
Chapter 274

Chapter 274: Tips

After coming out of Professor Flitwick's office, Li Xuan came to the auditorium to tell everyone that he had applied for a classroom. Knowing that Li Xuan's efficiency was so high, everyone had more confidence in their hearts, and for a while several people asked if they could join. Of course, Li Xuan will not refuse this, the more people, the easier it is to let himself brush the favorability inside.

Li Xuan also said that he promised to run this learning mutual aid association, on the surface to help everyone learn, secretly to brush up on the favorability, let people admire and admire themselves. Cultivate your own team.

To be honest, to raise these Hogwarts students is to raise the lower limit of your future subordinates.

That's right, Li Xuan just gave such a name, telling everyone that he was not a gang, but simply to help everyone learn.

On the bright side, you can't use this as Li Xuan learning from Voldemort to pull together gangs and gangs for personal gain.

First of all, this mutual aid association was not established by Li Xuan on his own initiative, but Neville and his students had a sense of crisis after being attacked by the Dementors.

During this period, Li Xuan showed his mastery of the Guardian Spirit Spell, so everyone had the idea of letting Li Xuan teach and asked Li Xuan.

Out of classmate friendship, Li Xuan was willing to help each other and agreed to the next one.

Then take the list of everyone and go to Professor Flitwick to apply for a classroom, instead of finding an empty classroom yourself, or the future Harry in the original timeline and using the requirement room.

Li Xuan took the normal application channel, applied and filed with the school, and even the list was handed in together, without the slightest hidden idea.

With such an upright application, the academy can't stop Li Xuan from doing this in the name of an illegal party, right?!

In fact, with Li Xuan's current strength, he didn't have to be so careful, and Ah Tie could only step into the Haoyue Wizard with one foot at the door.

But now is not the time for Li Xuan to lift the table as a chess player, because there is no one under him, to be precise, there are not enough people.

Look at Voldemort's rule for his own rule, from the time he was still in school, he knew to cultivate his subordinates, and created the original cornerstone, which is also Voldemort's strongest backing, not like those Death Eaters who were forced to join by Voldemort's power.

Either run away or turn around and sell the other Death Eaters.

Only the Death Eaters who followed Voldemort at the beginning, loyal to them, even if Voldemort lost power, they did not give up, and even secretly prepared for the resurrection of Voldemort.

Such a loyal subordinate, Li Xuan is also very hungry and needs it, right?! What could be more loyal than someone who was raised from the time he was a student?

Li Xuan's current two wizard teams, Oleg in the Far East and Jeffrey in England, have been loyal to Li Xuan in recent years, under the means of Li Xuan's enwei.

But most of the other wizards under him joined because of interests, and a small number slowly became loyal.

Li Xuan doesn't care too much about this, if his own strength is extraordinary, it doesn't matter if you obey sincerely or falsely, as long as you obey and do things obediently.

Li Xuan had never thought of letting these guys who had completely stabilized the three views become his basic plate, at most it was just an excess.

The real reliance is on wizards who have been cultivated since childhood, loyal wizards, and Voldemort has enjoyed this kind of benefit. Otherwise, he would not have repeatedly applied to Dumbledore for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after graduation.

This is a clever move and idea, mixed with private goods in teaching, which is no better known to Li Xuan, who crossed over from Donghuang, the thought steel seal!

Voldemort has already demonstrated to Li Xuan with his own actions and ends, Li Xuan only needs to take its essence and remove its waste, and then combine his actual situation, and the knowledge of another world, surpassing Voldemort's achievements is easy.

In the future, Li Xuan will also firmly grasp schools like Hogwarts in his own hands, and must implement his own will.

Now, let's practice first.

Li Xuan set the time for the first study mutual aid meeting on Saturday night, and other times were not suitable, and everyone may not have enough energy after a day of class, and everyone may not have enough energy in the evening.

At the same time, some people just have classes at night, and it is not easy to adjust, maybe there are classes from Monday to Friday a week, and they have classes the next day on Sunday night, so don't do the whole thing, so Saturday night is the most suitable.


On Saturday night, after Li Xuan asked everyone to sign in, he was ready to officially begin.

One of the meanings of signing in is to hand in a copy to Professor Flitwick to prove that he has applied for the classroom and is really doing real work.

In addition, it is also convenient for Li Xuan to recognize people, see if there are any malleable talents inside, maybe he can have a little more contact, increase investment, and plan ahead.

"Everyone has heard of the Patronus Charm, both in terms of its power and complexity, not to mention the shocking scene where the professors shot together on the Quidditch pitch last week."

This ancient and mysterious spell will summon a magical patronus, which is the care of your soul and the response to all your most positive emotions.


"Unless you actually summon your Patronus, you will not know what your Patronus looks like, just like my Patronus."


Li Xuan held the wand in his hand for a while, and the silver eagle, which had always been beautiful, appeared in the classroom, showing its heroic posture.

Whether it is its lifelike feathers fluttering in the wind, or its humanized eyes, it tells everyone that this is not a fake, but a living, real creature!

Everyone's hearts were attracted by this eagle, until this radiant eagle was summoned back by Li Xuan, and everyone's bright eyes looked at Li Xuan in unison.

There is one meaning in my eyes: coach, this handsome, I want to learn this!!!

Li Xuan smiled, the hand just now was not to play handsome, but to arouse everyone's interest, which was very important.

Don't look at Li Xuan and Hermione, they seem to have learned it simply, and they can summon a patron spirit, but in fact, the difficulty of this spell is beyond imagination, Hermione and Penelope are both geniuses.

And these people in front of him, Li Xuan does not know, so some people may need a long time to exercise to reach the first stage, and there is no certain motivation as support at the beginning.

The boring practice may be abandoned!

Li Xuan didn't want his first batch of students to give up so easily, so there should still be small skills and means, which is also one of the experiences taught by Professor Flitwick.