
Chapter 276

Chapter 276: Flocking to

The main thing is that these guys are well-informed enough and fast enough, from learning the news in such a short time, making up their minds, writing the application, all things and actions are completed in such a short time.

It seems that I really can't wait!

"Come, have breakfast! While there is no one looking for you now, or the first batch has ended, you better hurry up and eat breakfast, otherwise you will be out of time in a while. "

Seeing that Li Xuan was no longer looking for him, Penelo brought over the breakfast that had been prepared according to Li Xuan's taste on the side.

With her knowledge of other little wizards at Hogwarts for so long, there must be many little wizards who just knew that they were struggling to write applications.

There must be someone looking for Li Xuan in a while, after all, Penelo also listened to it just now, and in the mouth of the little wizard who participated in the study mutual aid meeting last night, omnipotence is already Li Xuan's worst adjective!

Such a wave of rainbow farts goes down, for young wizards of this age, it is so magical, I have to have what others have!

What's more, the situation in the Quidditch pitch that day, everyone looked at it, who wouldn't want to be like Li Xuan's three, with a wave of his hand, his own patronus flew out, defeated the dementors, and protected himself27?!

In fact, about the Patronus Charm, Hogwarts was originally taught, or in the advanced class of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

But over the past few years, Quirrell and Lockhart have broken everyone's hearts, that is, when Lupin came, he regained the spell, so there were not many senior students who came to participate in the study mutual aid club this time.

So Lupin was already handing them off, and they showed their own last time at the Quidditch pitch. Although it is only a wisp of silver-white smoke, it can also drive away the Dementors when gathered together.

The senior ones are not in a hurry, but the other middle and lower grades are in a hurry, and everyone does not know that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts change every year.

The seniors are lucky this year, but that doesn't mean they'll be so lucky next year. And the danger of dementors is imminent, so seize every opportunity as much as possible!

Li Xuan smiled and took the breakfast that Penelope handed over, simple pasta, some steaks that had been cut into small pieces with a knife and fork, some pea seedlings mixed with butter, some asparagus, and here Hermione also brought a glass of milk.

Yes, why does everyone like to find their sister to fall in love with their brother, it's not that the brother and sister are mature and sensible and will take care of people! Of course, Hermione is not bad, she is still studying hard, after all, people are still children, don't ask too much. After eating and drinking, as Penelope thought, quite a few young wizards came to submit applications.

Finally, it included the first batch, the second batch that was temporarily added last night, and the third batch this morning, there are already more than ninety numbers and almost a hundred people!

Is it really not unknowing, if you are shocked, who would have thought that you would have enlisted almost hundreds of people all of a sudden?!

Li Xuan had to ask Neville to help him and the others said that the study mutual aid club had stopped recruiting new people because there were too many people to guide.

This made the students who were one step behind couldn't help but slap their thighs wildly, why didn't they move faster?! That's a lot for Hogwarts as a school!

This is still because Li Xuan rejected the first-year students who had just entered the school, and they were all second-year students at the beginning, and the first-year students should study well.

It's only been a long time since they entered school, and they may not even be able to use the Flotation Charm and the Basic Transformation Spell smoothly, so don't be too ambitious! So Li Xuan decisively rejected them, or don't mislead them, don't create a kind of high hands and low eyes, this is not good. More importantly, the more people, the more difficult it is to manage and teach, and now that there are so many people, Li Xuan is thinking about whether to teach in two classes.

Otherwise, taking the big class of hundreds of people at the same time, even in Li Xuan's reading career in his previous life, only the less important elective courses in college would be like this.

But teaching others spells is not like those elective courses, as long as you stand on the stage, explain according to the PPT, and then select a few classmates to answer the questions and discuss it.

Teaching spells naturally requires careful observation and proper guidance and advice.

Even if Li Xuan plus Hermione and Penelope, the situation like last night would be almost the limit.

Li Xuan couldn't beat his swollen face and fill up a fat person, and he did this for his own fame, and he really wanted to help everyone learn the Guardian Charm.

In addition to having the intention of cultivating his subordinates, he must also be worthy of the trust that Neville and these people have in themselves. Trust this kind of thing, once there is a lack once, the possibility of wanting to make up for it later is very small.

Later, Li Xuan and Penelo discussed it, so many people, it was indeed time to divide, divided into two classes, a class of about fifty people is just right.

And it's not a simple and rude division of people equally, this class is also skillful.

First, there is the issue of age, after all, the learning society includes students from the second grade to the fifth grade, and the range is so much as 100 million points.

It is impossible to divide them together in a general 600, and the junior wizards are naturally not as good as the senior seniors in both theory and spell casting.

Therefore, Li Xuan divided the class, the first element is according to grade, the upper class and the lower class, and the second element is that the class should also be divided into groups.

The advantage of this is to help each other and push each other.

People are inert, and self-discipline is a very precious quality when a person is alone, especially when the three views of minors are not formed, divided into groups, which can play a role in supporting and supervising each other, and Li Xuan is not a random group.

Li Xuan was divided into groups of five, and it was probably distributed according to the ratio of about two to three from the first batch to the second batch, so that someone could also help guide the new little wizards.

Don't look at the first batch of little wizards only one more lesson than the latter batch, but both theory and practice can be said to be stronger than the latter batch.

What's more, who doesn't like to show saints in front of people and be a teacher?! Li Xuan, this gives them a chance!

And who said that this study mutual aid association can only learn the Patronus Charm, other spells are not impossible, the spell is studied, some other things can also be learned, Li Xuan's future team will not come out?!.