
Chapter 57

"Bell bell bell!"

The next day, Li Xuan got up at the sound of the alarm clock, and after taking the bird and snake back to the small world, he brushed his teeth a little, and then left the dormitory, intending to run for a run, which was enough for half an hour.

Li Xuan did not wear wizard robes, after all, he had to run for a while, he was still wearing sportswear, and he was not afraid of mavericks, after all, the little wizards did not require wizard robes all the time.

Generally, after returning to the common room of each college, everyone will change into civilian clothes, and you can also wear casual clothes when there is no class, and there is a uniform dress code during class.

This is what Penelope told Li Xuan on the way back last night, some trivia about college life.

This reminded Li Xuan of the school rules when he was in junior high school in his previous life, and it also meant the same thing.

Otherwise, there will be two sets of wizard clothes, and you don't need to wash them every day?

Although it is said that the existence of magic does not worry about this problem, but always wearing such clothes, let alone girls, boys can't stand it.

After leaving the dormitory, Li Xuan thought that there should be no one in the common room at this point, but found that there were already several seniors studying there with books.

It is worthy of being the strongest involution academy Ravenclaw, in other words, Gryffindor, not to mention this point to study, it is already very good to be able to get up on time for breakfast and go to class.

Everyone was quiet, no one spoke, and the seniors naturally saw Li Xuan, a freshman, get up in the morning, but when they saw him wearing a sportswear, they knew what he was going to do, so they nodded to Li Xuan and continued to read hard.

For this kind of communication, Li Xuan still likes it very much, there are not too many words, light as water, and he really came to Ravenclaw by himself!

The Black Lake is located on the south side of the castle, and England has begun to get cold in September, which makes Li Xuan, who lived in the south in his previous life and wore short sleeves in September, very uncomfortable.

The surface of the Black Lake is covered with layers of mist, and the water looks black, which is the origin of the name Black Lake.

The surface of the Black Lake in this world has not yet frozen, so Li Xuan can see the tentacles of the giant squid exposing the surface of the water from far away, stirring up ripples.

After running a few laps along the Black Lake, in such a cold weather, the naked eye could see that Li Xuan's head was steaming white, and then walked around, the time was almost the same, and the originally somewhat dim skyline had become brighter and brighter.

Li Xuan, who was sweaty, walked back to the dormitory, and at this time there were more people in the Ravenclaw common room than at the beginning, but Li Xuan, who was in a hurry to go back to take a shower and change clothes, did not find that Penelope was also inside.

However, Penelo saw Li Xuan, and when he saw Li Xuan's appearance, he didn't make a sound, but he secretly remembered it in his heart.


Fortunately, hot water is available 24 hours a day here at Hogwarts, so don't mention how comfortable it is to take a hot shower after exercising on a cold day!

After changing his clothes, Li Xuan walked to the auditorium, because breakfast, lunch and dinner were eaten here.

Yesterday was Saturday, today is Sunday, tomorrow is class, and breakfast in the auditorium is also the time for owls to deliver mail and packages, so many little wizards will look forward to breakfast time.

Li Xuan came to the auditorium, generally speaking, the students of each academy ate at the long table of their own college, which was quite early, so there were not many people in the auditorium.

"Early, Senior Sister!"

So Li Xuan naturally saw the cold and beautiful Penelope, and sat down next to her generously.


Penelope, who was tearing the toast into small bites, said hello to Li Xuan, and the time was almost eight o'clock, Penelo did not continue to stay in the common room, the academy's breakfast was served until nine o'clock at most, after which you would be hungry.

Li Xuan looked at the table, cereal, bread rolls, orange juice, pickled fish, eggs and bacon, toast, cornflakes.

Well, very English characteristics, still haven't seen a little green, where do vitamins come from, it seems that you can only rely on old partner orange juice.

First get yourself a bowl of cereal, then bacon, eggs, a small piece of salted fish, and then a piece of toast and spread jam, and that's breakfast for today.

No, maybe it's all breakfast for the week to be exact?

Li Xuan felt that it was time for his dormitory cafeteria to prepare, otherwise he might really thank him for eating the same recipes of the house-elves every day.

Penelo looked at Li Xuan's dinner plate on the side, and could only say that the boy's appetite was good, like her bowl of cereal porridge and a piece of bread was enough.

"Junior, do you have the habit of exercising in the morning every morning?"

Li Xuan, who was drinking porridge, heard Penelo's words, and naturally understood that he was seen by her when he went out for morning exercise this morning, and he saw it when he went out, and Penelo should not have gotten up at that time, it should be time to come back.

"Yes, I have always had the habit of morning exercise, which will not only make the body good, but also make people energetic throughout the day."

"This way…"

With Penelo by his side, the time passed quickly while eating and chatting.