
Chapter 193

Chapter 193: Angry Voldemort

"Idiot! You want to expose that kid's behavior now, but have you ever thought of how you explain that you know that the other party was attacked by a basilisk?! Could it be that you ordered it, or are you going to say that you just stood on the side and saw it?! "

Tom Riddle's angry voice sounded in Ron's mind, he originally thought that this guy was a little interesting, although weak, but still a little bit good in his heart.

As a result, after meeting this Muggle-born Oriental boy named Li Xuan, he completely lost his mind.

Tom Riddle kind of wanted to replace Ron, how could there be such a stupid person, even more stupid than the last person who got the notebook, that is, his sister Ginny Weasley!

Where Tom Riddle didn't know what Ron was thinking, and he didn't even need to delve into his thoughts, it was almost written on his face!

It is nothing more than seeing Li Xuan's excellent, handsome, and beautiful senior sisters around him, classmates of the same level, and even a lively senior sister who likes to look at himself again, high or low, no money, no power, no wisdom, even the appearance is average, and even because of the last slug, he completely lost the right to choose a mate.

The last target, and this attack, all stemmed from the jealousy in Ron's heart, and even this jealousy was amplified by Tom Riddle.

As a result, he was completely unwitted and consumed by anger!

If Tom Riddle really couldn't find a better puppet now, someone as obedient as Ron who was easy to control, then he really planned to replace him.

But at present, such a situation is unlikely, if he is picked up by others, it is more likely that he will be handed over to Dumbledore's hands, and it is the phoenix that greets him, and Fox's exorcism flame Ron does not want to think about it, and the statement just mentioned that he commands the basilisk must not be said, then it can only be said that he saw it on the side, and Ron thought so and planned to do so.

But does this stand?!

The classmate was attacked by the basilisk, and it makes sense not to come forward to help, but it is impossible to say without notifying the professor to save people!

If you don't say it, no one knows, and as a result, you blow yourself up, saying that you saw it, and report that Li Xuan has the means to defeat the basilisk.

Everyone knows the grudge between Ron and Li Xuan, but this is not a reason for you to fall into the well if you don't save it, and there is also a shortcoming Ron said that he was watching from the sidelines, if Li Xuan asked him what means he used to subdue the basilisk, how should Ron answer?

He was not really on the scene, everything was just conjecture and made up by himself.

Then if you say that you are not on the scene, it is even more contradictory, so all this is written and directed and acted by yourself in order to frame Li Xuan?!

"I… I… I… "

For a while, Ron was left speechless by Tom Riddle's rhetorical question, and he didn't know how to refute it, just now he just wanted to make Li Xuan pay the price and be discredited, but he didn't. Think about it so much.

Maybe he thought of it, but at this moment he didn't think about anything, he just wanted to beat him, and under the influence of Tom Riddle's remnant soul, Ron himself did not notice that his temperament had changed dramatically.

Originally just jealousy of Li Xuan, but now it has evolved into resentment, obviously just a Muggle-born wizard, but it turned out to be so powerful that even the savior Harry Potter is a little inferior in front of him, how is this not the realm that Ron wants to achieve?!

Perhaps this is a dark psychology that will be destroyed if you don't get it.

"Don't worry, this matter will not end like this, originally I was just a little curious about this kid and thought he was a smart person, and now it seems that the secrets on the other party are not small."

"I'll continue to strike next, what you have to do, that is, keep the status quo, don't startle the snake, he doesn't know that the person who let the basilisk attack is you, and there is still me standing behind you!"

For Tom Riddle's confident words, Ron did not refute it, in his opinion, even if Li Xuan is excellent, he is definitely not the opponent of the second generation of Dark Lord Voldemort, especially he who contains all the knowledge of Voldemort's student life!

Yes, Ron knew who the owner of the diary was, but pretended not to.

And Tom Riddle also knows that Ron guessed his identity, but the other party pretends to be stupid himself, Ron has his own little nine-nine, but why doesn't Tom Riddle have his own plan?!

Scratch in the middle.

Even Ron's careful thinking was hidden in front of Tom Riddle, and even he was calculated by him, and who could have the last laugh when he added to his own calculation, then it was only to wait and see!

It's just that neither Ron nor Tom Riddle thought that there was such a crosser in this world, let alone a traverser who was familiar with the plot and insightful!

Li Xuan was still observing the basilisk in the small world, and even did some experiments to test whether some of the previous conjectures were correct.

The first point is that the death pupil of the basilisk has an effect on Li Xuan, who has the protection of the innate five element spirit tower and the beast spirit bead?

The answer is no, Li Xuan first tried a wave carefully, and found that let alone cautious Yuguang, directly stared at the eyes of the basilisk The pupil of death had no effect on him!

It seems that in the future, Li Xuan's actions can be slightly waver, with the innate five-element spirit tower in the town, these curses and other injuries are not afraid at all, in fact, if Li Xuan's current aura is sufficient, it can ensure the loss of the innate five-element spirit tower, not to mention the half-crippled Voldemort, the old Dumbledore.

It is they in their heyday, plus the heyday Grindelwald, he is not at all!

But really pick up the innate five elements spirit tower to fight, Li Xuan's small treasury innate spirit liquid and the acquired spirit liquid, and even this small world that has been developed with great difficulty, may lose so much weight and shrink a lot!

Of course, those who drive the innate spirit treasure must use the same level of spiritual energy, but Li Xuan's hands do not have much innate spiritual liquid, and the supplements are acquired, of course, they can also be used, even the small world can be used.

But when the time comes, the spiritual liquid will decrease, the small world area will shrink, and it will return to the starting point, falling into an endless cycle.

Therefore, there is no big battle between life and death, and Li Xuan will still not use these two treasures.

Just like the death power of the death pupil of the basilisk, it does not work for Li Xuan is actually just a simple loss of the acquired spirit liquid, just a spontaneous Lord Protector action, plus the ability of the basilisk is not so unsolvable, it is still an acquired death power, otherwise it will not be ignored or weakened by so many powerful people!!.