
Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Li Xuan's Warning

"That's right, Hermione, Penelo is right, I'm not telling you these things to get you to report Ron Weasley, just to let you have more snacks, try not to walk alone, it's best to walk together."

Especially Hermione, you and Ron are in the same academy, the usual classes are taken together, you don't need to do anything, and protecting yourself is the most important thing.

Don't look at the recent times, whether it is Mrs. Loris who looks indirectly through the surface water, Colin Creevey who looks indirectly through the camera, and Justin Finlieri who looks indirectly through the ghost Nick's body, this is very coincidental.

Putting your life on ethereal luck is the least feasible thing to do, after all, the basilisk's pupil of death is indeed incomprehensible at the moment, and you, like me, are Muggle-born wizards, and the possibility of being targeted is very high!

And if Ron Weasley wants to control the basilisk to kill, in order to ensure that nothing is lost, he must choose one or two people to attack, so that 27 can be completely eliminated, and no witnesses can escape to tell his message.

"So you have to go with everyone as much as possible!"

Li Xuan said a lot, but Hermione listened to them all with her ears and wrote them down by heart, and Li Xuan's words were also for her good.

As for Li Xuan's safety, they have usually fought with Li Xuan, and they know how strong the other party's strength is, and the two of them combined can't beat him, so what they have to do is protect themselves and not cause trouble to Li Xuan!

Of course, what Penelo didn't know was that Li Xuan still opened a little hanging when he fought with them, so that Xiao Yi possessed one of them.

Although Li Xuan is confident that he can win one of Hermione or Penelope alone, it is a little dwarfed by the magic power in the two bodies, Penelo is four or five years older than him!

Even if Li Xuan's magic power is growing rapidly, Penelope's own talent is not bad, Li Xuan's awakening magic power has been more than two years, and the gap between him and Penelo is there, but it is getting smaller and smaller.

If nothing else, this school year should be able to erase all gaps, and the amount of magic in the body can be equal to or even surpass Penelope!

Li Xuan was talking to Hermione and Penelope here, and Harry over there was resisting his urge to punch Ron, and finally just left angrily.

Except for Neville and the past to comfort him, the others did not take any action, but stayed in the auditorium and talked about it.

But Ron was surrounded by George, Fred, and Ginny, and Percy wasn't here, otherwise there might be one more him!

"Ron, what exactly are you doing!!!

The first to speak was of course Harry's little fan sister Ginny, she couldn't believe that the person who just looked righteous and killed her relatives was her brother, Ron Weasley, who had the best relationship with Harry!

"Yes Ron, what's wrong with you, I don't remember our Weasley family having a custom of selling out friends for someone else's opinion!"

It seems that our little Ron has also "grown up" and is not willing to be in this status now, and also wants to become a hero! "

George and Fred frowned at Ron and said, to be honest, they couldn't understand what their youngest brother was up to.

It's just that Ron is still standing there listening to the words of Fred and the three, and in essence, his mind has long been unaware of where he has drifted. The longer Ron entangled with Tom Riddle's remnant soul, the more deeply affected he became!

Harry and Neville, who left angrily over there, came to their familiar secret base, but the original trio became two people, and Neville didn't know what to say for a while.

So the weak, pitiful and helpless Neville can only silently continue to brew the compound decoction, after all, Christmas is getting closer and closer, and Goyle and Crabbe's hair has also been collected.

Because of the recent basilisk attack on the little wizard in the academy, this year's Christmas stay in school for the little wizard is only one-tenth of previous years.

All parents who knew about the basilisk attack let their children go home for the holidays, after all, Hogwarts is now a dangerous place, and even many elders of young wizards have personally experienced the same experience for fifty years.

Of course, these are all pure-blood or mixed-race phenomena, but those Muggle-born wizards have all left school for their own lives, after all, Colin Creevey and Justin Finlieri, who were attacked before, are Muggle-born.

The few young wizards who stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas were all from pure-blood or half-blood families, and they basically couldn't go back to stay.

And they weren't Muggle-born wizards, in a sense, they weren't the ones Salazar Slytherin said would be purged of "not conforming" to learn magic!

Oh, by the way, there is still a Muggle-born wizard who has not left Hogwarts, and that is our protagonist Li Xuan.

For this reason, Professor Flitwick also talked to Li Xuan specifically, let him leave Hogwarts for Christmas or go home, after all, when everyone else goes back, there will be only him – 700 people, the target is too big, easy to be targeted!

Professor Flitwick does not want his most proud students to be petrified like Colin and Justin, and later discovers that Li is determined not to go back, and also tells Li Xuan to be careful and safe when he is at school.

For example, try not to walk alone in the castle, stay in the Ravenclaw common room as much as possible, and come to yourself or other professors if you find anything abnormal!

For the love and care of his own dean, Li Xuan of course accepted it gladly, after all, this was the only elder who was genuinely worried about himself.

However, Li Xuan stayed to meet Ron for a while and find out the basilisk, what Professor Flitwick didn't know was that maybe the basilisk should pay more attention to safety, but Li Xuan was eyeing it!

So this is why Harry knew that Draco and his two henchmen, Crabbe, were not coming home for Christmas, and he felt that Draco's suspicions were even greater.

As one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families and one of the Board of Trustees of Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy could not have been unaware of what had happened at Hogwarts recently.

Not forcing Draco home in such a grim situation means that something must be being planned, perhaps as Harry himself guessed, Draco was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets!!!.