
Chapter 24

These dens were prepared by Li Xuan a few days ago, because he knew that if he was going to the Fantastic Beasts store, there would definitely be new Fantastic Beasts coming, so he prepared a nest for these little cuties in advance.

As for these little sniffers moving Jin Garon, Li Xuan did not intend to lend a hand, these little guys' greedy nature for money would not let others interfere.

Look over there there are curious puffs who want to go over and see if they are driven away by the little sniffers, and the boring puffs feel that the blue-and-green birds and snakes are more friendly, so they all run over.

Seeing that no one was disturbing them, the little sniffers continued to carry the golden gallon.

Li Xuan deliberately put Jin Jalong here instead of directly in their den, and in the eyes of others, the little sniffers were very hard and tiring.

But how do you know it's not a process that the other person is enjoying?

Sub-non-fish, the joy of knowing fish.

Anyway, Li Xuan could feel the emotions of the little sniffers and knew that their emotions were cheerful now, and the happiness of this harvest was stronger than directly discovering this pile of gold gallons in the den!

Ignoring these little guys, it seems that their removal work will take a long time.

If the velvet and sniffing are used as pets, Li Xuan's purchase of the Billy Wigg worm and the Shushuluo pot is to be used as a tool pet.

Shuluo Pot can sometimes also be used part-time as a pet, but the Billy Wigg bug with a danger level of XXX is a pure tool pet.

It is about half an inch (1.3 cm) long, blue all over, with a bright luster like green jade, and is a native insect of Australasia.

The wings of the Billy Wigg worm grow on both sides of the head, and it flaps very quickly, and its body rotates when it flies.

Because of its agility, Muggles rarely pay attention to it, and wizards don't see it very often unless stung by it.

The five times of the Billy Wigg worm is the slender needle at the foot of the body, and anyone who is stung by the Billy Wigg worm will feel dizzy, and then it will float up flickeringly.

Even generations of young wizards in Australia and Asia are trying to catch Billy Wigg worms, and they are caught in order to let Billy Wigg insects sting themselves.

Unexpectedly, their purpose is to obtain this incidental floating effect.

But if you've been overstung by the Billy Wigg bug, congratulations, you'll be the most beautiful cub in the air for the next few days.

And that's not the scariest, the scariest thing is that once there is a severe allergic reaction, it is followed by permanent drifting.

That is, you will be a floating person and live in mid-air.

You also have to tie a rope around your feet like a hot air balloon, otherwise when a gust of wind blows, you will be blown away.

The dried Billy Wigg sting needle can be used in a variety of potions, and it is even believed that its sting needle is the ingredient for the popular candy to nourish bee candy.

As for whether it is true or not, a little wizard asked Ambrosius Froome, the boss of the Duke of Honey, and the answer was that a good little wizard would find out the answer on his own.

Then, under the foolishness of Ambrosius, he spent a lot of gold gallons to buy a bunch of nourishing bee candy in the name of research.

It has to be said that this is a shrewd businessman.

By the way, Bee Sugar is a juice jelly ball that makes people float into the air, so it's not surprising that people have this speculation.

The ability of the Billy Wigg worm can sometimes have a surprising effect, which is why Li Xuan bought a lot, of course, not to crack the secret recipe for nourishing bee candy.

Release the Billy Wigg worms and survive with them in the small world, Li Xuan also bought a lot, and he was not afraid that he would have to buy it again after he couldn't reproduce.

Finally, there are those tree guarding pots, which are tree guarding animals with a danger level of XX and mainly live in certain forests in western England, southern Germany and Scanvia.

These little guys whose whole body was made up of bark and small branches were looking at Li Xuan with their little brown eyes, there was no fear in their eyes, only curiosity.

Don't forget, what is Li Xuan's passive talent, and it is said that there is a bonus in the small world.

In addition, the Shushuluo Cauldron is a peaceful and extremely shy creature, so naturally it will not have any aggression towards Li Xuan, not to mention that after being brought into the small world by Li Xuan, they also keenly felt the aura in the air.

The aura in the air was also good for them, so naturally there would be no hostility towards Li Xuan.

Therefore, after Li Xuan opened the cage, they came out to learn that the velvets had just been forced by Li Xuan to stand in line like that.

Although it was a little crooked, not particularly neat, and the appearance was there, it gave Li Xuan a big surprise.

It shows that these little guys are very smart, and they will learn to imitate, observe words, who wouldn't like such cuteness?