
I want you to Be Mine

~I want you to be mine! It's just too complicated right now. But you're mine either way. Only mine!~ * * * * * Riccardo Randolph is respected by many and feared by much more. He's the soon to be Alpha of the Randolph pack. A man known to be ruthless and quick on his feet. People asked if his father really trained him or he trained his father because his brutality cannot be compared to that of his father. An alpha has got to be Ruthless, quick, logical, dignified and mated. He has all those right? well, he doesn't have a mate yet. In the not-so-small werewolf community, a man must not become an alpha until he has a mate to rule along side with and keep him in check. After giving up hope of finding a mate at 27, he meets Catriona Lucian in the most unexpected circumstances. The issue here is, Riccardo already has a lover and girlfriend that he has already declared as his mate and Catriona hates the word "mates" due to a past trauma and when the carefree, stubborn girl meets the person the moon goddess has paired her up with "this early" in her life gave her mixed feelings. Do you think they stand a chance together?

Faith_Emmanuel_6454 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Alpha Riccardo Randolph 2

Catriona's pov:

I put on my earpiece listening to some music hoping to get the nagging thought off my mind when I heard a loud knock on the door. Mum is not supposed to be back this early. Could it be Hilary? Am I in danger? A million thoughts ran through my head as I approached the door and opened it.

Shock is an understatement to what I felt. Standing before me was no other than my mate. I closed the door behind me after he just entered like he owned the place. Okay, rude and arrogant, got it!

"Why are you here?" That came out softly than I would have liked it to. Rick- that's what the girl called him right?- looked at me like I just asked the most stupid question. I could feel my wolf stir and purr in satisfaction as he stared at us.

"Well, hello to you too mate". The way he said that word sounded like he was mocking me. "I thought you'd be done packing so I came to pick you up"

I almost melted at his husky voice. Note the word ALMOST.

"Huh?" I stared at him like he was crazy and utterly ridiculous. If he thought I would just jump at him and leave then he's in for a tough time!

"Yes jump, go with him" Aileen said with so much enthusiasm. I rolled my eyes and cut off our connection.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Rick  said oddly calmly as he tilted his head to the side, looking at me. "You'll be punished for that you know right?"

"What?! Who do you think you are mister? I DO NOT want a mate so maybe you should go meet the moon goddess and ask her to pair you with someone else". I folded my arms across my chest as I tried to make myself look as angry as possible.

His lips rose to a smirk and was about to let out a reply when the door opened and I saw a smiling Hilary at the door whose smile quickly turned to confusion and then surprise, then shock.

"Oh my God! I must be dreaming, this is not real. Alpha Riccardo is in your house? With you? Alone?"

Alpha Riccardo? That name sounds familiar. My eyes widened and I felt it would pop out of its socket as realization dawned on me. Alpha Riccardo? Alpha Riccardo is my mate?!

Let me make a proper introduction. Alpha Riccardo is no other than the only son of Alpha Albert Randolph. The alpha of the biggest and strongest pack in the America if not the world. He is the heir to the throne and he has been waiting impatiently for a mate to inherit the throne. Rumor has it that he is the most ruthless werewolf. He doesn't spare anybody that crosses his path even if it wasn't intentional. He kills slowly and painfully. He is stronger and fiercer than his father. It has been said that Riccardo was trained personally by his father and a few select warriors from all over the world and council members but people suspect he was the one who trained them and not the other way round because his strength and ruthlessness couldn't be compared. I heard his wolf was the biggest and fiercest.

It was every man's dream to be part of his pack but everyone's nightmare to be caught near his territory. He practically rules the pack now even though he hasn't taken charge of the throne just yet. His pack is also known as the Wolf Shield (Randolph). They are an arm of the protectors of the werewolf world. Now, that is who I'm mated to!

"Please tell me I'm dreaming, please tell me I'm dreaming, please tell me I'm dreaming!" My friend was freaking out as she paced left and right.

She held my hands as she whisper-yelled "How do you know Alpha Riccardo Randolph!"

"I don't have time for these shenanigans, go pack your bags and let's leave!"

"Yes sir!" Hilary answered as she tried to go out the door.

"He wasn't talking to you!  He was talking to me" I giggled as I held her in place. Rick looked at me impatiently waiting for an answer.

"And if I don't?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows and my hands at akimbo.

"I'll just have to take you by force."He answered with no facial expression.

"I'm not a property you can just take and leave with, I don't belong to you!"

"You're mine!" He growled.

"Just because the moon goddess paired me with you doesn't make me yours, get that? I.don't.want.a.mate!" I said that last bit with clenched teeth.

"Excuse me, what's happening?" We both glanced at a confused Hilary, our glares shutting her up.

You're leaving with me whether you like it or not"

"Why? I. Am. Not . A. Property"

"You are my mate!" He was getting frustrated

"Doesn't mean I have to go with you like I didn't have a life before this".

"I... My wolf needs you!"

"He's your mate?!" Hilary gasped as she covered her mouth with both of her hands. "Alpha Riccardo Randolph is your mate!" She repeated, louder this time.

"Yes but just keep shut for now" I replied harshly.

"Look, please, come with me. I've never pleaded with anyone before. You're my mate and I'm an alpha. Have you ever heard of an alpha staying away from his mate?" He said so calmly, you would think he wasn't the cocky person 5 minutes ago. I won't be fooled.

"But I don't want a mate. Especially not this early in my life"

"I..." He paused, somewhat thinking about what he wanted to say next. "I don't want a mate either! But my wolf needs this okay?!"

"What's happening here?" My mum's voice reverberated through the room.

"Caty found her mate! Alpha Riccardo is her mate! She found her mate!" Hilary spewed like a chatter box. I think she's excited than I am. I flicked a finger on her head and rolled my eyes at her.

"Really? Is that true baby? Uhm... Good afternoon alpha". My mum bowed her head in respect to an alpha. I felt annoyed that she had to bow to my mate.

I slowly nodded.

"Kindly tell your daughter to come home with me, to my pack"

"Uhm... Yes Alpha". She turned towards me so she was facing me "Catriona..."

"Not happening mum. I'm not leaving you or leaving my friends or my pack just because I found my mate". I put my arms at akimbo.

"Alpha Riccardo, please I have just one request. Can she spend the night here today please? Tomorrow, you can go with her. And you may pass the night here too".

"What?! No way" I screamed at my mum

"Fine by me" He replied calmly and with a smirk, he went ahead to sit on my couch.

Damn you handsome...I mean, damn you boy! I stomped to my room! Unbelievable!

*            *            *           *             *         

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is my longest one yet. Please support by voting and commenting and sharing. Pretty please 🥺💖.

Who's ready for Riccardo's pov? Wanna know what he thinks about the whole mate thing?

Question of the day: What do you think of Alpha Riccardo??

3 votes and 6 comments to unlock the next chapter!!

Bye, birdies!