise it was really uncomfortable. But what's more uncomfortable is that there is another session tomorrow morning!

Dinner Li Xuan looked at, of course, it can't be compared with the school dinner party, after all, if you make so many kinds of dishes every day, it will be difficult to take care of other things.

You must know that the house-elves of Hogwarts are not only cooks, but also dormitory keepers, cleaners, etc., wearing many hats.

Like every dinner party, you need to prepare for almost a day, even with the help of magic, but there are so many teachers and students in the entire Hogwarts, it is not that simple.

Therefore, the usual lunch and dinner are full, and the types are rotated every day, so dozens of foods are combined by the house-elves to the limit to create various combinations.

Tonight's dishes are grilled sausages, grilled chicken, stew, broccoli, baked potatoes, peas, bread, and the must-have pumpkin and orange juice for every meal.

Just these things, there is nothing Li Xuan doesn't like to eat, so Li Xuan basically took some and put it on the plate, tonight's dishes are okay, meat and vegetarian matching, there are staple dishes and dishes.

By the way, this time Li Xuan did not resist the baked potatoes because Hermione helped peel the skin of the baked potatoes, well, Li Xuan is not shy and cheeky, let a little girl help him peel the potatoes.

It's just that Hermione saw that Li Xuan took everything, but did not take baked potatoes, so she asked him if he didn't like eating potatoes, but after learning that he was too lazy to peel them, she helplessly helped him and herself peel one.

One is enough, and I choke on eating too much.

Because Ravenclaw had no male freshmen in the first year this year, and Li Xuan was not interested in getting to know them with the other little witches, Li Xuan simply did not hurry back to his dormitory after eating, and went back by himself.

Took out the flying chess from the space and pulled Hermione and Neville to play in the auditorium, which is not only a place to eat, but also a place for entertainment, and many little wizards are not in a hurry to go back after eating, after all, some friends are from other academies, and they just chat and play together here.

Halfway through, our Weasley twins naturally saw the new gadget that Li Xuan came up with, and pricked up his ears as he explained the rules to Hermione and Neville.

After all, this flying chess is a thing in the world of technology, and the wizard world does not have this thing, and the two brothers are particularly attentive and active about what they play.

"Senior Brother Li Xuan, can you let us join us with this flying chess?"

"Yes, this flying chess is much simpler than wizard chess, but it also feels very interesting!"

The Weasley twins sat down next to Li Xuan familiarly, and said to Li Xuan with a smile that Li Xuan naturally would not hate this naughty twin, after all, Li Xuan was not less sad when one of them died in his previous life.

"Take it, give you a pair, you have heard the rules just now, no need for me to say more."

Li Xuan took out a pair of flying chess from the small world and handed it to them, George and Fred may not be interested in learning, but in terms of playing, it is simply talented.

Seeing Li Xuan's hand, George and Fred's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Cool, space storage equipment!"

"It's good when we can have one, but thank you very much for sending us a set of flying chess so generously, if there is anything you usually need our help with, just open your mouth!"

"That's right, there's nothing George and his Fred can't do."

"I'm George, and you're Fred."

As long as there is Fred and George, it will not be boring and quiet, and looking at the two people who start to argue again, no one feels strange.

By the way, Li Xuan is now on the Gryffindor table, but no one minds, generally this is a very normal thing, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff houses are basically very harmonious.

Only Slytherin wandered outside, it should be said that most of the Slytherin students, no way, no one wants to be looked at condescendingly and proudly.

"You're George, you're Fred!"

The two people who were still arguing on a daily basis were stunned when they saw that Li Xuan could easily distinguish them, not only Fred and George, but also other Gryffindor students were very curious.

"Li Xuan, how did you do it? Our moms don't necessarily tell the difference between the two of us? "

"That's right, our little brother Ron is not less fooled by us."

Hearing Fred's words, Ron over there couldn't help but roll his eyes, I really thank you, Harry next to him looked at his good brother with a smile, it seems that this life is also 'in deep water'!

"It's magic!"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, all the people who were expecting gave him a roll of their eyes, if they didn't want to say it, they didn't want to say it, what kind of magic, you think that in the world of science and technology, this is the wizard world, who can't do magic!

"Go and play, otherwise you won't be able to play when the curfew is in a while."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Fred and George quickly took flying chess to the side and began to find someone to play, which also attracted many little wizards to watch, of course, Li Xuan also had it here.

Later, Fred and George saw that Li Xuan was just the three of them, so they cheekily joined their team, and the other flying chess was handed over to other little wizards to play.

They found that Li Xuan, the junior brother, not only the erudition in his brother's mouth, but also had all kinds of interesting things, and he could naturally get rain and dew after having a good relationship with him!

Li Xuan didn't know Fred and George's little calculation, and they played with Hermione until ten o'clock and went back to wash, after all, they had to get up early tomorrow to exercise.