
Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Li Xuan Who Was Attacked

However, this does not mean that Li Xuan has relaxed his vigilance and intends to directly look at the basilisk, and with the mobilization of the magic power in Li Xuan's body, he waved his wand, and several translucent magic shields appeared in front of him.

Li Xuan wants to reduce the possibility of looking at the basilisk as much as possible, but if it is not possible, then look at each other indirectly and reduce the power of the basilisk death pupil as much as possible.

Coupled with the fact that he now has a tie possession, and the two treasures of the innate five-element spirit tower and the beast spirit bead to protect him, it stands to reason that Li Xuan will not have any problems even if he looks at each other.

But it has always been emphasized that Li Xuan will never gamble his life on the slightest possibility.

In fact, in the original plot, Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes should actually be regarded as having looked at the basilisk in the secret room, but there was nothing to do, and he blinded the other party's eyes!

At this point, Li Xuan believes that the death pupil of the basilisk is actually not as powerful as imagined, and the strength to a certain extent can be completely avoided.

And a divine animal like a phoenix with its own purification can naturally be immune to the pupil of death of the basilisk, after all, both the pupil of death and purification belong to the same level.

If Li Xuan's 27 phoenix eggs hatch for a while longer, then now Li Xuan will definitely be more stable.

But things don't come up when you're ready, always like to use one

"Surprise, the same way comes to you."

Li Xuan threw out a few more steel rods, and directly cast a transformation technique when he flew, and these steel rods instantly became like mercury, and directly inserted the two ends into the ground after becoming larger according to the size of the basilisk, firmly restricting the movement of the dead basilisk.

Looking at the basilisk that was still struggling on the ground in an S shape, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, even if the basilisk was now restrained and his eyes were blindfolded, Li Xuan did not completely relax, and stepped forward from the side to prepare to put the basilisk into the small world.

At this moment, Li Xuan suddenly found that the size of the basilisk began to shrink continuously, and at first he thought that he was wrong, but later found that it was not at all, and the basilisk was really getting smaller.

At this time, Li Xuan couldn't care about anything else, the magic wand in his hand directly turned into a porcelain steel baseball bat, and strode forward and directly raised his arm backwards.


Does it ring? Hibiki is a good basilisk head!

A dull sound echoed throughout the passage, and Li Xuan, who was possessed by the fire dragon, almost didn't let go of the bat in his hand by the reaction force.

And the basilisk over there, which was still getting smaller, was directly fainted by Li Xuan's smashing of the head and stick method, the head was originally a relatively fragile part, and was hit by Li Xuan like this, the basilisk fainted has been considered hard enough!

Li Xuan is now not with his own physique, but his own physique plus the physique of the fire dragon to wave this stick, if not the basilisk, for other creatures, this stick, not to mention let it go to ashes, at least let it splash brains!

The basilisk who was in a coma was directly included in the small world by Li Xuan without another accident.

At this point, Li Xuan completely relaxed, but did not continue to stay here, and restored everything here as if the magic was restored to its original state, and the embarrassing situation caused by Li Xuan's battle with the basilisk just now disappeared completely after Li Xuan's magic power covered the past.

Li Xuan cast a phantom spell on himself and left directly, he didn't plan to enter the small world here to check on the basilisk.

To do something, of course, it is to be in a safe environment, and Li Xuan does not want to run into other people when he comes out of the small world.

And although Li Xuan did not sense the sign that someone was around him, Li Xuan did not think that Voldemort had no means to hide from him, and he did not want to receive a shot of Avadaso as a gift for a while.

In an empty passage from the Ravenclaw common room, Li Xuan lifted the illusion charm, and he wanted the others to see him return to his bedroom.

Li Xuan, who returned to the bedroom, did not say much, directly entered the small world, and Ah Tie, who had been possessed, only released the possessed state at this time, Li Xuan did not go to the villa area, but came to a specially reserved cave, which was Li Xuan's home for the basilisk to settle.

After all, the basilisk is different from other magical animals, its eyes can still cause harm to magical animals, and Li Xuan can naturally ban it, and he did the same.

But he doesn't want to be like Xiao Yin or Norbetta, after they get used to getting along with the basilisk, they forget the horror of the basilisk, and look at each other stupidly in the outside world and other places, because of such brainless reasons to lose their lives, it is really laughing off the big teeth!

Looking at the basilisk lying in front of him obediently now, Li Xuan can now look directly at the other party without any problem.

After capturing the basilisk to the small world, many of the original doubts were solved in this instant.

First of all, that is why Li Xuan has never been able to find the basilisk, from the size of the basilisk when Li Xuan fought with the basilisk just now. Change is known.

Li Xuan, who was busy fighting just now, did not notice, and now found that the basilisk had some dark black patterns on its body, which were obviously painted or carved by someone, and had been carved into the flesh and blood of the basilisk.

"This is the magic pattern?!"

Li Xuanlian thought of the basilisk's body shape change that was completely not its own ability, and guessed what these patterns represented, the so-called magic patterns, in fact, it was like the talisman seal in the oriental Taoism, and various magical effects were achieved through various patterns 050 ways, just like the teleportation array of the Salazar Slytherin Chamber also belongs to a kind of magic pattern.

And because of the passage of time, the knowledge and inheritance of magic patterns are getting less and less, and Li Xuan can recognize it thanks to the rich collection of books in the Hogwarts library, and it includes thousands of books, plus Li Xuan's ability to learn and remember, otherwise he really can't recognize it.

"It's really worthy of Tom Riddle, who has studied the magic patterns that have been lost for a long time in the outside world, saying that he is a genius and really not praising him!"

But it's not surprising to think about it, after all, Voldemort will be able to eat through Horcrux technology in the future to create Horcruxes, and of course Horcruxes must involve the knowledge of magic patterns.

Therefore, it is of course very difficult for Li Xuan to find the basilisk that can change its size freely, except for the basilisk to recover its size when foraging in the Forbidden Forest, Ron makes the basilisk smaller at other times.

This is also why Li Xuan found the traces of the basilisk in the Forbidden Forest, but he couldn't find the other party.

Just now, Li Xuan let the basilisk change to the minimum, who can a giant python more than ten meters long can turn into an ordinary snake about the same size, more than one meter long, about the thickness of a child's arm.

It's strange that Li Xuan can find it like this!.